John M. Peters

Personal Vita


Compiled by John Peters






John M. Peters.

[John Marshall Peters; J.M. Peters]



Data compiled by John Peters.



Born in Laurel County, KY, 9/25/41, son of Roy and Edna Peters. Married to Sandra Fiechter, 9/5/64. Professor and Coordinator of Adult Education, Department of Technological and Adult Education, The University of Tennessee, Knoxville.



1985 Professional Development Award from the Office of the Provost



 B.S.:                University of Kentucky 1963

 M.S.:               N.C. State University                1966

Ed.D.:              N.C. State University                1968




1984-Present   THE UNIVERSITY OF TENNESSEE: Professor and Coordinator of Adult Education, Department of Technological and Adult Education. Graduate and undergraduate teaching, research and service. Co-director, Transcollege Ph.D Seminar. Acting Director, Center for Literacy Studies, Fall Semester, 1988. Director and Principal Investigator, Artificial Intelligence Research Project.


1976-1983                   THE UNIVERSITY OF TENNESSEE: Professor of Adult Education, Department of Continuing and Higher Education. Teaching, research and service. Director, Title I Projects; Director, Administrative External Program; Principal Investigator and Director, National Institute of Education research project.


 1971-75          THE UNIVERSITY OF TENNESSEE: Associate Professor of Adult Education, Department of Continuing and Higher Education. Teaching, research and service. Director of Training Program in Adult Basic Education. Responsible for developing graduate program in adult education and authoring course proposals. Director, Title I, HEA and Southern Regional Education Board projects and Director/Principal Investigator of research project on self-instructional teacher training modules. Developer and director of Adult Learning Center.


 1970-71                                  THE UNIVERSITY OF TENNESSEE: Assistant Professor of Adult Education, Department of Continuing Higher Education. Responsibilities similar to above position.


 1968-70                                  NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIVERSITY: Assistant Professor of Adult Education. Teaching and research. Academic supervisor of community college interns. Director of research utilization project. Research Associate in Experimental and Demonstration Project.


 1967-68                                  NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIVERSITY: Research Associate and Instructor, Department of Adult Education. Associate Director and Acting Director of longitudinal research project on adult basic education and occupational adjustment and acculturation.


 1968                           LANGLEY RESEARCH CENTER: Faculty Fellow, ASEE-NASA Summer Faculty Fellowship Program in Engineering Systems Design.


1964-67                                   UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY AND NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIVERSITY: Research assistantships.


 1964                           U.S. ARMY ACTIVE RESERVE


 1963-64                                  ASSISTANT COUNTY AGRICULTURAL EXTENSION AGENT: Madison County, Kentucky.


 Visiting Positions and Lectureships


 1979                           NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIVERSITY: Visiting Professor, Department of Adult and Community College Education.


 1978-79                                  CORNELL UNIVERSITY: Visiting Professor, Department of Human Services Studies.


 1975-76                                  THE UNIVERSITY OF BRITISH COLUMBIA: Vancouver, B.C., Canada. Visiting Associate Professor, Department of Adult Education.




Self-Directed Learning

Quality of Life

Expert Systems Technologies

Training Systems

Adult Learning

Program Development

Adult Development


Research or development activities in progress:


                        The research on expert systems is continuing, with special applications to training systems.


                        A new research line has been initiated in the area of quality of life and adult development. Two studies of the quality of life of former hospital patients are nearly completed, and additional studies are planned for 1991-92.


                        The research program focuses on self-directed learning and problem solving processes of adults in naturalistic settings, with a focus on the application of expert systems technologies to the study of reasoning and thinking processes of adult learners. This focus relates to a broader concern among adult education researchers and theorists for an understanding of how adults learn and process information when faced with problematic situations outside formal classroom environments.


                        The current stage of research involves the development of a knowledge acquisition methodology for building expert systems. Involved is a set of procedures for interviewing an expert and for analyzing the protocols for rules and domain knowledge. Expert systems are regarded as unique and powerful tools for simulating the reasoning and thinking of adults in natural settings. Such a simulation technique is intended to serve as a new experimental environment for the study of adult learning processes.


