Alexander Liveright

Personal Vita


Compiled by Roger Hiemstra


Alexander Albert Liveright

[Alexander A. Liveright; Alexander Liveright; A. A. Liveright;

Sandy Liveright]

[source: Roger Hiemstra; data obtained from three students who gathered biographical information]

Strategy Hints

Papers at Syracuse University, Arents Library, of which there are 7 archival boxes.

[source: Terry Keenan]

Bio/Historial Notes

A native of Philadelphia, PA, he married Dorothy. Children--Mrs. Michael Folk and Michael. In 1966 he spent four months on a round-the-world study sponsored by the Carnegie Corporation. Dr. Liveright was founding member and at the time of his death, secretary of the International congress on University Adult Education. Member, Visiting Committee for Summer Schools and Extension Division of Harvard; Consultant, Research Bureau, U.S. Office of Education; Consultant, Academy for Educational Development; Consultant, Air Line Pilots Association; Consultant, Montana Farmers Union; Conference Coordinator, 1956 AEA Conference; Editorial Boards of Convergence and Adult Education.

[sources: Two biographical sketches of Alexander Liveright by unknown students; an undated newspaper obituary notice; a 1968 vita prepared by A. A. Liveright]

Birth Date


Source of Birth Date

Two biographical sketches of Alexander Liveright by unknown students.

Death Date

September, 1969

Source of Death Date

Two biographical sketches of Alexander Liveright by unknown students.


1926-29--A.B., Haverford College, University of Wisconsin.

1930--M.A., Guidance and Counseling, Teachers College, Columbia University, New York, NY.

1956--Ph.D., Adult Education, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL.

[sources: Two biographical sketches of Alexander Liveright by

unknown students; an undated newspaper obituary notice; a 1968 vita prepared by A. A. Liveright]

Work History

1945-47--Executive Director, American Council on Race relations, a national organization established to develop official and volunteer civic race relations and civic unity committees.

1947-53--Director of Labor Education, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL.

1954-56--Consultant (part-time) to the Center for the Study of Liberal Education for Adults, Chicago, IL.

1954-56--Instructor (part-time), George Williams College, Columbia College, and University College of the University of Chicago, Chicago, IL; and the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI.

1957-64--Director, Center for the Study of Liberal Education for Adults, Chicago, IL.

1964-68--Director (part-time), Center for the Study of Liberal Education for Adults, Boston, MA.

1964-68--Professor (part-time), Education, Boston University, Boston, MA.

1965--Director of a Study of Adult Education in the U.S.A. for Commissioner Francis Keppel, U.S.O.E.

1968-69--Adjunct Professor of Education, Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY.

[sources: Two biographical sketches of Alexander Liveright by unknown students; an undated newspaper obituary notice; a 1968 vita prepared by A. A. Liveright]

Associated Subjects

Center for the Study of Liberal Education for Adults.

International Adult Education.

Labor Education.

Labor Unions.

Liberal Adult Education.

Race Relations.

[source: Roger Hiemstra]

Associated People

Alexander Charters.

Roger DeCrow.

Freda H. Goldman.

Malcolm Knowles.

[source: Roger Hiemstra]

Associated Organizations

American Council on Race Relations.

Association for Family Living (Board of Directors).

Boston Center for Adult Education (Board of Directors).

Center for the Study of Liberal Education for Adults [CSLEA].

Chicago Urban League (Board of Directors).

Chicago Welfare Council.

Commission of Professors of Adult Education [CPAE].

Council on College Level Examinations.

Highlander Research and Education Center (Board of Directors).

International Congress of University Adult Education (Secretary) [ICUEA].

Massachusetts Adult Education Association.

National Advisory Committee on Adult Basic Education.

Negro College Committee on Adult Education.

University Council on Education for Public Responsibility (Planning Committee) [UCEPR].

[sources: Two biographical sketches of Alexander Liveright by unknown students; an undated newspaper obituary notice; a 1968 vita prepared by A. A. Liveright]

Associated Events/Projects

Work with Center for the Study of Liberal Education of Adults.

[source: Roger Hiemstra]

Associated Places

Boston University, Boston, MA.

Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY.

University of Chicago, Chicago, IL.

[source: Roger Hiemstra]


Numerous articles, monographs, and book chapters. Some of his important works are as follows:

Liveright, A. A., & DeCrow, R. (1963) New directions in degree programs especially for adults. Chicago: Center for the Study of Liberal Education for Adults.

Liveright, A. A. (1964). The nature and aims of adult education as a field of graduate study. In G. Jensen, A. A. Liverright, & W. Hallenbeck (Eds.), Adult education: Outlines of an emerging field of university study. Washington, DC: Adult Education Association of the U. S. A.

Liveright, A. A. (1965). Adult education in Israel. Adult Leadership, April.

Liveright, A. A., & Goldman, F. H. (1965). Significant development in continuing higher education. Brookline, MA: Center for the Study of Liberal Education for Adults.

Liveright, A. A. (1966). Some observations on the status of adult education in the U. S. today. Adult Education.

Liveright, A. A. (1968). A study of adult education in the United States. Boston: Center for the Study of Liberal Education for Adults.

[source: Roger Hiemstra]

Modified on May 6, 2002

-- Cross-reference to Project Vitae in Adult Education

-- Cross-reference to Adult Education History Project--Liveright's Vita

-- Cross-reference to Adult Education History Project--Liveright's Personal Papers

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