AED 5105 Jayne Worden I am contracting for the grade of A.
I. Learning Activity One: Class Participation
My objectives:
To become more knowledgeable about contemporary issues in adult education;
the controversial and philosophical aspects and current research on this
To actively listen to fellow students in class discussions and group activities
and assess new information and perspectives in light of my previous learning.
To draw feedback from others in the class regarding issues, particularly
during small group discussions.
To contribute and share observations and thoughts from my experience and
from practice in the field of adult education with the goal of improving
understanding for myself and for others.
To develop greater competence in knowledge and understanding of two or more
issues, in particular, mandatory vs. voluntary adult education and in developing
a code of ethics for the field of adult education.
To participate in course planning, implementation, and evaluation activities.
The resources and strategies I will use are:
1. Read, research, compare, and contrast assigned readings in the assigned
texts and in professional journals, news articles, and other texts.
Refine and use active listening and paraphrasing skills.
Ask other students for examples, opinions, theories, frames of reference
that have become guiding principals in their lives.
Communicate openly and honestly and encourage the same from others. I will
learn student's names, speak to each person in class at least once during
the course, and promote candid sharing of opinions and experiences.
Learn and discuss theoretical findings. Drawing upon practice I will develop
a list of factors in favor of and in opposition to the theories, thereby
shedding light upon the existing controversies and opposing viewpoints.
The proof of accomplishing this activity will be:
Active participation, implementation and planning of activities in the classroom.
Completion of objectives using resources and strategies as set forth by me
in this contract.
Receive and apply instructional and evaluative feedback from Dr. Hiemstra
and class members.
Evaluation criteria and means of validation will be:
Active participation and learning validated by Dr. Hiemstra and class members.
A comprehensive and well-developed class discussion.
My target date for completion will be:
Classes held on April 28, 29, May 5, 6, 19 and 20.
II. Learning Activity Two: Learning Contract Design
My objectives:
Diagnose my individual learning needs using the self -assessment form in
the notebook.
Share my individual needs with Dr. Hiemstra and class members.
Develop greater competence and refine my practice in the field of adult
The resources and strategies I will use are:
Read assigned texts and develop paraphrases and key concepts to enhance my
learning and understanding of material.
Ask for advice and guidance from Dr. Hiemstra.
Review my learning and teaching styles and assess where personal beliefs
and attitudes hinder or promote sound practice.
The proof of accomplishing this activity will be:
Completion of objectives using resources and strategies as set forth by me
in this contract.
Completion of learning contract on the required date.
Receive feedback from Dr. Hiemstra and other professionals.
Evaluation criteria and means of validation will be:
The learning contract will be concise, well thought and planned, comprehensive,
and reviewed by Dr. Hiemstra.
Feedback will come from Dr. Hiemstra.
My target date for completion will be:
The second Friday of class, or May 5.
III. Learning Activity Three: The Personal Belief Statement and Group
My objectives:
1. Borrowing from the course notebook, I wish to "…facilitate acquisition
of personal knowledge and development of personal views on various contemporary,
controversial or philosophical issues related to adult education and to work
within a group setting in critically reflecting on my views…"
Read the assigned texts, search the web, and research journals and articles
at Cornell University on topics that are contemporary issues in adult education.
Mandatory vs. voluntary continuing education is the topic I will present
on during the group six presentation on Friday, May 19.
To facilitate learning and discussion of primary issues related to topics
presented by our group.
To learn and share with group members the information and knowledge I gain
from course readings, reflection, and practice.
To apply active listening and paraphrasing skills in group and class discussions.
To apply brainstorming, role-playing, and problem-solving strategies during
class presentation.
Examine and evaluate my personal views on contemporary and controversial
issues related to adult education.
The resources and strategies I will use are:
Research libraries for information on at least four topics in adult education,
including two listed in Learning Activity One.
Review and read articles from ERIC and other sites on the web.
Consult with Dr. Hiemstra and class members.
The proof of accomplishing this activity will be:
Completion of a personal statement of belief that includes my findings, beliefs
and opinions on each of four issues.
Read, research, and work with members of small group to plan, implement and
evaluate our presentation "Philosophical Issues Related to the Field of Adult
Education" on May 19, 2000.
Feedback from Dr. Hiemstra and class members on my personal statement and
on our group presentation.
