Fred M. Schied
The front page of the December 25, 1873 issue of the Chicago
Tribune did not wish residents of the city good cheer. On this particular
Christmas day, news of the holiday season was carried on pages two and three.
The entire front page of the newspaper dealt with organizations threatening the
city. Under the headline, "Our Communists," the city's leading
English language newspaper promised to give Chicagoans "A brief sketch of
the Socialist movement" and to identify "The First Organization in
Chicago" to introduce this new doctrine. There followed a remarkable
series of articles, including a biographical sketch of the leader of the
international communists, one "Carl Marx," and most surprisingly, a
long summation of Marx's "peculiar ideas as expressed in his work The
Communist Manifesto." The article quoted extensively from the Manifesto.
Along with the articles on the international
communist (or socialist-the words were used interchangeably) movement, much of
the front page was devoted to the local Chicago situation. That situation,
according to the Tribune, was desperate. Over one-quarter of the city's
working population was unemployed. Many of those still employed had suffered
severe wage reductions. Unemployed workers were demonstrating. The Socialists
had taken over the leadership of these "desperate and hungry men."
The City's Relief and Aid Society, organized to provide food to the unemployed
and their families, was riddled with corruption. Demonstrations were planned by
the Socialists to demand action to reorganize the Society. Two years after the
Great Fire which almost destroyed Chicago, the city seemed on the brink of
Where did these socialists and communists come from?
How did they become so influential in the city? How did their ideas spread so
quickly that the city's largest newspaper would devote its entire front page to
their "peculiar" ideas? Who was responsible for this unrest? The
answer, at least for the Chicago Tribune, was obvious. In its article on
the local roots of socialist activity, the newspaper laid the responsibility at
the feet of one group: the recent German immigrants and their foreign
doctrines. The Tribune traced the beginning of this movement back to the
formation of the Arbeiter-Verein (workers' club) in 1858. By 1871, the Tribune
wrote, the Social-Politische Arbeiter-Verein (Social-Political
Workers' Club) had accepted as its creed the Manifesto of the Communist
Party and had held meetings where this "peculiar" philosophy was
discussed. It was within these organizations and among their immigrant German
members that the danger lay.
The Tribune articles did not go far enough.
Not only were meetings held at one Arbeiter-Verein, but by the early
1870s Arbeiter-Vereine were located throughout the city. Moreover, the
largest of the clubs had a lending library containing books by Marx, Lassalle,
Weitling, and a host of other European radicals. The club held regularly
scheduled debates on social issues of the day and weekly talks by such people
as Joseph Weydemeyer (a friend of Karl Marx and Marx's American correspondent),
as well as picnics, balls, concerts, and song festivals that attracted
hundreds, and sometimes thousands, of participants. From the late 1850s until
after the Haymarket Affair in 1886, the Arbeiter-Vereine were at the center of a vigorous cultural and social
movement which shaped and significantly influenced the course of American
The purpose of this paper is to examine the Arbeiter-Vereine
in their cultural and historical context, and, especially, to explore the
educational aspects of these clubs. This paper argues that the Arbeiter-Vereine
were part of a broader artisan culture which was crucial to the emergence
of a distinct American working-class culture. It further suggests that radical
European socialist thought was introduced to American society through German working-class
organizations such as the Arbeiter-Vereine.
In order to examine the conditions which lead to the founding of the Arbeiter-Vereine it is necessary to take a closer look at the economic and social forces which shaped Chicago.
During the mid-to-late 19th century, Chicago
experienced a boom in its population unprecedented in American history. From a
small town of approximately 30,000 inhabitants in 1850, Chicago grew to 109,000
in 1860, to almost 300,000 in 1870, and to 503,000 in 1880. By 1890 Chicago had
become one of the largest cities in the United States with a population in
excess of 1,000,000. From 1850 to 1890 Chicago's population doubled almost
every ten years (City of Chicago, 1976). Given the state of technology during
the mid-19th century and the virtual destruction of the city during the Great
Fire of 1871, the growth of this Midwestern metropolis lead civic boosters to
call Chicago the 'Wonder of the West" (Pierce, 1957, p. 87).
