Exhibit 6. Addressing Potential Gender Biases in the Learning Environment

Focussing on the Adult Educator

_____ Are there ways the adult educator disempowers or devalues women learners?

_____ Has content and instructional processes been planned that are appropriate to women learners?

_____ Has dialogue on women's issues at all levels of practice, theory, and research been fostered?

_____ Have techniques been implemented that ensure sufficient time and space are available for women to identify their own concerns and develop their own strategies?

_____ Have efforts been made to increase the value and power perceived by women learners?

Focussing on the Institution

_____ Are clearly stated goals, explicit timelines, and supporting rewards and sanctions pertaining to women in place?

_____ Have political changes that empower and value women been lobbied for within the institution?

_____ Have the involvement of women in both formal governmental structures and in the processes of power, control, and authority been encouraged?

Others You Add to the List Specific to Your Situation or Organization










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