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This web page is dedicated to helping people take increasing responsibility for their own learning. My scholarship has been on this topic and its relationship to self-directed learning for more than four decades. Thus, in the various links contained within the web page you will find literature, teaching material, and various miscellaneous items that are related to these topics. I have dedicated much of my energy during the past two decades to building and maintaining this resource so that adult and continuing educators and many other professionals, students, and volunteers can find some support on a variety of topics. In addition, I have included various individual items that some will also find of value.

I welcome any suggestions for improving this resource, ideas for correcting any of the included information, and dialogue about the topic of helping people take increasing responsibility for their own learning. I believe that taking more personal responsibility is key to individual, and indeed societal, growth and development.

As I have only recently changed the look of my web page, for those who miss the old version, you can click here.

Rog Hiemstra, Fayetteville, NY

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This server is maintained by Roger Hiemstra, Professor and Chair, Emeritus, Syracuse University (rogerhiemstra@gmail.com ) (last updated October 15, 2014).