As astonishing as this growth was, even more
astonishing was the reason for the city's population explosion. The increase in
population was due almost exclusively to a massive influx of immigrants. In
1860, when Chicago's population had reached 100,000, almost one-half of its
population was foreign-born. The single largest immigrant group was German. By 1870,
when Chicago's population neared 300,000, over 52,000 residents were born in
the German states. Combined with children of German-speaking parents born in
the United States, the German element (foreign born or born of German-speaking
parents) was probably closer to 70,000. By 1890 the German element consisted of
325,000 people; one-third of the population of the city (City of Chicago,
1976). In fact, native-born individuals of native-stock Americans were in the
distinct minority. In 1884 they accounted for only 24% of the entire population
of the city. The Chicagoer Arbeiter-Zeitung, the city's German
working-class newspaper, could boast in the same year that only five cities in
Germany had a larger German population (Chicagoer Arbeiter-Zeitung [hereinafter
ChAZl, 1884, August 30).
But if the Germans were the largest ethnic group in
Chicago they were not the only group. The city was filled with immigrants from
Ireland, Scandinavia, Bohemia, and a growing number from Poland. Measured by ethnicity
(defined by foreign birth or family origin), in 1890, 76% of the population was
made up of immigrants or the children of immigrants (City of Chicago, 1976).
However, it was the Germans who, during the period from 1850 to 1890, dominated
the ethnic life of the city. The North Side of the city, home to most of
Chicago's Germans, was called the Nord Seite by even the English
language press. The second largest newspaper in the city was the Illinois Staats-Zeitung,
one of three daily German language newspapers. Chicago also had ten
weekly German newspapers (Arndt & Olsen, 1955).
Economically, Chicago was America's original boom
town. It grew from a small frontier town into a major manufacturing center. The
immigrants came to work in the giant manufacturing plants in America, but for
the most part, they did not share in the economic growth of Chicago. Chicago's
growth coincided with two periods of depression, a decline in the demand for
skilled workers combined with an increase in demand for semiskilled workers,
and numerous massive strikes (Kann, 1977; Nelson, 1988).
The jobs the immigrants
had were mostly factory jobs, irregular in nature and subject to the
fluctuations inherent in a capitalistic economic system. During hard times
one-third of the city's work force could be unemployed, the rest could suffer
from wage cuts ranging anywhere from 10% to 75%. Housing conditions for working
people were primitive, and sanitation services were almost nonexistent. When
the spring rains came, Chicago's streets became impassable. Visitors to the
city were shocked at living conditions; observers called the slums of Chicago
worse than any in industrial England (Pierce, 1957). Yet, the immigrants still
came--for many of the Germans, emigration was the only option.
The German states in the 1830s saw the rise of
increasingly militant political activity. Unemployment, declining incomes,
deteriorating working conditions, and reduced social status plagued the
artisans. Outright starvation haunted the lower classes in 1845-1846. Much of
the social turmoil can be attributed to the beginnings of German
industrialization. However, German society still reflected a society retaining
strong vestiges of feudal relationships and institutions. The result was that
German lower classes found themselves faced with a situation in which the
beginnings of industrialization combined with a system that reflected still
powerful feudalism (Engels, 1967; Noyes, 1966).
In 1847 hunger riots broke out in most of the German
states and troops fought with rioters. In 1848 revolution broke out in the
German states. This liberal bourgeois revolution had a broad base of support.
Artisans, peasants, students, and members of the middle class participated in
the revolution and toppled most of the governments in the German states. However,
the liberal bourgeoisie saw itself threatened from below as well as above.
Engels (1967) argued that this (inevitable) mistrust ultimately led to the
successful counterrevolution that re-established the old regime.
It was during this time of revolutionary upheaval in
Germany, from about 1845 through the 1850s that the rate of German immigration
to the U.S. rose dramatically, while the character of the immigration changed.
In 1854, the height of pre-Civil War German immigration, between 150,000 and
225,000 Germans settled in the United States. This number was not surpassed
until the early 1880s. Furthermore, these immigrants had different backgrounds
from the earlier German immigrants; they tended to be poorer and less rural.