                        Current activities include a study of the relationship of clinical experiences to changes in the content and structure of student teachers' reasoning about designing and conducting instructional programs.



                        Past Secretary, Adult Education Association of the USA

                        Past Secretary, VicePresident, President, Tennessee Adult Education Association

                        Member of Executive Committee, Commission of Professors of Adult Education

                        American Society of Training and Development

                        Program Director, International Conference of the Commission for Adult Basic Education

                        Program Chair for National Conference of Commission on        Adult Basic Education.



Contracts or grants from external agencies:


                        Center for Literacy Studies, a contract between the College of Education and the Tennessee State Department of Education, 1988-present.


                        "Relationship of Nonformal Adult Learning to Adult Problem Solving." National Institute of Education, 1979-81, $173,098.


                        "Staff Assistance in Community Growth and Leadership Development." U.S. Office of Education, Title I, Higher Education Act, 1975-76, $74,227.


                        "Tennessee Reading Academy for Adults and Out-of-School Youth." U.S. Office of Education, 1975, $73,693.


                        "Staff Assistance to Public Community Colleges, II." U.S. Office of Education, Title I, HEA., 1974-75, $89,542.


                        "Adult Learning Projects: A Study of Adult Learning in Urban and Rural Tennessee." Tennessee Valley Authority, 1972-74, $20,022.


                        "Staff Assistance to Public Community Colleges." U.S. Office of Education, Title I, HEA, 1973-74, $62,781.


                        "Public Community College Project." U.S. Office of Education, Title I, HEA, 1972-73, $25,961.


                        "Training Program in Adult Education." U.S. Office of Education, Title 1, HEA, 1970-72, $35,000.


                        "A Feasibility Study for Development of Self-Instructional Training for Teachers and Adult Basic Education." Morehead State University and U.S. Office of Education, 1971, $3,050.


                        "Research Utilization and Training In Adult Education." Maryland State Department of Education and North Carolina State University, 1969-70, $8,000.


                        "Identification of Behaviors Critical to the Adult Educator's Role." U.S. Office of Education, 1966-68, $87,638.


                        An Evaluation of the Parent Enrichment Project, a national demonstration project funded by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, ACYF and Office of Private Sector Initiatives (1986-88).


                        An evaluation of the In-Service Education for Cooperative Extension Project, a national (three-year) project funded by the Kellogg Foundation and administered by North Carolina State University (1985-88).


                        An evaluation of professional development courses developed and implemented by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (1981-88).


                        An evaluation of the Youthful Offenders Project, Virginia Commonwealth University and Virginia Prison Systems (1975-76).


                        Third party independent evaluator for special experimental and demonstration project in adult basic education, Norfolk City Schools (1972-74).


                        Evaluation consultant for Black Land-Grant University Project, Action Research, Inc. (1974).


                        Evaluation consultant for Sheldon Jackson College, Sitka, Alaska, Title III, HEA Project (1975-77).


                        Evaluation consultant for Title I Reading Program, McNairy County, TN (1977).


                        Consultant for curriculum revision, Cornell University, Department of Human Services Studies, (1978-79).


                        Process evaluation consultant for Continuing Medical Education Project, American Association of Medical Colleges and the Veterans Administration (1981).


                        Evaluation of "Team Train" Project for Douglas-Cherokee Community Action Agency, (1985-86).


Presentations at regional or national and international meetings:


                        "A Celebration of the Life of Myles Horton." Panel presentation, Commission of Professors of Adult Education Conference, Salt Lake City, October, 1990.


                        "Three Radical Perspectives on Social Change." Paper presented at a Symposium on Learning Activity and Social Practice, University of Helsinki, May, 1990.


                        "A Century of Praxis: Freire and Horton on Education for Social Change." Paper presented at the Second International Congress on Research on Activity Theory, Lahti, Finland, May, 1990.


