Overcoming Resistance to Self-Direction in Adult Learning
Roger Hiemstra and Ralph G. Brockett (Editors)
New Directions for Adult and Continuing Education
Number 64, Winter 1994
Jossey-Bass Publishers
Ralph B. Brockett, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, EDITOR-IN-CHIEF
Alan B. Knox, University of Wisconsin, Madison, CONSULTING EDITOR
© 1994 by Jossey-Bass Inc., Publishers. All rights reserved.
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LC 85-644750 ISSN 0195-2242 ISBN 0-7879-9981-4
NEW DIRECTIONS FOR ADULT AND CONTINUING EDUCATION is part of the Jossey-Bass Higher and Adult Education Series and is published quarterly by Jossey-Bass Inc., Publishers, 350 Sansome Street, San Francisco, California 94104-1342 (publication number USPS 493-930). Second-class postage paid at San Francisco, California, and at additional mailing offices.
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Abstracts. See Resources, literature
Access, SDL resources, 43-44
Accountability, public, 47, 49
Adult education, 17, 31-32
Adult learning, See Learners
Aerospace industry, 41-42
Alexander, F., 28
All-or-nothing self-direction, 6-7, 82, 90; microcomponents alternative to, 84, 85-86
American Institute of Architects Continuing Education System (AIA/CES) project, 35-36
Architects, 32, 35-36
Art education, 19, 24-28
Ash, C. R., 53
Assessment, 53, 56, 76; portfolio, 24-28; self, 58, 77, 83, 86
AT&T, 41
Bandura, A., 17
Barell, J., 17
Barker, J, A., 15
Bay Area Writing Project, 24, 26-27
Behaviorism, 10, 11, 49
Belanoff, P., 24
Blanchard, K., 18
Bonnstetter, W., 56
Boud, D., 23
Brockett, R. G., 1, 5, 6, 9, 11, 13-14, 17, 48, 51, 64, 68, 92
Brookfield, S, D., 48, 64, 66, 83
Brown, J. S., 24
Business and industry, SDL applications in, 18, 39-43, 45, 58-61; computerized resources for, 55-58, 59, 60-61; MCE and, 47-48; support for, 43-44, 60
Byham, W. C., 41
Caffarella, R. S., 24, 71, 72, 73-74, 76, 77, 78
Canada, 35-36
Candy, P, C., 10, 17, 65, 68
Career development, 55-60
Cetron, M., 40
Change: rate of, 40, 44; resistance to, 18, 21, 64
Checklist, learner-controllable aspects of learning, 84-87
Cisneros, S., 76
Class catalogues, 56-58
Classroom settings, 27-28
Collins, A., 24
Collins, R., 67
Computer-assisted resources, 42-43, 44, 55-58, 59
Concepts and myths, self-direction, 6-10, 64-66, 82, 90
Confessore, G. J., 17-18, 20
Confidence, learner, 74-75
Constructivism, 10, 23
Content, learning: learner control over, 74-75, 85, 91; predetermined, 8-9, 33, 90; types of self-directed, 8, 85
Conti, G. J., 52
Continuing education, mandatory (MCE), 8-9, 33, 47-53, 90
Control, learner, 2, 20-21, 45, 48, 49, 65, 83; facilitating choices and, 72-73, 81-82, 85-86, 91; learning contracts and, 44, 52, 75-77, 84
Corporations. See Business and industry
Cost-benefit issues, SDL, 8, 27, 36, 40, 43-44, 45, 49, 51-52, 65-66, 67
Cranton, P., 65, 66
Cross, K. P., 47, 84
Curriculum planning, 68
Curry, L., 33
Data base resources for SDL, 42-43, 44, 56-58
Davis, O., 40
Decision making. See Control, learner
Dejoy, D. M., 75, 76, 78
Dejoy, J. K., 75, 76, 78
Dewey, J.,23
DISC instrument, 56
Distance Learn, SUNY, 57
