Masters in Adult Education
Advanced Certificate in Training of Trainers
Vol. 1, No. 2, October, 1997 A Bi-Monthly Newsletter Roger Hiemstra, Editor
AEDNET is the Adult EDucation NETwork, a free global electronic community of adult educators. It was started in 1987 by the Adult Education Program at Syracuse University and moved to Nova Southeastern University a few years later. AEDNET also serves as host of New Horizons in Adult Education, a refereed electronic journal for educators and trainers of adults (edited by Dr. Nancy Gadbow, the person who started the Elmira College graduate program in Adult Education). She looks for good articles, so consider sending her one. Her userid is
Consider joining this very active listserv and experience the activities, concerns, ideas, and dialogue of adult educators throughout the world. It is a very busy network, so you may want to join for a trial basis to see how you like it. To join send an electronic mail message addressed to listproc@pulsar.
Type in the body of the message the following: subscribe aednet yourfirstname yourlastname (there needs to be a space in between your two names). The listserv responds to your subscription request with a welcome message and information on both AEDNET and New Horizons.
We all live our lives in comfort zones, avoiding risky situations, avoiding the potential to fail. It's real safe for us. But in order to get ahead, you've got to get out of your comfort zone. Try something new and see if it works. It may, it may not, but you'll never know if you don't try.
Mary Lou Retton
We do not yet know the registration period for Term II (winter) courses. However, we recommend you register early, especially for AED 5074-76 and EDU 5900 as students from other sites have already inquired about these courses. You could call the Office of Continuing Education (607-735-1825) or email Sue Carboni ( and ask for those registration dates. We will pass this information along in the classes as soon as we know. You may register by phone, fax, or mail. Roger will be available for advising sessions now through November. Call or email for an appointment. Contact Judy Clack for a phone advising session at the number above or
I very sadly report the death of Dr. Ina Sue Brown. Ina Sue was an adult education faculty member teaching on the Elmira campus. She obtained the doctoral degree in adult education at S. U. and wrote a beautiful historical dissertation. It was my pleasure and honor to serve as her advisor and dissertation chair. She had become a very popular teacher at Elmira. Ina Sue had a zest for life, one of the most pleasant and upbeat personalities of anyone I had ever met, had a real passion for adult education. Although you may never have met Ina Sue, spend a moment of silence in memory of a great candle that went dark much too early. She was only 54, reminding me once again of the need to make more of this precious time we have. Rog
• November 8-12, 1997, 46th Annual Adult Education Conference, Cincinnati, Ohio, "A Pact for the New Millennium." Sponsored by AAACE, there is an active Students of Adult Education Unit as well as 15 other special interest groups. For more information call (202) 429-5131.
• November 12, 1997, 7:45, CACE breakfast, "Executive Education Network at NIMO," LeMoyne College. Call Tom Phelan (428-6919) or email him for more information (
• February 19-22, 1998, 12th International Symposium on Self-Directed Learning, Kissimmee, FL. Call for proposals until October 31. Proposals for papers and requests for further information about the symposium may be directed to Gary Confessore, HRD Enterprises, 2301 S. JeffDavis Hwy, Suite 702, Arlington, VA 22202; phone 703-418-2805; fax 703-413-5440. You can email him (, too.
• February 19-22, 1998, 24th Annual Meeting of the Association for Gerontology in Higher Education, Winston-Salem, NC, "Constructing the Future of Gerontology in Higher Education: Planning for the 21st Century." For information contact AGHE, Suite 410, 1001 Connecticut Ave., NW, Washington, DC 20036 or phone them at (202) 429-9277.
Note: This calendar of events will be as useful as you help make it. Send me dates you would like included. Rog
If you have not yet had an opportunity to visit my web page, I invite you to do so. I have much information in it pertaining to adult education, including links to many other valuable pages. I welcome your input, suggestions, and even "addition" ideas.
