Masters in Adult Education
Advanced Certificate in Training of Trainers
Vol. 1, No. 7, July, 1998 A Bi-Monthly Newsletter Roger Hiemstra, Editor
A big congratulations to all who completed the Graduate Certificate in Training of Trainers. We are proud of you. Most were honored at a reception on June 1. Several more will finish this summer. Pass the word on to colleagues so they can join us in September. We are tentatively planning an exciting Training conference for next summer.
Speaking of our fall courses, we are having two information sessions this summer for anyone interested in finding out more about our program, talking with Elmira College administrators, and meeting some of the faculty. They take place 6:00-7:30 p.m. on Thursday, July 23, in Room A103, OCM BOCES, and Thursday August 13, Room A107, OCM BOCES. Pass the word to your colleagues. If they wish to reserve a spot at either session, they should phone Elmira College (607) 735-1825 or fax them at (607) 735-1759. Alternatively, if you have someone in mind and would like Roger to invite them personally, send him their name, address, and phone number. Thanks!
We are pleased to welcome new faculty member, Dr. Paul Blair. Paul has a doctoral degree in Instructional Design with a special emphasis in Adult Education from Syracuse University. His dissertation was an historical study of Dr. Paul Bergevin, an early Adult Education leader and his grandfather. Paul is Training Manager and a Certified Instructor for IKON Office Solutions, Syracuse. He will begin teaching in the winter term.
We are repeating the fall schedule here for your calendar:
AED 5071 Training of Trainers: Needs Assessment (1 cr.) Burns, Sept. 12 and Oct. 10; 9 a.m.–4:30 p.m.
AED 5072 Training of Trainers: Program Design and Eval. (1 cr.) Burns, Oct. 24 and Nov. 21; 9 a.m.-4:30 p.m.
AED 5073 Training of Trainers: Learning Theory for Trainers (1 cr.) LeClair, Dec. 5 and 19; 9 a.m.-4:30.p.m.
AED 5110 Techniques of Teaching Adult Literacy (3 cr.) Hugo, Sept. 18-19, Oct. 2-3, and Nov. 6-7; Fridays 5-10 p.m. and Saturdays 8 a.m.-5 p.m.
EDU 5900 Research Methods and Materials (3 cr.) Hiemstra, Thur., 13 sessions, Sept. 10-Dec. 10 (no classes Nov. 26); 7:30-10:30 p.m.
HUE 5623 Adult Development: Transitions (3 cr.) LeClair, Oct. 16-17, 30-31, and Nov. 13-14; Fridays 5-10 p.m. and Saturdays 8 a.m. -5 p.m.
PSY 5150 Organizational Psychology (3 cr.) Downey, Thur., 13 sessions, Sept. 10-Dec. 10 (no classes Nov. 26); 4:15-7:15 p.m.
And for your advance planning, here is the winter, 1999, schedule:
AED 5005 Administration in Adult Education Organizations (3 cr.) Dr. John Burns, Three Weekends (in 2nd half of term)
AED 5074 Training of Trainers: Characteristics of Adult Learners (1 cr.) Dr. Jane Hugo, Two Saturdays
AED 5075 Training of Trainers: Learning Environ. & Soc. Dynam. (1 cr.) Dr. Paul Blair, Two Saturdays
AED 5076 Training of Trainers: Techniques for Teach. Adults (1 cr.) Dr. Paul Blair, Two Saturdays
AED 5105 Contemporary Issues in Adult Education (3 cr.) Dr. Norb Henry, Three Weekends (in 1st half of term)
AED 6000 Graduate Seminar: Adult Education (3 cr.) Dr. Roger Hiemstra, Thur., late afternoons
PSY 5112 Psychology of the Adult Learner (3 cr.) Dr. Jane LeClair, Thur., evenings
If you currently are not an email user or if you are and would like to consider a faster ISP, consider Time-Warner’s Road Runner. Janet and I saw a demonstration of the service last week at MOST. They advertise it as up to 100 times faster than most current services. To give you a comparison, at home with my 14,400 modem it takes me 3-4 minutes to download the "Happy Birthday" song by my barbershop quartet accessible through my web page. At MOST using Road Runner, it took 23 seconds. We also saw video working through Real Video shown with no interruptions or jerkiness. I am convinced! Some of our colleagues in Binghamton and Elmira already have it and report there can be some slowing down of their systems during peak use times, but when I posed that problem to one of the Time Warner Vice Presidents, he said that in the Syracuse area they are committed to maintaining Road Runner as a provider of fast and dependable connections to the World Wide Web. You can have up to a 5 megabyte web page and at least 4 separate email accounts. It is perhaps a little pricey at $39.95 a month if you already are a Time Warner subscriber (slightly more if you are not) and there is an installation charge of $80-100. However, if you compare it to an ISDN line it is less expensive plus you can have your email going 24 hours a day and control your web page right from your home machine. I already signed up, so ask me my opinion in about a month. Rog
One of the activities I am working on this summer is developing some articulation agreements with several higher education institutions that offer doctoral degrees in adult education. I hope to find sites both nearby and throughout the United States that will agree to make the transition to their doctoral degrees easy for Elmira College graduates. I will keep you informed of my progress. Rog
Several of you have journeyed to Elmira for one or more residency courses. The courses have been fun, stimulating, and it has given several of us the opportunity to meet some of our "Elmira" counterparts. If you have not yet taken a residency course, talk to someone who has and find out about the best places to stay, to eat, etc.
