Self-Direction in Adult Learning Index

Self-Direction in Adult Learning Index

[To search, record the page number, use the Index key to move to the appropriate chapter, and employ your browser’s find feature to search on the word or page number]


Index Key

Chapter 1   3-17                      Chapter 6   103-121                Chapter 11  195-206

Chapter 2   18-36                    Chapter 7   122-146                Chapter 12  207-215

Chapter 3   37-54                    Chapter 8   147-168                Chapter 13  216-228

Chapter 4   55-82                    Chapter 9   169-181                Appendix A  229-244

Chapter 5  83-102                   Chapter 10  182-194               Appendix B  245-246


acquainting learners with each other 113-14

activity-oriented learners 38

Adjective Check List 76, 77

Adler, A. 131

administrators 166, 167, 228-9

Adult Education Guided Independent Study (AEGIS) Program 93-4, 161-2

Adult Education Quarterly 39

Adult Independent Learning Project 150

AEDNET (Adult Education Network) 165

Agyekum, S. K. 61-3, 69, 70, 85

Albania 192

Alexander the Great 8

Alice’ 5-7, 227

andragogy 29, 103-5, 193

Andresen, A. 184

Antioch College 158

Apps, J. W. 135, 136, 159

Aristotle 7, 124

Ash, C. R. 163-4

attending 142

autonomous learner 20

Autonomous Learner Index (ALI) 56

autonomy 22, 27, 94; restricted freedom and 16


Index Key

Chapter 1   3-17                      Chapter 6   103-121                Chapter 11  195-206

Chapter 2   18-36                    Chapter 7   122-146                Chapter 12  207-215

Chapter 3   37-54                    Chapter 8   147-168                Chapter 13  216-228

Chapter 4   55-82                    Chapter 9   169-181                Appendix A  229-244

Chapter 5  83-102                   Chapter 10  182-194               Appendix B  245-246


Baghi, H. 12, 50

Baskett, H. K. 104

Bauer, B. A. 93-4, 161-2, 162

Bayles, M. D. 196, 198

Beder, H. 37, 39

behavior modeling 134, 137

behaviorism 128-9

Berg, A. 189

Biklen, S. K. 96

biography 136-7

Bishop Carroll High School 157

Bitterman, J. A. 64

Blackwood, C. C. 58, 78

Blanchard, J. 19-20

Bogdan, R. C. 96

Boggs, D. L. 155

Boshier, R. 22

Boston Children's Museum 153

Botsman, P. B. 50

Boucouvalas, M. 182

Box, B. J. 67

Brasfield, L. 46

Brockett, R. G.: Dimensions of Ethical Practice model 197; helping relationship 140,

            communication skills 142; inspired by Steinbeck 137; institutions 15; life satisfaction

            study 60-1; SDLRS 70, 70-1, 71-2, 74; self-directed learning 10, 24, continuum 11,30,

            politics 32, critique of research 15, 51, 97; theory of self-education 85; Weekend Scholar


Brookfield, S. D.: co-operation and competitiveness 87; critical thinking 14, 117, 134-5;

            evaluation 87; fellowship of learning 86-7; critical thinking 14, 117, 134-5; eva1uation

            87; fellowship of learning 86-7; learning projects research 52-3; library 151; Malvern

            Hills College 186; self-directed learning 22, 28, criticisms of research, 15, 96; 97, 182,

evolving perspective 21-2 isolation 11, 12, learner/ facilitator relationship 14, politics 32,

social self-direction 32; rational thinking context 32; self-help organizations 154

Bruner, J.S. 9

Bulgaria 192

Bundy, M. L. 151

business 164-5


Index Key

Chapter 1   3-17                      Chapter 6   103-121                Chapter 11  195-206

Chapter 2   18-36                    Chapter 7   122-146                Chapter 12  207-215

Chapter 3   37-54                    Chapter 8   147-168                Chapter 13  216-228

Chapter 4   55-82                    Chapter 9   169-181                Appendix A  229-244

Chapter 5  83-102                   Chapter 10  182-194               Appendix B  245-246


