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This section contains selected books, articles, and conference presentations authored (or co-authored) by Rog Hiemstra:

A Feast of Learning: International Perspectives on Adult Learning and Change

Changing Approaches to Studying Adult Education

Creating Environments for Effective Adult Learning

Founding of the AEA of the USA--1949-1955: Crucial roles played by Howard McClusky, Malcolm Knowles, and Cyril Houle.

May Memorial's Historical Tree of Life.

How the Internet is Changing Self-Directed Learning.

Howard Yale McClusky: Adult Education Pioneer.

Individualizing Instruction: Making Learning Personal, Empowering, and Successful

Lifelong Learning: An Exploration of Adult and Continuing Education Within a Setting of Lifelong Learning Needs,

Overcoming Resistance to Self-Direction in Adult Learning

Self-Direction in Adult Learning: Perspectives on Theory, Research, and Practice

Strategies for dealing with workplace transitions: An important role for continuing higher education.

The Educative Community

Many of my past papers, presentations, and publications can be found at this site where members of the International Adult and Continuing Education Hall of Fame archive their material. Just type "roger hiemstra" in the search engine and you will find links to dozens of such publications.

Various ERIC documents authored by Roger Hiemstra.

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This server is maintained by Roger Hiemstra, Professor and Chair, Emeritus, Syracuse University (rogerhiemstra@gmail.com ).