Vitae, Hall of Fame Recipients, Malcolm Knowles Awardees, and Personal Paper Collections in Adult Education


There is a need to know more about many of the current and past leaders in the field of Adult Education. Thus, this vitae project was conceived. The idea is to develop information about such leaders within a format that provides some standardized handles or labels.

Based on input from colleagues, a review of author lists, and an examination of several historical documents, a partial list of individuals for whom vitae information would be valuable in helping all adult education professionals better understand our field is shown in the table below. Those highlighted as links have already been completed. In addition, International Adult and Continuing Education Hall of Fame recipients and Malcolm Knowles Self-Directed Learning Awardees are shown in the following table, as well as a portrayal of personal paper collections at Syracuse University.

Obviously, when you make a list you always leave off some people who should have been included. In addition, this list was created by a Professor of Adult Education living in the United States who retired in 1996, so it contains obvious bias, leaves out many deserving leaders who emerged on the scene after 1996, and contains considerable lack of knowledge of noteworthy individuals in other countries. Thus, your suggestions are welcome, as are your contributions. Information regarding vitae is shown below the table on the format to use, the desire for a supportive photo, etc. Furthermore, should you be interested in donating some personal papers to the Syracuse University archives, contact Michele Combs (315-443-9758), Librarian for Manuscripts and Archives Processing, for more information.

Abercrombie, Gurth Irving Abiko, Kyotaro Adams, Arnold A. Adams, Charles Lindsey Addams, Jane Adler, Mortimer Jerome

Personal Papers

Ahlgren, Henry

Hall of Fame recipient

Ajarimah, Ahmad

Hall of Fame recipient

Aker, George F

Personal Papers

Hall of Fame recipient

Allbritten, Drew

Personal Papers

Allen, Lawrence A. Allen, Thomas Reese Jr.
Andersen, James D. Andersen, James R.

Hall of Fame recipient

Anderson, Audrey Spring

Hall of Fame recipient

Anderson, Clinton I.

Hall of Fame recipient

Andrews, Grover

Hall of Fame recipient

Andrews, Robert Duane
Anthony, Susan B. Apps, Jerold

Hall of Fame recipient

Arden, Joseph J.

Hall of Fame recipient

Askov, Eunice N.

Hall of Fame recipient

Aslanian, Carol B. Ast, Ray J.
Auburn, Norman Axford, Roger W.

Hall of Fame recipient

Bacon, Emery

Hall of Fame recipient

Bajaj, Dev Raj Baker, Ella Baker, Newton D.
Bankirer, Marcia

Hall of Fame recipient

Barnes, Albert Barnes, Carson Hayes Jr. Bartlett, Kenneth Gill Barton, William Baumann, Edward Joseph
Beard, Charles A. Beardsley, Paul Wesley Beatty, Paulette T. Beavers, Irene Beder, Hal Benn, Hazel Elizabeth

Hall of Fame recipient

Benne, Kenneth D.

Hall of Fame recipient

Bergevin, Paul

Personal Papers

Hall of Fame recipient

Bergin, Thomas

Hall of Fame recipient

Paul Berlanger

Hall of Fame recipient

Bern, Henry A. Bernard, Jean Louis
Berner, Robert Bernier, Roger Bersch, Gretchen Bestor, Arthur E. Bethune, Mary McLeod Bills, Sam
Black, Chester

Hall of Fame recipient

Blakely, Robert

Personal Papers

Blume, George Terrill Boggs, David L. Boone, Edgar

Hall of Fame recipient

Borich, Patrick J.

Hall of Fame recipient

Boshier, Roger Boucouvalis, Marcie

Hall of Fame recipient

Bown, Lalage

Personal Papers

Boulmetis, John Boyd, Robert Bradford, Leland
Bradley, Richard W. Bradshaw, Judson Philip Brandenburg, Earnest Braun, Bonnie

Hall of Fame recipient

Brightman, Samuel C.

Personal Papers

Brockett, Ralph G.

Hall of Fame recipient

Knowles SDL Award recipient

Brookfield, Steven D. Brown, Francis Robert Bruce, Robert Lee Bryson, Lyman Lloyd Burchill, Victor E. Burgess, John Frederick Jr.
Burch, Glen Burr, Elbert W.