I am placing this reminder again about the 1998 Tri-State Retreat for faculty and students in Adult Education. It will be September 25-27 at Camp Arnot, about 20 minutes south of Ithaca. Each year graduate students and faculty in Adult Education from Buffalo State, Cornell, Elmira College, Indiana University of Pennsylvania, Penn State, and Rutgers gather for a weekend of fun, relaxation, and education. Plan to join us this year and meet fellow graduate students from New York, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania. More specific information will be in the September newsletter.
• August 5-7, 1998, the 14th Annual Conference on Distance Teaching and Learning, Marriott Madison West, Madison, WI; for more information contact Sue Saeger, 608-265-4159 [].
• October 8-10, 1998, 17th Annual Midwest Research-to-Practice Conference in Adult, Continuing, and Community Education, Alumni Center, Ball State University, Muncie, IN; for more information contact Dr. Peter Murk ( or Dr. Jean Fleming (jfleming@wp.bsu; 765-285-2560).
• October 21-23, 1998, 35th Annual Conference of the Continuing Education Association of New York, "Continuing Education: Our Mandate for the Millennium," Hotel Thayer, West Point, NY. For questions contact Jane O’Brien, [516-632-7067, 516-632-9046 (fax), or
• November 18-22, 1998, 47th Annual Adult Education Conference sponsored by AAACE (American Association for Adult and Continuing Education), Phoenix, AZ. The theme of this conference, "Adult Learning—A Joy, A Tool, A Right, and A Shared Responsibility," builds on the recommendations of the 1997 Conference on Lifelong Learning, as well as those presented by the Fifth International Conference on Adult Education, held in Hamburg, Germany, in July, 1997. For information contact AAACE, 1200 19th St., NW, Suite 300, Washington, DC 20036. Phone them at 202-429-5131.
Note: Be sure to send Roger any job or professional conference notices that you receive so they can be included in this newsletter or posted on the classroom book cabinet.
Many of you are familiar with the work of Howard Gardner’s multiple intelligences, Robert Sternberg’s triarchic theory of intelligence, or you’ve heard faculty talk about multi-modal learning. My wife (Janet) recently finished coordinating a Laubach Literacy conference in Columbus, Ohio. She came home especially elated over one of the keynote speakers, Thomas Armstrong, who talks about multi-intelligence in a very informed, clear, and entertaining way. She loaned me one of his books (7 kinds of smart: Identifying and developing your many intelligences; New York: Penguin Books, 1993; 261 pp., $12.95) and I was immediately impressed with this fine work. Mr. Armstrong clearly describes the theory of multiple intelligences and then has excellent chapters on each kind: Word smart (linguistic), picture smart (spatial), music smart (musical), body smart (bodily-kinesthetic), logic smart (logical-mathematical), people smart (interpersonal), and self smart (intrapersonal). He provides many examples of how to use this information in understanding yourself as learner, but I could see all kinds of implications for the teacher or trainer of adults. Even the brief resources section at the conclusion of the book makes it worth the cost. By the way, he described the newest kind of smart being developed, naturalistic, with two other kinds being conceptualized.
We have nearly completed year one. We will appreciate your giving us feedback so we can make improvements for the 1998-99 year. I’m enclosing an open-ended evaluation sheet. Use it only as guide for providing whatever responses you want to make. You can provide comments on each faculty member, Elmira College administrative staff and procedures, our courses, and/or anything else that comes to mind. To protect your anonymity, please place the form or whatever else you write on in an envelope, send it to me (Roger), and do not include a return address or sign the form. If you have never taken a course in Liverpool, please so indicate. Thank you!
AED REPORT is a newsletter for students and faculty involved in the Elmira College Graduate Program of Adult Education. The Editor is Roger Hiemstra. Please send any correspondence to him at 318 Southfield Dr., Fayetteville, NY 13066. His phone is (315) 637-0029; fax is (315) 637-0029. Email is Web Page is / or the back-up site Your Elmira College contacts are Dr. Ronald Sundberg, Dean, Associate Dean Judith Clack, Graduate Advisor Joan Swanson. Their phone is (607) 735-1825; fax (607) 735-1759; email; address is Office of Continuing Education, Elmira College, One Park Place, Elmira, NY 14901. This newsletter is YOUR vehicle for networking, news, tips, and information. Its value is enhanced by your active support and involvement in reading it, contributing to it, and critiquing it.
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