Elmira College

A. AED 5073 Training of Trainers: Learning Theory for Trainers (1 Credit)

B. DESCRIPTION: This workshop helps participants understand the interrelationship of the teaching and learning cycle. It explores how selecting appropriate strategies for training is based on the relationship between basic learning theories and systematic design procedures. A step-by-step decision-making process for planning and developing training is outlined. Participants are helped to understand the importance of the learner, learning styles, and task analysis in all training and adult education efforts. Participants develop interactive presentations that utilize techniques to enhance retention the transfer of theory into practice.

C. OBJECTIVES: At the end of the course students should be able to perform with excellence in the following areas: (a) Write learning objectives appropriate for a particular audience; (b) identify characteristics of right/left brained teachers and learners; (c) prescribe appropriate learning theory for the delivery of specific training; (d) prepare a plan of action for classroom design; (e) identify various ways to assess a learner; and (f) collaborate in a team or small group activity on some aspect of the course content.

D. STRUCTURE: The workshop's instructional methods will include lectures, handouts, recommended library readings, discussion, small group (team) exercises, and a course project. Each student is expected to work in a group to develop plans or materials related to some aspect of the course content. Students are encouraged to challenge each other, to explore course areas of special interest, and discuss topics of interest with each other.

E. RESOURCES: A series of selected articles will be disseminated throughout the workshop. In addition, participants will be expected to carry out individual research for and use of related materials via library materials or the Internet.

F. EVALUATION: Evaluation is based on attendance, which is mandatory for all sessions, participation, and the quality of any written reports. In addition, class members are expected to be involved in small group study activities. Each student contracts for a final project that evidences key learnings of the course. Such projects may take the form of oral presentations, outlines, journals, video work, Internet work, or program design.

G. REQUIRED TEXT: O'Connor, B., Bronner, M., & Delaney, C. (1996). Training for organizations. Cincinnati, OH: South-Western Educational Publishing.


1. Introduction to basic learning theories.

2. How the brain works.

3. Presentation/teaching planning.

4. Audience centered training and instruction.

5. Motivating learners.

6. Information processing.

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