Septermber, 2006
BA Wyoming University
MA CO Teachers College, Greeley
PhD Columbia
He was Assistant Principle of the Emily Griffith (Public) Opportunity School (circa 1935-39). The first public adult education school in America (I am told). He ran the school while Ms. Griffith made house calls to the student’s homes in her historic survey of the needs of needy families. Reports of these house calls were what convinced the School Board to spend the depression years’ money to operate the school.
After completing his work at Columbia Teachers College he accepted appointment as Superintendent to the public schools of Grosse Point, MI (circa 1941-48). While there, the Manual Arts building was built next to the high school.
Accepting a call from Columbia University, teachers College in 1948 he was soon elevated to the position of Head of the Department of Adult Education. He served in that position until his retirement in 1965. He was sent (circa 1960-63) by USAID contract with Columbia to assist the King of Afghanistan to establish a working relationship between the University of Kubul and the adult community. The effort was quite successful but was probably blown off the map since then.
He died in 1987 in Lakewood NJ, as did his wife Pearl, 5 years later.
References to Paul Essert
Contributed By:
Robert Essert (Paul's son), September, 2006
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