Hall of Fame recipient

Burrichter, Authur William Burt, Millard Paylor Burton, Margaret E. Buschman, Melvin Clarence
Bush, Barbara

Hall of Fame recipient

Bushey, Glenn L. Buswell, Arthur Stephen Butcher, Donald George Buttedahl, K. B. Caffarella, Rosemary

Knowles SDL Award recipient

Caliver, Ambrose Campbell, Albert Beryl Jr. Campbell, Olive Dame Candy, Philip C. Carlson, Robert A. Carnegie, Andrew
Carpenter, William Lester Carrig, James Joseph Carter, George LaRome Jr. Cartwright, Morse A. Carver, George Washington Cass, Angela

Hall of Fame recipient

Cassara, Beverly Benner

Personal Papers

Hall of Fame recipient

Cervero, Ronald M.

Hall of Fame recipient

Chafee, Edmund

Personal Papers

Charters, Alex

Personal Papers

Hall of Fame recipient

Charters, Jesse

Personal Papers

Hall of Fame recipient

Charters, W. W.

Personal Papers

Chatham, Walter Leon Chene, Adele Chertow, Doris S. Childs, Gayle Bernard Christopher, John Lee Clark, Burton R.
Clark, Harold Glen Clark, Robert

Hall of Fame recipient

Clarke, Ray Varnado Clarr, John

Hall of Fame recipient

Cloward, McRay Cobb, Barry L.

Hall of Fame recipient

Coit, Eleanor Collins, Stewart Bennett Combs, Cecil Edward Comfort, Robert W.

Hall of Fame recipient

Confessore, Gary

Knowles SDL Award recipient

Confessore, Sharon
---------- Cookson, Peter S. Copeland, Harlan Gene Coskrey, Homer Sneed Jr. Cothron, Joe M.

Hall of Fame recipient

Courtenay, Bradley C.

Hall of Fame recipient

Courtney, Sean Cox, Joseph William Cox, William E.

Hall of Fame recipient

Crabtree, Arthur P. (Jack) Craddock, John Cranton, Patricia
Crews, Roy Leslie Cross, K. Patricia

Hall of Fame recipient

Cross, Livingston Crow, Martha A.

Personal Papers

Cunningham, Phyllis M.

Hall of Fame recipient

Custard, H. L.

Personal Papers

Daoust, Gaetan Damon, Tom

Hall of Fame recipient

Dana, John Cotton Danglade, James

Hall of Fame recipient

Darkenwald, Gordon Gerald Davey, W. R.

Personal Papers

Davis, Lloyd

Hall of Fame recipient

Davis, Tilton (Jr.)

Hall of Fame recipient

Davison, John Day, Michael DeCrow, Roger Defore, Jesse Jackson
Delker, Paul Vincent Deshler, David Deters, Richard Dewey, John Dickerman, Watson Dickinson, James Gary
Dillavou, George Jackson Dirkx, John M. Dix, Dorothea Lynde Dobbs, Ralph C. Dohmen, Gunther

Hall of Fame recipient

Dorland, Jim

Hall of Fame recipient

Donahue, Wilma Dooley, Channing Rice

Hall of Fame recipient

Douglah, Mohammad Douglass, Frederick Dowling, William

Personal Papers

Hall of Fame recipient

Downey, June Ett
Drufner, Vincent DuBois, David A. DuBois, W. E. B. Duggan, Ervin S.

Hall of Fame recipient

Duncan, James A. Durant, Will
Durnall, Edward James Durr, Richard

Knowles SDL Award recipient

Dutton, Marion Donnie Dyer, John East, Joseph Kenyon Eastman, Linda Anne
Eden, Donald F. Ehrensberger, William Raymone

Hall of Fame recipient

Elias, Lloyd John Elliott, Carl Ely, Mary Enderis, Dorthy C.

