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The American Association for Adult and Continuing Education receives questions, electronically, that are related to the field. Some of these questions are directed toward the Commission of Professor of Adult Education, graduate training in adult education, or similar topics. As past president of the Commission and a person who has been involved with graduate adult education programs for more than 30 years, I have accepted the role of trying to answer some of these qeustions. Thus, I will keep a running tally of the questions and my ansers for at least awhile in the hopes they will be of value to others.

Roger Hiemstra, April 30, 1998


I am attempting to determine the best course of action for me to take so I can transition from secondary education to adult training. My background is several years of teaching or associated responsibilities. Now I would like to transition into adult training and use my technology skills and instructional skills. Any suggestions would be appreciated.


You obviously have had a wonderful and varied career. Like many of us, you are thinking of entering the adult education field "through the back door" so to speak. There are many graduate programs and training of trainer options throughout the country, but they certainly do not reach all the people who wish to enter or wind up working in the adult education field.

Most certificate or graduate programs are going to take at least one year and many at least two years. One of the things you can do right now is begin some reading. I can give you very specific reading suggestions if that would be helpful. One suggestion I have is for you to access my web page (/). I have a huge page with lots of resources and links to resources that might help you. Especially look at my master bibliographies and the AED 5000 (Foundations-an introductory course) or AED 5105 (Contemporary Issues) course materials for some material to introduce you to or ground you in the adult education field. After you have a chance to look at some of the material in my web page, come back to me with specific questions.


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