Vitae, Hall of Fame Recipients, Malcolm Knowles Awardees, and Personal Paper Collections in Adult Education
There is a need to know more about many of the current and past leaders in the field of Adult Education. Thus, this vitae project was conceived. The idea is to develop information about such leaders within a format that provides some standardized handles or labels.
Based on input from colleagues, a review of author lists, and an examination of several historical documents, a partial list of individuals for whom vitae information would be valuable in helping all adult education professionals better understand our field is shown in the table below. Those highlighted as links have already been completed. In addition, International Adult and Continuing Education Hall of Fame recipients and Malcolm Knowles Self-Directed Learning Awardees are shown in the following table, as well as a portrayal of personal paper collections at Syracuse University.
Obviously, when you make a list you always leave off some people who should have been included. In addition, this list was created by a Professor of Adult Education living in the United States who retired in 1996, so it contains obvious bias, leaves out many deserving leaders who emerged on the scene after 1996, and contains considerable lack of knowledge of noteworthy individuals in other countries. Thus, your suggestions are welcome, as are your contributions. Information regarding vitae is shown below the table on the format to use, the desire for a supportive photo, etc. Furthermore, should you be interested in donating some personal papers to the Syracuse University archives, contact Michele Combs (315-443-9758), Librarian for Manuscripts and Archives Processing, for more information.
Abercrombie, Gurth Irving | Abiko, Kyotaro | Adams, Arnold A. | Adams, Charles Lindsey | Addams, Jane | Adler, Mortimer Jerome |
Ahlgren, Henry | Ajarimah, Ahmad | Aker, George F | Allbritten, Drew | Allen, Lawrence A. | Allen, Thomas Reese Jr. |
Andersen, James D. | Andersen, James R. | Anderson, Audrey Spring | Anderson, Clinton I. | Andrews, Grover | Andrews, Robert Duane |
Anthony, Susan B. | Apps, Jerold | Arden, Joseph J. | Askov, Eunice N. | Aslanian, Carol B. | Ast, Ray J. |
Auburn, Norman | Axford, Roger W. | Bacon, Emery | Bajaj, Dev Raj | Baker, Ella | Baker, Newton D. |
Bankirer, Marcia | Barnes, Albert | Barnes, Carson Hayes Jr. | Bartlett, Kenneth Gill | Barton, William | Baumann, Edward Joseph |
Beard, Charles A. | Beardsley, Paul Wesley | Beatty, Paulette T. | Beavers, Irene | Beder, Hal | Benn, Hazel Elizabeth |
Benne, Kenneth D. | Bergevin, Paul | Bergin, Thomas | Paul Berlanger | Bern, Henry A. | Bernard, Jean Louis |
Berner, Robert | Bernier, Roger | Bersch, Gretchen | Bestor, Arthur E. | Bethune, Mary McLeod | Bills, Sam |
Black, Chester | Blakely, Robert | Blume, George Terrill | Boggs, David L. | Boone, Edgar | Borich, Patrick J. |
Boshier, Roger | Boucouvalis, Marcie | Bown, Lalage | Boulmetis, John | Boyd, Robert | Bradford, Leland |
Bradley, Richard W. | Bradshaw, Judson Philip | Brandenburg, Earnest | Braun, Bonnie | Brightman, Samuel C. | Brockett, Ralph G. |
Brookfield, Steven D. | Brown, Francis Robert | Bruce, Robert Lee | Bryson, Lyman Lloyd | Burchill, Victor E. | Burgess, John Frederick Jr. |
Burch, Glen | Burr, Elbert W. | Burrichter, Authur William | Burt, Millard Paylor | Burton, Margaret E. | Buschman, Melvin Clarence |
Bush, Barbara | Bushey, Glenn L. | Buswell, Arthur Stephen | Butcher, Donald George | Buttedahl, K. B. | Caffarella, Rosemary |
Caliver, Ambrose | Campbell, Albert Beryl Jr. | Campbell, Olive Dame | Candy, Philip C. | Carlson, Robert A. | Carnegie, Andrew |
Carpenter, William Lester | Carrig, James Joseph | Carter, George LaRome Jr. | Cartwright, Morse A. | Carver, George Washington | Cass, Angela |
Cassara, Beverly Benner | Cervero, Ronald M. | Chafee, Edmund | Charters, Alex | Charters, Jesse | Charters, W. W. |
Chatham, Walter Leon | Chene, Adele | Chertow, Doris S. | Childs, Gayle Bernard | Christopher, John Lee | Clark, Burton R. |