Hall of Fame recipient

Eraut, Michael

Hall of Fame recipient

Essert, Paul L. Etheridge, Richard Allen Evanson, Jane

Hall of Fame recipient

Evenbeck, Scott Fagin, Margaret C.
Falcone, Michael Anthony Farmer, James A. Farnum, Hollis Bertrand Fellenz, Robert A. Fenn, Edgar Norman Jr. Feringer, F. Richard
Ferver, James (Jack)

Hall of Fame recipient

Fingeret, Hanna (Arlene) Fisher, Dorothy Canfield Fisher, James C. Fling, Jim

Hall of Fame recipient

Flint, Bruce
Forest, Laverne Bruce Fowler, Richard

Hall of Fame recipient

Frank, Harry E. Jr. Frandson, Phil Franklin, Benjamin Franklin, Richard C.
Freire, Paulo

Hall of Fame recipient

Friedenthal-Hasse, Martha

Hall of Fame recipient

Fronan, Lewis Funk, Frank Gadbow, Nancy F. Gaines, Francis Pendleton
Gallop, Gladys Galbraith, Michael W. Gantz, John R.

Hall of Fame recipient

Gardner, John W.

Hall of Fame recipient

Garrison, D. Randy Garvey, Marcus
Gessner, Quentin

Hall of Fame recipient

Ghatala, Mohamed Habeebuddin Gibbons, Maurice

Knowles SDL Award recipient

Glass, J. Conrad Jr. Godbey, Gordon Clay Goddard, Joseph
Godfrey, Daniel D.

Hall of Fame recipient

Goodsell, David R. Gonzalez, Jose Morales

Hall of Fame recipient

Gonzales, Rudolfo Gordon, Morton Grabowski, Stanley
Gragg, William Lee Grattan, Clinton H. Gray, Wil Lou Gregory, John V. Griffith, Emily Griffith, William

Personal Papers

Hall of Fame recipient

Grissom, Beverly McMurtry

Hall of Fame recipient

Gross, Beatrice Schaap Grotelueschen, Arden Grundtvig, Nikolai Guglielmino, Lucy M.

Knowles SDL Award recipient

Guglielmino, Paul

Knowles SDL Award recipient

Guyer, Gordon

Hall of Fame recipient

Gwaizda, Stanley Hadley, Paul E.

Hall of Fame recipient

Hall, Budd

Hall of Fame recipient

Hall, Donald J. Hall, James Charles
Hallenbeck, Wilbur

Personal Papers

Hallett, Frederick Harold Hambleton, William

Hall of Fame recipient

Hamer, Ausin Frank Hamilton, Maurice Edward Hand, Samuel E.
Hansl, Eva vom Baum

Personal Papers

Harbecke, Paula A.

Hall of Fame Recipient

Harlacher, Ervin L. Harper, William Rainey Harrison, Fred (Jr.)

Hall of Fame recipient

Hart, Joseph K.
Hastie, William Reid Havighurst, Robert

Hall of Fame recipient

Haygood, Kenneth Hazard, Francis Eugene Heeger, Gerald A.

Hall of Fame recipient

Hendrickson, Andrew

Personal Papers

Hendrickson, Norejane Hennessy, John Charles Henschke, John A.

Hall of Fame recipient

Henstrom, Richard H. Hickerson, Jerry Hicks, Stanley Rouse
Hiemstra, Roger

Hall of Fame recipient

Knowles SDL Award recipient

Hilton, Ronald James Hinzen, Herbert

Hall of Fame recipient

Hobrock, Brice Gordon

Hall of Fame recipient

Hodapp, William Joseph Hoiberg, Otto
Holbrook, Josiah Holden, John

Hall of Fame recipient

Holton III, Elwood F.

Hall of Fame recipient

Holsapple, Cortell Horney, Karen Horton, Myles

Hall of Fame recipient

Houle, Cyril

Personal Papers

Hall of Fame recipient

Hovland, Howard A.

Hall of Fame recipient

Huff, Paul E.

Hall of Fame recipient

Huffman, William Hughes, Jane Wolford Hunsacker, Herbert C.

Personal Papers

Hunt, Jerald Francis Hutchins, Frank Hutchins, Robert M. Hutchinson, Anne Marbury Hutchinson, Peyton

Hall of Fame recipient

Illeris, Knud

Hall of Fame recipient

Illich, Ivan Imel, Susan Ingham, Roy J.