Caesar, Julius 8

Caffarella, E. P. 65

Caffarella, R. S. 15, 170: classification of research 39; learning contracts 64-5; learning projects

research 53-4

Candy, P. C. 23, 94

Carr, D. W. 151

Cavaliere, L. A. 94-5

challenge education 158

Chene, A. 22, 23, 27

China 187-8

Citizen Involvement Training Project

(CITP) 154-5

class 15, 96, 97, 219

client-centered approach 126, 132

climate, learning 112-13

cognitive abilities 88

cognitive interest 63, 123

Collard, S. 133

colleges 158-9, 228

Collins, M. 16

commitment to learning 76-7, 77

communication skills 142

community: educative 148-55, 219; future 217

community colleges 159

Community Resource Center (CRE) 155

competitiveness 87

Compton, 1. L. 182

Confucius 124

consequences of learning 28

constructionism 94

continuum, self-direction as 11,30, 148, 204

contracts, learning 118, 128,223-4; individualized instruction 116; self-directed readiness and

64-5; control 12: of learning variables 117-19; measuring self-direction and locus of 56,

76, 77; politics of self-direction 32; rational thinking and 139-40

Coolican, P. M. 44-5

cooperation 87

correspondence education 183-4, 185, 186, 188, 189, 192-3

Craik, G. L. 8-9

creativity 57

critical reflection 117, 134-8

Croft Educational Services 175

Crook, J.68

Cross, K. P. 159: barriers to participation 123, 166; institutions 169-70

cross-cultural research 194, 225

culture 194, 219, 227

Cunningham, J. R. 66

Cunningham, P. M. 120

Curry, M. A. 61


Index Key

Chapter 1   3-17                      Chapter 6   103-121                Chapter 11  195-206

Chapter 2   18-36                    Chapter 7   122-146                Chapter 12  207-215

Chapter 3   37-54                    Chapter 8   147-168                Chapter 13  216-228

Chapter 4   55-82                    Chapter 9   169-181                Appendix A  229-244

Chapter 5  83-102                   Chapter 10  182-194               Appendix B  245-246


Dale, D. 155

Dale, S. M. 150, 151

Darkenwald, G. G. 123, 156, 186

Day, C. 104

Day, M. J. 28

Dean, G. J. 154

Della-Dora, D. 19-20

Denmark 184, 194

Descartes, R. 8

descriptive statistics 53

desire to learn 63

Deterrents to Participation Scale (DPS) 123

developmental theory 89

Dickinson, G. 37

Dimensions of Ethical Practice Model 197-8

dispositional barriers 123, 166, 168

distance learning 161

documentation methods 118

Dowling, W. D. 154

Dressel, P. L. 159

dualistic perspective 61


Index Key

Chapter 1   3-17                      Chapter 6   103-121                Chapter 11  195-206

Chapter 2   18-36                    Chapter 7   122-146                Chapter 12  207-215

Chapter 3   37-54                    Chapter 8   147-168                Chapter 13  216-228

Chapter 4   55-82                    Chapter 9   169-181                Appendix A  229-244

Chapter 5  83-102                   Chapter 10  182-194               Appendix B  245-246


East, J. M. 61

Educational Information Center (EIC) programs 150-1

educational attainment 98: and learning projects 52; SDLRS and 71-2, 73

educators 148: barriers to self-direction 168; ethics 197-8, 199-201, 202; expectations of 190-1,

194; facilitating self -directed learning 105, 108-9 see also individualized instruction;

institutions 167; key roles 219-21; learning partnership 14, 105; librarians as 92-3, 149-

50; policy recommendations 177-8; recommendations for practice 225-9; self-education

as 'easy way out' 14, 202; strategies for enhancing learner self-direction see learner


efficiency 199-201

Egan, G. 140, 141, 142

Eisenman, J. G. 64

electronic mail 216

elementary education 156-8

Elias, J. L. 26, 124-5

Ellis, A. 139, 139-40

empathy 142

Empire State College (New York) 160-1

environment: behaviorism and self-direction 128-9; learning 119, 219

Erasmus of Rotterdam 8

Esum, H. R. 48

ethics 195-204: in adult education 196-8; dilemmas 199-204,219; workshop on 198-9, 200