Artisans made up significant numbers of the immigrants and were
disproportionately represented in the German immigration (Walker, 1964). Yet
this artisan culture, long ignored by historians, carried within it traditions
which had great impact upon American working-class radicalism.
New labor historians, such as Gutman (1973), Palmer (1976), Brody (1979), and Montgomery (1980), have viewed culture as something more than tools in the anthropological sense or as inherited resources. Culture for these historians refers to the unfolding of everyday life. Thus, culture is "patterns of socially learned behavior expressed in artifacts, languages, traditions, values, and the like." Culture in this sense "is used"; and "any analysis of its use immediately brings into view the arrangement of persons in social groups, for whom cultural forms confirm, reinforce, maintain, change or deny particular arrangements of status power, and identity" (Mintz quoted in Palmer, 1976, p. 8).
Viewing culture from this
perspective, one can trace elements of an artisan culture back to the middle
ages. Journeyman-skilled workers--tailors, carpenters, printers, cigar
makers, and others--created a culture in which movement (or
"tramping"), self-education, political activism, and craft tradition
played a central role in one's existence.
Throughout Europe and the United States, 19th century
artisans worked and moved from place to place. Literate and worldly, artisans
often hired one of their own to read to them while the others worked. Some
artisan groups taxed themselves to form libraries (Gutman, 1973). Artisans
looked back on a culture dating to the middle ages which transcended ethnic characteristics
(though it did not exclude ethnic differences).
Eulogizing one 19th century German-American artisan,
historian Bryan Palmer (1976) wrote: "He could spin a yarn, write a poem,
make a speech, sing a song, bring a melody from a guitar, or tip a glass of
lager beer with unequalled spirit and cosmopolitan politeness." He was a
"most uncommon common man" (p. 5). Though not all artisans were as
cosmopolitan, it was from these "most uncommon common men," whose
very existence was threatened by industrialization, that
organizations such as the Arbeiter-Vereine emerged. Due to
historical conditions discussed above, large numbers of German artisans emigrated to the United States. Along with the tools of
their crafts, they brought their culture and traditions with them.
Arbeiter-Vereine were
not unique to Germans living in the United States. They existed wherever German
expatriates found themselves. Curiously, there were few workers' clubs in the
German states themselves. Due to the repressive laws of the German states, most
workers' organizations (including the popular singing societies) were outlawed
or severely repressed.
However, various workers' associations were founded
outside the German states. The first Arbeiter-Verein was founded in
Paris (home of some 50,000 to 80,000 German artisans) in 1830 (Amann, 1975). In
1840 former members of the Paris club founded the Kommunistische
Arbeiterbildungsverein (Communist Workers' Education Association), more commonly
known as the London Bildungsverein (Education Association). Karl Marx
and Friedrich Engels became its most prominent members (Shipley, 1983).
However, the center of the German workers' movement,
especially after 1848, was Switzerland. Here the policy of many of the Swiss
cantons was reasonably tolerant towards workers' organizations, in general, and
German political refugees, in particular. It was here that the German and Swiss
artisans formed singing societies, reading groups, and educational clubs. Geneva
had a Bildungs und Unterichtsverein (education and lecture club) which
had its own dining hall and library and offered instruction in singing, natural
science, and French. By 1840 several Arbeiterlesevereine (workers' reading
clubs) had sprung up in several Swiss cities.
The activities of the Swiss clubs varied greatly, but
had several elements in common. Most clubs had some educational or formal
social programs and existed as a place were German artisans could gather to
drink their beers and sing their songs. These clubs formed the basis of German
artisan culture and became the center for much of the political activity of the
German workers' movement (Noyes, 1966; Schluter, 1907; Shipley, 1983).
As indicated above, tramping and political activism
played a central role in the life of 19th century artisans. One of these
tramping artisans, significant to this study because of his later involvement
in the American Arbeiter-Vereine, was Wilhelm Weitling. Weitling, a
journeyman tailor, traveled throughout Europe. In 1836 he was living in Paris
where he became involved in radical circles. He then moved to Brussels where he
met Karl Marx. In 1846 he came to the United States and remained there, except
for a brief return to Germany to participate in the revolution of 1848.
