Masters in Adult Education
Advanced Certificate in Training of Trainers
Vol. 3, No. 1, August, 1999 A Bi-Monthly Newsletter Roger Hiemstra, Editor
Summer Institute Revisited!
We had a very successful first summer institute. There were 38 enrollments (some took two courses) and many memorable times. LOTS of heat and a great lecture on Mark Twain led the first week that culminated in group photos and Roger leading all in a barbershop chord or two. Week two was cooler but the learning still intensive. Participants had a chance to meet new Assistant Dean, Gina Bisagni, take advantage of a Twain presenter, Ernest Gaines, and be part of the final group photos, Roger’s corny jokes, and a reprisal of barbershop singing. Thanks to all who participated (especially my class and their help with LA#5—see a later topic). Special gratitude goes to Dean Sundberg and staff, the many Elmira College employees who treated us so well, and to faculty Ralph Brockett, Dave DuBois, Nancy Gadbow, and Waynne James who provided such great learning support. We are looking forward to 2000. Rog
New Assistant Dean Named!
As noted above, Dr. Gina Bisagni, is the new Assistant Dean. Gina recently finished her Ph.D. in Educational Psychology at Cornell and had taught previously as an adjunct for Elmira. Those of us who have had an opportunity to meet Gina know that she is a warm, caring person who will be an excellent addition to the Elmira College staff. I am positive you all will have many opportunities to work with Gina in the future. Her email is
Fall Course Recommendations
We have an excellent set of courses this fall, including the start of another set of Training of Trainers one-credit courses. You should receive the fall schedule of courses soon. Here are some recommendations: We hope Masters students take EDU 5900, Research Methods, within their first four courses if possible. Note it will be taught in Liverpool and Elmira (and other locations). New Masters students usually benefit by taking AED 5000 as soon as possible as it helps provide an excellent overview of the field and remaining graduate courses. It is in Liverpool this fall. Finally, AED 5100, Gerontology, is in Elmira on two weekends plus computer mediated conversations in between. Dr. Henry is a specialist in gerontology so here is a great opportunity to study this important topic with the best, become familiar with how technology can supplement instruction, and Liverpool students can pick up a residency course in only two weekends in Elmira.
As always, feel free to talk with Joan Swanson, Gina Bisagni, or me for advising purposes if you have questions about courses to take. We also will have an official advising session in Liverpool by appointment from 4-7 p.m. on September 28. Rog
"Tri-State Retreat!"
The 1999 adult education Tri-State Retreat is September 24-26 at Camp Arnot south of Ithaca. Here is a wonderful opportunity to meet adult education faculty/grad. students from other colleges. We have a good time, you learn lots, there is plenty of relaxation, and as one of last year’s Elmira attendees, Joan Kelley, noted, "it was a great experience." More information is below and on the retreat page. Volunteer to help with the program. Your creative ideas are welcome. Let’s have a strong Elmira College presence. (No classes are scheduled that weekend.)
The Retreat Schedule
Friday, Sept. 25th - Sunday, Sept. 27th
Fri., Sept. 25
5:00 p.m.- 7:00 p.m. Registration (IUP)
7:00 p.m.- 8:00 p.m. Dinner (Cornell)
8:15 p.m.- 9:00 p.m. Intro. Activity (IUP)
9:00 p.m. - ??? Games/Music/Conversation
Sat., Sept. 26
8:00 a.m.- 9:00 a.m. Breakfast (IUP/Fordham)
9:00 a.m.-10:00 a.m. Session 1 (Rutgers)
10:00 a.m.-10:15 a.m. Break
10:15 a.m.-11:15 a.m. Session 2 (IUP/Fordham)
11:15 a.m.-11:45 a.m. Break
11:45 a.m.-12:45 p.m. Session 3 (Penn State)
1:00 p.m.- 2:00 p.m. Lunch (Rutgers)
2:00 p.m.- 3:00 p.m. Session 4 (Elmira)
3:00 p.m.- 6:00 p.m. Free Time
6:00 p.m.- 7:00 p.m. Dinner (Penn State)
7:00 p.m. - ??? Entertainmt./Netwrkng.
Sun., Sept. 27th
8:00 a.m.- 9:00 a.m. Breakfast (Elmira)
9:00 a.m.-10:00 a.m. Session 5 (Cornell)
10:00 a.m.-10:30 a.m. Debriefing Session
10:30 a.m.-11:00 a.m. Clean-up (All Schools)
11:00 a.m. Retreat End/Departure
A Door to Your Resources
As we begin a new year, it may be valuable to describe some of your learning resources. Besides what you find searching the Web to supplement your courses (see the following:, check out two bibliographies: bib.html and We also recommend you develop a portfolio ( and examine the "hidden curriculum" ( Hard copies of them are available on request.
