The Current Status of our In-Church Archives
[Note: Inventorying currently is underway so drawer order and filing cabinet IDs are out of date and being revised]
Archive Room
First Filing Cabinet A
1. Drawer 1 – Labeled “Era 7 – Rev. Canfield 1946-51 & Era 8 – Rev. Zoerheide 1951-61”
a. Several labeled blue dividers – mostly empty most likely because of material sent to SU – one marked “concerning the school of religion” – it contained misc. RE newsletters 1953-54 and a few misc. things – Josephine Gould was the probable RE person - & 1 photo
b. In the back is a small box with 3 old 5.25 floppies on a 1987 MMUS survey and a large report of a Jeff Briggs-Leaman survey on leisure time interests and activities of members (and the surveys themselves)
Drawer 2 – Labeled “Era 10 Interim ministry of Rev. Robert Henry
a. There are several related file folders, some empty; there are other misc. things like annual meeting material, denominational material, photos, 1992-94 vision process report, Pat Hoertdorfer ordination, etc.
b. In back of the folders are misc. folders and sermons from various times, plus a folder labeled Scott Taylor installation service
3. Drawer 3 – Labeled “Era 9 Rev. Fuller 1961-73”
a. Inside are a few folders and labeled dividers; some are empty, some not
b. There is a box with 1963-64 slides of MMUUS under construction by Larry Gould
4. Drawer 4 – Labeled “Treasurer records keep?”
a. Inside it appears that is what they are from 1991-92
Filing Cabinet B
1. Drawer 1 – Labeled “Teaching materials discard?”
a. Misc. photos, pictures from magazines, etc. – perhaps 1960s and 70s
Drawer 2 – Labeled “Historical Material Laymen’s
a. In a 1999 envelope addressed to June Card may be one of the first drafts of a complete statement by Nick Cardell on this is our synagogue, our mosque, etc.
b. Several of Nick’s sermons
c. Notebook of RE committee meetings, 1969
d. Some stapled sheets on the Jefferson Club at MMUS, 1961
e. A notebook of RE material, 1940-41 with a photo of Rev. Argow and various RE materials with photos and newspaper clippings
f. Various RE material from the 30s-60s
g. Various photos mainly of RE kids from late 30s-50s
3. Drawer 3 – unlabeled – contains a few old books in a sack
4. Drawer 4 – Labeled “ Duplicates”
a. Misc. material from various years, some in labeled file folders, some loose
b. Glenn Canfield’s 1946 installation program
Filing Cabinet C
1. Drawer 1 – Labeled “Constitution directories”
a. There are several directories, some dating back to the 1890s
b. There also are the 1997 annual meeting handouts
2. Drawer 2 – Labeled “to be sorted”
a. Misc. orders of service from the 1980s forward
b. Treasurer reports and annual meeting material
3. Drawer 3 – Labeled “treasurer records keep”
a. Contains folders of various financial records
b. A variety of material on other topics from the 1960s forward
4. Drawer 4 – Labeled “to be sorted”
a. The drawer is mainly empty with only a few misc. material
Filing Cabinet D
1. Drawer 1 – Labeled “church school administrator”
a. RE folders, notebooks, and material from the 1960s to the 1980s
2. Drawer 2 – Labeled “church school 1981-1987”
a. It is almost full of material and folders related to RE
3. Drawer 3 – Labeled [also] “church school 1981-1987
a. It, too, is almost full of file folders containing RE material
4. Drawer 4 – Labeled “church school”
a. There are some folders in the front half of primarily RE material from various years
b. In the back half there are two boxes of material from Rev. Argow and Rev. Calthrop
Filing Cabinet E
1. Drawer 1 – Labeled “archive records” “Rev. Scott Smith Taylor”
a. There are several folders labeled archive list sent to bird and other archival material
b. There is hardly anything of Scott Taylor’s in there
c. There are a few misc. folders from very early years
2. Drawer 2 – Labeled “Registrar’s Records Romig-Canfield Eras”
a. There are two large 3-ring binders of member registration information
3. Drawer 3 – unlabeled
a. Contains sermons by John Fuller, Liz Strong, John Papendrew, and a few others
4. Drawer 4 – unlabeled
a. It is empty except for a few empty labeled file dividers
Filing Cabinet F
Drawer 1 – Labeled “Women’s
a. Misc. folders and record books from the alliance and related groups – many years
2. Drawer 2 – Labeled “Women’s alliance”
a. More folders from the 1950-60s
3. Drawer 3 – Labeled “Orders of service 1911-1970”
a. Contains manila accordion files and orders of service
b. There also are weekly newsletters in binders 1961-76
4. Drawer 4 – unlabeled and empty
Filing Cabinet G
1. Drawer 1 – Labeled “E. Genesee Bldg Fuller era”
a. Various folders with material and photos of the building, parsonage, contracts, etc.
2. Drawer 2 – Labeled “orders of service 1990s” “newsletters 1990s”
a. Material related to the label
3. Drawer 3 – Labeled “Mortgage 1992-1994” “pledge cards 1995-96 1994-95”
a. There is one box that appears to contain pledge cards
4. Drawer 4 – Labeled “Newsletters 1970s-through 1980s”
a. Newsletters related to the label
Some drawers contain scrapbooks with other scrapbooks on tops of
filing cabinets
1. Labeled “Elizabeth Manwell”
a. There are various file folders of her material
2. Another box
a. It contains a variety of correspondence and misc. material, mainly from the 40s-50s
3. Another box – Labeled “Zoerheide” (second one being duplicated for SU library)
Contains a variety of material from the 40s-60s (this is what
will need to be transmitted to
4. Another box – Labeled “Fuller” (second one being duplicated for SU library)
Contains a variety of material from the 60s-70s (this is what
will need to be transmitted to
5. Sack with no label
a. Contains a variety of material from the 80s-90s
6. Sack box – Labeled “sermons in print”
a. Contains various sermons from the 90s
7. Bag containing material from a previous
church president
There is an unlabeled and open box with various folders on
various topics in the 60s
2. Outside the locked closet are old newsletters, several boxes of folders, correspondence, etc, boxes of sermon tapes, boxes of old photos, and photograph albums
Loft Area By the Organ
Other Material
1. There are a few archival materials scattered in drawers in the church
office yet to be sorted
2. There are archival material in the
minister’s office yet to be sorted
3. There may be archival material in the DRE’s
office yet to be sorted