Exhibit 1. Analysis of Microcomputer Technology

Identify Learning Objectives Better Achieved with Microcomputer-Based Instruction

_____ 1. Is the curriculum involved clearly defined?

_____ 2. Could students benefit from individualized practice or decision making?

_____ 3. Can appropriate software be identified?

Identify and Evaluate Instructional Materials for Potential Use

_____ 4. Is appropriate software available?

_____ 5. Does the content meet documented learning needs?

_____ 6. Is the degree of difficulty matched to target students?

_____ 7. Does the software meet objective evaluation criteria?

_____ 8. Is the software compatible with current hardware?

Identify the Computer Hardware Necessary to Support Instructional Software Delivery

_____ 9. Is the hardware compatible with available instructional software?

_____10. Can the hardware be upgraded?

_____11. Is the computer hardware competitively priced?

_____12. Are maintenance and technical support provided

Plan for Physical Design and Daily Operation of Computer-Based Instruction Programs

_____13. Are learning stations available for individual learning activities?

_____14. Are there sufficient numbers of microcomputers?

_____15. Is there a scheduling plan?

_____16. Are instructions for operating instructional programs available to staff?

_____17. Are sufficient staff available to provide individualized assistance?

_____18. Are all staff adequately trained in the software and hardware operations?

Help Learners Develop Appropriate Learning Process Perceptions Learning Skills

_____19. Do all learners appreciate that there is no age limit on learning?

_____20. Do all learners believe that anxiety is normal?

_____21. Do all learners appreciate that individual learning styles are positive?

_____22. Do learners have basic reading, writing, and math skills?

_____23. Do learners possess a degree of self-awareness about their personal biases, strengths, and attitudes?

Acknowledge and Support the Learner's Past Experiences and Emotional Responses

_____24. Do staff practice active listening skills, such as paying attention, empathy, and reflection?

_____25. Are staff able to encourage learners' efforts by using genuine praise, providing acceptance, and encouraging independent problem solving?

_____26. Can staff adequately discriminate learners' feelings and respond appropriately?

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