1. Does your agency engage in teaching classes for adults, conducting continuing education programs, or training people:
__Yes __No
If yes what type of classes, programs, and/or training sessions are available?
What kinds of teaching methods or approaches are used?
What kinds of audio/visual or technological teaching devices are used?
2. Are there people in your agency responsible for the development of programs which provide learning experiences for adults, other than direct teaching?
__Yes __ No
If yes, what is the nature of these responsibilities?
3. Are there people in your agency who supervise and/or conduct programs, other than direct teaching, which provide learning experiences for adults?
__Yes __ No
If so, what is the nature of their duties?
4. Do you have a program for counseling adults or adult groups either on a personal basis or through testing services which you offer?
__Yes __No
If yes, what is the nature of this counseling or testing service?
5. Are there people in your agency who are responsible for the development of curriculum materials for classroom or non-classroom learning?
__Yes __No
If so, what are these learning experiences and what is the nature of the materials?
What kinds of self-directed, individualized learning opportunities are available?
What kinds of self-directed, individualized learning resources are available?
6. Are there people in your agency who are responsible for coordinating and publicizing non-classroom or classroom teaching or training programs?
__Yes __No
If so, please describe these coordinating and publicizing efforts.
7. Are there people in your agency who are primarily responsible for evaluating the effectiveness of adult learning programs?
__Yes __No
If yes, please describe their jobs and/or their evaluation efforts?
8. Are your programs financed by outside sources or are they self-supporting?
__Outside __Self-supporting
Please describe the financial support arrangements.
What other resources (materials, buildings, etc ) does your agency use for adult learning and how are they acquired?
9. Are there constraints or problems limiting the types and/or amounts of educational programs your agency can provide?
__Yes __No
If yes, please describe them.
10. Derive additional questions to help you obtain necessary information about self-directed, individualized learning opportunities, resources, or constraints in the agency?
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