                        "The Action-Reason-Thematic Technique". Paper presented at the annual Commission of Professors Conference, Atlantic City, 1989.


                        "The Learner as Authority: Obtaining Authentic Descriptions of Life Worlds." Paper presented at Third North American Symposium of Adult Self-Directed Learning, University of Oklahoma, February, 1989.


                        "A Knowledge Acquisition Method for Building Expert Systems: Studying Adult Reasoning and Thinking." Paper presented at Adult Education Research Conference, Calgary, May, 1988.


                        "The Action-Reason Technique as a Measure of Critical Thinking." Presented at the Critical Theory Preconference, Calgary, May, 1988.


                        "Toward a New Procedure for Learning Project Research." Paper presented at the Standing Conference on University Teaching and Research in the Education of Adults, Leeds, England, July, 1988.


                        "Mentoring Professional Colleagues." Presentation at Commission of Professors of Adult Education Conference, Tulsa, OK, October, 1988.


                        "Reasoning, Thinking and Problem Solving as Correlates of Self-Direction in Learning." Paper presented at Second Annual Symposium on Research in Self-Directed Learning, University of Oklahoma, March, 1988.


                        "The graying of the campus." Paper presented at Southern Association for College Student Affairs Conference, Louisville, KY November, 1987.


                        "Communication Skills for Head Start Directors." Region Six Conference of Head Start Personnel, Albuquerque, New Mexico, January, 1985.


                        "The Theory and Practice of Program Planning." Keynote paper presented at the Third International Conference on Adult Education, University of Surrey, Great Britain, March, 1985.


                        "The Preparation of Nurse Educators in the U.S.A." Paper presented at the Conference of Nurse Educators at the University of Surrey, Great Britain, March, 1985.


                        "The Highlander Idea." Paper presented to Doctoral Seminar at the University of Surrey, Great Britain, March, 1985.


                        "Supervision in Head Start." Presented at the Regional Training Conference for Head Start Directors and Coordinators, Nashville, TN, March, 1985.


                        "Horton of Highlander." Presented at the Second Annual Conference of the League for Social Commitment in Adult Education, Ljungskile, Sweden, July, 1985.


                        "Diagnosing Values and Beliefs: The Action-Reason Technique." Paper presented at the Regional Conference of the American Society for Training and Development, Nashville, October, 1985 (with James Greene).


                        "Reasoning Patterns of Literate and Nonliterate Adults Solving Problems in Nonformal Settings." (with Peter J. Lazzara). Presented at American Educational Research Association Conference, New York, March, 1982.


                        "Literate Vs. Nonliterate Differences in Nonformal Learning and Problem Solving." (with Betty B. Banks). Presented at Lifelong Learning Research Conference, College Park Md., February, 1982.


                        "Adult Problem Solving and Learning." Presented at American Education Research Association Conference, Los Angeles, April, 1981.  


                        "An Inquiry Into Modes of Adaptation Among Literate and Nonliterate Adults." (with Mike Johnson). Presented at Adult Education Research Conference, DeKalb, Ill., April, 1981.


                        "A Naturalistic Research Methodology for Studying Adult Problem Solving and Learning." Presented at Annual Conference of Commission of Professors of Adult Education, St. Louis, October, 1980.


                        "The Conduct of Inquiry: Qualitative and Quantitative Research." Reactor in Research Symposium, Adult Education Research Conference, Vancouver, Canada, May, 1980.


                        "The Future of the Professor." A debate before the Commission of Professors of U.S.A., Boston, November, 1979.


                        "Criteria for Effective Research in Adult Learning." Paper presented at Invitational Conference on Adult Learning, ERIC/NIE,Ohio State University, November, 1979.


                        "Graduate Study in the United States." Paper presented to Graduate Student Section of North Carolina Adult Education Association, November, 1979.


                        "The Problem-Solving Orientation of Adult Learners." Paper presented at Oklahoma State University, August, 1979.