Weitling had developed a theory current among workers' clubs and groups called Handwerker-Kommunismus
(artisan communism). He espoused a program of producer and consumer
cooperatives, labor exchange banks, and communal, cooperative colonies. His
basic idea was that the system of economic production was to be based on
cooperative efforts of skilled workers residing with their families in
reputation preceded him to the United States. In New York he made several
speeches to German workingmen groups, helped organize that city's Arbeiter-Verein,
and was able to gather enough funds to begin a newspaper, Die
Republik der Arbeiter (The Workers' Republic). The newspaper
provided him with the vehicle to advocate for his program of producers' and
consumers' colonies.
Weitling toured the United States and claimed to have
established Arbeiter-Vereine in such diverse locations as Newark, New
Orleans, and Philadelphia. Whatever his influence in other cities, it is clear
that he was the key figure in the creation of the Philadelphia Arbeiter-Verein.
Organized after the news of the German Revolution of 1848, the constitution
of the Philadelphia Arbeiter-Verein demanded that the state provide full
employment and care for the aged and called for genuine democracy in the United
Organizationally, the club met once a week and
debated such issues as land reform, national workingmen's leagues, and
abolition of inheritances. Additionally, it provided sickness and death
benefits and built an ArbeiterHalle (workers' hall) (Foner & Chamberlin,
1977; Wittke, 1950).
Weitling sought to organize a national organization
of German workingmen. In 1850, under the auspices of the Philadelphia Arbeiter-Verein,
he called together a national convention of workers with the express purpose
of creating a national organization. The meeting drew 4,000 workers and was an
indication of Weitling's national (and international) prominence. This workers'
association sought to establish producers and consumer cooperatives, a workers'
bank, and workers' communal colonies; It further urged
the creation of Arbeiter-Hallen (workers' halls) and Arbeiterbildungsvereine
(workers' education clubs) in German communities throughout the United
States. These Vereine and Hallen were to serve as cultural
centers and meeting places for labor groups, establish mutual insurance
societies, provide reading rooms, and (a special interest of Weitling's)
support singing societies (Schluter, 1918).
Weitling, himself, provides us with a picture of the German-American workers' community and the Arbeiter-Vereine. Traveling throughout the country attempting to build his organization, Weitling visited numerous cities and urged the creation of Arbeiter-Vereine where they did not exist and expansion of Arbeiter-Vereine in those areas where they did exist.
Weitling's workers' organization, racked with
internal fiscal difficulties, began to come apart after only two years.
Nevertheless, Weitling managed to keep his organization limping along until
1857 (Schluter, 1907).
The idea of worker halls and worker societies did not
originate with Weitling. Arbeiter- Vereine and Arbeiter-Hallen were
elements of German artisan culture. Thus, their introduction into the American
setting cannot be traced to one organization. However, the popularization and
form of Arbeiter-Vereine seem to be due to the influence of Weitling and
his Arbeiterbund (worker's federation). It is doubtful that in 1850, any
radical other than Wilhelm Weitling could have called a meeting in which over
4,000 Handwerker (artisans) appeared.
Influenced by Weitling's national movement, the first
Chicago Arbeiter-Verein was organized during the troubled year of 1857.
Chicago, as well as most of the rest of the country, had suffered from the
Panic of 1857 during which numerous bank collapses resulted in at least 204
business closings and left many workers without jobs. Those who kept their jobs
faced wage reductions of up to 65% (Pierce, 1940).
The Chicago Arbeiter-Verein was founded by
dissatisfied German artisans and their allies who, influenced by socialism, saw
the primary issue of the time to be the conflict between capital and labor. As
early as 1854 the newspaper, Ver
Proletarier (The Proletarian) had dealt with the issues of the
day from a socialist perspective (Nelson, 1988).
The Arbeiter-Verein was part of a larger
effort among German workers to organize. During 1857 attempts were made to
organize several unions. Saloons catering to working men also began to appear,
and workers' singing societies began to be established (Keil & Ickstadt,
1979). It was within this milieu that the Arbeiter-Verein was organized.
