Masters in Adult Education
Advanced Certificate in Training of Trainers
Vol. 1, No. 6, May, 1998 A Bi-Monthly Newsletter Roger Hiemstra, Editor
By now you should have received a summer ’98 catalog. If you have not, contact me by phone or email and I will send one immediately. You also can contact the Office of Continuing Education at Elmira College directly to receive the catalog or register by fax at 607-735-1759. If you happen to be taking AED 5000 (June 1-2, and 10-12) you will note there are pre-reading requirements (see later announcement--similarly for AED 5220 in Elmira and AED 5020 at the Liverpool BOCES). We are trying our best to have books available through Diane Bilecki at BOCES before the class starts. However, as in other terms there is no guarantee. As soon as books come in, I will e-mail a notice to everyone on my CNY-Elmira College list. Thus, if you recently have acquired e-mail, send me an electronic message, fax me, call me, or mail me that information so I can include you in that message. Rog
Hearty congratulations to everyone who completed the first Training of Trainers sequence. We are very proud of your accomplishments and you should be, too. EVERYONE, whether you completed the Training of Trainers sequence or not, is invited to an informal and brief reception on Monday, June 1, 5:15-5:45 p.m., right after the first session of the AED 5000 course. We will have some light refreshments and Dean Sundberg will present certificates to the first "graduates." Come and meet your fellow students and relish in our first "successful" year. It will be held in the classroom for AED 5000 so check the board when you enter the BOCES building for a location.
Following is the schedule of courses for the fall so you can mark your calendar (note that we are moving to 13-week terms and 3-weekend courses to match the schedule used on the Elmira campus):
AED 5071 Training of Trainers: Needs Assessment (1 cr.) Burns, Sept. 12 and Oct. 10; 9 a.m.–4:30 p.m.
AED 5072 Training of Trainers: Program Design and Eval. (1 cr.) Burns, Oct. 24 and Nov. 21; 9 a.m.-4:30 p.m.
AED 5073 Training of Trainers: Learning Theory for Trainers (1 cr.) LeClair, Dec. 5 and 19; 9 a.m.-4:30.p.m.
AED 5110 Techniques of Teaching Adult Literacy (3 cr.) Hugo, Sept. 18-19, Oct. 2-3, and Nov. 6-7; Fridays 5-10 p.m. and Saturdays 8 a.m.-5 p.m.
EDU 5900 Research Methods and Materials (3 cr.) Hiemstra, Thur., 13 sessions, Sept. 10-Dec. 10 (no classes Nov. 26); 7:30-10:30 p.m.
HUE 5623 Adult Development: Transitions (3 cr.) LeClair, Oct. 16-17, 30-31, and Nov. 13-14; Fridays 5-10 p.m. and Saturdays 8 a.m. -5 p.m.
PSY 5150 Organizational Psychology (3 cr.) Downey, Thur., 13 sessions, Sept. 10-Dec. 10 (no classes Nov. 26); 4:15-7:15 p.m.
As you read the summer catalog you will notice that there is a pre-reading requirement for three of the courses: AED 5000 - Ch. 1-4 of Merriam, S., & Brockett, R.G. (1997). Profession & Practice of Adult Education. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. AED 5020 – Ch. 1-3 of Caffarella, R. (1994). Planning Programs for Adult Learners. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. AED 5220 (to be held in Elmira) – Ch. 1-4 of Willis, B. (Ed.). (1994). Distance Education Strategies and Tools. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Educational Technology Publications. As of the printing of this newsletter, none of the books have yet arrived. However, all are anticipated prior to the courses. For AED 5000-59, call the Elmira Book Store between May 18 and May 26 (607-735-1870). Ask for the book by course number and title. If the Merriam and Brockett book is available you can order, pay by credit card, and have the book shipped to you. After May 26, you will need to call Diane Bilecki at the Liverpool BOCES (315-453-4411) to determine if the book has yet been shipped to her and then make arrangement to pick it up at BOCES. Diane does not have the facilities to mail out books. For the AED 5220-30 call the Elmira Book Store between May 18 and May 26 as per the above instructions. For AED 5020, check with Diane after June 1 to make arrangements to obtain the book. Rog
A reminder that graduate internships are permitted as part of the graduate program if you need or desire certain experiences. See page 13 of the graduate catalogue and talk to Roger or Judy Clack for more details if you are interested.
Congratulations are in order for two people who have recently changed jobs. Melissa Otis is now Manager of Process Integrity for CIGNA Insurance, in Pittsburgh. We hate to see her move but she may join the Masters program at Indiana University of Pennsylvania and even be with many of us at the Tri-State Retreat this fall (see the article below). Melissa said, "I can safely say without doubt that they were impressed by my pursuit of a masters degree in adult education and I know that some of the answers I gave during my interview I got straight out of my research for courses."