Personal Papers

Insel, Shepard Alvin Ironside, Ellen

Hall of Fame recipient

Itliong, Larry Dulay
Jackson, Helen Hunt Jackson, James W. Jackson, Jan Jacobson, Leslie Jacques, Joseph W.

Personal Materials*

*(taped interviews with 11 leaders)

Jahns, Irwin
James, Waynne B.

Hall of Fame recipient

James, William Jarvis, Peter

Hall of Fame recipient

Jefferson, Thomas Jensen, Gale E. Jensen, Glenn

Hall of Fame recipient

Jessup, Frank W.

Hall of Fame recipient

Johnson, Alvin Johnson, Collus Oliver Johnson, Eugene I.

Hall of Fame recipient

Johnson, Leo F. Johnsrud, Myron

Hall of Fame recipient

Johnstone, John W. C. Jones, Bernard

Hall of Fame recipient

Kamp, Gene Alan Kang, Younghill Kaplan, Abbot Kasworm, Carol E.

Hall of Fame recipient

Katz, Israel Kauffman, Earl Keeton, Morris T.

Hall of Fame recipient

Kempfer, Homer Kendall, Ralph Kent, Sherman Van Ness
Kentner, Harold Miller Keppel, Frederick Paul Kidd, J. Roby

Hall of Fame recipient

Kime, Steve F.

Hall of Fame recipient

King, Nicelma

Hall of Fame recipient

King, Reotha Clark

Hall of Fame recipient

King, Robert H. Kinney, Tom

Hall of Fame recipient

Kitchin, William Willis Jr. Kizlik, Robert John Kleis, Russell Jacob Knapp, Seaman A.

Hall of Fame recipient

Knoll, Joachim H.

Hall of Fame recipient

Knowles, Malcolm

Personal Papers

Hall of Fame recipient

Knox, Alan B.

Hall of Fame recipient

Knutson, Gerald L. Koelling, Charles Houston Kohl, Kay J.

Hall of Fame recipient

Kohn, Mary Rose D.C. Kolb, Nicholas Kolivosky, Michael E. Koloski, Judith Ann

Hall of Fame recipient

Kordalweski, Jean

Personal Papers

Kozoll, Charles Evans
Kreitlow, Burton

Hall of Fame recipient

Kulich, Jindra LaForest, James Rene Lancaster, Josephas Jackson Lang, Daniel Langner, William

Personal Papers

Lawler, Patricia Lawrence, Roger L. Leagans, John Paul Leahy, Meredyth Leckie, Gordon Wallace Leek, David Charles
Lehmann, William Henry Jr. Leiter, Robert Lessing, Barend C.

Hall of Fame recipient

Levitt, Leon Lewin, Kurt Lichtenstein, Hyman
Lighty, William Henry Liles, Richard T.

Hall of Fame recipient

Lindeman, Eduard

Hall of Fame recipient

Lippitt, Ronald Liveright, A. A. "Sandy"

Personal Papers

Livingston, Derrald Edward
Locke, Alain Lockwood, William Vurnell London, Jack Londoner, Carroll A.

Hall of Fame recipient

Long, Fern Long, Huey B.

Hall of Fame recipient

Knowles SDL Award recipient

Long, Norma Lorge, Irving Loring, Rosalind Love, Robert Lowenthal, Marjorie Lucas, Leo

Hall of Fame recipient

Luft, Leroy

Hall of Fame recipient

Luke, Robert Alfred

Personal Papers

Hall of Fame recipient

Lumsden, Dan Barry Lymberopoulos, P. John Lynch, Helen Graham MacNeil, Terasa

Hall of Fame recipient

Maes, Sue

Hall of Fame recipient

Magrath, C. Peter

Hall of Fame recipient

Malone, Violet

Hall of Fame recipient

Mann, Horace Mansbridge, Albert Mapp, John Aydelotte
Marcus, J. D. Marsick, Victoria J.

Hall of Fame recipient

Martin, Everett Dean Mason, Robert Charles Mason, W. Dean

Personal Papers

Massey, Benjamin

Hall of Fame recipient

Matre, Richard Matthews, Joseph

Hall of Fame recipient

Matusak, Lorraine R.

