Some Facts Related to the Aging Process - II

Directions: The following list contains a series of general statements related to various aspects of the aging process. They are adapted from Facts on Aging Quiz: Part Two (Palmore, 1981), the Rossman Adult Learning Inventory (Rossman & Rossman, 1990), the Quiz on Alcohol Problems in Later Life, the Quiz on Depression in Later Life (the latter two developed by Pratt, Wilson, Benthin, & Schmall, 1992), and other sources. If you think the statement is true, put a T in the blank. If you think the statement is false, put an F in the blank. Please answer each question.

_____ 1. It is normal for older people to feel depressed a good part of the time.

_____ 2. Older people are more likely than younger people to say "I am depressed."

_____ 3. Family and friends can usually help the depressed older person by telling him or her to "count your blessings" or "look at the bright side."

_____ 4. It is common for older people to talk about potential suicide.

_____ 5. If depression is severe, there is little the depressed person can do to help him/herself.

_____ 6. Depression among the elderly can be effectively treated with medication.

_____ 7. Medications usually reduce the effects of alcohol in older persons.

_____ 8. In older people, the central nervous system is usually very sensitive to the depressant effect of alcohol.

_____ 9. Older people are more likely than younger adults to admit to having an alcohol problem.

_____ 10. A person must want to stop drinking before he or she can be helped to stop.

_____ 11. The same amount of alcohol usually has a greater effect on older adults than on younger adults.

_____ 12. Performance of adults on tests measuring vocabulary and general information improves with age.

_____ 13. Age in itself does little to affect an individual's power to learn.

_____ 14. For normal learning tasks an adult of age thirty requires 120 watts of illumination, whereas by age fifty, 180 watts are required.

_____ 15. With advancing age the lens loses its elasticity and cannot focus readily.

_____ 16. In the aging process there is a loss of auditory acuity on the high tones.

_____ 17. As we age, we slow in our reaction to auditory stimuli.

_____ 18. Learning performance declines with age.

_____ 19. A person's height tends to decline in old age.

_____ 20. More older persons (over 65) have chronic illnesses that limit their activity than younger persons.

_____ 21. Older persons have more acute (short-term) illnesses than persons under 65.

_____ 22. Older persons have more injuries in the home than persons under 65.

_____ 23. Older workers have less absenteeism than younger workers.

_____ 24. Life expectancy of Blacks at age 65 is about the same as Whites.

_____ 25. Life expectancy of men at age 65 is about the same as women.

_____ 26. Medicare pays over half of the medical expenses of the aged.

_____ 27. Social Security benefits automatically increase with inflation.

_____ 28. Supplemental Security income guarantees a minimum income for needy aged.

_____ 29. The aged do not get their proportionate share of the nation's income.

_____ 30. The aged have higher rates of criminal victimization than persons under 65.

_____ 31. The aged are more fearful of crime than are persons under 65.

_____ 32. The aged are the most law abiding of all adult groups according to official statistics.

_____ 33. There are two widows for each widower among the aged.

_____ 34. More of the aged vote than any other age group.

_____ 35. There are proportionately more older persons in public office than in the total population.

_____ 36. The proportion of Blacks among the aged is growing.

_____ 37. Participation in voluntary organizations (churches and clubs) tends to decline among the health aged.

_____ 38. The majority of aged live alone.

_____ 39. About 8% more of the aged have incomes below the official poverty level than the rest of the population.

_____ 40. The rate of poverty among aged Blacks is about 3 times as high as among aged Whites.

_____ 41. Older persons who reduce their activity tend to be happier than those who remain active.

_____ 42. When the last child leaves home, the majority of parents have serious problems adjusting to their "empty nest."

_____ 43. The proportion widowed is decreasing among the aged.

_____ 44. Age can affect the progression of HIV infection?


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June 4, 2011