Following are several instructional or training variables where learners have potential for control or input. Analyze an agency in terms of actual, possible, or absent control potentiality. This can be through interviews, observations, reading of available documents, etc.
Agency Name or Description ______________________________________ Date _________________________
Variable |
Potential for Learner Control |
Your Findings |
Needs Identification | Various techniques are available to assist learners in identifying learning needs associated with a study area's contents. Rediagnosis of needs throughout a learning endeavor also should be possible. | . |
Content Area and Purpose | The specificity of topics and purpose for the learning should be controlled by the learner. A learning plan or contract can be a useful tool and a facilitator can assist with any refinement activities as needed or desired throughout the learning. | . |
Expected Outcomes | The nature of desired or expected outcomes should be controlled by the learner. Such outcomes typically relate to needs and purposes. The facilitator provides advice and concrete suggestions as needed. | . |
Evaluation and Validation | Learners should select those evaluation or validation methods that suit personal learning styles and preferences. Facilitators serve as evaluators as needed. | . |
Methods of Documentation | Learners should choose those methods for documenting and demonstrating accomplishments that have long term uses, such as diaries, logs, journals, scholarly papers, or physical products. | . |
Appropriateness of Learning Experiences | Learners should select those learning experiences best suited for individual situations or needs. Facilitators can obtain feedback on the appropriateness of various experiences. | . |
Variety of Learning Resources | A variety of potential learning resources permits learners to choose as need and interests dictate. Facilitators work to locate and make available such resources. | . |
Adequateness of Learning Environment | Learners should select those components of the learning environment that best meet their needs. Facilitators promote an environment that will foster excitement, intellectual curiosity, and involvement. | . |
Pace of Learning | Learners should select an individual pace best suited to their particular needs or life situations. The facilitator and each learner may need to negotiate a pace or completion date for learning activities. | . |
Adapted from Hiemstra, R., & Sisco, B. (1990). Individualizing instruction for adult learners: Making learning personal, powerful, and successful. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
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