Europe, Eastern 192-3

evaluation 117,118

Even, M. J. 11

evening education 188, 189, 192-3

expectations of educators 190-1, 194

experts without formal training 84-5

external degree programs 159-61


Index Key

Chapter 1   3-17                      Chapter 6   103-121                Chapter 11  195-206

Chapter 2   18-36                    Chapter 7   122-146                Chapter 12  207-215

Chapter 3   37-54                    Chapter 8   147-168                Chapter 13  216-228

Chapter 4   55-82                    Chapter 9   169-181                Appendix A  229-244

Chapter 5  83-102                   Chapter 10  182-194               Appendix B  245-246


facilitators see educators

fads 12

Fagothey, A. 196

Faure, E. 106-7

Fellenz, R. A. 22-3

fellowship of learning 86-7

Ferrell, B. 56

fiction, general 136

Field, J. L 50

Field, L. 73, 74

field-independent learning 11

Finestone, P. M. 69, 71

Fingeret, A. 53, 226

Finland 185

Flexner, J.M. 149

folk high schools 184

Franklin, Benjamin 8

freedom 14-15, 16: see also autonomy

Freire, P. 132-3, 222


Index Key

Chapter 1   3-17                      Chapter 6   103-121                Chapter 11  195-206

Chapter 2   18-36                    Chapter 7   122-146                Chapter 12  207-215

Chapter 3   37-54                    Chapter 8   147-168                Chapter 13  216-228

Chapter 4   55-82                    Chapter 9   169-181                Appendix A  229-244

Chapter 5  83-102                   Chapter 10  182-194               Appendix B  245-246


Garrison, D. R. 148, 161

Gemeinschaftsgefuhl 131

genuineness 141

Germany 192

Gerstner, L. S. 94

Gibbons, M.: experts without formal education 9, 84, 136; schools 20; stages in self-direction

157-8; theory of self-education 127-8

Gilder, J. 174

Gleazer, E. J. 159

goal-oriented learners 38

Goble, F. G. 125

Goddard College 158

Gordon, R. S. 45-6

graduate education 161-3

Graeve, E. A. 69

Greece 182

Griffin, C. 104

Gromov, M. 188-9

Gross, R. 120, 172, 174

grounded theory 83

groups 194: Japan 187; needs assessment 114-15; recommendations for practice 227-8

growth, individual see personal development; potential

Grundtvig, N. F. S. 184

Guglielmino, L. M.: SDLRS 56-7, 63, 75, 98, 224, business study 164, job performance 63-4,

reliability 69, response to criticisms 73-4, 74

Guglielmino, P. J. 63-4, 164

Gurian, E. 153


Index Key

Chapter 1   3-17                      Chapter 6   103-121                Chapter 11  195-206

Chapter 2   18-36                    Chapter 7   122-146                Chapter 12  207-215

Chapter 3   37-54                    Chapter 8   147-168                Chapter 13  216-228

Chapter 4   55-82                    Chapter 9   169-181                Appendix A  229-244

Chapter 5  83-102                   Chapter 10  182-194               Appendix B  245-246


Hall-Johnsen, K. J. 60

Hamidi, A. S. 193

Hamm, C. 158

'Hammond family' 209-16

hands-on learning experiences 153

Harrington, F. H. 160

Hassan, A. M. 48, 59-60

Hayes, E. R. 123-4

health: behavior 61; future 217; professions 163-4, see also nurses

Healy, G. M. 174

helping skills 140-2

hemisphericity 57-8, 78-9, 98

Hiemstra, R.: control of learning variables 118, 119; interactive journal 138; Japan 187;

museums 151, 152; personal philosophy 198; projecting the future 217; schools 156-7;

self-directed learning 10, as continuum 11, 30, isolation 12, learning partnership 14,

policies 170, 171, 173, resources 120, 148, 151, 152; self-planned learning 24, Nebraska

study 47-8; Tanzania 191-2

higher education 91-2, 158-9: see also external degree programs, graduate education