Clark, Harold Glen | Clark, Robert | Clarke, Ray Varnado | Clarr, John | Cloward, McRay | Cobb, Barry L. |
Coit, Eleanor | Collins, Stewart Bennett | Combs, Cecil Edward | Comfort, Robert W. | Confessore, Gary | Confessore, Sharon |
---------- | Cookson, Peter S. | Copeland, Harlan Gene | Coskrey, Homer Sneed Jr. | Cothron, Joe M. | Courtenay, Bradley C. |
Courtney, Sean | Cox, Joseph William | Cox, William E. | Crabtree, Arthur P. (Jack) | Craddock, John | Cranton, Patricia |
Crews, Roy Leslie | Cross, K. Patricia | Cross, Livingston | Crow, Martha A. | Cunningham, Phyllis M. | Custard, H. L. |
Daoust, Gaetan | Damon, Tom | Dana, John Cotton | Danglade, James | Darkenwald, Gordon Gerald | Davey, W. R. |
Davis, Lloyd | Davis, Tilton (Jr.) | Davison, John | Day, Michael | DeCrow, Roger | Defore, Jesse Jackson |
Delker, Paul Vincent | Deshler, David | Deters, Richard | Dewey, John | Dickerman, Watson | Dickinson, James Gary |
Dillavou, George Jackson | Dirkx, John M. | Dix, Dorothea Lynde | Dobbs, Ralph C. | Dohmen, Gunther | Dorland, Jim |
Donahue, Wilma | Dooley, Channing Rice | Douglah, Mohammad | Douglass, Frederick | Dowling, William | Downey, June Ett |
Drufner, Vincent | DuBois, David A. | DuBois, W. E. B. | Duggan, Ervin S. | Duncan, James A. | Durant, Will |
Durnall, Edward James | Durr, Richard | Dutton, Marion Donnie | Dyer, John | East, Joseph Kenyon | Eastman, Linda Anne |
Eden, Donald F. | Ehrensberger, William Raymone | Elias, Lloyd John | Elliott, Carl | Ely, Mary | Enderis, Dorthy C. |
Eraut, Michael | Essert, Paul L. | Etheridge, Richard Allen | Evanson, Jane | Evenbeck, Scott | Fagin, Margaret C. |
Falcone, Michael Anthony | Farmer, James A. | Farnum, Hollis Bertrand | Fellenz, Robert A. | Fenn, Edgar Norman Jr. | Feringer, F. Richard |
Ferver, James (Jack) | Fingeret, Hanna (Arlene) | Fisher, Dorothy Canfield | Fisher, James C. | Fling, Jim | Flint, Bruce |
Forest, Laverne Bruce | Fowler, Richard | Frank, Harry E. Jr. | Frandson, Phil | Franklin, Benjamin | Franklin, Richard C. |
Freire, Paulo | Friedenthal-Hasse, Martha | Fronan, Lewis | Funk, Frank | Gadbow, Nancy F. | Gaines, Francis Pendleton |
Gallop, Gladys | Galbraith, Michael W. | Gantz, John R. | Gardner, John W. | Garrison, D. Randy | Garvey, Marcus |
Gessner, Quentin | Ghatala, Mohamed Habeebuddin | Gibbons, Maurice | Glass, J. Conrad Jr. | Godbey, Gordon Clay | Goddard, Joseph |
Godfrey, Daniel D. | Goodsell, David R. | Gonzalez, Jose Morales | Gonzales, Rudolfo | Gordon, Morton | Grabowski, Stanley |
Gragg, William Lee | Grattan, Clinton H. | Gray, Wil Lou | Gregory, John V. | Griffith, Emily | Griffith, William |
Grissom, Beverly McMurtry | Gross, Beatrice Schaap | Grotelueschen, Arden | Grundtvig, Nikolai | Guglielmino, Lucy M. | Guglielmino, Paul |
Guyer, Gordon | Gwaizda, Stanley | Hadley, Paul E. | Hall, Budd | Hall, Donald J. | Hall, James Charles |
Hallenbeck, Wilbur | Hallett, Frederick Harold | Hambleton, William | Hamer, Ausin Frank | Hamilton, Maurice Edward | Hand, Samuel E. |
Hansl, Eva vom Baum | Harbecke, Paula A. | Harlacher, Ervin L. | Harper, William Rainey | Harrison, Fred (Jr.) | Hart, Joseph K. |
Hastie, William Reid | Havighurst, Robert | Haygood, Kenneth | Hazard, Francis Eugene | Heeger, Gerald A. | Hendrickson, Andrew |
Hendrickson, Norejane | Hennessy, John Charles | Henschke, John A. | Henstrom, Richard H. | Hickerson, Jerry | Hicks, Stanley Rouse |
Hiemstra, Roger | Hilton, Ronald James | Hinzen, Herbert | Hobrock, Brice Gordon | Hodapp, William Joseph | Hoiberg, Otto |
Holbrook, Josiah | Holden, John | Holton III, Elwood F. | Holsapple, Cortell | Horney, Karen | Horton, Myles |
Houle, Cyril | Hovland, Howard A. | Huff, Paul E. | Huffman, William | Hughes, Jane Wolford | Hunsacker, Herbert C. |
Hunt, Jerald Francis | Hutchins, Frank | Hutchins, Robert M. | Hutchinson, Anne Marbury | Hutchinson, Peyton | Illeris, Knud |
Illich, Ivan | Imel, Susan | Ingham, Roy J. | Insel, Shepard Alvin | Ironside, Ellen | Itliong, Larry Dulay |
Jackson, Helen Hunt | Jackson, James W. | Jackson, Jan | Jacobson, Leslie | Jacques, Joseph W.