Dun, R. E., 15, 16, 18, 39, 44
Educator roles, 86; encouraging SDL, 24-26, 43-44, 51-53, 66-68, 73-75, 91; learner control over, 65, 72-73, 86, 91; and learning contracts, 75-77; myths about, 8, 64-66, 82, 90; portfolio assessment, 26-28; resources on, 17-21. See also Resistance to SDL
Educators: belief and practice by, 64, 66, 72-73; resistance to SDL by, 15, 63-66, 82, 83, 89; training of, 26-27, 28
EDVENT, 43, 44
Edwards, B., 25
Efficiency of SDL, 8, 27, 40, 45, 49, 52, 65-66, 67
Eisner, E., 24
Elbow, P., 24
Elias, J. L., 10
Ellsworth, J. H., 74
E-mail resources, 57-58, 60-61
Employees: career development by, 55-60; nuclear industry, 48-49; power utility, 55-58; SDL use by, 18, 40-42, 48-49, 55-60
Empowerment, 2, 18-19, 26, 83, 89; and learning contracts, 44, 52, 75-77, 84; and microcomponents checklist, 84, 85-86
Environments, SDL: control over, 85-86; learning center, 42-43, 52, 56-57
Evaluation of learning, learner, 65, 76-77, 86
Facilitators, educators as, 72-73
Fad, SDL as a, 5, 7-8
Fear, coping with, 15
Feedback, learner, 52, 75-77, 83-84, 86, 91; SDLPS and, 63-68
Fingeret, H. A., 27
Flannery, D. D., 1
Force Field theory, 16
Fox, P. G., 56
Fox, R. D., 32, 34-35
Freedom of choice. See Control, learner
Freire, P., 11
Future study needed, 92
Gitomer, D., 24, 25
Goal setting, learner, 75-76, 85
Godfrey, E., 18
Goldgehn, L. A., 24
Gray, J., 24, 26
Grosh, D., 24, 25
Grow, G., 16, 18
Guglielmino, L. M., 41, 74
Guglielmino, P. J., 41, 49
Hammond, M., 67
Havinghurst, R. J., 51
Hellyer, M. R., 48
Hershey, P., 18
Hiemstra, R., 1, 5, 6, 11, 13-14, 16, 17, 18-19, 43, 48, 51, 53, 60, 64, 68, 72, 81, 82, 92
High-risk industry training, 47-48
Hong Kong Telephone Company, 41
Houle, C. O., 23, 31
Huber, V., 25
Human resources development (HRD), 39; encouraging SDL in, 43-44; learning centers, 42-43, 52, 56-57; PC facilitation of, 55-58, 60-61
Humanism and SDL, 1, 10-11, 72
Indexes, learning resource, 42-43, 56-57, 60
Individual learning. See Learner self-direction
Industry. See Business and industry
Institutions. See Organizations
Instructional process. See Self-directed learning
Instructors. See Educators
Internet resources, 58
Inventory, self-report, 41
Isolation, learning in, 7
Job performance and SDL, 41, 44, 58
Job searching, self-directed, 58-60
Job site learning resources, 42-43, 52, 56-57
Johnstone, J. W. C., 48
Jones, J. E., 19
Journal writing, 76
Jurmo, P., 77
Just-in-time training, 44
Katzenbach, J., 40-41
Keogh, R., 23
Klein, D., 14, 19
Knowles, M. S., 48, 72, 73, 75, 84
Knox, A. B., 84
Kops, W. J., 19-20
Lamont, C., 10-11
Lasky, P. A., 24
Learner self-direction: encouraging, 24-26, 43-44, 51-53, 66-68, 73-75, 75-78, 91; pace of, 7-8, 42, 56, 84, 85, 87; self-directed learning confusion with, 1-2
Learners: adult, 17, 31-32, 71, 72; an student, 24-26; blue-collar, 48-49; feedback from, 52, 63-68; motivation of, 8-9, 35, 43-44, 50-51, 52, 90; post-graduate, 18; professionals as, 31-32, 34-37; resistance to SDL by, 15, 20-21, 73-75, 89, 90-91; resources on, 17; school-age, 23-24; types of, 9
Learning contracts, 44, 52, 75-77, 84
Learning resource centers, 42-43, 52, 56-57
Lewin, K., 16, 18, 21
