Carol E. Kasworm

Personal Vita


Compiled by C. Kasworm





Carol E. Kasworm.

[Carol Edith Kasworm; C.E. Kasworm]



Data presented by C.Kasworm.





Born in Salt Lake City, UT, 11/8/44, daughter of William and Gladys (Backlund) Kasworm. Married to John B. Neill III, 6/6/87. Stepchildren--Michelle (Neill) Ratcliffe, L. Renee Neill. On the faculty in Education at the University of Texas at Austin, University of Houston-Clear Lake, and the University of Tennessee-Knoxville.



Award for Outstanding Contribution by a Faculty Member, Commission XVII, American College Personnel Association, March, 1988.


Research Award, National University Continuing Education Association-Region III, October, 1984.


Award of Honorary Membership, Austin Area Intergovernmental Training Council, August, 1984.


Award for Meritorious Service, Adult Education Association of the United States of America, 1982,1981.


Selection of exemplary staff development instructional program product by the U.S. Department of Education for the 1982 White House Conference on Aging from their funded projects in 1981. Product was the Instructional Staff Development Package, "Working With Older Learners," developed under the Texas Education Agency 310 grant.


Finalist, Dissertation of the Year Award, National Association for Student Personnel Administration, 1978-1979.         



1963-67 - B.A., Psychology and Sociology, Valparaiso University, Valparaiso, Indiana.


1970 - M.A., Higher Education Administration, Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan.


1977 - Ed.D., Adult Education, University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia.



1967-68           Assistant Manager (formerly titled Group Chief Operator), Illinois Bell Telephone, Chicago, Illinois.


1968-70           Head Advisor (1969-70), Graduate Advisor (1968-69), Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan.


1970-1972       Resident Instructor, University of South Florida, Tampa, Florida.


1972-1975       Assistant Director of Housing, Division of Student Affairs, University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia.


1975-1977       Staff Research Assistant, Georgia Center for Continuing Education, University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia.


1977-1980       Lecturer and Project Director, Department of Curriculum and Instruction, University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas. (Created the Adult, Continuing, Higher Education and Human Resource Development Emphasis at the University).


1980-1984       Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, Area Coordinator, and Project Director, Adult, Continuing, Higher Education and Human Resource Development, Department of Curriculum and Instruction, University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas.


1984-1988       Associate Vice President for Faculty and Program Development and Associate Provost, University of Houston-Clear Lake, Houston, Texas. Also Adjunct Graduate Faculty at the University of Houston-University Park, Houston, Texas.


1988                Interim Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost, University of Houston-Clear Lake, Houston, Texas.


1988-               Associate Professor, University of Tennessee-Knoxville, Knoxville, Tennessee.



Adult undergraduate learners

Self-directed Learning

Program development and Outreach

Illiterate elderly

Adult development

Adult learning

Competency-based Education



American Association of Adult and Continuing Education (AAACE)

Adult Education Association of the U.S.A. (AEA) (Publications Chair)

American College Personnel Association, (ACPA)

American Educational Research Association, (AERA)

American Association for Higher Education, (AAHE)

Association of Continuing Higher Education,(ACHE)

American Association of University Professors (AAUP)

American Society for Training and Development (ASTD)

Commission of Professors of Adult Education (CPAE)

Grey Panthers

National University Continuing and Education Association, (NUEA;NUCEA)



National Leadership Conference: New Perspectives on Counseling Adults. Project LEARN. Airlie, Virginia, 1984. (Invited participant)


Institute for the Management of Lifelong Education, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1983. (Selected participant)


United States Office of Education, National Invitational Seminar on Competency Based Adult Education, New Orleans, Louisiana, 1978. (Invited participant)


Elected Member of Executive Committee, Commission of Professors of Adult Education, 1982-84


Selected Member, National Advisory Committee for the Education, Research and Information Clearinghouse (ERIC) - Adult, Career and Vocational Education, 1981-84; 1986


Appointed Member-at-Large, Executive Committee of Adult Education Association of USA, 1981-82


