PSY 5112 Psychology of the Adult Learner

Dr. Jane A. LeClair

3460 Stanford Drive

Baldwinsville, NY 13027

315-635-7595 (h) (email)

Dates/Time: Thursdays 5:15 pm-10:40 pm June 8, 15, 22, 29;

July 13, 20, 27

Course Description

The adult learner is involved in an integrative, dynamic, and continuous process of growth whose purpose is further differentiation of experience. The adult learner brings specific resources to the learning situation that must be utilized for effective learning to take place. The developmental tasks in which adult learners are involved may require new information or a change through unlearning, restructuring, or reorganizing previous learning in its cognitive, affective, and behavioral aspects. How the factors of cognition, perception, emotion, attitude, skills, motivation, and meaning interact with the adult learning process will be examined.

Course Objectives

1. To review the basic research related to factors which affect the adult learner.

2. To be aware of the adult learner as a person involved in change who brings unique and specific needs and resources to the learning situation.

3. To identify how cognitive, affective, and behavioral aspects of learning influence learning.

4. To understand the psychological and developmental issues that the adult learner brings to the learning situation and how these influence the learning process.

5. To apply principles of adult learning to the learner's own experience through class assignments and exercises.

6. To increase learner's self-awareness of their own learning histories and optimal learning styles.

7. To explore the application of principles of adult learning in "real-world" settings.

Required Texts

Tennant, M., & Pogson, P. (1995). Learning and change in the adult years: A developmental perspective. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.

Cranton, P. (Ed.). (1997). Transformative learning in action: Insights from practice (New Directions for Adult and Continuing Education, No. 74). San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.

Course Format/Methods of Instruction

The class will use informal presentations, small group discussions, group activities, audiovisual materials, lecture, and self-assessment instruments.

Learner Expectations

1. Learning Activity 1: (20%)

Self-assessment learning journal that looks at your own view of adult learning and development related to your own life experiences from the context of this course. Compare your experiences to what you have learned in your readings and class discussions.

2. Learning Activity 2: (20%)

Facilitate a selected chapter from Tennant and Pogson with the class on a selected date.

3. Learning Activity 3: (20%)

Analysis of a theory associated with adult learning, motivation, and/or development.

4. Learning Activity 4: (20%)

Facilitate an analysis and discussion on selection from Cranton with the class on a selected date.

5. Learning Activity 5: (20%)

Two informal interviews of adults to understand their learning throughout their life. Suggested guidelines will be reviewed.

Note: If you have a disabling condition which might interfere with your ability to successfully complete this course, please contact the instructor.

Course Outline

Week 1/June 8

· Introduction to Course

· Review Syllabus/Course Assignments

· Identify/Specify Personal Learning Objectives

· Perspective Transformation/Transformational Learning

· Cranton presentation

Week 2/June 15

· Transitions of Adult Life

· Effects of History/Experience on Learning

· Cranton presentation/Individual presentations

· Journal/Interview discussions

Week 3/June 22

· Philosophies of Adult Education

· Social and Cultural Influences on Learning

· Cranton presentation/Individual presentations

· Journal/Interview discussions

Week 4/June 29

· Characteristics of Adult Learners

· Strategies for Teaching Adults

· Cranton presentation/Individual presentations

· Journal/Interview discussions

Week 5/July 13

· Theories of Adult Learning

· The Learning Process

· Cranton presentation/Individual presentations

· Journal/Interview discussions

Week 6/July 20

· Participation in Adult Education

· Self-Directed Learning

· Cranton presentation/Individual presentations

· Journal/Interview discussions

Week 7/July 27

· Critical Theory/Ethics

· Integrating Theory and Practice

· Cranton presentation/Individual presentations

· Journal/Interview discussions

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