Personal Code of Ethics: A Living Document
Prepared by: Edward J. VanBeers, II
Elmira College Graduate Student
February, 2001
Through rigorous research
and reflection, I have developed a live document to be known as my
personal philosophy
of adult education, which serves as the basis for my personal code of
ethics. I will revisit this code as needed throughout my professional career
to ensure its professional relevance and value, and to make any needed
modifications as will promote the profession of adult education. The drafting
and support of this code will define my place as an educator of adults and
is intended not only as my professional guiding reference, but dedicated
to the benefit of adult learners, administrators, and colleagues alike.
The basic tenets of my code are:
Ethical practice as the example
The “art” of
negotiating in good faith
Personal Critical
Values, Morals and
In consideration of my personal philosophy, and my personal
commitment to educating adults, I offer the following seventeen statements
as my guiding practice:
will conduct
myself as an ethical person in my private life, and as an ethical professional
in my dealings with learners, colleagues and others in which I may encounter
in all my undertakings.
will offer
to each adult learner the insight of my combined knowledge and developed
skills in a manner that is offered and received without prejudice, judgment,
or predetermined notions of any adult learner’s ability, disability,
religious beliefs, learning style, age, socioeconomic status, social or
professional standing, gender, race, and ethnicity.
will conduct
myself in a supportive, but professional, manner in all my dealings with
adult learners and colleagues, setting the standard and putting forth the
highest respect in my professional relationships with others.
will refrain
from any and all activities which may be construed as unethical, or which
may violate written and unwritten codes of professional and personal conduct,
rules, regulations and similar standards of the profession of adult education,
and/or the laws of jurisdictions.
encourage adult
learners to participate in the planning and development of their educational
experiences to the extent of challenging them to reach their full academic
and personal potential, and provide the environment supportive to such
self-directed success.
will continue
my whole-hearted commitment to developing quality programs, tools, resources
and delivery methods to the benefit of adult education.
will continue
the development of myself as a lifelong learner, and professional in the
field by seeking personal knowledge, skills and the commitment of my own
potential as an adult learner throughout my life, and develop productive
and effective systems to create an environment for adult learners conducive
to reaching their full learning potential.
will practice
to the best of my ability the asset of objectivity, and will entertain thoughts
of all learners without bias to predetermined beliefs or shadows of conflicting
values, morals and/or judgments.
will promote
ethical thinking and living among those whose paths I encounter in all walks
of life, by conducting myself in such a manner as to set the
will in good
faith respectfully negotiate with administrators, adult learners, policy-makers,
legislators and others involved in creating rules, codes, laws, expenditures,
environments, programs and policies that affect the institution of adult
education for the benefit of adult learners, and in accordance with my personal
philosophy on adult education.
will actively
request feedback from learners, colleagues, friends and others on whom my
actions may bear consequences in regard to my moral, value and ethical beliefs
and practices, and I will hold myself accountable for all my
will promote
and seek constructive and open dialogue with administrators, adult learners,
policy-makers, legislators, and others involved in the general discipline
of education, for the benefit and good of the
will remain
conscious that I represent a profession that is the foundation for human
life, according to my philosophical beliefs, and I will conduct all my affairs
in such a manner that will remain true to my morals and values as a person
and as an educator of adults.
encourage in
adult learners and colleagues critical, reflective thinking of innovative
means of learning, including program development, enhancement, delivery,
and the receipt thereof by learners, to the benefit of adult
will actively
seek feedback from learners and colleagues about the adult education profession,
innovative and effective academic tools and experiences, and will make proper
adjustments incorporating these advances adding them to my professional toolbox
in the interest of delivering the most effective and productive educational
experience to adult learners.
will, with
great care, consideration, and dedication to my values and morals, conduct
resolutions to problematic situations and ethical dilemmas, always considering
the consequences of my actions in regard to all my dealings and those who
may be affected.
will review
my personal code of ethics periodically, and reflect on my practice as a
professional, and strive to make improvements wherever and whenever necessary
to the benefit of the profession, the practice, and the adult
Brockett, R. G., & Hiemstra, R. (1991). Self-direction in adult learning: Perspectives on theory, research, and practice. New York: Routledge. [On-line]. Available: /sdlindex.html
Collier, G. (1997). Learning moral commitment in higher education? Journal of Moral Education, 26 (No. 1), 73-83.
Flores, N. L. (1999). A code of ethics that binds multicultural communicators: A plan for unifying communication educators and students. Paper presented at the National Communication Association’s Communication Ethics Credo Conference, Arlington, VA.
Hiemstra, R. (1988). Translating personal values and philosophy into practical action. In R. G. Brockett (Ed.), Ethical issues in adult education. New York: Teachers College, Columbia University. [On-line]. Available adapted and updated: /philchap.html
R. M. (1995). How good people make tough choices. New York:
Siegel, I. H. (2000). Toward developing a universal code of ethics for adult educators. PAACE Journal of Lifelong Learning, 9, 39-64.
Verschoor, C. C. (2000). Is your ethics code based on compliance or values? Strategic Finance, 82 (August, Issue 2), 20.
Web Sites Reviewed
The Institute for Global Ethics. Although resource loaded, I found the site a bit commercialized. Provides many tools for teachers, individuals and community members in the practice of ethical living. Visit the site at
National Association for the Education of Young Children. This site was reviewed for its content regarding ethical codes and their relevance to instructors. Visit the site at
The Online Journal of Ethics. I reviewed the issue of “trust” in regard to ethical behavior and practice. Visit the site at
A “live” document is one that involves such important significance to events that are in a continuum that it needs to be periodically reviewed, and possibly updated.
Prepared by:
J. VanBeers, II
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