Lifelong Learning Index Page

Lifelong Learning: An Exploration of Adult and Continuing Education Within a Setting of Lifelong Learning Needs

Roger Hiemstra

(Second Edition)

Fayetteville, New York

HiTree Press

Copyright © 1982, 2001 by: Roger Hiemstra

Copyright © 1976 by: Professional Educators Publications, Lincoln, Nebraska

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording, or any information storage and retrieval system, without written permission in writing from the author.

Library of Congress Catalog Card No.: 76-7114

ISBN 0-88224-029-3     All Rights Reserved

Originally Printed in the United States

Table of Contents

Preface (Introductory Comments)

The Author (Description of Author)

Chapter One: Lifelong Learning: A Necessity

Lifelong Learning Forces

Innovative Approaches to the Education of Adults

Implications for Teacher Education

Some Plaguing Problems

Where Do We Go from Here?

The Remaining Chapters

Chapter Two: The Societal Role of Adult and Continuing Education

The Historical Importance of Adult Education

The Changing American Society

The Character of the American Citizen

The Modern Family's Lifelong Learning Needs

Why Society Needs Adult and Continuing Education

Obstacles to Adult and Continuing Education

Implications for Teacher Education

Chapter Three: Adult and Continuing Education: Its Programs

The Adult Learner Discovered

The Uniqueness of the Adult Learner

Categories of Adult Learners

The Undereducated-Disadvantaged Adult

The Older Adult

Implications for Teachers

Chapter Four: Adult and Continuing Education: Its Programs

The Nature of Adult Education Programs

Federal Programs

State and Regional Programs

Community Programs

Some Problems

Chapter Five: Adult and Continuing Education: Its Professionals

Who Is an Adult and Continuing Educator?

Types of Adult and Continuing Education

Training and Preparation of Adult Education

Professional Associations in Adult and Continuing Education


Chapter Six: The Community and Adult Education

The Community as a Setting for Adult Education

Activating the Educative Community

Implications for the Field of Education

Chapter Seven: Theoretical Bases and Research in Adult Education


Building a Theory Base

Evolving Theory Areas

Research in Adult Education

Implications for Teachers

Chapter Eight: Trends and Projections

Future Projecting

Societal Trends

Are We at a Crossroad?

Trends and Issues in Higher Education

Trends Specific to Adult and Continuing Education

Several Areas of Need

Opportunities for Educators

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