Term I, Fall, 1987
EDU 5000 Professional Assessment and Development (3 cr.) Dr. Gene Roche, Prof. Weekends, Fridays, 7-10 pm, Saturdays, 9-5 pm (10/24-25, 11/7-8, 11/21-22, 12/5-6). This course helps you understand various types of personal and professional learning, assess personal and professional development skills, make decisions consistent with personal values, prioritize professional goals, create action plans, develop networks, and make yourself marketable. Participants will complete the course with a good understanding of where they want to go professionally and they also will be able to help others with their own professional assessment and development efforts.
For those who have not met him, Dr. Roche is a nationally known expert in career and professional development. He directs the Career Center for Hamilton College and consults all over the country on career and professional development issues. He has published several articles or book chapters and is known as a master teacher.
Even if you can't attend this course, help us maintain a good enrollment by passing the word along to a colleague who might benefit from the knowledge and skills central to it. Have them call the Elmira College Office of Continuing Education to register.
Term II, Winter, 1998
1. HUE 5630 Career Development (3 cr.) Roche, Fridays, 7-10 pm, and Saturdays, 9-5 pm (1/9-10; 1/23-24; 2/6-7; 2/20-21)
2. AED 5100 Gerontology (3 cr.) Henry, Fridays, 7-10 pm, and Saturdays 9-5 pm (2/27-28; 3/13-14; 3/27-28; 4/3-4).
3. EDU 5900 Research Methods and Materials (3 cr.) Hiemstra, Thur., 4:30-7:15 pm; classes begin January 8.
4. AED 5074 Training of Trainers: Characteristics of Adult Learners (1 cr.) Burns, Thur., 7:30-10:25 pm (1st third of semester beginning on January 8).
5. AED 5075 Training of Trainers: Learning Environ. & Soc. Dynam. (1 cr.) Downey, Thur., 7:30-10:25 (middle third of semester).
6. AED 5076 Training of Trainers: Techniques for Teach. Adults (1 cr.) Downey, Thur., 7:30-10:25 (last third).
We are working on a summer schedule and will coordinate with the Elmira campus to ensure you have a maximum number of appropriate summer residency requirement course options.
[Guest editorials are always welcome]
• If we would grow bigger, we must each day register something on the plus side of life; if we do not, life itself will register on the minus side.
F. C. Schwedtman
• Self-improvement must precede all other improvement.
Horace Mann
• We cannot improve the world faster than we improve ourselves.
Bishop Creighton, England
• The height off your dream and the depth of your resolve - these measure you.
E. E. Puriton
• Thomas A. Edison's case value to humanity has been appraised at $15,000,000,000 or about $485,000 for every day he lived.
• We are only a fraction of what we might be.
Janet and I plan to host a social gathering for students and faculty in early to mid-December. We are looking for volunteers to help us make this first CNY party a great one. Let us know if you would like to help.
Have a wonderful start to the fall holidays. I always enjoyed taking my kids around to all the neighbors. Of course, they always ate too much candy, but the fun they had was worth it. Don't eat too many of those left over treats and save room for the turkey that seems to come so quickly after that time.
AED REPORT is a newsletter for students and faculty involved in the Elmira College Graduate Program of Adult Education. The Editor is Roger Hiemstra. Please send any correspondence to him at 318 Southfield Dr., Fayetteville, NY 13066. His phone is (315) 637-0029; fax is (315) 637-0029. Email is Web Page is / or the back-up site Your Elmira College contacts are Dr. Ronald Sundberg, Dean, Associate Dean Judith Clack, Graduate Advisor Joan Swanson. Their phone is (607) 735-1825; fax (607) 735-1759; email; address is Office of Continuing Education, Elmira College, One Park Place, Elmira, NY 14901. This newsletter is YOUR vehicle for networking, news, tips, and information. Its value is enhanced by your active support and involvement in reading it, contributing to it, and critiquing it.
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