In addition, Barb Fletcher is now working with the Herkimer Area Resource Center as a Clinical Supervisor. Barb notes, "They were impressed with the Elmira Program and the whole idea of off-campus studies." So, the Masters degree can help you even before you complete it.
We have been fortunate to have several of the students from the Rome Center join us in some of our courses. A hearty congratulation to those from that area who are graduating this year in Adult Education: Rosalind A. DeCrisci and Paul D. Mitura.
The 1998 Tri-State Retreat for faculty and students in Adult Education will be September 25-27 at Camp Arnot, about 20 minutes south of Ithaca. Each year graduate students and faculty in Adult Education from Buffalo State, Cornell, Elmira College, Indiana University of Pennsylvania, Penn State, and Rutgers gather for a weekend of fun, relaxation, and education. Plan to join us this year and meet fellow graduate students from New York, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania. The cost is always minimal and the weekend is a wonderful experience. We will avoid scheduling any Adult Education courses on that weekend so everyone has an opportunity to attend all or part of what will be a great time. So, put it on your calendar now!
If you currently are not an email user, we recommend you obtain an ISP (Internet Service Provider), get an email account, and become involved with the World Wide Web. Lots of resources are available for you and you also will periodically received messages through the electronic network that are not delivered through regular mail. Thus, if you receive this newsletter, are currently an email user, but do not receive periodic electronic messages from any of the AED faculty, send Roger your userid so he can add you to the list of names.
• May 17-19, 1998, 47th Annual NYACCE (New York Association for Continuing/Community Education) Conference, Syracuse, NY; Four Points Hotel, 441 Electronics Parkway; for more information phone 315-453-4455.
• August 5-7, 1998, the 14th Annual Conference on Distance Teaching and Learning, Marriott Madison West, Madison, WI; for more information contact Sue Saeger, 608-265-4159 [].
• October 8-10, 1998, 17th Annual Midwest Research-to-Practice Conference in Adult, Continuing, and Community Education, Alumni Center, Ball State University, Muncie, IN; for more information contact Dr. Peter Murk ( or Dr. Jean Fleming (jfleming@wp.bsu; 765-285-2560).
• October 21-23, 1998, 35th Annual Conference of the Continuing Education Association of New York, "Continuing Education: Our Mandate for the Millennium," Hotel Thayer, West Point, NY. For questions contact Jane O’Brien, [516-632-7067, 516-632-9046 (fax), or
• November 18-22, 1998, 47th Annual Adult Education Conference sponsored by AAACE (American Association for Adult and Continuing Education), Phoenix, AZ. The theme of this conference, "Adult Learning—A Joy, A Tool, A Right, and A Shared Responsibility," builds on the recommendations of the 1997 Conference on Lifelong Learning, as well as those presented by the Fifth International Conference on Adult Education, held in Hamburg, Germany, in July, 1997. For information contact AAACE, 1200 19th St., NW, Suite 300, Washington, DC 20036. Phone them at 202-429-5131.
Note: Be sure to send Roger any job or professional conference notices that you receive so they can be included in this newsletter or posted on the classroom book cabinet.
We sadly report the passing of another great Adult Education professor. Dr. Cyril O. Houle, Malcolm Knowles’ major professor, died on May 6. Professor Houle authored many books in the field and his The Design of Education was used as the main text for program development and evaluation courses for years.
Yes, please help us out by being word-of-mouth recruiters for our program. Enclosed in this newsletter are two brochures (one about the Masters and one about the Training of Trainers program). I encourage you to hand them out to colleagues you believe might be interested in more information. Alternatively, ask them to contact me or you send me their name and contact information. We will be having one or two information sessions this summer, but I will be happy to contact them before then. Your help will be very much appreciated.
AED REPORT is a newsletter for students and faculty involved in the Elmira College Graduate Program of Adult Education. The Editor is Roger Hiemstra. Please send any correspondence to him at 318 Southfield Dr., Fayetteville, NY 13066. His phone is (315) 637-0029; fax is (315) 637-0029. Email is Web Page is / or the back-up site Your Elmira College contacts are Dr. Ronald Sundberg, Dean, Associate Dean Judith Clack, Graduate Advisor Joan Swanson. Their phone is (607) 735-1825; fax (607) 735-1759; email; address is Office of Continuing Education, Elmira College, One Park Place, Elmira, NY 14901. This newsletter is YOUR vehicle for networking, news, tips, and information. Its value is enhanced by your active support and involvement in reading it, contributing to it, and critiquing it.
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