Libraries, SDL center, 42-43
Licensure and accreditation, 33, 36, 37, 49-50, 82
Liebmann, R., 17
Lindeman, E. C., 11
Literature. See Resources, literature
Locations of resistance to SDL, 14-15, 21, 50-51, 90
Long, H. B., 17-18, 19, 20, 84
Lowry, C. M., 20
Maintenance of Competency Project (MOCOMP) for physicians, 35-36
Managers, organization, 19-20, 43-44, 51
Mandated continuing education (MCE), 8-9, 33, 47, 49-53, 90
Marsh, H. F., 24
Materials, SDL center, 42-43
Mazmanaian, P. E., 32, 35
Measurement instrument, SDLPS, 63-69
Medical education, 34-36
Merriam, S., 10
Meyer, C., 24
Mezirow, J., 54
Michel, S. L., 74
Microcomponents of teaching and learning, checklist of, 85-86; development of, 83-84, 87
Minorities, 9
Motivations of learners, 8-9, 35, 43-44, 52; for mandated training, 50-51, 90
Motorola, Inc., 18, 39-40, 41, 44
Myths about SDL, 6-10, 64-66; all-or-nothing, 6-7, 82, 90
Needs assessment, learner, 75-76, 85
Networking, 67-68
Networks, communications, 36, 58
Newman, S. E., 24
Newsom, R., 41
Niagara Mohawk Career Development, 55-58
Nova Southeastern University, 58
Nuclear industry training, 48-50; and SDL, 50-53
Oddi, L. F., 48
O'Hara, M., 11
On-line class catalogues, 57-58
Organizations: employee understanding of, 59; professional, 33, 35-36; resistance to SDL in, 15, 19-20, 36-37, 91
Outcomes, learner control over, 86
Overcoming resistance to SDL, 2, 14, 36-37, 43-44, 50, 60-61, 66-68, 83; microcomponents approach to, 84, 85-86; resources on, 16-21; techniques for, 51-53, 75-77, 90-91. See also Resistance to SDL
Ownership. See Control, learner
Pace of learning. See Learner self-direction
Paulson, F. L., 24
Paulson, P. R., 24
Peer stories, 67-68, 77
Personal computers (PCs), 55-58
Personal Responsibility Orientation (PRO) model, 1
Physicians, 32, 34-36
Physics, 51
Pike, R., 59
Pilling, J.,63
Piskurich, G. M., 7,10
Portfolio assessment, 23-24; lessons for SDL, 26-28; visual arts, 24-26
P-O-W-E-R career management program, 58, 59-60
Pratt, D. D., 73
Price, K., 24, 25
Professionals: continued learning by, 31-32, 34-37; definitions of, 32-34; SDL by, 36, 37
Profiles, employee, 56
Promotion of SDL, company, 43-44
PROPEL project assessment approaches, 25-26
Putnam, R. W., 32, 35
Quality of learning, 9
Questionnaires, SDLPS, 64-68
Redding, T. R., 20
Reflective practitioner concept, 34, 35-36
Regent's College Distance Learn, SUNY, 57
Religious beliefs, 10-11
Resistance to SDL, 89-92; definition of, 14; by educators, 15, 63-66, 82, 83, 89; by industrial workers, 49, 50-51; by institutions, 15, 19-20, 36, 91; interface among sources of, 89; by learners, 15, 20-21, 49, 50-51, 73-75, 89, 90-91; locations of, 14-15, 21, 50-51, 90; misunderstood humanism and, 10-11; myths contributing to, 6-10, 64-66, 82, 90; by professional organizations, 19-20, 36-37, 91; resources on, 16-21. See also Overcoming resistance to SDL
Resnick, L. B., 24
Resource indexes, 42-43, 56-57, 60
Resources, computerized, 42-43, 44, 55-58, 59
Resources, literature, 76, 84; on adult education participation, 31-32; early, 5, 48; on resistance to SDL, 16-21.; SDL center, 42-43, 56-57
Rickover, H., 49
Rivera, R. J., 48
Rodin, J., 20-21.