                        "Educational Brokering: A New Service for Tennessee." Paper presented at Tennessee Adult Education Association Conference, February, 1979.


                        "The Self-Directed Learner." Paper presented to faculty, Forum in Continuing Education, Rochester Institute of Technology, October, 1978.


                        "The Promise of Systems Concepts for Theory Development in Adult Education." Paper presented to Commission of Professors of Adult Education, Portland, Oregon, October, 1978.


                        "Systems Theory and Adult Education." Paper presented to regional conference, National Association of Public Continuing Adult Education, Nashville, May, 1978.


                        "The Future of Adult Education." Address to North Carolina Adult Education Association, December, 1976.


                        "Understanding Adult Education Organizations." Keynote address to Oregon Association of Continuing Adult Education, November, 1976.


                        "Program Planning in Adult Education." Keynote address to Tennessee Adult Education Association, October, 1976.


                        "Evaluation of Adult Education Programs." Paper presented at Virginia Staff Development Institute, Virginia Commonwealth University, July, 1975.


                        Designing and Operating Adult Learning Centers." Paper presented at Georgia Teacher Training Institute, University of Georgia, July, 1974.


                        "Developing Behavioral Objectives." Paper presented at Virginia Institute for Corrections Education, Virginia Commonwealth, July, 1974.


                        "Diagnosing Adult Basic Learner Needs." Paper presented at Ohio Staff Development Institute, Ohio State University, June, 1974.


                        "Some Ways to Implement Community Education Programs." Paper presented at Northwest Georgia Adult Education Workshop, Dalton Community College, May, 1974.


                        "Techniques of Proposal Writing." Paper presented at Workshop on Proposal Writing, Volunteer State Community College, February, 1974.


                        "New Directions for Adult Education." Paper presented at Annual Conference of Tennessee Adult Education Association, Nashville, November, 1973.


                        "The Contemporary College Student." Paper presented at Roane State Community College Faculty and Staff Annual Conference, Rockwood, Tennessee, September, 1973.


                        "Diagnostic Instruction." Presented paper at Workshop for Manpower Development Training Personnel, Nashville, August, 1973.


                        "Professional Development in Adult Basic Education." Presented at Tennessee Adult Basic Education Supervisors Conference, Memphis, August, 1973.


                        "The Continuing Education/Community Services Function of the Community College." Guest lecture presentation at Appalachian State University, Boone, N.C., July, 1973.


                        "Adult Psychology." Paper presented at Virginia Institute for Corrections Education, Virginia Commonwealth University, June, 1973.


                        "Teacher Training: A Place for the Media Minded?" Paper presented at the University of Texas Symposium on the Impact of Media as Catalysts in Extended Education, September, 1972.


                        "Recruitment and Retention of ABE Students." Paper presented at Workshop for Adult Basic Education Demonstration Project personnel, Chattanooga, Tennessee, September, 1972.


                        "Physiological Aspects of Aging," and "Learning: The Affective and Psychomotor Domains." Paper presented at Adult Basic Education Institute (and graduate course in adult education), University of Georgia, July, 1972.


                        "A Feasibility Study for Development of a Self-Instructional Training Kit for Teachers of Adult Basic Education." Paper presented at International Reading Association, Detroit, May, 1972 (With F. Fowler and T. Rakes).


                        "Creative Techniques for Teaching Adult Reading." Paper presented at International Reading Association, Detroit, May, 1972 (with F. Fowler and T. Rakes). "Self-Directed Learning in Continuing Professional Education." Paper presented at University of Illinois Symposium on Continuing Professional Education, Champaign-Urbana, May, 1972.


                        "Psychology of Teaching Adults." Paper presented at seminar for Tennessee Eastman Corporation Education Personnel, January, 1972.


                        "Political Factors Involved in Developing and Improving Graduate Programs in Adult Education." Paper presented at Commission of Professors Conference, Los Angeles, November, 1971.


                        "Implications of the Concept of Culture for Adult Basic Education." Paper presented at National Institute on Adult Basic Education for Rural Blacks, Alabama State University, July, 1971.