The Verein was, above all, a cultural institution. The club sponsored a
variety of functions and events, sometimes in conjunction with other
organizations, including dances, lectures, debating societies, singing groups,
and an evening English school. By the early 1860s the club was the center of
the German workers' community (Illinois Staats-Zeitung [hereinafter
ISZ], 1861, June 3; 1862, July 11).
By 1862 the club had a membership of 389 men, a
library of over 500 books, and an English language school which met every week
during the winter. In addition, the club sponsored social events every Sunday
night and presented lectures every two weeks. The president of the club commented
that "much friendlier spirit prevails in meetings. When debating,
it is done with less bitterness and without sarcastic references to individuals"
(ISZ, 1862, May 26, p. 3).
During the club's early years much activity revolved
around developing cooperative workers' organizations and joining with
Weitling's movement. Many of the lectures and debates at the club centered around the role of labor in a new age of industrialization.
Among the earliest and most influential lecturers at
the Chicago Arbeiter-Verein (and later at other Arbeiter-Vereine throughout
the city) was Joseph Weydemeyer. Weydemeyer was a former lieutenant in the
Prussian army who met Karl Marx in Cologne when Marx was the editor of the Rheinische
Zeitung. After resigning from the military, Weydemeyer became a radical
journalist, inspired and encouraged by Marx. After the collapse of the 1848
Revolution, Weydemeyer emigrated to the United States,
at least partly due to Marx's persuasion. Once in the United States, Weydemeyer
visited German communities throughout the country spreading Marx's ideas.
Serving as Marx's American correspondent, Weydemeyer and Marx wrote to each
other until Weydemeyer's death (Oberman, 1947).
At the Arbeiter-Verein, Weydemeyer spoke on
the international dimension of the workers' movement and spread the tenets of
scientific socialism. Weydemeyer caused some controversy within the club by his
criticism of Weitling's romantic socialism. While it may be overstating the case
to say that Weydemeyer introduced Marx to Chicago, he did popularize Marx's
thought and may have been responsible for the Arbeiter-Verein's acquisition
of some of Marx's works (ISZ, 1859, March 3; 1859, April 8).
As well known as Weydemeyer was within the German
workers' movement, his renown did not exceed that of the Chicago Arbeiter-Verein's
first president, Theodore Hielscher. A hero of the failed 1848 Revolution, Hielscher
was a teacher by profession (Dobert, 1950). It was Hielscher who started and
taught in the evening English language school and was the club's most prominent
lecturer during the late 1850s and early 1860s. Hielscher constantly urged the
club to expand its evening school offerings by establishing additional classes
in a new bookkeeping system then popular. Hielscher's suggestions were ignored
by others in the club (ISZ, 1861, March 3).
Hielscher, though no socialist, was an ardent radical
republican. A vehement abolitionist before the War, he became an ardent
supporter of the Union during the Civil War. Hielscher led the club during the
Civil War years, and by 1865 it grew to 1,000 members and had a library of over
3,000 books (ISZ, 1865, November 10). Not surprisingly, during the
1860s' debates and lectures moved from the workers' concerns to issues raised
by the Civil War. The club itself saw its membership decline in 1863 as more
men enlisted in the union army. (Joseph Weydemeyer resumed his military career,
this time in the Union army.) (ISZ, 1863, October 20; Oberman, 1947)
After the War, discussion turned once again to the
concerns of working people. By 1866 Hielscher's name disappeared from the
leadership of the club, but it appeared later in advertisements in the Illinois
Staats-Zeitung showing him as the head of his own school, teaching,
presumably, his much discussed bookkeeping system (ISZ, 1867, September
The early years of the Civil War also saw the rise of
other Arbeiter-Vereine in the city. These clubs, while sharing the
philosophy of the original club, were located in the growing neighborhoods of
the city and were often more overtly socialist in tone than the original club.