Completion of objectives using resources and strategies as set forth by me
in this contract.
Evaluation criteria and means of validation will be:
My personal belief statement and presentation will be clear, informed,
comprehensive, and reviewed by Dr. Hiemstra.
Feedback will come from Dr. Hiemstra and class members on our class presentation.
Feedback will come from Dr. Hiemstra on my personal belief statement.
My target date for completion will be:
Group presentation: Friday, May 19.
Personal belief statement: Saturday, May 20.
IV. Learning Activity Four: Journal and Self-Assessment
My objectives:
To develop a better understanding of contemporary issues in adult education.
To improve my ability to self-assess and to critically reflect, with the
goal of refining my thought process and practice as these pertain to issues
in adult education.
To discover and explore my personal opinions, bias, judgements, and frames
of reference that both support and undermine my personal belief statement.
To potentially capture the evidence of a self-directed change process so
that I better understand the concept of transformational learning.
To deepen my ability to reflect upon academic experience, as well as the
experience of class members, with the goal of creating a personal balance
between theory and practice.
To assess personal teaching practices in the classroom.
To test my understanding and belief in critical reflection by the teacher
and the learner as a development tool.
The resources and strategies I will use are:
Read the assigned texts as well as others and current articles and journals
on the subject.
Share ideas and thoughts with other teachers, with Dr. Hiemstra, and with
class members.
Reflect upon my learning style and personal background and history that influence
my experiences as an adult learner.
Write a self-appraisal of my learning style and life situations that influence
my learning episodes in adulthood. Discuss my opinions and experiences in
the journal and share with class members and with Dr. Hiemstra.
Reflect on my practice as a facilitator and teacher and discuss with class
members and with Dr. Hiemstra.
The proof of accomplishing this activity will be:
Completion of objectives, resources and strategies as set forth by me in
this learning contract.
A brief self-appraisal will be clear, well thought, and comprehensive.
The journal will be clear, well-organized, comprehensive, and an open and
honest personal reflection of myself as a learner and a teacher.
Receive feedback from Dr. Hiemstra.
My target date for completion will be:
The last day of class, or May 20.
V. Learning Activity Five: Develop a Personal Philosophy and Code of Ethics
My objectives:
"To facilitate development of a personal statement regarding the field of
adult education and my professional involvement in it."
To gain awareness of contemporary philosophies, code of ethics, and controversial
To articulate and codify my personal philosophy and code of ethics for personal
and professional development purposes.
The resources and strategies I will use are:
Read and research assigned texts, journals, articles, and other texts.
Complete the personal philosophy instrument.
Participate in class discussions on each of the activities.
Prepare a three-page report on my personal philosophy and style and on my
personal code of ethics.
The proof of accomplishing this activity will be:
Completion of the objectives, resources and strategies as set forth by me
in this contract.
Submission of reports.
Evaluation criteria and means of validation will be:
The reports will be clear, well thought, and thorough. These will be reviewed
and validated by Dr. Hiemstra.
Feedback, both written and oral, will be given by Dr. Hiemstra.
My target date for completion will be:
May 20.
VI. Learning Activity Six: The Term Paper
My objectives:
Research the topic of adult education and market driven needs.
Write a scholarly paper on the above topic.
Strive for objectivity in agreement with my personal philosophy, although
the subject material may be empirical and subjective in nature.
Solicit information and evaluation from class members and from Dr. Hiemstra.
The resources and strategies I will use are:
Read from texts, articles, and journals on "market driven needs" in adult
Complete a general review of key concepts on the topic.
Set a date with Dr. Hiemstra for submission of the paper: ideally due date
will be no later than one week following the last day of class (May 20).
The proof of accomplishing this activity will be:
Completion of the objectives using resources and strategies as set forth
by me in this contract.
Development and writing of a clear, well organized and fully developed research
Submission of paper to Dr. Hiemstra on the agreed upon due date.
Verbal and written feedback from Dr. Hiemstra.
Developed personal knowledge and ability to articulate on the subject of
market factors in adult education.
Evaluation criteria and means of validation will be:
The paper will be clear, well thought and researched, and thorough.
Feedback, both written and oral, will be given by Dr. Hiemstra.
My target date for completion will be:
No later than May 27.
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