My Personal Philosophy of
Graduate Student in Adult Education
My philosophical
Because of the nature of my faith and profession I tend to lean more heavily on humanistic beliefs although I am also inclined to borrow from other philosophical orientations. I believe for example that the environment I live in influences my behavior and that what I am is partly a product of the environment that I grew in.
I come in contact with different kinds of people from different professions and with unique situations needs and aspirations and this interaction certainly has a lot of influence in the way I live my life.
I believe that since human beings are endowed with the intellectual faculty they are superior to all the other animals. With the intellectual faculty, human beings have the capacity to determine and direct their destiny in life.
Human beings have a purpose, and certain goals and aspirations that they live and strive for. Human life is geared towards a meaningful and a greater realization of the self and the values inherent in being human. There is a reason for being human.
What is reality?
Human beings by nature possess an inherent goodness in them that has the capability to develop to levels beyond our own imagination. Human beings are meant to explore the world through the intellect in search for knowledge and truth.
I believe that reality is much more than we can perceive with our senses and through science and that human beings are endowed with higher faculties like the intellect to discover, penetrate and understand the depths of reality.
I believe that reality is both empirical and spiritual that is what we can see, touch and verify using science, and that which we can perceive using other higher and superior faculties like intelligence.
Nature of being
I believe in the autonomy and dignity of every person but at the same time recognize the fact that I am because we are. People around me help me to discover my individuality.
Human beings are basically good but I realize that they are also capable of doing evil and harming other people, however I believe that I should always give other people the benefit of the doubt that they are actually good. Such an attitude obviously calls for taking a risk and trusting in other people.
A complete and fulfilled life is built on trust. I cannot imagine a life where I cannot trust others while I have to rely on them. At least I can entrust my life to my doctor so that He can keep me healthy. Human beings are always innocent until they prove themselves guilty.
Educational aims.
Since each individual is unique, all people possess in themselves the power and capacity to grow and become better persons. I believe that education helps to exploit the potential in every individual person and consequently make him or her fulfilled in life.
I believe that education always makes people reliable and dependable and consequently more beneficial to the society. Every person has direct and indirect influence on the society.
Although am not presently in the teaching profession, I have come to value so much the fact of a student being able to self-direct themselves while the teacher acts as a facilitator. I believe that group learning also gives an opportunity to share different opinions and points of view on various issues.
I would consider integration of various aspects from different models of teaching and learning that would help my students to maximize on their learning. I consider education to be a process rather than a one-moment activity and therefore believe that adaptation to various methodologies as the way to maximize learning.
I have come to learn from the various courses I have taken in
My Personal statement of professional
I believe that education is power and it is liberating from all kinds of enslavement especially that of ignorance. It is my conviction that education also empowers individuals families and communities in so many ways economically and on issues of justice and human rights. It is therefore my desire to commit myself to this process in order to enable my students realize their full potential in life and therefore be fulfilled and live a full life.
Although am not currently involved in actual class teaching, I take it upon myself to educate people in all ways possible to discover who they are, where they are, and what they desire to achieve in life. My role is basically to arouse self-consciousness and help people from all kinds of backgrounds including students to discover the wealth of potential in them and decide how best they can utilize it.
Basically I believe that education is much more than just pursuing a career for financial gains but rather I view education as a way of life. As a way of life, education ought to be considered as all-inclusive other than an isolated aspect of life.
Since I believe that education should be learner centered in order to be more productive, my starting point is always trying to discover what the learners needs are. From the needs of the learner then I plan the lesson so as to meet his or her expectation. Acting as a facilitator my role will be to guide and offer advice to the learners towards achieving their intended goals and aspirations.
I am committed to be a life long learner seeking knowledge and skills so that I am always well informed and armed with the necessary knowledge to share with other people and to be more effective in my profession. To achieve this I am committed to maintaining dialogue with colleagues in the teaching profession so that I can be in touch with the modern issues affecting the field of education. I am committed to sharing knowledge with other people as part of my contribution to the field of education and the wider society.
Brockett, R.G., & Hiemstra, R. (2004).
Toward Ethical Practice.
Hiemstra, R. (1998). Translating personal values and philosophy
into practical action. In R.G. Brockett (Ed.), Ethical issues in
adult education.
Hiemstra, R. Roger Hiemstra’s Personal Philosophy of Education. (Online at /ethics1.html)
Hiemstra, R.(1999). Roger Hiemstra’s personal code of ethics. (Online at /ethics1.html)
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