Highlander Research and education Center 154, 222

Hilton, W. J. 170

Himmelstrup, P. 184, 194

Hosmer, W. 9, 19

Houle, C. O. 7,160: typology of learning 38, 123

humanistic philosophy 26-7, 124-8: social context 131-3

Hungary 192-3

Hunter, W. E. 159

Huron Agricultural Resources Tomorrow (HART) 155


Index Key

Chapter 1   3-17                      Chapter 6   103-121                Chapter 11  195-206

Chapter 2   18-36                    Chapter 7   122-146                Chapter 12  207-215

Chapter 3   37-54                    Chapter 8   147-168                Chapter 13  216-228

Chapter 4   55-82                    Chapter 9   169-181                Appendix A  229-244

Chapter 5  83-102                   Chapter 10  182-194               Appendix B  245-246


IBM 164

individualized instruction 16, 105, 109-17: climate setting 112-13; evaluation activities 117;

helping learners become acquainted 113-14; implementing self-directed learning 116-17;

initial planning 110-11; needs assessment 114-15Indonesia 189-90

industry 164-5

initiative training 157-8

institutions 15-16, 147-68, 169-70, 220: barriers to implementing self-directed learning in 166,

168; educative community 148-55; ethical dilemma 202-3; higher education 91-2, 158-9;

policy recommendations 178-80; programs built on self-directed learning ideas 156-66;

research needed 224

instructional process see process orientation

intellectual development 77-8

intentional changes 9, 43-4

Internal-External Scale 56, 76

intervention, consequences of 195, 199-201

interviews, structured 52

involvement, planning and 107-8

isolation 11-12, 86-7


Index Key

Chapter 1   3-17                      Chapter 6   103-121                Chapter 11  195-206

Chapter 2   18-36                    Chapter 7   122-146                Chapter 12  207-215

Chapter 3   37-54                    Chapter 8   147-168                Chapter 13  216-228

Chapter 4   55-82                    Chapter 9   169-181                Appendix A  229-244

Chapter 5  83-102                   Chapter 10  182-194               Appendix B  245-246


Japan 186-7

Jarvis, P. 170

Jefferson School-Based Management and Self-Directed Learner Project 157

Jensen, G. 37

job performance 63-4

job satisfaction 69

Johnson, E. 50

Johnson, J. A. 64

Johnstone, J. 7, 44

journals, personal 137-8

Junto, The 8


Index Key

Chapter 1   3-17                      Chapter 6   103-121                Chapter 11  195-206

Chapter 2   18-36                    Chapter 7   122-146                Chapter 12  207-215

Chapter 3   37-54                    Chapter 8   147-168                Chapter 13  216-228

Chapter 4   55-82                    Chapter 9   169-181                Appendix A  229-244

Chapter 5  83-102                   Chapter 10  182-194               Appendix B  245-246


Kasworm, C. E. 22, 65-6, 91-2

Kay, E. R. 46

Kellogg Project 165

Kerwin, M. A. 159

Kidd, J. R. 9, 19

Knowles, M. 120: andragogy 29, 104, 109-10; Empire State College 160-1; higher education

159; schools 157; self-directed learning 10, 13, 16, 148, 221, instructional process 28,

learner control 21, personality 29

Knox, A. B. 152

Kordalewski, J. B. 151

Kulich, J. 7-8

Kurland, N. D. 185


­Index Key

Chapter 1   3-17                      Chapter 6   103-121                Chapter 11  195-206

Chapter 2   18-36                    Chapter 7   122-146                Chapter 12  207-215

Chapter 3   37-54                    Chapter 8   147-168                Chapter 13  216-228

Chapter 4   55-82                    Chapter 9   169-181                Appendix A  229-244

Chapter 5  83-102                   Chapter 10  182-194               Appendix B  245-246