Chair, Publication Committee, Adult Education Association of the U.S.A., 1980-82


Chair, National Invitational Workshop of Competency Based Adult Education, June, 1978


Elected Board Member, Commission III Directorate for the American College Personnel Association, 1975-78


Appointed Member, American College and University Housing Officers-National Task Force on Title IX, August, 1974


Judge, Research Award for the Texas Association of Continuing Adult Education, 1985


Vice Chair, Advisory Committee for 1984 Robert Lee Sutherland Symposium, "The Future of the Elderly in Texas," sponsored by the Hogg Foundation, 1983-84


Member, State Advisory Committee, "Comprehensive Approach to Staff Development," project sponsored by Texas A&M University, 1978-79


Appointed Member, Advisory Committee to Texas Education Agency Task Force on Staff Development, 1978-80


Chair, Research Committee, Texas Association for Community and Adult Education, 1978-80



Chair, Clearinghouse Resources Committee, Austin Intergovernmental Training Council, 1980-81


Appointed Regional Judge, National Bicentennial Youth Debates, 1976



University of Georgia

University of Texas at Austin

University of Houston-Clear Lake

University of Tennessee-Knoxville






Simpson, E. Jr., & Kasworm, C. (Eds.) (1990). Revitalizing the Residential Conference Center Environment. New Directions for Adult and Continuing Education (No. 46). San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.


Kasworm, C. (Ed.) (1983). Educational Outreach to Select Adult Populations. New Directions for Continuing Education (No. 20). San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.


Book Chapters


Kasworm, C. (1990). The Learning Sanctuary as an Educational Environment. In Simpson, E. Jr., & Kasworm, C. (Eds.) Revitalizing the Residential Conference Center Environment. New Directions for Adult and Continuing Education (No. 46). San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. pp. 27-39.


Kasworm, C., & Simpson, E., Jr. (1990). Future Challenges for the Residential Conference Center. In Simpson, E., Jr., & Kasworm, C. (Eds.) Revitalizing the Residential Conference Center Environment. New Directions for Adult and Continuing Education (No. 46). San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. pp. 83-87.


Kasworm, C. (1988). Facilitating Ethical Development: A Paradox. In R. Brockett (Ed.), Ethical Issues in Adult Education. New York: Teachers College Press, 17-33.


Kasworm, C. (1988). Self-Directed Learning in Institutional Contexts. An Exploratory Study of Adult Self-Directed Learners in Higher Education. In H. Long (Ed.), Self-Directed Learning: Application and Theory. Athens, GA: University of Georgia, Department of Adult Education, 65-98.


Kasworm, C. (1983). Key Educational Influencers in Outreach Program Design. In C. Kasworm (Ed.), Educational Outreach to Select Adult Populations, New Directions for Continuing Education, No. 20. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 3-14.


Kasworm, C., & Anderson, C. (1982). Perceptions of Decisionmakers Concerning Microcomputers in Adult Education. In D. Gueulette (Ed.), Microcomputers for Adult Learning: Potentials and Perils. Chicago: Follett Publishing Company, 86-105.


Kasworm, C. (1979). Competency Based Adult Education: A Metamorphosis in Literacy Education. In C. Kasworm and B. Lyle (Eds.), Proceedings of the National Invitational Workshop in Competency Based Adult Education. Austin, Texas: University of Texas at Austin, Department of Curriculum and Instruction, 174-184. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service ED 174 765) [Reprinted in J. Parker and P. Taylor (Eds.). (1980). The CB Reader: A Guide To Understanding The Competency-Based Adult Education Movement. New Jersey: National Adult Education Clearinghouse.]


Journal Articles


Kasworm, C. (1990, Fall) Adult Undergraduates in Higher Education: A Review of Past Research Perspectives. Review of Educational Research, 60(3), 345-372.


Kasworm, C. (1990, July-September). Adult Students in Higher Education: Myths and Realities. Community/Junior College Quarterly of Research and Practice. 14(3), 155-175.


Kasworm, C., & Medina, R. (1990). Adult Competence in Everyday Tasks: A Cross-sectional Secondary Analysis. Educational Gerontology, 16(1), 27-47.


