Instruction and Learning

Welcome to the section related to instruction and learning. If you have some ideas, suggestions, or resource tips related to instruction or learning, or if you would just would like to converse with me, feel free to send me an electronic message.

In this page I have included several books related to adult, self-directed learning with which I have been involved:

Individualizing Instruction: Making Learning Personal, Empowering, and Successful

Self-Direction in Adult Learning: Perspectives on Theory, Research, and Practice

Creating Environments for Effective Adult Learning

Overcoming Resistance to Self-Direction in Adult Learning

Lifelong Learning: An Exploration of Adult and Continuing Education Within a Setting of Lifelong Learning Needs

Additional resources of potential value:

Information on lifespan development and lifelong learning

Various resources on older adults and learning

Some book chapters related to humanism and teaching adults:

One by Burt Sisco, another one by me (from when I taught at Syracuse University), and the third one by Ralph Brockett.

A site devoted to self-directed learning

A link to the International Society for Self-Directed Learning and the International Journal of Self-Directed Learning

Some tips on teaching African-American adults

Some tips on teaching women

Some tips on guiding older adult learners

A checklist a trainer or instructor can use when designing an instructional process

Some material I pulled together for an ASTD workshop I conducted on teaching adults

Finally, here is a summary of the appropriate steps, processes,and decisions in designing an instructional process.

December 5, 2012  

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