                        "The Adult Basic Education Curriculum." Paper presented at National Teacher-Training Institute for Rural Adult Students, Virginia Commonwealth University, July, 1971.


                        "Testing and Evaluation in Adult Basic Education." Paper presented at North Carolina Adult Basic Education Workshop, Technical Institute of Alamance, March, 1971.


                        "Developing Graduate Programs in Adult Education." Paper presented at Adult Education Association of USA Convention, Atlanta, November, 1970.


                        "Planning In-Service Education Programs for Teachers of Adult Basic Education." Paper presented at Conference for Supervisors of Adult Basic Education, Memphis State University, August, 1970.


                        "Development of the Learning Center Concept: Historical, Philosophical and Psychological Foundations." Paper presented at Virginia Institute for Learning Laboratory Coordinators, Virginia Commonwealth University, July, 1970.


                        "Curriculum Design Concepts." Paper presented at Virginia Institute on Adult Basic Education, Virginia Commonwealth University, June, 1970.


                        "Individualizing Instruction: Implications for Training Teachers of Adult Basic Education." Paper presented at Third Regional Seminar, Southern Regional Education Board Adult Basic Education Project, May, 1970.


                        "Internal-External Control, Learning, and Participation in Occupational Education." Paper presented at National Seminar on Adult Education Research, Toronto, Canada, February, 1969.


Consulting activities:


                        Contract with U.S. Department of Health and Human Services to provide training to Head Start Personnel in two Federal Regions of U.S. (1983-85).


                        Contract with the Federal Emergency Management Agency to (1) provide training to Emergency Management personnel in Region IV of U.S., and (2) Develop and revise test instruments for Professional Development Courses on Leadership, Problem Solving, Decision Making, Communications, and Budgeting.


                        Training and Evaluation consultant to Community Action Agencies in Region IV.


                        Contract with Kellogg Foundation and North Carolina State University to evaluate Leadership Training Project in Cooperative Extension Service.


                        Consultant to Macon County (TN) General Hospital, Kappa Sigma National Fraternity and Alpha Gamma Rho National Fraternity on organizational management.


                        Consultant to Boeing Aircraft Corporation, and U.S. Post Office for staff development programs.


International experience:


                        Guest Lecturer, Department of Education, University of Helsinki, May, 1990.


                        Symposium Convener and presenter, Second International Congress on Activity Theory, Lahti, Finland, May, 1990.


                        Consultant and trainer for the American Federation of Free Labor Development, Barbados and Caribbean Region, April, 1989.


                        Presenter at international research conference on adult education, Leeds, England, 1988.


                        Kellogg Fellow and participant in the International Dialogue/Adult Education Research Conference, University of Leeds, UK, July, 1988.


                        A Professional Development Award from the UTK office of Provost in 1985 funded travel to Europe and Scandinavia for participation in research conferences and establishment of linkages with British professors for the purpose of doing joint research. As a follow-up, a British professor has visited UTK and collaborated on joint extensions of his research on seven occasions.


                        Other international activities include visiting professorships at The University of British Columbia, faculty development seminars at The University of Alberta and Wascana Institute in the Applied Arts and Sciences (Saskatchewan), and participation in following international conferences:


                        Conference of the Standing Conference on University Teaching and Research in the Education of Adults (SCUTREA). Sheffield, England, July.


                        SCUTREA and UK/North American Exchange Conference.


                        Comparative Adult Education Conference, Kunglay, Sweden, July.


                        Conference of the International League for Social Commitment in Adult Education, Ljungskile, July.


                        Conference of the Danish National Center for Research and Development in Adult Education, Copenhagen, July.



University of Tennessee

North Carolina State University

Langley Research Center

University of Kentucky

Cornell University

University of British Columbia




Publications in refereed journals:


                        Peters, John M. and Banks, Betty. "Adult Education." Encyclopedia of Educational Research, fifth edition, 1982.


