Learning Contract Form (Simulation One - A Distance Education Course)
Learner: _Jane Smith____________ Course: _AED 5220_Instructor: _Hiemstra____ Contract Grade: _A___
What are you going to learn (objectives) |
How are you going to learn it (resources/strategies) |
Target date for completion |
How are you going to know that you learned it (evidence) |
How are you going to prove you learned (verification) |
Improve my general understanding of distance educ. | 1. Actively participate in the
course (LA#2)
2. Complete a Learning Contract (LA #1) |
1. End of the course
2. By June 12 |
Self perceptions about my contributions and during our CMC time make appropriate contracts with class mates | 1. Ask Roger and learning partner for
2. All contract tasks completed |
Acquire more info. about dist. ed and its uses | 1. Read the texts, at least 1 more book, and several related journal articles | End of course | Read log (see my term project description) | Ask Roger for feedback |
Improve my ability to acquire knowledge about accessing info. electonically (LA3) | 1. Participate in any related class
2. Practice searching and downloading information that I find |
By end of the term | A brief report that describes the listserves I join and my part in them plus some sample copies of downloaded materials | Ask both Roger and several work colleagues for feedback on my involvement and its potential for my work |
Enhance my understanding of CMC and its potential for training employees at work (LA4a) | 1. Read at least 4 books listed in the
2. Annotate ideas, reflections, and learnings in a reading log |
By end of the term | 1. Written report of my findings including
implementation implications
2. Make 1-hr. presentation in-class on it |
Ask both Roger and my supervisor for some feedback |
Improve my ability to create and employ CMC in my workplace (LA5) | 1. Use the info I obtain for LA4a and
design a several week training at work w/CMC
2. Carry out and evaluate the CMC activities |
End of course | A written report of my entire effort, including the design, implementation, evaluation, and future implications | Ask Roger and all work participants for feedback on the experience and its long term implementation possibilities |
Enhance my overall understanding of the potential of distance education in the workplace (term project) | 1. Read at least 3 books listed in the
bibliography beyond what I have already described
2. Annotate all my ideas, reflections, and new learnings in a reading log |
End of course | Extensive interactive reading log where I will both summarize and interact with my readings | Ask Roger and as appropriate my supervisor for feedback |
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