Hall of Fame recipient

Mawby, Russell

Hall of Fame recipient

Mayadas, A. Frank

Hall of Fame recipient

McBride, James
McCall, Raymond Thomas McClusky, Howard Yale

Hall of Fame recipient

McCormick, Robert William McCullough, James Leonard McCullough, Ken

Hall of Fame recipient

McElhinney, James H.
McGaughey, Leon Y.

Hall of Fame recipient

McGee, Howell McGhee, Paul Ansley McKinley, John McLagan, Patricia

Hall of Fame recipient

McLean, Gary N.

Hall of Fame recipient

McLeRoy, Thomas Standifer McMichael, M. H. McNamara, Donna

Hall of Fame recipient

Meierhenry, Wesley C.

Hall of Fame recipient

Meiklejohn, Alexander Meisner, Robert Gene
Mercer, Samuel Jr. Merriam, Sharan B.

Hall of Fame recipient

Knowles SDL Award recipient

Metzger, Jerome Charles Meuter, Ralph F. Messerli, Jonathan Mezirow, Jack

Hall of Fame recipient

Michael, Ruby Eldon Miller, Gary E.

Hall of Fame recipient

Miller, Harold Miller, Harry L. Miller, James

Hall of Fame recipient

Miller, Paul

Hall of Fame recipient

Miller, Spencer Jr. Mills, C. Wright Mills, Henry Mills, Peter Minnis, Roy Mjelde, Carroll Verne
Montgomery, Robert Wallace Moon, Yong-Lin

Hall of Fame recipient

Morrill, Justin Smith Morris, James Madison Morris, Roger

Hall of Fame recipient

Moser, Bobby D.

Hall of Fame recipient

Mueller, Elmer Arthur Mueller, Gordon H.

Hall of Fame recipient

Muhamad, Mazahah

Hall of Fame recipient

Muir, John Mulvey, Mary C. Mumma, Richard
Murk, Peter J. Murray, Pamela Myers, Dale Nadler, Leonard Neff, Monroe C.

Hall of Fame recipient

Nelcamp, Gail
Neuffer, Frank Neufville, Mortimer (Mort) H.

Hall of Fame recipient

Nicholas, Robert Allen Nickerson, James F.

Hall of Fame recipient

Nielson, William Allen Niemi, John A.

Personal Papers

Nijhof, William J.

Hall of Fame recipient

Nisbitt, Charles Emerald Noble, Lucinda

Hall of Fame recipient

Nuissl, Ekkehard

Hall of Fame recipient

Nyerere, Jules Ogden, Jean
Ogden, Jess Ohliger, John

Hall of Fame recipient

Okes, Imogene Esta Oliver, Craig

Hall of Fame recipient

Oliver, Len Ossoli, Margaret Fuller
Omolewa, Michael

Hall of Fame recipient

Overstreet, Bonaro Wilkinson Oversteet, Harry Owen, Robert Pagano, Jules Paige, Joseph Clement
Paine, Thomas Pankowski, Mary

Hall of Fame recipient

Pappas, James P.

Hall of Fame recipient

Park, Dabney Glenn Jr. Parkinson, George

Personal Papers

Parmer, William W.
Parsons, Gerald Edward Parsons, Thomas Samuel Pease, Robert Derial Peck, Roderick Bush Peers, Robert Peinovich, Paula
Pellegrin, Lionel Octave Penland, Lynn Perril, Lester Stanley Pesson, Lynn L. Peters, John M.

Hall of Fame recipient

Peterson, David A.

Hall of Fame recipient

Peterson, Donald

Hall of Fame recipient

Peterson, Edwin

Hall of Fame recipient

Peterson, Richard E. Phillips, Louis Pierce, W. Lee Pike, James
Pilgram, Eugene Francis Plott, Curtis

Hall of Fame recipient

Pöggeler, Franz

Hall of Fame recipient

Poley, Janet K.

Hall of Fame recipient

Pope, L. S.