*(taped interviews with 11 leaders) |
Jahns, Irwin |
James, Waynne B. | James, William | Jarvis, Peter | Jefferson, Thomas | Jensen, Gale E. | Jensen, Glenn |
Jessup, Frank W. | Johnson, Alvin | Johnson, Collus Oliver | Johnson, Eugene I. | Johnson, Leo F. | Johnsrud, Myron |
Johnstone, John W. C. | Jones, Bernard | Kamp, Gene Alan | Kang, Younghill | Kaplan, Abbot | Kasworm, Carol E. |
Katz, Israel | Kauffman, Earl | Keeton, Morris T. | Kempfer, Homer | Kendall, Ralph | Kent, Sherman Van Ness |
Kentner, Harold Miller | Keppel, Frederick Paul | Kidd, J. Roby | Kime, Steve F. | King, Nicelma | King, Reotha Clark |
King, Robert H. | Kinney, Tom | Kitchin, William Willis Jr. | Kizlik, Robert John | Kleis, Russell Jacob | Knapp, Seaman A. |
Knoll, Joachim H. | Knowles, Malcolm | Knox, Alan B. | Knutson, Gerald L. | Koelling, Charles Houston | Kohl, Kay J. |
Kohn, Mary Rose D.C. | Kolb, Nicholas | Kolivosky, Michael E. | Koloski, Judith Ann | Kordalweski, Jean | Kozoll, Charles Evans |
Kreitlow, Burton | Kulich, Jindra | LaForest, James Rene | Lancaster, Josephas Jackson | Lang, Daniel | Langner, William |
Lawler, Patricia | Lawrence, Roger L. | Leagans, John Paul | Leahy, Meredyth | Leckie, Gordon Wallace | Leek, David Charles |
Lehmann, William Henry Jr. | Leiter, Robert | Lessing, Barend C. | Levitt, Leon | Lewin, Kurt | Lichtenstein, Hyman |
Lighty, William Henry | Liles, Richard T. | Lindeman, Eduard | Lippitt, Ronald | Liveright, A. A. "Sandy" | Livingston, Derrald Edward |
Locke, Alain | Lockwood, William Vurnell | London, Jack | Londoner, Carroll A. | Long, Fern | Long, Huey B. |
Long, Norma | Lorge, Irving | Loring, Rosalind | Love, Robert | Lowenthal, Marjorie | Lucas, Leo |
Luft, Leroy | Luke, Robert Alfred | Lumsden, Dan Barry | Lymberopoulos, P. John | Lynch, Helen Graham | MacNeil, Terasa |
Maes, Sue | Magrath, C. Peter | Malone, Violet | Mann, Horace | Mansbridge, Albert | Mapp, John Aydelotte |
Marcus, J. D. | Marsick, Victoria J. | Martin, Everett Dean | Mason, Robert Charles | Mason, W. Dean | Massey, Benjamin |
Matre, Richard | Matthews, Joseph | Matusak, Lorraine R. | Mawby, Russell | Mayadas, A. Frank | McBride, James |
McCall, Raymond Thomas | McClusky, Howard Yale | McCormick, Robert William | McCullough, James Leonard | McCullough, Ken | McElhinney, James H. |
McGaughey, Leon Y. | McGee, Howell | McGhee, Paul Ansley | McKinley, John | McLagan, Patricia | McLean, Gary N. |
McLeRoy, Thomas Standifer | McMichael, M. H. | McNamara, Donna | Meierhenry, Wesley C. | Meiklejohn, Alexander | Meisner, Robert Gene |
Mercer, Samuel Jr. | Merriam, Sharan B. | Metzger, Jerome Charles | Meuter, Ralph F. | Messerli, Jonathan | Mezirow, Jack |
Michael, Ruby Eldon | Miller, Gary E. | Miller, Harold | Miller, Harry L. | Miller, James | Miller, Paul |
Miller, Spencer Jr. | Mills, C. Wright | Mills, Henry | Mills, Peter | Minnis, Roy | Mjelde, Carroll Verne |
Montgomery, Robert Wallace | Moon, Yong-Lin | Morrill, Justin Smith | Morris, James Madison | Morris, Roger | Moser, Bobby D. |
Mueller, Elmer Arthur | Mueller, Gordon H. | Muhamad, Mazahah | Muir, John | Mulvey, Mary C. | Mumma, Richard |
Murk, Peter J. | Murray, Pamela | Myers, Dale | Nadler, Leonard | Neff, Monroe C. | Nelcamp, Gail |
Neuffer, Frank | Neufville, Mortimer (Mort) H. | Nicholas, Robert Allen | Nickerson, James F. | Nielson, William Allen | Niemi, John A. |
