Masters in Adult Education

Advanced Certificate in Training of Trainers

Vol. 2, No. 2, November, 1998                                                                                       Roger Hiemstra, Editor

The 1999 Summer Institute

The first annual Elmira College Summer Institute in Adult Education has now been approved for 1999. There was one course change from the tentative announcement made in the last newsletter. So, mark your calendars now for what will be a wonderful opportunity to gain exposure to some of the best faculty in the country on several great newly approved graduate courses. Remember, Liverpool students can count these courses as residency experiences. We anticipate that the first one will be a Core A course, the second and third ones Core B courses, and the fourth one a Core C course.

July 21-23 & 26-27, 1999

Two concurrent, 3-cr. or audit course offerings:

1. Ethics and the Continuing Educator, Dr. Ralph Brockett, Prof., University of Tennessee

2. Learning Styles: Implications for Adult Learning, Dr. Waynne James, Prof., University of South Florida

July 30-31 & August 2-4

Two concurrent, 3-cr. or audit course offerings:

3. Self-directed and Individualized Adult Learning, Dr. Roger Hiemstra, Prof., Elmira College

4. Adult Learners with Special Needs, Dr. Dave DuBois, Assoc. Prof., SUNY Empire State College; Dr. Nancy Gadbow, Mentor-Coord., SUNY Empire State College and National Lecturer, Nova-Southeastern University

Special introductions to "Mark Twain Country" are being offered as part of the institute. Visit the Mark Twain Study, archive and exhibit on campus, and Mark Twain's grave in Woodlawn Cemetery. Institute participants will have a unique opportunity to visit Quarry Farm, a home for visiting scholars, where Mark Twain and his family spent their summers. In addition there are various opportunities for family members to visit the Corning Glass Center, Arnot and Rockwell Art Museums, Civil War Newtown Battlefield, National Soaring Museum, National Warplane Museum, NYS wineries, and the Finger Lakes Region of New York.

The Spring Activity for Trainers

As noted in the last newsletter, the 1998-99 Training of Trainers Advanced Certificate classes, both in Liverpool and in Elmira, will join together on April 17 in Elmira. Faculty members Paul Blair and Barbara Walkley will co-teach that session with a luncheon, special speaker, and other activities. Alumni and trainers from both areas will be invited to participate in some of these activities. More information is forthcoming in future newsletters.

Project Adult Education Vitae

As some of you know, I have long been interested in the history of the Adult Education field and especially in understanding more about some of our very outstanding past leaders. One of my most enjoyable past times has been researching, talking about, and writing about Howard Yale McClusky, the first President of the old Adult Education Association of the U.S.A. His strength of character, his undaunting endeavors to be of service to the field, and his ability to mentor hundreds of people have been a real inspiration to me throughout my professorial career.

I have begun "Project Adult Education Vitae" as a means of helping others understand more about some of these terrific leaders. The project is outlined on my web page at the following URL: /vitae.html. Take a look at what has been done thus far and consider adding to this effort by writing up a vitae on someone you have found fascinating as you have read books, articles, and other materials. I welcome your contributions. Rog

The Winter Term Catalog

If you are an Elmira College graduate Student, the winter catalog should be in your hands soon. If you have not received one by December 1, please contact Roger Hiemstra ( or the Office of Continuing Education ( Term II registration begins November 23.


Information Session

As you no doubt know, we have several information sessions each year as a means for prospective students to obtain the knowledge they need to know in deciding to attend Elmira College. The next session at the OCM BOCES building in Liverpool is Tuesday, December 8, 6-7:30 pm. The next session in Elmira is Thursday, December 3, 6-7:30 pm, McGraw Hall. Contactl Roger Hiemstra by phone (315-637-0029), email (, or call the Office of Graduate and Advanced Studies (607-735-1825), or email them ( to make a reservation.

YOUR HELP IS NEEDED! To keep our program and enrollments strong in both locations, we do need your help. Please pass on the information about the session to your friends, colleagues, neighbors, etc. As I am sure you know, word of mouth advertising is always the best kind. More enrollments enable us to bring you better and better programs and courses like what we will offer in the institute next summer.

