Elmira College

A. AED 5076 Training of Trainers: Techniques for Teaching Adults (1 Credit)

B. DESCRIPTION: In this workshop a variety of presentation techniques are modeled. The need to adapt a personal teaching or stand-up training style to match ever-changing learner reactions is emphasized. Special characteristics of effective stand-up trainers are described, as well as other research related to presentation approaches. To conclude this workshop series, each learner prepares and delivers a min-teaching or training presentation and receives feedback from the instructor and class colleagues.

C. OBJECTIVES: At the end of the course students should be able to perform with excellence in the following areas: (a) Demonstrate an understanding of various training methods and techniques; (b) demonstrate skills and proficiency in presenting information to adult learners; (c) write a self-analysis to reflect on personal plans for increasing capacity to meet the varied needs of learners; (d) participate proactively in a team or group activity designed to provide experience in some aspect of teaching or training adults; (e) design an instructional plan related to training adults; and (f) write a reflective journal that includes personal reflections on various adult learning techniques.

D. STRUCTURE: The workshop's instructional methods includes lectures, handouts, recommended library readings, discussion, and team work to design and deliver a short lesson according to one of the multiple intelligences. Students also keep a reflective journal on their learning experiences. Finally, students are encouraged to challenge each other, to explore course areas of special interest, and discuss topics of interest with each other.

E. RESOURCES: Renner, P. (1993). The art of teaching adults. Vancouver, BC: Training Associates. A series of selected articles also are disseminated. In addition, participants are expected to carry out individual research for and use of related materials via library materials or the Internet.

F. EVALUATION: Evaluation is based on attendance, participation, the quality of any written reports, and the effectiveness of the team effort. In addition, each class member is expected to carry out a self-assessment in the form of a personal journal and contract for a final project that incorporates key learnings from this course and other courses in the series into a presentation before class colleagues.


1. Literature/theory on educating, teaching, and training adults

2. Andragogy and the facilitation model of instruction

3. Instructional methods and techniques

4. The impact of social class, race, income, and gender on the instructional process

5. Incorporating instructional planning and objectives

6. Selecting and using instructional strategies appropriate to the target audience

7. Developing individual stand-up presentation skills

8. Team and individual presentations

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