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Note: Although there will be some overlap, here are two supplemental bibliographies: /foundations.html#references and /introbib.html


Go to Preface. Go to The Authors. Go to Chapter One.  Go to Chapter Two.  

Go to Chapter Three.  Go to Chapter Four. Go to Chapter Five.  Go to Chapter Six.  

Go to Chapter Seven.  Go to Chapter Eight. Go to Chapter Nine.  Go to Chapter Ten.  

Go to Chapter Eleven.  Go to Chapter Twelve.

Go to Common Concerns About the Individualizing Process. Go to Alternative Introduction/Icebreaker Techniques

Go to Needs Assessment Techniques.   Go to Sample Course Evaluation Form.

Go to Sample Instructor Evaluation Form. Go to Learning Activity Resources and Ideas.

Go to Training Apprentice Instructors.  Go to Developing a Graduate Course.

Go to Guiding Older Adult Learners.  Go to Moving from Pedagogy to Andragogy.

Go to Self-Directed Learning.  Go to Learning Style Differences.

Go to Needs Assessment Research.  Go to Physical Learning Environment.

Go to Being An Effective Facilitator. Go to What Makes a Good Instructor.

Go to Non-Traditional Learning. Go to the book's word index.

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