Rogers, C. R., 11.
Roles, instructor. See Educator roles
Rosenblatt, E., 26
Rosow, J. M., 49
Rymell, R., 41-42
Schein, E. H., 32-33, 34
Schon, D. A., 32, 34, 35
School teachers and students, 17, 23-24
Schulman, B., 48
Schuttenberg, E. M., 48, 73
SDL. See Self-direction in learning
Self-assessment, 58, 77, 83, 86
Self-directed career management, 55-58
Self-Directed Learning Perception Scale (SDLPS), 63, 74; myths about, 64-66; overcoming resistance to, 66-68
Self-Directed Learning Readiness Scale (SDLRS) applications, 41
Self-direction in learning (SDL): advantages of, 45, 60; definitions and misconceptions of, 1-2,13-14,16-17, 48, 64-71; efficiency and time management of, 8, 27, 40, 45, 49, 52, 65-66, 67; humanism and, 1, 10-11, 72; learner self-direction confused with, 1-2; mandated training incorporating, 51-53, 90; myths about, 6-10, 64-66, 82, 90; readiness for, 74-75; by reflective practitioners, 34, 35-36; resources on resistance to, 16-21; uncritical promotion of, 9-10
Self-efficacy, 17, 83
Self-reflection, 27, 34, 86, 91
Senge, P. M., 91
Sigel, 1, 17
Sisco, B., 16, 18-19, 53, 64, 68, 72, 82
Skills, learner, 74-75, 86
Smith, D., 40-41
Soares, E. J., 24
Social context of learning, 1, 11, 19-20, 75, 76-77, 85-86
Spencer, K. L., 40
Staged Self-Direction Learning Model, 18
State University of New York (SUNY), 57
Strategies. See Overcoming resistance to SDL
Students. See Learners
Sturman, G. M., 55, 58, 59
Success stories, 67-68
Sunoco, 43, 44
Taylor, M., 73 Taylor, P., 26
Teaching and learning process: analyzing the, 83-84, 87; microcomponents framework for the, 85-86; self-direction elements in, 6-7, 75-77, 85-86. See also Self-direction in learning
Teams, self-directed work, 40-41, 51
Technical training, 33, 47-48
Terminology and definitions of SDL, 1-2, 13-14, 16-17, 48, 64, 71
Testing, 53, 76-77, 86
Thesis abstracts on SDL, 20
Thinking, critical, 25, 86
Tooker, G., 39
Tough, A. M., 23, 50, 81, 84
Tracy, S. J., 48, 73
Trainers. See Educators
Training: accreditation, 49-50; advantages of SDL, 44-45; future of, 40; microcomponents checklist, 84, 85-86; opportunities index, 42-43
Training Accreditation Order, U.S. Department of Energy, 49-50
Tuck, J., 43, 44
Tuition assistance, 60
U.S. Department of Energy, 49-50
Utility company employees, 55-60
Visual arts, 19, 24-28
Voluntary learning, 48
Walker, D., 23
Watson, G., 21
Wellins, R. S., 41
Wergin, J. F., 33
Wiggins, G., 28
Wilson, J. M., 41
Winner, E., 26
Workplace trends and training, 40-42, 51-53; nuclear energy industry, 48-51
Writing skills, 24, 26-27, 76
Zager, R., 49
Page Numbers by Chapter
Pages 1-4 Editor's Notes
Pages 5-12 Chapter One
Pages 13-21 Chapter Two
Pages 23-29 Chapter Three
Pages 31-38 Chapter Four
Pages 39-46 Chapter Five
Pages 47-54 Chapter Six
Pages 55-61 Chapter Seven
Pages 63-69 Chapter Eight
Pages 71-79 Chapter Nine
Pages 81-87 Chapter Ten
Pages 89-92 Chapter Eleven
June, 2001
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