Kasworm, C. & Medina, R. (1989). Perspectives of Literacy in the Senior Adult Years. Educational Gerontology, 15(1), 65-80.


Kasworm, C. (1986). Junto III: Collaboration Outreach by AAACE. Lifelong Learning: An Omnibus of Practice and Research, 9(6), 19-21.


Kasworm, C. (1984). A Profile of Teachers of Older ABE Learners: An Exploratory Examination. Adult Literacy and Basic Education, 8(2), 80-90.


Thorson, J., & Kasworm, C. (1984). Sunshine and Suicide: Possible Influences of Climate On Behavior. Death Education, 8, 125-136.


Kasworm, C. (1984). An Examination of Self-Directed Contract Learning As An Instructional Strategy. Innovative Higher Education, 8(1), 45-54.


Kasworm, C. (1983). Self-Directed Learning And Lifespan Development. International Journal of Lifelong Education, 2(1), 29-45.


Kasworm, C. (1982). Older Learners in Adult Basic Education. Adult Literacy and Basic Education, 6(4), 195-207.


Kasworm, C. (1982). Lifespan Differences Between Student Groupings. Journal of College Student Personnel, 23(5), 425-429.


Kasworm, C., & Wetzel, J. (1982). Women and Retirement: Evolving Issues for Future Research and Education Intervention. Educational Gerontology, 7(4), 299-314.


Wiesner, P., & Kasworm, C. (1982). Learned Helplessness and the Re-Entry Student. Journal of Adult Education, 10(2), 1-6.


Kasworm, C., & Parker R. (1981). Educating Adults with Neurological Disorders. Adult Literacy and Basic Education, 5(3), 163-171.


Kasworm, C. (1981). Adult Students: Impact of Age and Maturity. Journal of Adult Education, 9(2), 1-6.


Kasworm, C. (1980). The Older Student As An Undergraduate. Adult Education, 31(1), 30-46.


Kasworm, C. (1980). Student Services for the Older Undergraduate Student. Journal of College Student Personnel, 21(2), 163-169.


Kasworm, C. (1980). Administrative Issues in CBAE: Fairy Tales, the In-betweens, and the Reality. NAPCAE Exchange, 3(2), 18-21.


Hampton, L., & Kasworm, C. (1979). Partnerships in Continuing Education: The Consortium Approach. Continuum, 43(4), 22-24.


Kasworm, C., & Hillard, C. (1979). Employee Development in the 80's: The Impact on Texas Business and Industry. Texas Business Review, 53(5), 166-168. [ Reprinted in Pluta, J. (Ed.). Economic and Business Issues of the 1980's. Austin, TX: Bureau of Business Research, University of Texas of Austin, 1981, 122-124.]


Lord, C. B., & Kasworm, C. (1978). Higher Education Credit Courses and Continuing Education. Lifelong Learning: The Adult Years, 1(9), 5-7, 22-23.


Kasworm, C. (1978). Old Dogs, Children, and Watermelon Wine: Focus on the Older Adult Learner. Educational Horizons, 56(4), 200-205. [ Selected for the 1980 White House Conference on Aging and reprinted by the Retired Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP) for placement in the National Clearinghouse for Intergenerational Programs and Issues.]


Hampton, L., & Kasworm, C. (1976). Alexander Graham Bell and Continuing Education. Adult Leadership, 24(7), 242-243.


Conference Proceedings


Brockett, R.G., & Kasworm, C.E. (1989). A Framework for the Study of Ethical Issues in Adult Education. Proceedings of the 30th Annual Adult Education Research Conference. Madison, WI, April, 1989.                              


Kasworm, C.E., & Medina, R. (1983). A Study of the Relationship Between APL Performance Indicators and Age Cohorts. Proceedings of the 24th Annual Adult Education Research Conference, Montreal, Canada, April, 1983.


Kasworm, C. (1982). An Exploratory Study of the Development of Self-Directed Learning as an Instructional/Curriculum Strategy. Lifelong Learning Research Conference Proceedings. College Park, MD: University of Maryland.