Hall of Fame recipient

Popham, Lewis
Posey, Rollin Pound, Gomer Jeffrey Powell, John Walker Powell, Roger Kingsley Puelicher, John H. Queeney, Donna

Hall of Fame recipient

Quick, Robert

Hall of Fame recipient

Rachal, John R. Ralston, Noel

Hall of Fame recipient

Rauch, David Rawlings, Joseph S.

Hall of Fame recipient

Ray, Joseph C.

Hall of Fame recipient

Ray, Robert

Hall of Fame recipient

Ray, Ronald Raybould, Sidney G. Reals, Willis Reed, Bernard W.

Personal Papers

Reed, Hoyt Jackson
Reischmann, Jost

Hall of Fame recipient

Reimer, Everett Revans, Reginald (Reg)

Hall of Fame recipient

Richey, Robert William Riddle, Kenneth Riva, Daniel Francis
Rivera, Ramon J. Rivera, William

Personal Papers (not yet online)

Robbins, Richard Robinson, James W. Robinson, Russell D.

Hall of Fame recipient

Robinson, Stanley C.

Hall of Fame recipient

Rogers, Carl Rohfeld, Rae

Personal Papers

Rose, Norman Harold Rowden, Dorothy Russell, James E. Salisbury, Hal
Sandmann, Lorilee R.

Hall of Fame recipient

Sanger, Margaret Santiago, Frank Sapp, Virgil N. Sappington, Charles Wesley Sr. Savicevic, Dusan

Hall of Fame recipient

Schram, Lloyd William

Hall of Fame recipient

Schramade, Peter W. J.

Hall of Fame recipient

Schroeder, Wayne Lee Schuller, Tom

Hall of Fame recipient

Scott, Harry V. Seaman, Don

Hall of Fame recipient

Seegmiller, David Warren Sequoyah (Cherokee) Shah, Filiz Balkir Shannon, Daniel W.

Hall of Fame recipient

Sharer, Robert E.

Personal Papers

Shearon, Ronald W.

Hall of Fame recipient

Sheats, Paul Henry

Personal Papers

Sheffield, Sherman Beck Shelton, Elaine

Hall of Fame recipient

Shtogren, John Alexander Jr. Sillars, Robertson Simerly, Robert G.

Hall of Fame recipient

Simpson, Edward Jr.

Hall of Fame recipient

Simpson, Edwin L. Sisco, Burton R. Skelton, William Epes Skinner, B. F. Sleeman, Richard A.
Smethurst, Richard C.

Hall of Fame recipient

Smith, Douglas H. Smith, Hilda Worthington Smith, Keith Lowell Smith, Robert M.

Hall of Fame recipient

Smith, Wendell

Hall of Fame recipient

Smith, Sidney Butler Snider, John

Hall of Fame recipient

Soeiro, Alfredo

Hall of Fame recipient

Sork, Thomas J.

Hall of Fame recipient

Spence, Ralph B. Spencer, Herbert
Stanton, Elizabeth Cady Sparks, George Spengler, Edwin

Personal Papers (not yet online)

Spikes, Franklin W.

Hall of Fame recipient

Spille, Henry A.

Hall of Fame recipient

Stamm, F. W.
Stedman, Harvey Stein, Sondra

Personal Papers

Stensland, Per Gustaf

Personal Papers

Stern, Milton R. Stevenson, Grace Stewart, David W.

Personal Papers

Hall of Fame recipient

Stillwell, Hamilton

Hall of Fame recipient

Stine, Leo Clair Stockman, Calvin L.

Hall of Fame recipient

Stone, L. Gordon Stoskopf, L. Dian

Hall of Fame recipient

Strolle, Roland Samuel
Strow, Helen

Hall of Fame recipient

Stubblefield, Harold

Hall of Fame recipient

Studebaker, John Sublett, Roger Suesssmith, Rita

Hall of Fame recipient

Sundberg, Ron
Swanson, Harold Burdette Swanson, Richard A.

Hall of Fame recipient

Sweeney, John Tennant, Mark Thelen, Herbert Thiede, Wilson
Thomas, Alan M. Thomas, Geoffrey, P.

