Masters in Adult Education
Advanced Certificate in Training of Trainers
Vol. 1, No. 1, September, 1997 A Bi-Monthly Newsletter Roger Hiemstra, Editor
The 10th annual Tri-State Retreat for Adult Education graduate students and faculty will be held at Camp Arnot south of Ithaca on September 26-28. Hike, climb, drive, or fly your way to this great experience. Meet fellow students from Buffalo State, Cornell, Columbia, Penn State, Indiana University of Pennsylvania, Rutgers, and even your colleagues attending courses on the Elmira Campus. Get to know those faculty members you will be reading and hearing about.
We gather on Friday night between 5-7 pm (see or call Roger for a map and car pooling opportunities) for registration, supper, get acquainted, and some music around the fireplace. Join Roger and his guitar and Dave Deshler from Cornell and his fiddle for some folk music or just sit around and talk with your colleagues.
Each university is in charge of a meal and/or an informational session. There also will be plenty of free time, great food, wonderful entertainment on Saturday night, and surprises, too. Elmira College has charge of breakfast Sunday morning. We head for home around 11 am on Sunday. The cost is $40 for the whole retreat if you sleep in a heated cabin. Heartier people who tent or sleep in an unheated cabin get a price break. If you can't stay overnight, come to part of the retreat and basically pay for you meals and a small registration fee.
Elmira College will probably be the host in 1998 (Rutgers is this year's host) so come and see how it all works. If you are in AED 5000 you also can even make this a part of the learning contract. Having gone to almost everyone of these during the past nine years, I guarantee you will have a great time and what a wonderful way to find out more about the adult education field.
Yes, computers and your own computer literacy is a necessity as an Adult Education professional. The AED faculty urge you to become computer literate as quickly as possible if you are not already a user. There is so much information you can acquire through computers that will help you do better with your coursework. We will communicate frequently via email so without a computer and an email account you may miss some of the information that is floating around. Roger's web page has lots of information pertaining to many of your courses. Of course, you can word process or desk publish the products you create for your courses.
Thus, talk to any faculty member about their own computer resources or check with a knowledgeable friend or
omputer store sales person. They can help you figure out what types of hardware and software you need to be up to date as a professional who knows how to employ technology. There also are several opportunities and varied prices for an appropriate carrier for your email account. Ask around to obtain the best one for you and send your email userid to Roger ( just as soon as you have it. If you have one now, please send him an email message to test out the system.
Associate Dean Judy Clack and Graduate Academic Advisor Joan Swanson will be at the OCM BOCES building on Tuesday, September 16, 4-7 pm. They will be able to answer your questions, help plan your academic program, determine the best courses to meet your specific needs, and begin the process of completing necessary paper work. Contact Roger Hiemstra ( or phone him at 637-0029) or Judy Clack ( or phone her at 607-735-1825) to set up a specific appointment time. Advisors from the Elmira campus come to Syracuse once a semester so take advantage of this opportunity.
Make the most of yourself, for that is all there is of you.
Ralph Waldo Emerson
You will be mailed or handed a descriptive statement I have written regarding the portfolio and its value to you. The portfolio will be introduced in AED 5000 or for those of you not enrolled in that course in the fall you can read about it and how you can begin now to build one. If you don't receive the write-up and would like one, let Roger know.
• Dr. John Burns
John has a doctoral degree in Adult Education from Syracuse University. He and partner Nancy Roberts own Robert Burns, Inc., a consulting firm in the Syracuse area that focuses on training and communications. John began his graduate education in a weekend scholar program in 1982.
• Dr. Renee Downey
Renee and husband Dr. Dana Hart own Eagle Consultants, a consulting firm that focuses on training and leadership. Renee has a doctoral degree in adult education and she and her family love to sail (and they have a big sail boat!).
• Dr. Norb Henry
Norb is special assistant to the Vice President for Academic Affairs at LeMoyne College. Norb has a doctoral degree in adult education and will teach a course for us in gerontology, a rapidly growing area related to adult education. He has a wonderful summer camp on a lake.
• Dr. Roger Hiemstra
Rog has been a professor of adult education since 1970. He has a doctoral degree in adult community education and has worked with community education, university extension, and cooperative extension. Ask him to strike up a barbershop chord and he is likely to involve you in the process.
• Dr. Jane Hugo
Jane has a doctoral degree in adult education and is a literacy specialist for Laubach Literacy Action. Jane's dissertation research was on a woman's discussion club in Central New York that has stayed in existence for more than 100 years. Ask her about it.
• Dr. Jane LeClair
Jane is a training specialist for NIMO and also is an adjunct professor for three higher education institutions. Jane, a true lifelong learner and holder of a doctoral degree in adult education, is always pursuing another graduate degree. Ask her about here latest efforts to enhance her knowledge and skills.
• Dr. Gene Roche
Gene is director of the career center for Hamilton College. He is known for his ability to help people with their professional and career development needs. He, too, has a doctoral degree in adult education and also started his graduate studies in a weekend scholar program.
[Editorial--these are quips, thoughts, and ideas that reflect my views and what I believe need to be said; guest editorials are always welcome--Roger Hiemstra]
• Keep your mind open to change at all times. Welcome it. Court it.
Dale Carnegie
• You are free the moment you stop looking outside yourself for someone to solve your problems.
H. Jackson Brown, Jr.
• A little government and a little luck are necessary in life, but only a fool trusts either of them.
P. J. O'Rourke
• There is no getting away from risks. There is only recognizing them, managing them, and deciding which ones you can take.
Lynn Hopewell
• We become uncompetitive by not being tolerant of mistakes. The moment you let avoiding failure become your motivator, you're down the path of inactivity. You can stumble only if you're moving.
Robert Goizueta
• I bargained with life for a penny,
Only to learn dismayed.
That any wage I would have asked of life,
Life would have surely paid.
To laugh is to risk appearing a fool.
To weep is to risk appearing sentimental.
To love is to risk not being loved in return.
To live is to risk dying.
To hope is to risk despair.
To try is to risk failure.
But risks must be taken because the greatest hazard in life is to risk nothing.
People who risk nothing, do nothing, have nothing, are nothing.
They may avoid suffering and sorrow, but they simply cannot learn, feel, change, grow, love, live.
Chained by their own fears, they are a slave and have forfeited freedom.
Only a person who risks is free.
AED REPORT is a newsletter for students and faculty involved in the Elmira College Graduate Program of Adult Education. The Editor is Roger Hiemstra. Please send any correspondence to him at 318 Southfield Dr., Fayetteville, NY 13066. His phone is (315) 637-0029; fax is (315) 637-0029. Email is Web Page is / or the back-up site Your Elmira College contacts are Dr. Ronald Sundberg, Dean, Associate Dean Judith Clack, Graduate Advisor Joan Swanson. Their phone is (607) 735-1825; fax (607) 735-1759; email; address is Office of Continuing Education, Elmira College, One Park Place, Elmira, NY 14901. This newsletter is YOUR vehicle for networking, news, tips, and information. Its value is enhanced by your active support and involvement in reading it, contributing to it, and critiquing it.
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