Kasworm, C. (1978). Students Older Than Average and Implications for Services. Proceedings of 18th Annual Adult Education Research Conference. San Antonio, TX, April, 1978.


Monographs, Reports and Technical Papers


Hardwick, C., Kasworm, C., & Fannin, W. (1986). The University and the Community: A Look at the Future of MSU-Meridian Branch. January, 1986. (Consulting Study Funded by the Phil Hardin Foundation)


Kasworm, C. (1980). Competency Based Adult Education: A Challenge of the 80's. Information Series No. 208, ERIC Clearinghouse for Adult Career and Vocational Education, Columbus, Ohio: National Center for Research in Vocational Education, 61pp. (ERIC Document ED 193 528)


Kasworm, C., & Stedman, K. (1981). Director's Guide to Recruiting Older Adults. Austin, Texas: Department of Curriculum and Instruction, University of Texas at Austin. 36pp. (ERIC Document ED 211 835)


Kasworm, C., & Stedman, K. (1980). Recruitment and Retention of Older Adults. Austin, Texas: Department of Curriculum and Instruction, University of Texas at Austin. 39pp.


Kasworm, C., & Lyle, B. (Eds.). (1979). Proceedings of the National Invitational Workshop on Competency Based Adult Education. Austin, Texas: Department of Curriculum & Instruction, University of Texas at Austin, May, 1979. 192 pp. (ERIC Document ED 174 765)


Instructional Packages and Guidelines


Kasworm, C. & Stedman, K. Trainer's Guide for Working with Older Learners. Austin, Texas: Department of Curriculum & Instruction, University of Texas at Austin, June, 1981, 98pp.


Kasworm, C. & Stedman, K. Director's Guide to Recruiting Older Adults. Austin, Texas: Department of Curriculum & Instruction, University of Texas at Austin, June, 1981, 43pp. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED 211 835)


Kasworm, C. & Stedman, K. Human Learning and Development: The Adult Years. Correspondence Course Instructional Guide, Austin, Texas: Division of Extension and Correspondence, University of Texas at Austin, 1980.


Editorial Boards and Related Activities


Editorial Board, Adult Education Quarterly: A Journal of Research and Theory, 1982-present.


Editorial Board, American College Personnel Association, 1982-1986.


Editorial Board, International Journal of Adult Literacy and Basic Education, 1980-1981.


Book and Film Reviews


Kasworm, C. (1989). [Review of Practical Intelligence: Nature and Origin of Competence in the Everyday World. Edited by Sternberg, R.J., & Wagner, R.K. Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press, 386 pages.] In Adult Education Quarterly, 40(1), (1989), 52-62.


Kasworm, C. (1987). [Review of Understanding and Facilitating Adult Learning by S. Brookfield, Jossey-Bass, San Francisco, CA., 1986.] In Teachers College Record, 1987, 89(2), 327-329.


Kasworm, C. (1987). [Review of Social Bonds in Later Life: Aging and Interdependence. Edited by W. A. Peterson and J. Quadagno, Beverly Hills, CA.: Sage Publications, 1985.] In Educational Gerontology 1987, 13(3), 284-285.


Kasworm, C. (1987). [Review of Mental Health Assessment and Therapeutic Interventions with Older Adults by A. D. Whanger and A. C. Myers, Rockville, Maryland: Aspen Publications, 1984.] In Guideposts, 1987, November 12, 11.


Kasworm, C. (1984). [Review of In a Different Voice: Psychological Theory and Women's Development by C. Gilligan. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1982.] In Adult Education Quarterly, 1984, 34(4), 247-249.


Kasworm, C. (1983). [Review of Women in the Middle Years: Current Knowledge and Directions for Research and Policy. Edited by J. Z. Giele, New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1982.] In Educational Gerontology, 1983, 9(4), 354-355.


Kasworm, C. (1982). [Review of An Afternoon with Gregor Piatiagorsky, produced by Phoenix Films.] In Educational Gerontology, 1982, 8(6), 600.