Lacey, L. C. 64

Landers, K. 71, 80

Law, M. 133

learner self-direction 26, 29, 122, 143: conceptual influences 124-31, behaviorist 128-9,

humanist 124-8, transformation theory 129-31; PRO model 26, 29, 31; strategies for

enhancing 133-42, critical reflection 134-8, helping skills 140-2, rational thinking 138-

40; see also personal responsibility, personality

Learner's Advisors 150

learning, fellowship of 86-7

learning activities 13

learning conditions 30-1

learning experiences, control of 118

Learning Museum Program grants 152-3

learning-oriented people 38, 123

learning partnership 14, 105, 134

learning process see process orientation

learning projects research 9-10,40, 41-54, 182: contributions 51-2; limitations 52-4; low levels of

self-planning 50-1; mothers with pre-school children 44-5; older adults 47-8; rural and

urban adults 45-6; Tough's work 41-4; U.S. national sample 48-50

Leean, C. 87-9

Leeb, J. G. 61, 71, 78

Leisure Activity Scale 76, 77

Lewin's Field Theory 88

librarians as educators 92-3, 149-50

libraries 8,49-50, 149-51

life satisfaction 60-1, 70

lifelong learning 19, 148, 156

listening, active 142

Litchfield, A. 76

Little, D. 147

Long, H. B. 8, 85: SDLRS 61-3, 69-70,72-3,74; visiting teacher program 188

Lundgren, P. M. 43-4


Index Key

Chapter 1   3-17                      Chapter 6   103-121                Chapter 11  195-206

Chapter 2   18-36                    Chapter 7   122-146                Chapter 12  207-215

Chapter 3   37-54                    Chapter 8   147-168                Chapter 13  216-228

Chapter 4   55-82                    Chapter 9   169-181                Appendix A  229-244

Chapter 5  83-102                   Chapter 10  182-194               Appendix B  245-246


Malvern Hills College 186

'Mary' 3-4, 7, 108

Maslow, A. H. 29, 56: peak experience 89, 126; self-actualization 125-6, 131-2

Maudz, M. M. 189-90

Mavor, A. S. 150

McCarthy, W. F. 63

McClusky, H. Y. 154

McCoy, C. T. 79

McCune, S. K. 74, 80-1

'me' generation 12

Measure of Epistemological Reflection (MER) 77-8

measuring self-directedness see quantitative studies

Merriam, S. 26, 124-5, 156, 186

meta-analysis 80-1

Mezirow, J. 105, 134: perspective transformation 129-30, 133

Mgulambwa, A. C. 191

Mid-America, University of 160

Middlemiss, M. A. 69

Miller, N. 50

Miura, Seiichiro 187

            Mocker, D. W. and Spear, G. E. 105, 147-8: lifelong learning matrix 19, 148; organizing

                        circumstances 90-1; planning and involvement 107-8

Moore, D. R. 43, 148

Moore, M. 11, 20, 184

Moore, R. J. 68

Morstain, B. R. 123

mothers with pre-school children 44-5

Mourad, S. 57-8, 58, 60, 78

Murray, J. A. 68

museums 151-4

mystic (peak) experience 89, 126


Index Key

Chapter 1   3-17                      Chapter 6   103-121                Chapter 11  195-206

Chapter 2   18-36                    Chapter 7   122-146                Chapter 12  207-215

Chapter 3   37-54                    Chapter 8   147-168                Chapter 13  216-228

Chapter 4   55-82                    Chapter 9   169-181                Appendix A  229-244

Chapter 5  83-102                   Chapter 10  182-194               Appendix B  245-246


National Center for Education Statistics 46,51, 159

National Self-Help Resource Center (NSHRC) 155

'Neal' 4-5, 7, 108

Nebraska, University of 158, 160

needs: assessment 110-11, 114-15, 118, 190; hierarchy 125

neobehaviorism 128

networking 226

New York Public Library 149-50

New York State Regents External Degree Program 160

Newsom, R. 8, 164

non-directed learning 202

non-fiction, general 136

nonrational thinking 89

Norway 185

Nunnally, J. C. 70

nurses 163-4: SDLRS 66-9


Index Key

Chapter 1   3-17                      Chapter 6   103-121                Chapter 11  195-206