Hall of Fame recipient

Thomason, Nancy Thompson, Clarence Hathaway

Personal Papers

Thompson, Willard

Personal Papers

Thorndike, Edward
Thornton, James Edward Tibbits, Clark Tiscornia, Joseph Robert Titmus, Colin Toth, Janus

Hall of Fame recipient

Tough, Alan

Hall of Fame recipient

Trent, Curtis Truth, Sojourner Tuckett, Alan

Hall of Fame recipient

Turner, John Randolph Turner, William

Hall of Fame recipient

Tuttle, Daniel W. Jr.
Tweedie, Andrew Stuart Rankin Tyler, Ralph Ulmer, Curtis

Hall of Fame recipient

Umphlett, Wiley Lee VandeBerg, Gale

Hall of Fame recipient

Van Hise, Charles
Varnado, Alban Varner, Allen Verhaalen, Roman J. Veri, Clive Chester Verma, Satish Verner, Coolie

Personal Papers

Hall of Fame recipient

Viaux, Frederic Ballou Villarroel, Armando

Hall of Fame recipient

Vilstrup, Richard

Hall of Fame recipient

Vincent, John Heyl Vondrell, James Walden, Bob

Hall of Fame recipient

Walden, Bobbie

Hall of Fame recipient

Waldron, Mark Woodsworth Walker, Margaret Louise Walshok, Mary L.

Hall of Fame recipient

Walters, Shirley

Hall of Fame recipient

Warburg, Felix M.
Ward, Betty

Hall of Fame recipient

Washington, Booker T. Watkins, Karen E.

Hall of Fame recipient

Watson, John Wedemeyer, Charles

Hall of Fame recipient

Wendel, Robert L.
Wescott, Mason E. Westby-Gibson, Dorothy Fenton Whaples, Gene

Hall of Fame recipient

Whelen, Wayne Whipple, James B.

Personal Papers

White, Estelle
White, Thurman

Hall of Fame recipient

Wiedefeld, Horst

Hall of Fame recipient

Wiegand, Richard Wiggin, Gladys Anna Wiggs, Garland Dean Wilkin, Paul D.

Personal Papers*


Williams, Leodrey

Hall of Fame recipient

Williams, Nofflet D.

Hall of Fame recipient

Witte, Raymond Wlodkowski, Raymond J. Wolf, Mary Alice Woeste, John T.

Hall of Fame recipient

Wollstonecraft, Mary Wood, Joseph Leo Worsley, Roger Lewis Wright, Frances "Fanny" Wright, William Ronald Wu, Tsong-Shien

Hall of Fame recipient

Yantis, John Thomas Yavorsky, John Michael Yeaxlee, Basil A. York, Travis

Hall of Fame recipient

Xiong, Guan Shi

Hall of Fame recipient

Zinn, Lorraine

In addition, go to the International Adult and Continuing Education Hall of Fame. All of them could be cadidates for a personal vita if not already included.

Following is the format being used to portray various people via a personal vita. Photos of the person if in a gif or jpg format or if an URL to another site with the photo are welcome and encouraged. This is a start and anyone interested in contributing should contact Roger Hiemstra via electronic mail so duplication can be avoided and a means of transferring data can be discussed.

The Format


This is where to record the preferred name format. However, also record variant formats (nicknames, initials, etc.) so all the AKA's (also known as) as they actually occur in various sources can be understood.


Include any known places where more information can be obtained.


Put here any other information about people, places, events, projects, and organizations important to the person being profiled. Include the birth place and death place.


Be sure to record the source information and include any reported discrepancies from one source to the next.


[if appropriate]

Be sure to record the source information and include any reported discrepancies from one source to the next.


Degrees held, in what subject, institution, and date. Information on the major advisor, if available, for any advanced degrees. Fellowships held (name of award, dates).


Include job title, place of employment, and dates for each position.


Record whatever appropriate information here that you can find in five separate categories, associated subjects, people, organizations (membership years, offices held, etc.), events, and places.


Need a full citation--author, title, publisher, place, date. If journal articles are included, include the usual serial citation (volume, number, page). Include the dissertation information, if applicable. Select the most representative sources.


Provide any related references or supporting bibliography.


This would include any information that seem important about the person but that was not captured anywhere else.

Go here to see a list of people for whom these vitae have been developed. Help it grow over time.

Updated July, 23, 2009

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