Masters in Adult Education
Advanced Certificate in Training of Trainers
Vol. 2, No. 6, June, 1999 A Bi-Monthly Newsletter Roger Hiemstra, Editor
Adult Education Institute!
Remember that we have many excellent summer course possibilities. Check the web page or your summer course schedule for details and core course designations. We are especially proud of the Summer Institute and know those of you taking any of the courses will have an excellent experience. For example, in my course, AED 5250, the end product might be a monograph in which all contribute. The monograph can then be disseminated via the Web, ERIC, etc. You will note, too, that the summer institute courses also can be taken via the audit option so please pass on such information to your friends and colleagues. Encourage them to take advantage of a great opportunity. Rog
Like a Proud Papa!!!
Finishing my first two years at Elmira College gives me a wonderful perspective. It has been a great time! I have met many fantastic people and, most important, I have been able to play a small part in the growth and development of many people, especially those who recently graduated or who will graduate in the next few months. I am sure I can speak for all faculty in Liverpool and in Elmira who have had the privilege of working with you, congratulations on a job well done. Those of you who have completed the Training of Trainer’s program, we know you will do us all proud as you continue to share your knowledge and skills with others. Feel pride in all that you have accomplished and remember that learning truly is lifelong.
Best Wishes Judy Clack
Farewell and best wishes to Dean Clack. Dr. Ron Sundberg, Dean of Continuing Education, reluctantly accepted Judy’s resignation as Associate Dean of Continuing Education for Graduate Studies. She will be leaving July 9 to move closer to members of her family in Austin, Texas. Judy has been an extremely gifted and enthusiastic administrator of graduate programs at Elmira College for 18 years. According to Ron, "Dean Clack has played a key role in building Elmira College’s graduate programs and has mentored and advised thousands of students seeking careers in education." She has been very helpful to adult education students and will be deeply missed by all members of the College and Elmira community. In submitting her resignation, Judy commented: "Following the sudden and unexpected death of my mother in February, I decided to move to Austin to assist with my father’s care. This was a very difficult decision because I love what I do at the College every single day, especially advising students! I will deeply miss continuing my friendships with the students, faculty, administration, and staff of Elmira College. For me, it is always the interactions with people that are the most rewarding. I wish each of you well in all your future endeavors at Elmira College." A search committee is reviewing several applications.
"Tri-State Retreat!"
Remember to place on your calendar the 1999 adult education Tri-State Retreat. It is September 24-26 at Camp Arnot south of Ithaca. This is a great opportunity to meet faculty and graduate students in adult education from higher education institutions in New York, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania. Great fun, great program, and a relaxing weekend. Let’s have a big contingent from Elmira College. See the web page for details.
The Proud Graduates
Any time you print a list, it is inevitable that someone inadvertently is left off. My apologies ahead of time. However, this is too important an occasion not to attempt the impossible of including everyone who walked through the wonderful graduation ceremonies earlier this month, who has completed degree requirements, or who completed the Training of Trainers Advanced Certificate in either Liverpool or Elmira. We are indeed very proud of your many accomplishments:
Masters Degree | The Training of Trainers
Certificate |
Tina Barber | Angela Barbito |
Angela Barbito | Mary Bartlett |
Timothy Beadle | Amy Brown |
Terry Bowdren | Vickie Caligure |
Elizabeth Burns | Chris Cecce (1998) |
Maureen Carter | Ronald Conklin |
Toni Christensen | Joanne Conley |
Shelagh Cummings | Susan Cotter |
Jennifer Driscoll | Carolyn Draht |
Mary Lu Ghezzi | Beth Farr |
Keith Gros | Denise Heater |
April Hammond | Barbara Henza |
Jerome Henehan | Marilyn Lear |
Crystal Jacobson | Lynda Lehr |
John Knaul | Janet Maloney |
Norbert Kupinski | Jon Martens |
Teresa Morelle | Thomas Nettle |
Thomas Nettle | Debbi Payne |
Susan Oakley | Catharine Root |
Lynne-Marie Perli | Linda Roche |
Karen Sanchez | Tracy Sayles |
Catherine Spyridakis | Cynthia Smith |
Christine Tillman | Jacob Sorber |
Robert Williams | John Swayze |
Alison Wolfe | Steve Tostanoski |
Robert Wood | Thomas Vine |
Kathleen Zakri | Bobby White |
Alison Wolfe |
Tentative Fall Schedule
Following is a partial fall schedule, primarily for the Liverpool area. Check the web page and the 1999-2000 Graduate Bulletin when it arrives for more up-to-date information.
1. AED 5000 Adult Education: Foundations of Practice (3 cr.) Dr. Paul Blair, 13 sessions, Sept. 9-Dec. 16, 7:30-10:30 p.m.