Chapter 2   18-36                    Chapter 7   122-146                Chapter 12  207-215

Chapter 3   37-54                    Chapter 8   147-168                Chapter 13  216-228

Chapter 4   55-82                    Chapter 9   169-181                Appendix A  229-244

Chapter 5  83-102                   Chapter 10  182-194               Appendix B  245-246


Oddi, L.F. 23, 98, 224

Oddi Continuing Learning Inventory 23,56, 75-80, 98, 224: compared with SDLRS 71, 80

O'Donnell, J. M. 15, 39, 53-4, 170

O'Hara,  M. 132-3

older adults 47-8

Oliver, L. P. 185

Open University 151, 160, 184, 186

organizing circumstance 89-91

outcomes, expected 118


Index Key

Chapter 1   3-17                      Chapter 6   103-121                Chapter 11  195-206

Chapter 2   18-36                    Chapter 7   122-146                Chapter 12  207-215

Chapter 3   37-54                    Chapter 8   147-168                Chapter 13  216-228

Chapter 4   55-82                    Chapter 9   169-181                Appendix A  229-244

Chapter 5  83-102                   Chapter 10  182-194               Appendix B  245-246


pace, learning 119

Palumbo, D. V. 68-9

Pardoen, A. R. 185

parenthood, influential 157

Parish, A. H. 182

Parks, T. 153

participation, research on 123-4

partnership, learning 14, 105, 134

peak experience 89, 126

Penland, P. R. 128, 147: learning

projects study 48-50, 53

Perry, W. 61

person-centered approach 126, 132

personal development: self-direction 22-3, 133-4; social context 131-3; see also potential

Personal Orientation Inventory 56

personal responsibility 219: enhancing learner self-direction 134, 138-9; humanistic philosophy

124, 126-7; PRO model 26-8

Personal Responsibility Orientation (PRO) model 25-33, 216, 217, 220, 222: need for critical

scrutiny of 221; personal orientation 29, 122; process orientation 28-9; self-direction in

learning 29-31; social context 32-3

personal value system 197

personality perspective 22-3, 24: PRO model 26, 29, 122-3; research 40; see also learner self-

direction, Self-Directed Learning Readiness Scale perspective transformation 129-31,


Peters, J. M. 45-6

Phillips, G. 20, 157-8

planning 128: individualized instruction 110-11, 116; learning projects 43, 47-8; organizing

circumstance 89-90; self-directed learning 105-9; see also self-planned learning

Plato 7

Poland 192

policies 167, 169-81, 219,223: derivation of 171-2, 174; impediments to implementing 172-3;

policy-building workshop 170-1, 173-5; statements 175-80, facilitator perspective 177-8,

institutional perspective 178-80, student perspective 175-7

politics of self-direction 32-3, 96, 97, 222-3

potential 122-3, 133-4, 219: see also personal development

Pratt, D. D. 104, 112

proactive drive 75, 77

probing 142

process orientation 20-1, 22-3, 24: PRO model 26, 28-9; see also self-directed learning professionals 79

Progoff, I. 137-8


Index Key

Chapter 1   3-17                      Chapter 6   103-121                Chapter 11  195-206

Chapter 2   18-36                    Chapter 7   122-146                Chapter 12  207-215

Chapter 3   37-54                    Chapter 8   147-168                Chapter 13  216-228

Chapter 4   55-82                    Chapter 9   169-181                Appendix A  229-244

Chapter 5  83-102                   Chapter 10  182-194               Appendix B  245-246


qualitative studies 40, 83-96, 98: contributions and limitations of 95-6; experts without formal

training 84-5; fellowship of learning 86-7; higher education settings 91-2; librarians 92-3;

organizing circumstance 89-91; Vermont study 87-9

quality 15-16, 220

quantitative studies 40, 55-82, 96, 97, 224: meta-analysis 80-1 OCLI 75-80; SDLRS see Self-

Directed Learning Readiness Scale


Index Key

Chapter 1   3-17                      Chapter 6   103-121                Chapter 11  195-206