The mind is not a vessel to be filled but a fire to be kindled.
Kudos and Congratulations!
Denise Heater has become Lead Instructor in the Dental Hygiene Program at Onondaga Community College. Denise notes, "Thanks to all the Elmira College faculty for helping me prepare for this terrific opportunity."
Let us know your achievements, job changes, etc. so we can see your name here, too!
Dilbert-Type Quotes
I couldn’t resist these real life quotes:
"Teamwork is a lot of people doing what I say." Marketing Executive, Citrix Corporation.
"As of tomorrow, employees will only be able to access the building using individual security cards. Pictures will be taken next Wednesday and employees will receive their cards in two weeks." Microsoft Corp., WA.
Research Opportunity
On March 16-18, 2000, the second Eastern Regional Adult Education Research Conference will take place at the Penn Stater Conference Center Hotel, State College. Entitled, "From Generation to Building Upon the Best of Theory and Practice in Adult Education," this is a great opportunity to participate in a nearby research conference. So mark it on your calendar and consider volunteering to be on the planning team. See the calendar of upcoming events for more details.
Tips on Teaching Women
Online, a newsletter of AAACE, includes "Professional Tips" within each issue. A recent issue included tips with the title shown above. Here is one of the tips as a teaser: TIP 1. Examine curriculum materials carefully to ensure women are represented equitably and fairly. To see all the tips go to the web page:
Web Page Problems!
The server on which my web page initially resided has been experiencing problems the past few months. Sometimes it crashes and it can be very slow. Thus, everything is now completely duplicated on Road Runner. Thus, I recommend that from now on you use the following as your first site for entry to the page: Rog
Creating SDL Knowledge
I am excited about a product that is developing from the self-directed and individualized adult learning course conducted at the summer institute. Participants put their collective abilities together to create considerable new knowledge. The eventual result will be a web page addition that includes two new products: (a) the first will detail various aspects of the learning process where learners can assume some control; (b) the second will contain a whole host of techniques, tools, and resources for the self-directed learner. We believe that teachers and trainers of adults will find both of these to be valuable tools as they work with learners. Stay tuned for an announcement that these resources are available. My many thanks to everyone in the class who worked so well to make this product come alive. It was hard work but exciting and very rewarding. Rog
Book Review
I usually don’t publish a review until the book is finished, but I am so excited about one currently being read that the rule has been broken. It has been extremely helpful already. You may have seen a link on the web page relative to coaching ( I believe in coaching, have my own coach, and recommend others consider having one. Here is the related book review.
Richardson, C. (1998). Take time for your life: A personal coach’s 7-step program for creating the life you want. New York: Broadway Books. 258 pages. One of Cheryl’s basic premises is that you have to take time to create the life you want to become the "you" you want. Yes, it is hard to find that extra time when we all are so busy in so many ways. Yet, she contends that eliminating those energy drains in our life and replacing them with the things that fuel us is the real answer. She begins by describing how coaching can help you and then shows various ways we can put ourselves at the top of the list, how to prioritize, and to use tools like journal writing. I can hardly wait to finish this book knowing how much it has helped me already.
HEY – did you know??? For three days after death, hair and fingernails continue to grow but phone calls start to taper off.
Johnny Carson
Cyril O. Houle Scholars
Here is an award program for emerging scholars in adult education. Anyone with a master’s degree in adult education or a closely related field achieved on or after January 1, 1993, can apply. For more information see:
Calendar of Upcoming Events
[Note: Send Roger professional conference notices that you receive so they can be included the next time.]
All the shootings, killings, bombings, etc. makes one wonder where has civility in our society gone. Perhaps it starts with kindness.
Kindness is the golden chain by which society is bound together. Goethe
AED REPORT is a newsletter for students and faculty involved in the Elmira College Graduate Program of Adult Education. The Editor is Roger Hiemstra. Please send any correspondence to him at 318 Southfield Dr., Fayetteville, NY 13066. His phone is (315) 637-0029; fax is (315) 637-0029. Email is The Web Page is or the back-up site is /. Your Elmira College contacts are Dr. Ronald Sundberg, Dean, Assistant Dean Dr. Gina Bisagni, and Graduate Advisor Joan Swanson. Their phone is (607) 735-1825; fax (607) 735-1759; email; address is Office of Continuing Education, Elmira College, One Park Place, Elmira, NY 14901. This newsletter is YOUR vehicle for networking, news, tips, and information. Its value is enhanced by your active support and involvement in reading it, contributing to it, and critiquing it.
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