By the late 1860s at least three clubs existed in the city. All of them had
libraries and all of them had debate evenings, lecture nights, dances, and
special events. Most significant of these neighborhood clubs was the 5ocialer
Arbeiter-Verein der 10th Ward (Social Workers' Club of the 10th Ward) (ChAZ, 1876, December 3; ISZ, 1867, September
13). As one of the most active and radical clubs in the city, the club
sponsored lectures by such well-known radicals as Weydemeyer; Eduard Schlager,
a socialist union organizer; and Dr. Ernest Schmidt, the Socialist Party's
candidate for mayor in 1877. The Arbeiter-Verein der West Seite (Workers'
Club of the West Side), about which less is known, also seems to have offered
similar programs. By the mid-1870s numerous Arbeiter-Vereine existed
throughout the city. Some seem to have been no more than social organizations
which disappeared after a relatively short period of time. Others had small
libraries, reading rooms, and regularly scheduled entertainment.
All the clubs with the exception of the original,
which by 1869 had purchased its own hall, held their meetings in the back rooms
of neighborhood saloons. The clubs, while not formally associated, generally coordinated
their activities. Rarely would major events overlap. For major events, such as
well-known speakers or celebrations, the neighborhood Arbeiter-Verein would
rent the meeting hall owned by the original club (ISZ), 1869, October
Arbeiter-Vereine were
generally open six evenings a week with the major social activities planned for
Sunday, the working person's day off. In a given week in 1876, for example, the
Chicago Arbeiter-Verein held its monthly business meeting on Monday
evening. Tuesday and Thursday were given over to English classes, and Wednesday
evening to the debate society. Sunday evenings were reserved for the club's
most important activity of the week. This Sunday evening program consisted of a
talk by Dr. Ernest Schmidt on the proclamation supporting the working men in Chicago
along with a concert by one of the singing societies. Also, a special treat on
this Sunday was a "tableaux vivant," a popular 19th century
still-life consisting of live actors posing in a famous historical scene. This
night's tableaux vivant was a still-life dramatizing the defense of the
barricades during the days of the French Commune (Keil & Jentz, 1989, pp.
Club life in the 1870s consisted of more than just
attending occasional events at the Arbeiter-Verein. Rather, Arbeiter-Vereine
served as meeting place, library, school, recreational center, and even
mutual benefit society. It was also the basis for organizing, recruiting, and
agitating. During periods of labor unrest the clubs became the focal point for
organizing demonstrations and political action. They provided forums for
lectures, discussions, and songs regarding topical issues. In 1873 the action
to be taken against the city's corrupt Relief and Aid
Society was debated and discussed in the workers' clubs preceded by, in good Arbeiter-Verein
tradition, a concert by one of the singing societies. These meetings were sponsored
by both the Chicago Arbeiter-Verein and the Socialer Arbeiter-Verein and
attracted crowds of up to 2,000 (ISZ, 1873, December 31).
But it was not just during times of crises that the
clubs were active. Although little more than the titles of the lectures
survive, a quick overview includes talks on the distribution of wealth, class
warfare in America, the development of industrialization in America,
revolutionary activities in Europe, and so on (ISZ, 1876-1880). The
libraries of the clubs, judging from a kind of suggested socialist reading list
published by the Chicagoer Arbeiter-Zeitung on November 23,
1883, included Marx, Lassalle, Bebel, as well as classical novels and
subscriptions to various German and European socialist and labor newspapers.
The Arbeiter-Vereine were
part of a larger vibrant culture that revolved around various organizations and
events that touched every aspect of life. The culture consisted of singing
societies, theatre groups, large picnics and parades, dances, and the annual
anniversary celebration of the Paris Commune (Poore, 1979; Schluter, 1918).
The singing societies, so integral to the workers'
club life, and present at almost all events, went by such names as the Rote
Mannerchor (Red Men's Choir), the Socialistische
Mannerchor del Nord Seite (Socialist Men's Choir of the North Side), and Liedertafel
des Socialischiste Arbeiter-Verein (Singing
Society of the Socialist Workers' Club). Theater groups, especially in the 1870s,
presented plays about workers' lives. Picnics and parades were by far the most
popular events. Usually held at the lakefront or just outside the city limits,
picnics were major social events. Under large red banners speakers would exhort
the crowd, bands would play and (of course) the singing societies would perform
(Kann, 1977; Nelson, 1988). Some of these picnics were extremely large. The Chicago
Tribune (1883, July 15) estimated the crowd at one picnic to be in the
neighborhood of 10,000. The Chicagoer Arbeiter-Zeitung (1883,
July 15) estimated the crowd as twice as large.