Kasworm, C. (1981). [Review of Learning After College, by N. Sanford, New York: Montaique, 1980.] In Personnel and Guidance Journal, 59(10), 1981, 663.


Kasworm, C. (1980). [Review of Adult Development and Approaches to Learning, by H. Lasker, J. Moore, and E. Simpson. Washington, D.C.: National Institute for Education, 1980.] In Lifelong Learning: The Adult Years, 1982, 5(5), 26.


Kasworm, C. (1980). [Review of APL Revisited: Its Uses and Adaptations in States, by J. Fischer, W. Haney, and L. David. Washington, D. C.: National Institute for Education, 1980.] In Lifelong Learning: The Adult Years, 1982, 5(6), 23.




Kasworm, C. (1990). Transformative Context in Adult Higher Education. Paper presented at the Second International Congress on Research on Activity Theory, Lahti, Finland, May, 1990.


Kasworm, C. (1989). Adults as Undergraduates: Are the Costs Worth the Benefits? Paper presented at the American Associaton of Adult and Continuing Education, Atlantic City, New Jersey. October, 1989.


Kasworm, C. (1989). Images of Adult Learners in Higher Education: Past Research Perspectives. Paper presented at the American Educational Research Conference, March 1989, San Francisco, California.


Kasworm, C. (1988). Part-time Credit Learners as Full-time Workers: The Role of Self-Directed Learning in Their Lives. An Exploratory Examination. Paper presented at the American Association of Adult and Continuing Education. October, 1988, Tulsa, Oklahoma.


Kasworm, C. (1987). Supportive Environments for Adult Learners in Higher Education. Paper presented at the American Association of Adult and Continuing Education, October, 1987, Washington, D.C.


Kasworm, C. (1984). Effects of Paradigm and Paradigm Shifting Relative to Adult Literacy and Adult Education Research. Paper presented at Commission of Professors of Adult Education, November, 1984, Louisville, Kentucky.


Kasworm, C., & Medina, R. (1984). Through the Looking Glass: Literacy in the Adult Years. Invited address (as part of research award) National University Continuing Education Association, Region III, October, 1984, Tallahassee, Florida.


Kasworm, C, & Medina, R. (1984). Through the Looking Glass: Literacy in the Adult Years. Paper presented at the American Education Research Association, April, 1984, New Orleans, LA.


Stollenwerk, S., & Kasworm, C. (1983). Nonformal Adult Education in Bolivia. Paper presented at Process and Prospects: An Interdisciplinary Conference on Latin America and Education, April, 1983, New Orleans, Louisiana.


Kasworm, C. (1983). Towards a Paradigm of Developmental Levels of Self-Directed Learning. Paper presented at the American Education Research Association, April, 1983, Montreal, Quebec. (ERIC Document ED 230 705)


Kasworm, C., & Courtenay, B. (1982). Functional Literacy in Older Adults-Proactive Approaches to Research and Teaching. Paper presented at the National Adult Education Conference, November, 1982, San Antonio, Texas. (ERIC Document ED 229 559)


Kasworm, C., & Anderson, C. (1982). Perceptions of Decisionmakers Concerning Microcomputers in Adult Education. Paper presented at the National Adult Education Conference, November, 1982, San Antonio, Texas.


Kasworm, C. (1982). An Exploratory Study of the Development of Self-Directed Learning As An Instructional/Curriculum Strategy. Paper presented at the Fourth Annual Lifelong Learning Research Conference, February, 1982, College Park, Maryland.


Kasworm, C. (1981). The Illiterate Elderly. Paper presented at the National Adult Education Conference, October, 1981, Anaheim, California. Reprinted excerpts from this paper were used in the United States Department of Education report to the Senate Special Committee on Aging, 1981-82.


Kasworm, C. (1980). Report on a Survey of Selected Practitioners Concerning Basic Skills in Adult and Continuing Education Administration/Management. Paper presented to the Commission of Professors of Adult Education Conference, November, 1980, St. Louis, Missouri.


Kasworm, C. (1980). Report on the Roles and Functions of State Professional Associations of Public Continuing and Adult Education. Paper presented to the Presidents of State-Affiliates Conference, National Adult Education Conference, November, 1980, St. Louis, Missouri.