Chapter 2   18-36                    Chapter 7   122-146                Chapter 12  207-215

Chapter 3   37-54                    Chapter 8   147-168                Chapter 13  216-228

Chapter 4   55-82                    Chapter 9   169-181                Appendix A  229-244

Chapter 5  83-102                   Chapter 10  182-194               Appendix B  245-246


race 15, 61-2

Ralston, P. A. 48

rational-emotive therapy (RE1) 139

rational problem-solving 88-9

rational thinking 138-40

rationale statement 110

Reader's Advisor 149

reading 135, 136-7

Reamer, F. G. 196

Refined Wagner Preference Inventory (WAPI) 78

research 37-8, 219: assessment of 96-9; qualitative see qualitative studies; quantitative see

quantitative studies; recommendations for 223-5; three streams of 38-40

resources 219: community 148-55; early self-directed learning 8; individualized instruction 111;

 learner control 118-19; long-distance learners 89; Penland survey 49-50;

recommendations for practice 226; for self-directed      learning 119-20; see also libraries

respect 141

Reynolds, M. M. 63, 69, 123

Rivera, R. 7, 44

Rivera, W. M. 170

Roberts, D. G. 64

Rogers, C. R. 9, 28, 29,141: client-centered therapy 126-7; compared with Freire 132-3

Rotter, J. B. 56, 76

Royce, M. 185

Rumania 192

rural and urban adults 45-6

Rusnell, D. 37

Rutland, A. M. 66

Ruvinsky, L. I. 188-9

Rymell, R. G. 164


Index Key

Chapter 1   3-17                      Chapter 6   103-121                Chapter 11  195-206

Chapter 2   18-36                    Chapter 7   122-146                Chapter 12  207-215

Chapter 3   37-54                    Chapter 8   147-168                Chapter 13  216-228

Chapter 4   55-82                    Chapter 9   169-181                Appendix A  229-244

Chapter 5  83-102                   Chapter 10  182-194               Appendix B  245-246


Sabbaghian, Z. S. 58-9, 60

Salamon-Conte Life Satisfaction in the Elderly Scale 60

Saudi Arabia 193

Savicevic, D. M. 189, 192-3, 193

Savoie, M. M. 66-7

Scandinavia 184-5

schooling 19-20, 156-8

Schuttenberg, E. M. 105,226

secondary education 156-8

Sekiguchi, R. W. 187

self-actualization 125-6, 131-2

self-concept 13, 58-9, 98, 122-3

self-directed education 22, 28-9

self-directed learning 24: facilitating, control of learning variables 117-19, planning 105-9,

resources for 119-20; see also individualized instruction; PRO model 26, 28-9; see also

process orientation

Self-Directed Learning Readiness Scale(SDLRS) 56-75, 98, 164, 182, 224: analysis of 69-75,

Field criticisms 73-4, internal consistency 70-1,72, reliability and validity 69-70;

compared with OCLI 71, 80; diagnostic studies 64-6; early studies 57-60; nurses 66-9;

 psychosocial correlates 60-4

self-direction in learning concept 24: as continuum 11, 30, 148, 203; historical background 7-10;

as panacea 203-4; politics of 32-3, 96, 97, 222-3; PRO model 29-31; stages in developing


self-education, theory of 85; 127-8

self-education services 158

self-help efforts 154-5

self-help writing 136

self-modification 128

self-planned learning 20, 24: projects 44, 46, 47-8, 49-50, appropriateness of research on 52-3,

low levels of 50-1; SDLRS 59-60; see also planning

self-reflective learning 134: see also critical reflection

self-reliance policy, Tanzania 191-2

Shaw, D. M. 77-8

Shipley Institute of Living Scale 76, 77

Shostrom, E. L. 56

Sidel, M. 187, 188

Sisco, B. 87-9

situational barriers 166, 168

Six, J. E. 8-9, 79

Skager, R. 13

Skaggs, B. J. 60

Sloan- Kettering Cancer Center 164

Smart, J. C. 123

Smith, J. C. 92-3, 149, 150

Smith, R. M. 9, 120

social action 129

social context 32-3, 96, 221: dilemma 131-3

social problems 96, 97, 182, 217

Socrates 7

Soviet Union 188-9

Spear, G. E. see Mocker, D. W. and Spear

Steinbeck, J. 137

Stewart, D. 148-9

Stubblefield, H. W. 106, 107

study circles 185

SUNOCO 164-5

Svensson, A. 185

Sweden 184-5


Index Key

Chapter 1   3-17                      Chapter 6   103-121                Chapter 11  195-206