If picnics and parades under red banners made some
elements of the city nervous, the annual commemoration of the Paris Commune
terrified these same groups. Officially celebrated in March of every year
beginning in 1872, the Communefeier served as the focal point for
various plays, concerts, speeches, and debates. The Chicagoer
Arbeiter-Zeitung sometimes used the occasion to write heroic articles
on both the Commune and the failed Revolution of 1848 (1879, March 10).
From the late 1850s to the mid-1880s the Arbeiter-Vereine
were vibrant and active in Chicago. Yet, by the early 1890s, the clubs had
for the most part disappeared. The original Chicago Arbeiter-Verein limped
along until the early 20th century as a mutual benefit and aid society which
rented out its aging Arbeiter-Halle. A fire destroyed the hall, and a
few years later the Verein also disappeared (ISZ, 1904, February
It is beyond the scope of' this paper to examine in depth the decline of the German socialists and their institutions in Chicago. Nevertheless, three hypotheses may help to explain their decline. First, the Haymarket Affair of 1886, in which eight socialists (seven Germans) were charged with throwing a bomb at police (four of the socialists were eventually hanged), brought a wave of repression which effectively shut down the clubs, saloons, and newspapers connected with the Haymarket martyrs. The surviving organizations either changed their names and kept a low profile (like many of the singing societies) or changed their focus (like the Arbeiter-Vereine). Secondly, the pace of industrialization, both in Germany and the United States, had almost destroyed the artisan class. By the 1890s many of the traditions and customs of artisans had become crushed under the increasing mechanization of society. The German immigrants arriving in the 1880s were semiskilled or unskilled laborers less acquainted with artisan culture. Finally, the nature of the city had begun to change. The new arrivals to Chicago came from Eastern and Southern Europe and brought their values and traditions with them. More and more, the German socialists saw themselves within an American context, rather than a German-American context. These mid-19th century radicals may, however, have laid the basis for an American working-class culture.
This study has sought to assess the impact of German
workers' clubs with respect to the education of working people. The paper has
argued that the educational component of the clubs was one aspect of the
cultural context, and that to isolate education would fragment an organization
whose very strength was its connectedness with a community.
The study has several
inherent limitations. It does not claim to get "inside" the clubs;
that is, it makes no attempt to analyze the membership or leaders of the clubs.
While sources are limited and no membership lists survive, a group biography of
the leadership would provide a sense of what went on within the clubs.
Moreover, other studies which use non-English sources would provide insight
into the relationship between various ethnic groups.
Over twenty million people immigrated to the United
States in the 19th century. Historians of workers' education need to begin to
use sources from within the immigrant community in order to understand the
impact these twenty million immigrants had on workers' education.
Amann, P. (1975). Revolution and mass democracy: The Paris club movement in 1848. Princeton: Princeton
University Press.
Arndt, K. J., & Olsen, M. E. (1955).
German-American newspapers and periodicals, 1732-1955.
Heidelberg: Verlages Quelle
und Meyer.
Brody, D. (1979). The old labor history and the new: In search of an American working class. Labor History, 20, 111-126.
Chicago Tribune, 1873-1888.
Chicagoer Arbeiter-Zeitung (ChAZ),
City of Chicago (1976). The people of Chicago: Who we are and who we have been. Chicago: Department of Planning.
Dobert, E. W. (1950). The radicals. In A. E. Zucker (Ed.), The fortyeighters: Political refugees of the German revolution. New York: Russell and Russell.
Engels, F. (1967). Germany: Revolution and counter-revolution. In L. Krieger (Ed.), The German revolutions. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press.
Foner, P. S., & Chamberlin, B.
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