Nijhof, William J. | Nisbitt, Charles Emerald | Noble, Lucinda | Nuissl, Ekkehard | Nyerere, Jules | Ogden, Jean |
Ogden, Jess | Ohliger, John | Okes, Imogene Esta | Oliver, Craig | Oliver, Len | Ossoli, Margaret Fuller |
Omolewa, Michael | Overstreet, Bonaro Wilkinson | Oversteet, Harry | Owen, Robert | Pagano, Jules | Paige, Joseph Clement |
Paine, Thomas | Pankowski, Mary | Pappas, James P. | Park, Dabney Glenn Jr. | Parkinson, George | Parmer, William W. |
Parsons, Gerald Edward | Parsons, Thomas Samuel | Pease, Robert Derial | Peck, Roderick Bush | Peers, Robert | Peinovich, Paula |
Pellegrin, Lionel Octave | Penland, Lynn | Perril, Lester Stanley | Pesson, Lynn L. | Peters, John M. | Peterson, David A. |
Peterson, Donald | Peterson, Edwin | Peterson, Richard E. | Phillips, Louis | Pierce, W. Lee | Pike, James |
Pilgram, Eugene Francis | Plott, Curtis | Pöggeler, Franz | Poley, Janet K. | Pope, L. S. | Popham, Lewis |
Posey, Rollin | Pound, Gomer Jeffrey | Powell, John Walker | Powell, Roger Kingsley | Puelicher, John H. | Queeney, Donna |
Quick, Robert | Rachal, John R. | Ralston, Noel | Rauch, David | Rawlings, Joseph S. | Ray, Joseph C. |
Ray, Robert | Ray, Ronald | Raybould, Sidney G. | Reals, Willis | Reed, Bernard W. | Reed, Hoyt Jackson |
Reischmann, Jost | Reimer, Everett | Revans, Reginald (Reg) | Richey, Robert William | Riddle, Kenneth | Riva, Daniel Francis |
Rivera, Ramon J. | Rivera, William
Personal Papers (not yet online) |
Robbins, Richard | Robinson, James W. | Robinson, Russell D. | Robinson, Stanley C. |
Rogers, Carl | Rohfeld, Rae | Rose, Norman Harold | Rowden, Dorothy | Russell, James E. | Salisbury, Hal |
Sandmann, Lorilee R. | Sanger, Margaret | Santiago, Frank | Sapp, Virgil N. | Sappington, Charles Wesley Sr. | Savicevic, Dusan |
Schram, Lloyd William | Schramade, Peter W. J. | Schroeder, Wayne Lee | Schuller, Tom | Scott, Harry V. | Seaman, Don |
Seegmiller, David Warren | Sequoyah (Cherokee) | Shah, Filiz Balkir | Shannon, Daniel W. | Sharer, Robert E. | Shearon, Ronald W. |
Sheats, Paul Henry | Sheffield, Sherman Beck | Shelton, Elaine | Shtogren, John Alexander Jr. | Sillars, Robertson | Simerly, Robert G. |
Simpson, Edward Jr. | Simpson, Edwin L. | Sisco, Burton R. | Skelton, William Epes | Skinner, B. F. | Sleeman, Richard A. |
Smethurst, Richard C. | Smith, Douglas H. | Smith, Hilda Worthington | Smith, Keith Lowell | Smith, Robert M. | Smith, Wendell |
Smith, Sidney Butler | Snider, John | Soeiro, Alfredo | Sork, Thomas J. | Spence, Ralph B. | Spencer, Herbert |
Stanton, Elizabeth Cady | Sparks, George | Spengler, Edwin
Personal Papers (not yet online) |
Spikes, Franklin W. | Spille, Henry A. | Stamm, F. W. |
Stedman, Harvey | Stein, Sondra | Stensland, Per Gustaf | Stern, Milton R. | Stevenson, Grace | Stewart, David W. |
Stillwell, Hamilton | Stine, Leo Clair | Stockman, Calvin L. | Stone, L. Gordon | Stoskopf, L. Dian | Strolle, Roland Samuel |
Strow, Helen | Stubblefield, Harold | Studebaker, John | Sublett, Roger | Suesssmith, Rita | Sundberg, Ron |
Swanson, Harold Burdette | Swanson, Richard A. | Sweeney, John | Tennant, Mark | Thelen, Herbert | Thiede, Wilson |
Thomas, Alan M. | Thomas, Geoffrey, P. | Thomason, Nancy | Thompson, Clarence Hathaway | Thompson, Willard | Thorndike, Edward |
Thornton, James Edward | Tibbits, Clark | Tiscornia, Joseph Robert | Titmus, Colin | Toth, Janus | Tough, Alan |
Trent, Curtis | Truth, Sojourner | Tuckett, Alan | Turner, John Randolph | Turner, William | Tuttle, Daniel W. Jr. |