Chapter 2   18-36                    Chapter 7   122-146                Chapter 12  207-215

Chapter 3   37-54                    Chapter 8   147-168                Chapter 13  216-228

Chapter 4   55-82                    Chapter 9   169-181                Appendix A  229-244

Chapter 5  83-102                   Chapter 10  182-194               Appendix B  245-246


Tanzania 190-2

teachers see educators

technology 161, 165-6, 215

television 188, 193

Tennant, M. 104

Tharp, R. G. 128

thinking 88: critical 134-5; rational 138-40

'third force' in psychology 125

Thomas Edison College 160

Thompson, M. M. 159

time 12-13

Torrance, E. P. 57-8, 60, 78

Totten, W. F. 157

Tough, A. M. 28, 38, 40, 55, 170: learning projects 9, 41-4, 52; self-planned learning 20, 40

Tracy, S. J. 105, 225

transformation theory 129-31, 133

trust 134


Index Key

Chapter 1   3-17                      Chapter 6   103-121                Chapter 11  195-206

Chapter 2   18-36                    Chapter 7   122-146                Chapter 12  207-215

Chapter 3   37-54                    Chapter 8   147-168                Chapter 13  216-228

Chapter 4   55-82                    Chapter 9   169-181                Appendix A  229-244

Chapter 5  83-102                   Chapter 10  182-194               Appendix B  245-246


Umoren, A. P. 50

unconditional positive regard 141

undereducated' adults 88, 95

United Kingdom 186

United States: early self-direction 8-9; learning projects national sample 48-50

universities 158-9

urban and rural adults 45-6


Index Key

Chapter 1   3-17                      Chapter 6   103-121                Chapter 11  195-206

Chapter 2   18-36                    Chapter 7   122-146                Chapter 12  207-215

Chapter 3   37-54                    Chapter 8   147-168                Chapter 13  216-228

Chapter 4   55-82                    Chapter 9   169-181                Appendix A  229-244

Chapter 5  83-102                   Chapter 10  182-194               Appendix B  245-246


Valentine, T. 123

values 197-8: see also ethics Vermont study 87-9

Verner, C. 147

visiting teacher program 188

visualization 88


Index Key

Chapter 1   3-17                      Chapter 6   103-121                Chapter 11  195-206

Chapter 2   18-36                    Chapter 7   122-146                Chapter 12  207-215

Chapter 3   37-54                    Chapter 8   147-168                Chapter 13  216-228

Chapter 4   55-82                    Chapter 9   169-181                Appendix A  229-244

Chapter 5  83-102                   Chapter 10  182-194               Appendix B  245-246


Wagner, R. F. 78

Watson, D. L. 128

Wedemeyer, C. A. 160

Weekend Scholar program 162-3

Weichenthal, P. 175

Wells, K. A. 78

Wexler, R. A. 139, 140

Wexler, R. L. 139, 140

Wiley, K. R. 67-8

workbooks 111

Wright brothers 95

writing 135, 137-8


Index Key

Chapter 1   3-17                      Chapter 6   103-121                Chapter 11  195-206

Chapter 2   18-36                    Chapter 7   122-146                Chapter 12  207-215

Chapter 3   37-54                    Chapter 8   147-168                Chapter 13  216-228

Chapter 4   55-82                    Chapter 9   169-181                Appendix A  229-244

Chapter 5  83-102                   Chapter 10  182-194               Appendix B  245-246


Young, L. G. 64

Yugoslavia 193


Zabari, P. L. 93

Zhou, N. 188

Ziegler, W. L. 170, 174, 175




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