Self-Directed Learning Papers and Resources

Following are various papers or resources containing a variety of information related to self-directed learning. Feel free to use the information if you cite it appropriately.

Working with the Self-Directed Learner. This is a paper delivered at the First World Conference on Self-Directed Learning, September 14-17, 1997, Montreal, Canada.

Self-Directed Learning: Present and Future, a paper by Roger Hiemstra and John Burns. This is another paper delivered at the First World Conference on Self-Directed Learning, September 14-17, 1997, Montreal, Canada.

What's in a Word? Changes in Self-Directed Learning Language over a Decade. This is a paper written and delivered by Roger Hiemstra at the 1996 International Symposium on Self-Directed Learning, West Palm Beach, Florida.

An initial SDL bibliography for those interested in some key readings for an introduction to the field.

An introduction to self-directed learning authored by Roger Hiemstra for an international handbook.

An aid for the self-directed learner that describes various techniques, tools, and resources.

A chapter written by Roger Hiemstra and Ralph Brockett entitled From Behaviorism to humanism: Incorporating self-direction in learning concpts into the instructional design process.

Identifying success characteristics in self-directed adult learners , a paper written by Roger Hiemstra and Robert Judd.

Policy Recommendations Related to Self-Directed Adult Learning.

Self-Directed Adult Learning: Some Implications for Practice

Self-Directed Adult Learning: Some Implications for Facilitators

May 2, 2005

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