Tweedie, Andrew Stuart Rankin | Tyler, Ralph | Ulmer, Curtis | Umphlett, Wiley Lee | VandeBerg, Gale | Van Hise, Charles |
Varnado, Alban | Varner, Allen | Verhaalen, Roman J. | Veri, Clive Chester | Verma, Satish | Verner, Coolie |
Viaux, Frederic Ballou | Villarroel, Armando | Vilstrup, Richard | Vincent, John Heyl | Vondrell, James | Walden, Bob |
Walden, Bobbie | Waldron, Mark Woodsworth | Walker, Margaret Louise | Walshok, Mary L. | Walters, Shirley | Warburg, Felix M. |
Ward, Betty | Washington, Booker T. | Watkins, Karen E. | Watson, John | Wedemeyer, Charles | Wendel, Robert L. |
Wescott, Mason E. | Westby-Gibson, Dorothy Fenton | Whaples, Gene | Whelen, Wayne | Whipple, James B. | White, Estelle |
White, Thurman | Wiedefeld, Horst | Wiegand, Richard | Wiggin, Gladys Anna | Wiggs, Garland Dean | Wilkin, Paul D.
*Interviews |
Williams, Leodrey | Williams, Nofflet D. | Witte, Raymond | Wlodkowski, Raymond J. | Wolf, Mary Alice | Woeste, John T. |
Wollstonecraft, Mary | Wood, Joseph Leo | Worsley, Roger Lewis | Wright, Frances "Fanny" | Wright, William Ronald | Wu, Tsong-Shien |
Yantis, John Thomas | Yavorsky, John Michael | Yeaxlee, Basil A. | York, Travis | Xiong, Guan Shi | Zinn, Lorraine |
In addition, go to the International Adult and Continuing Education Hall of Fame. All of them could be cadidates for a personal vita if not already included.
Following is the format being used to portray various people via a personal vita. Photos of the person if in a gif or jpg format or if an URL to another site with the photo are welcome and encouraged. This is a start and anyone interested in contributing should contact Roger Hiemstra via electronic mail so duplication can be avoided and a means of transferring data can be discussed.
The Format
This is where to record the preferred name format. However, also record variant formats (nicknames, initials, etc.) so all the AKA's (also known as) as they actually occur in various sources can be understood.
Include any known places where more information can be obtained.
Put here any other information about people, places, events, projects, and organizations important to the person being profiled. Include the birth place and death place.
Be sure to record the source information and include any reported discrepancies from one source to the next.
[if appropriate]
Be sure to record the source information and include any reported discrepancies from one source to the next.
Degrees held, in what subject, institution, and date. Information on the major advisor, if available, for any advanced degrees. Fellowships held (name of award, dates).
Include job title, place of employment, and dates for each position.
Record whatever appropriate information here that you can find in five separate categories, associated subjects, people, organizations (membership years, offices held, etc.), events, and places.
Need a full citation--author, title, publisher, place, date. If journal articles are included, include the usual serial citation (volume, number, page). Include the dissertation information, if applicable. Select the most representative sources.
Provide any related references or supporting bibliography.
This would include any information that seem important about the person but that was not captured anywhere else.
Go here to see a list of people for whom these vitae have been developed. Help it grow over time.
Updated July, 23, 2009