Kasworm, C. (1980). Administrative Issues in Competency Based Adult Education. Paper presented at the National Competency Based Adult Education Invitational Conference, February, 1980, Orlando, Florida.


Kasworm, C. (1979). Analysis of Resources, Graduate Program Planning/Development Courses at Selected Universities. Paper presented to the Commission of Professors of Adult Education, National Adult Education Conference, October, 1979, Portland, Oregon.


Kasworm, C. (1979). Students Older Than Average: Research and Implications. Paper presented at the Fifth Annual National Conference on Open Learning and Nontraditional Study, October, 1979, Kansas City, Kansas. (ERIC Document ED 176 039)


Kasworm, C. (1978). Society of Elders: Education Only for the Old? Paper presented at the World Future Society, Education Section, October, 1978, Clear Lake City, Texas. (ERIC Document ED 176 088)


Kasworm, C. (1978). Student Affairs Professional's as Continuing Educators. Paper presented at American College Personnel Association, March, 1978, Detroit, Michigan. (ERIC Document ED 159 498)


Kasworm, C., & Chadwick, D., Lopit, S., & Murphy, N. (1978). Male-Female: Expanding Awareness Through Experiential Programming. Paper and Resource book presented at the American College Personnel Association, March, 1978, Denver, Colorado. (ERIC Document ED 145 337)


Kasworm, C. (1977). The Eighteen Year Old Age of Majority. Paper presented at the National Association of Student Personnel Administrators, April, 1977, Atlanta, Georgia.


Kasworm, C., Chadwick, D., Lopit, S., & Murphy, N. (1976). Development of Sex Role Awareness in College Students. Paper presented at the American College Personnel Association, April, 1976, Chicago, Illinois.




Co-Principal Investigator, "Adult Undergraduate Students: The Entry Transition Process", Association for Continuing Higher Education (ACHE), Research Grant, $1,000 (with Dr. Gary Pike and Dr. Lynn Blinn).


Principal Investigator, "Adult Undergraduate Students as Self-Directed Learners: Image and Applications in Students and Worker Roles. College of Education, Bureau of Educational Surveys. University of Tennessee-Knoxville. $1,400.


Co-Project Director, "Cooperative Education Program-Administration Project," U.S. Department of Education, 1987-88, $438,900 (5-year period).


Project Director, "Space and the Human Dilemma," Texas Committee for the Humanities, 1986, $5,300.


Principal Investigator, "Management Development Training on Ada Programming Language," NASA-Johnson Space Center, 1986, $22,085.


Project Director, "Study of Off-Campus Instruction Potential on Galveston Island by University of Houston-Clear Lake," Moody Foundation, 1986, $6,000.


Project Director, "Recruiting and Working with Older Learners," Texas Education Agency, 1980, $32,500.


Project Director, "Recruitment and Retention of Older Adults," Texas Education Agency, 1979, $32,500.


Project Director, "Third Phase Development of the Adult and Continuing Education Specialization," Texas Education Agency, 1979, $32,000.


Project Director, "Publication of Proceedings from the National Invitational Workshop on Competency Based Adult Education," National Institute of Education, 1978, $6,000.


Project Director, "Coordination of the Development of the Adult and Continuing Education Graduate Program at the University of Texas at Austin," Texas Education Agency, 1978, $30,000.


Acting Project Director, "Inauguration of a Degree Program in Adult and Continuing Education at the University of Texas at Austin," Texas Education Agency, 1977, $34,000.


Project Co-Director, "Eighteen Year Old Age of Majority," Georgia National Endowment for the Humanities, 1976, $9,000.




Federal Review Grant Panel Member, Special Services for Disadvantaged Students, U.S. Department of Education, January, 1987, Washington, D.C.


Federal Review Grant Panel Member, Title III Institutional Aid Programs, U.S. Department of Education, January, 1986, Washington, D.C.



[Postscript: Professor Kasworm was inducted into the International Adult and Continuing Education Hall of Fame in 2002.]