Roger Hiemstra's Web Page Index

At the first (opening) page

An annotated bibliography on andragogy

An APA writing primer

Applying the individualizing instruction model

Background information on Roger Hiemstra

Checklist a trainer or instructor could use when designing an instructional process (instructional process checklist)

Computerized distance education: A future for higher education

Computerized distance education: The role for facilitators

Data collection/analysis approaches

Data collection techniques

Distance education information

Elmira College's Adult Education Program in Central New York

Elmira College Adult Education course syllabi

English language adult education books: Their value to adult educators

Ethics and the adult educator

From behaviorism to humanism: Incorporating self-direction in learning concepts into the instructional design process

Genealogy information on the Hiemstra line

General information related to a graduate capstone course or seminar in adult education

General information related to a course on contemporary or controversial issues in adult education

General information related to a course on computer-mediated distance education

General information related to a course on research methods and materials

General information related to the field of adult education

Helping learners take responsibility for self-directed activities

Humanism as an instructional paradigm

If you are just having one of those days

Improve your Web searching capabilities and efficiencies

Individualizing instruction: Making learning personal, empowering, and successful

Information related to an introductory course in adult education

Instruction (teaching methods and techniques) and learning related to adults as learners

Learning contracts: General information, developing learning contracts , and simulated learning contracts

Master bibliography related to general adult education materials available to Elmira College students

Obtaining references for future job applications ("Resumés win interviews, but references win job offers")

Older women's ways of learning: Tapping the full potential

Personal vita project, where the vitas of past and current adult education leaders are displayed, such as Dorothy Canfield Fisher, Beverly Cassara, Andrew Hendrickson, Cyril Houle, Malcolm Knowles, A. A. "Sandy" Liveright, Alain Locke, Howard McClusky, Sharan B. Merriam, John Ohliger, and Edward Thorndike

Photo of my family and other family information

Process for the design of instruction

Removing gender, stereotyped, or ethnic bias in professional writing

Resistance to self-direction in learning can be overcome

Roger Hiemstra's resumé

Self-advocacy and self-directed learning: A potential confluence for enhanced personal empowerment

Self-directed learning bibliography

Self-directed learning overview

Self-directed learning web page

Self-directed learning: Present and future

Self-directed learning: Various techniques, tools, and resources

Self-direction in adult learning: Perspectives on theory, research, and practice--how to acquire copies

Simulated electronic portfolio

Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon group activity

Some helpful writing hints on gender-neutral writing and on shortening a manuscript

Some ideas on writing an executive summary

Specialized bibliography related to the training of trainer's certificate program available to Elmira College students

Strategies for dealing with workplace transitions: An important role for continuing higher education

Suggestions for removing bias in professional writing

Supportive materials for an "Adult Learning" training of trainers workshop

Syracuse University Kellogg Project Final Report, September 1, 1986 - August 31, 1993

The Educative Community

The Hometown Blend sings "happy birthday" to you

The individualizing instruction model

Three underdeveloped models for adult learning

Tips on teaching women

Training tips, techniques, and technology

Translating personal values and philosophy into practical action

Various journal's stylistic guidelines

What's in a word? Changes in self-directed learning language over a decade

Women's ways of knowing annotated bibliography

Working with a personal coach

Working with the self-directed Learner

Writing a personal philosophy statement, a personal code of ethics, or a statement of professional commitment

Writing and publishing approaches (help in writing and publishing)

Writing objectives, executive summaries, criterion referenced testing, goals for a first team meeting, and stages of team growth

Writing professional articles [a simulated journal article in the APA, 4th ed., style]

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