Elmira College

A. AED 5071 Training of Trainers: Needs Assessment (1 Credit)

B. COURSE DESCRIPTION: This introductory workshop provides the operational structure to determine needs for organizations. Systems analysis is used to reveal the developmental needs of the organization followed by methods for job analysis and for determining the performance and developmental needs of workers. Training is thereby viewed in the context of organizational needs, job requirements, and the performance and developmental needs of the individual.

C. COURSE OBJECTIVES: At the end of the course students should be able to perform with excellence in the following areas:

  1. To provide the student with an understanding of  human resource modeling applied to organizations, jobs, and people in a diverse and changing culture
  2. To demonstrate the dynamic interplay of organization, job, and diverse human development requirements
  3. Through a team activity, to engage the student in a systems analysis of an organization drawn from the student's personal experience
  4. To provide an overview of those methods used to assess individual performance and development needs
  5. To apply these methods to a real organizational problem as developed in each student team and to share findings with other teams.

D. COURSE FORMAT: This Training of Trainers Workshop will utilize lecture, hand-outs, recommended readings, discussion, small group exercises, and a course project.

E. EXPECTATION FOR STUDENTS: Each student is expected to work in a group in determining the developmental needs of an organization drawn from the personal experiences of the team members. From this analysis, a written report (individual or group) will be constructed which illustrates how a training program(s) can help meet these needs. This written report will be used during the last class meeting.

F. METHODS OF EVALUATION: Evaluation is based on attendance, which is mandatory for all sessions, participation, and quality of any written reports.

G. REQUIRED TEXT: O'Connor, B., Bronner, M., & Delaney, C. (1996). Training for organizations. Cincinnati, OH: South-Western Educational Publishing.


 First Half: Why Needs Assessment?

Second Half: Quasi and Organizational Training Needs Assessment

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