Where are the Books?

Slowly but surely, books in the loaning cabinet at OCM BOCES are disappearing. Please check your files at home and if you have any of these books (they will either have my name in it or Syracuse University Bird Library) return them to the cabinet or mail them back to me so others can check them out next term. Thanks!


Book Review

I have two books to recommend this time. A few newsletters ago, I reviewed Thomas Armstrong's 7 Kinds of Smart. This time its another of his books, Multiple intelligences in the classroom. Alexandria, VA: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, 1994. After reading the first one I reviewed, I obtained this one. Although it is written more with children in mind, I think it has lots of potential applications for teachers and trainers of adults. Mr. Armstrong fills the book with tons of charts, figures, tables, and practical examples on how to employ what you know about multiple intelligences when working with students. I believe you can obtain many ideas to improve what you do in the classroom now matter what the age of the student.

The second book is one I happened to receive in the mail unsolicited. It is by Charles D. Hayes, Beyond the American Dream: Lifelong learning and the search for meaning in a postmodern world. Wasilla, AK: Autodidactic Press, 1998. Hayes is the author of Self-university, which some of you may have read a few years ago. In this current book, he talks about creating a better life and society through a better understanding of both. Hayes believes that lifelong learning is one of the most important keys. It is heavy reading at times, but enjoyable as he weaves in philosophy, history, economics, and the value of self-directed inquiry. You might want to put it on your holiday wish list.

I encourage you to send me a book review for possible inclusion in an upcoming newsletter.

Calendar of Upcoming Events

[Note: Be sure to send Roger any professional conference notices that you receive so they can be included in this newsletter.]


Some have asked about internships. Elmira College does offer the internship possibility (see page 13 in the Graduate Catalog). The internship is handled like a directed study. If you are interested you need to have a specific site and position in mind (or consult a faculty member to help work out arrangements). There needs to be an on-site supervisor as well as an Elmira College instructor to set up the criteria upon which you will be evaluated. You need to complete 120 hours on site and keep a log of that experience. In addition, you do whatever reading and writing the instructor establishes. Internships are a great way to pick up new knowledge and actual experience, but they do take time and effort. They may well be worth it, though, especially if you need for desire experience in a certain area or with a specific agency.

[ Here is a "Hit Parade" extra--See Roger's Ten Top "P's" for what it takes to be an excellent professional adult educator newly placed on his web page: /adulted.html]

Prejudice is dislike of the unlike and being down on the things you are not up on. - Anonymous

Web Reviews

Computer technology is permeating our lives more and more each day. It is almost impossible to pick up a magazine, read a newspaper, listen to the radio, or watch TV without being bombarded with information about computers and technology. can now connect you to almost any subject, any time, and any place. Thus, if you are not yet a computer user, we certainly recommend you become one.

One of the things we will add to this newsletter in future issues is reviews of web sites or links. My web site contains many such links, but there are many more of value to teachers and trainers of adults. Please send me your own candidates for inclusion.

To begin this web review effort, included below is information adapted from material shared by Maureen Donohue-Smith, an Elmira College faculty member. She provides her material as a guide for students in identifying and evaluating various web sites. You can consider adapting all or part for you own web assessments. Rog

1. Technical Information

2. Audience

3. Credibility

4. Content

5. Design

6. Is there any special advice or recommendations you would offer to others on the site?


AED REPORT is a newsletter for students and faculty involved in the Elmira College Graduate Program of Adult Education. The Editor is Roger Hiemstra. Please send any correspondence to him at 318 Southfield Dr., Fayetteville, NY 13066. His phone is (315) 637-0029; fax is (315) 637-0029. Email is Web Page is / Your Elmira College contacts are Dr. Ronald Sundberg, Dean, Associate Dean Judith Clack, Graduate Advisor Joan Swanson. Their phone is (607) 735-1825; fax (607) 735-1759; email; address is Office of Continuing Education, Elmira College, One Park Place, Elmira, NY 14901. This newsletter is YOUR vehicle for networking, news, tips, and information. Its value is enhanced by your active support and involvement in reading it, contributing to it, and critiquing it.


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