2. AED 5071 Training of Trainers: Needs Assessment (1 cr.) Dr. John Burns, Two Sat., Sept. 18 & Oct. 2
3. AED 5072 Training of Trainers: Program Design and Evaluation (1 cr.) Dr. John Burns, Two Sat., Oct 23 & 30
4. AED 5073 Training of Trainers: Learning Theory for Trainers (1 cr.) Dr. Jane LeClair, Two Sat., Nov. 13 & Dec. 11
5. AED 5100 Gerontology (3 cr.) Dr. Norb Henry, Two weekends in Elmira (September 10-11 & October 15-16) plus computer mediated conversations equivalent to a third weekend (counts as a residency course for Liverpool students)
6. AED 5110 Techniques of Teaching Adult Literacy (3 cr.) Dr. Jane Hugo, Three Fri. (5-10 p.m.) and Three Sat. (8-5 p.m.), Nov. 5, 6, 19, 20, Dec. 3, 4
7. EDU 5900 Research Methods and Materials (3 cr.) Dr. Roger Hiemstra, 13 sessions, Sept. 9-Dec. 16, 4:15-7:15 p.m.
Kudos and Hurrahs!
Mary Bartlett started a new position in May with Literacy Volunteers of America, the National office in Syracuse. As Director of Program Development, Mary works on a team assisting LVA with capacity building in the areas of student leadership and training. She is developing a National Training Corp and coordinates training requests, information, and referral for the LVA affiliate offices. Mary noted that her "background in training, organizing community programs, and academic work in adult education were critical in securing the new position."
Mary Lu Ghezzi and Tom Nettle were just elected officers for the Central New York Coalition for Adult and Continuing Education. With their leadership abilities and the work of immediate past president, Dr. John Burns, the organization is in very good hands.
Send me announcements on your or any AED colleagues’ accomplishments so they can be included in this newsletter.
An Editorial
I have used this newsletter to talk about the death of adult education colleagues in many past issues. Let me be personal and say thanks to the many of you who supported me in various ways the past few months as my own father slipped away. Dad died May 7 after a rough final two months. It was a sad time for my family and I know most of you have gone through or are going through similar times. Death and the subsequent grieving process also can be a time to reflect on what you have in life and I ask you to rejoice with me in the love and colleagueship we each have with family and friends. The preciousness of life is so important and let’s vow to make the most of it all the time even within our busy and hectic days.
It also is with honor and humility that I accept with great pride an Elmira College Excellence in Teaching Award presented to me in Elmira on June 5 during the graduate student reception. This award is very precious to me and because so many of you have had a part in it I am deeply grateful. To be recognized for something that you love to do makes my living all the more important. Rog
Book Reviews
I have three books for your consideration in this newsletter.
1. Usher, R., Bryant, I., & Johnston, R. (1997). Adult education and the postmodern challenge: Learning beyond the limits. New York: Routledge. 264 pages. Although difficult at times to comprehend the authors’ comments, this book provides some useful information on many of the various problems associated with designing and structuring adult learning experiences. They introduce the concept of "disciplinarity," a view that can enhance or limit what others perceive as appropriate for adult education practice. They discuss the importance of bringing "self" into the research process when trying to understand adult learning. It may take multiple readings of some passages to obtain the full message and many readers will not find it as practical a book as they would like, but expand your views by reading authors outside of the U.S.
2. Knowles, M. S., Holton, E. F., & Swanson, R. A. (1998). The adult learner: The definitive classic in adult education and human resource development (Fifth Edition). Austin, TX: Gulf Publishing Company. 310 pages. In tribute to Malcolm, Holton and Swanson have revised this important book in a new edition. While retaining the best from past editions, they have incorporated the latest in adult learning knowledge and practice. The first part retains the classic chapters Malcolm developed to describe the role of andragogy in working with the adult learner. The second part contains four new chapters on applying andragogy and adult learning theory in HRD settings. The last part contains updated information on suggested readings. An important book for your professional library.
3. Palloff, R. M., & Pratt, K. (1999). Building learning communities in cyberspace: Effective strategies for the online classroom. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass Publishers. 320 pages. This book examines what is known about learning and translates it for the online classroom. The authors talk about the difficulties of creating a sense of community when online and how to develop a sense of shared learning among students and faculty involved in computer mediated conversations. I would like to have seen them talk more about adult learning theory and knowledge, but the book is a useful resource for the current or future online teacher.
Cyril Houle Tributes
Cy made many, many contributions to adult education and is finally being adequately recognized for his work. The Commission of Professors of Adult Education has commissioned a book in his honor. See the personal vita at pvitacoh.html -or- for more information on this outstanding individual.
Speaking of personal vitas, see the web page for several new vitas and consider doing one on your favorite adult educator that can be included under your authorship (home.twcny.
Calendar of Upcoming Events
[Note: Send Roger professional conference notices that you receive so they can be included the next time.]
Always be a little kinder than necessary. James M. Barrie
AED REPORT is a newsletter for students and faculty involved in the Elmira College Graduate Program of Adult Education. The Editor is Roger Hiemstra. Please send any correspondence to him at 318 Southfield Dr., Fayetteville, NY 13066. His phone is (315) 637-0029; fax is (315) 637-0029. Email is Web Page is / or the back-up site Your Elmira College contacts are Dr. Ronald Sundberg, Dean, Associate Dean Judith Clack, Graduate Advisor Joan Swanson. Their phone is (607) 735-1825; fax (607) 735-1759; email; address is Office of Continuing Education, Elmira College, One Park Place, Elmira, NY 14901. This newsletter is YOUR vehicle for networking, news, tips, and information. Its value is enhanced by your active support and involvement in reading it, contributing to it, and critiquing it.
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