Masters in Adult Education
Advanced Certificate in Training of Trainers
Vol. 2, No. 5, April, 1999 A Bi-Monthly Newsletter Roger Hiemstra, Editor
A hearty congratulations to all students in various locations who are graduating June 6. We are very proud of each one of you. Plan to attend the graduation ceremonies and the graduate student reception on June 5. Contact the Office of Continuing Education if you need more information. If possible, I’d like to get a group picture of all adult education students after graduation. Rog
Summer Institute!
We are very pleased with the various social and educational experiences planned for the summer institute. Check the program web page for more details, course syllabi, etc. Of course, there are many other great summer courses planned, too, so register for your summer courses soon and spread the word. Note that some of the summer courses require pre-readings, so check the summer schedule or web page for these requirements.
1st Annual T/T Dialogue
The first annual Training of Trainer’s day on the Elmira College campus is April 17. This is where students obtaining the T/T graduate certificate from both the Elmira and Liverpool areas gather for a final wrap-up day. Faculty members Paul Blair and Barb Walkley are conducting the class activities. Everyone’s invited to a "Dialogue" Luncheon, noon-1:30, Campus Center Lounge. AED Masters alumni and T/T Certificate Holder Leon Golder, Manager of Technical Training, Dresser Rand Company, will keynote on "Transition from SME to Trainer: Success or Burnout." Contact Susan Carboni, Office of Continuing Education and Graduate Studies (E-mail:; phone: 607-735-1825) to arrange for luncheon tickets ($10 per person for anyone not currently enrolled in the T/T course).
No Wonder I’m So Tired
For a couple of years I’ve been blaming it on lack of sleep and too much pressure from my over-committed life, but now I found out the real reason I’m tired; I’m overworked:
Informational Index
Much potentially valuable information exists in past newsletters or on my web page (/ -or- http:// Following is a partial index. Information in parentheses notes a specific address for each newsletter inserted after the web page address. (NOTE: Remember that newsletter contents the first year were aimed at CNY Students)
September, 1997 (aedsep97.html)
Annual tri-state retreat
Computers are a necessity
Portfolio opportunity
Meet your faculty
October, 1997 (aedoct97.html)
A very sad time (Ina Sue Brown’s death)
Web page
December, 1997 (aeddec97.html)
A new program
A hero is gone (Malcolm Knowles’ death)
Portfolio guidelines
Happy reading (book review)
Developing the leader within you
Adults and transition
February, 1998 (aedfeb98.html)
Jobs! Jobs! Jobs!
First graduation
Living arrangements for summer courses
Distance education
Happy reading (book review): Empires of the mind
March, 1998 (aedmar98.html)
Articulation toward a doctoral program
Attending conferences
Motel rooms for Spring and Summer courses in Elmira
Good luck Gene (Roche)
Career planning
Need a book?
The job network
May, 1998 (aedmay98.html)
Pre-reading requirements
Job changes
Annual tri-state retreat
Email Email
Another sad passing (Cyril Houle)
We need your help
July, 1998 (aedjul98.html)
Welcome aboard Paul (Blair)
Road Runner
Doctoral Degrees
Book review: 7 kinds of smart
Program evaluation
August, 1998 (aedaug98.html)
Annual retreat
Training of trainers conference
Congratulations Renee
Wedding bells
Portfolio opportunity
October, 1998 (aedoct98.html)
Spring training of trainers conference
Professional writing opportunity
Book review: Consilience
November, 1998 (aednov98.html)
The 1999 summer institute
The spring activity for trainers
Project adult education vitae
Your help is needed
Where are the books
Book reviews: Multiple intelligences in the classroom and Beyond the American dream
Web reviews
December, 1998 (aeddec98.html)
Applause, applause
AERC 2000
Syracuse library
Galaxy II
Doctoral studies
Book reviews: Tuesdays with Morrie; Rich dad, poor dad; The magic of believing; European views of self-directed learning
Our hectic lives
February, 1999 (aedfeb99.html)
Musings again
Search engines
Extreme learning
750 days!!
Brain research
Book/technology reviews: 5 important things;;;
12 best ideas for being successful
Graduate adult education in Central New York
The educative community (text of a 1993 book by Roger Hiemstra)
Background information on Roger Hiemstra
General information related to AED 5000
General information related to AED 5105
General information related to distance education and AED 5220
Instruction and learning-related materials
Research methods and materials (EDU 5900)
Material related to a capstone course (AED 6000)
Self-directed learning information (AED 5250)
Ethics and the adult educator
APA primer (4th edition)
Helpful writing hints
Writing an executive summary
Various stylistic guidelines
Help for finding list servs
Improving your searching capabilities
Publishing articles help
Personal vita project (vitas of past and current adult education leaders)
Recent papers written by Roger Hiemstra
Web Design Recommendations
Colleague Jon Martens passes along a neat suggestion: http:// The web site’s theme is Useable Information Technology. It features several useful sections:
There also are several interesting links to various techniques for writing on the web.
Book Reviews
I seldom make recommendations on fictional books to my adult education colleagues. "Who has time for such reading, right?" But I got turned on to the work of Kim Stanley Robinson a few weeks ago when I happened to be perusing the Discovery Channel. They were talking about the possibilities of eventually inhabiting Mars. Kim has written an absolutely wonderful trilogy on the very subject: "Red Mars," "Green Mars," and "Blue Mars." I am reading the Bantam Book paperbacks. They were written in 1993-95. Although I have only read the first two, there is actually lots of "stuff" in them for adult educators. He talks about the trials and tribulations of building a society from scratch, all the constant learning that is mandatory just to survive from one day to the next. Great bathroom or "I am sick of those required readings" books. Give yourself a break.
Professional Reading Ideas
Here are a couple of suggestions to consider for your professional library. The Canadian Journal for the Study of Adult Education contains articles on a wide variety of adult education issues and topics. Contact Editor Allan Quigley ( for subscription information.
Another good journal is The Journal of Continuing Higher Education. Published three times a year through the Association for Continuing Higher Education, it features articles, reviews, and association news. Contact Wayne Whelan, ACHE, Trident Technical College, P.O. Box 118068, CE-M, Charleston, SC 29423-8067 to subscribe.
The Council for Adult and Experiential Learning has a new membership rate for graduate students. CAEL is a national not-for-profit organization devoted to expanding life-long learning opportunities for adults. Contact Robert Fitzpatrick (; or see their web page ( for details.
Calendar of Upcoming Events
[Note: Send Roger professional conference notices that you receive so they can be included the next time. This is YOUR newsletter so make it work for you by sharing.]
A great many people think they are thinking when they are merely rearranging their prejudices. William James
AED REPORT is a newsletter for students and faculty involved in the Elmira College Graduate Program of Adult Education. The Editor is Roger Hiemstra. Please send any correspondence to him at 318 Southfield Dr., Fayetteville, NY 13066. His phone is (315) 637-0029; fax is (315) 637-0029. Email is Web Page is / or the back-up site Your Elmira College contacts are Dr. Ronald Sundberg, Dean, Associate Dean Judith Clack, Graduate Advisor Joan Swanson. Their phone is (607) 735-1825; fax (607) 735-1759; email; address is Office of Continuing Education, Elmira College, One Park Place, Elmira, NY 14901. This newsletter is YOUR vehicle for networking, news, tips, and information. Its value is enhanced by your active support and involvement in reading it, contributing to it, and critiquing it.
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