                        Peters, John M., Johnson, Michael, and Lazzara, Peter. "Adult Problem Solving and Learning." Resources in Education. September, 1981 (ED 200 758).


                        Peters, John M., Guest Editorial, Tennessee Adult Education. 13, Issues 2/3, Spring/Summer, 1979, p. 1.


                        Peters, John M., Young, Donna and Lounsbury, John. "Critical Issues Facing Community Colleges." Community-Junior College Research Quarterly, 3: 265-283, 1979.


                        Peters, John M. "Multinational Programs: A Commentary." Adult Leadership, 23, No. 10, April, 1975.


                        Peters, John M. "A Self-Instructional Training Package for Adult Basic Education Teachers." Literacy Discussion, 4, No. 3, September, 1973.


                        Peters, John M. "Education Goes on Whether School Keeps or Not," Tennessee Education, 3, No. 1, Spring, 1972.


                        Peters, John M. "The Teacher and Individualized Instruction." The Adult Educator, 3, No. 3, Fall, 1971, pp. 96-100.


                        Peters, John M. and Ronald H. Sherron. "Adult Basic Education and Educational Technology." Educational Technology, March, 1971.


                        Peters, John M. "A Framework for Teacher Training." The Adult Educator,. 2, No. 6, November - December, 1970.


                        Peters, John M. "Internal-External Control, Learning and Participation in Occupational Education." Adult Education, 20, No. 1, 1969.


                        Peters, John M. "How an Inmate's Expectancies Affect His Performance," American Journal of Corrections. May - June, 1969, pp. 18-20.


                        Peters, John M. "Research and the Community College." The Open Door, Spring, 1969, pp. 18-20.


                        Peters, John M. and William J. Barclay. "An Educational Television Satellite System for the U.S." Educational Broadcasting Review, 3, No. 5, October, 1969, pp. 35-42.


Publications in non-refereed journals:


                        Peters, John M. and Greene, James. "Training and Adult Development." Mountain Resources ASTD, September, 1985.


                        Peters, John M. "Faculty-Administration Relationships." (In) University Life in a Global Village, Knoxville: The University of Tennessee, 1970.


                        Peters, John M. "Individualized Instruction and Teacher Training." Professional Papers, Southern Regional Education Board, New Orleans, May, 1970.


                        Peters, John M. "Planning Local In-Service Education Programs." Supervision in Adult Basic Education, Memphis State University, November, 1970.




                        Peters, John M. "Individualization of Instruction and Learning Centers," Script and tape for ABE/ITV Teacher Training Series, Basic Education: Teaching the Adult. Maryland State Department of Education, Division of Instructional Television, October, 1973.


                        Peters, John M. and Waynne B. James. Self-Instructional Teacher Training Packages. Understanding the Testing for Comprehension; Administering a Word Recognition Inventory; Life Issues Programs for Adult Education; Teaching English Usage to ABE Students; Developing a Skills Kit; Using the Cloze Procedure. University of Tennessee, Knoxville, 1974.


Book Reviews:


                        An Essay Review. "Two Handbooks: The American and the International." (with Peter Jarvis) Adult Education Quarterly, 40, Number 3, Spring, 1990, 169-176.


                        Kimmel, Robert. "Adulthood and Aging". New York: John Wiley and Sons, 1974, Educational Gerontology, 1, No. 2, 1976.


                        Farmer, James A. and Knox, Alan. "Alternative Patterns for Strengthening Community Service Programs in Institutions of Higher Education". Urbana-Champaign: University of Illinois, April, 1977. Adult Education Journal, Fall, 1978.


Books and book chapters:




                        Bell, B., Gaventa, J., and Peters, J. We Make the Road by Walking: Conversations on Education and Social Change. Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 1990.


                        Peters, John M. and Jarvis, Peter (Eds.) Adult Education as a Field of Study: Its Evolution, Achievements and Future. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, In Press.


                        Peters, John M. (Ed.) Building An Effective Adult Education Enterprise. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 1980.


                        Peters, John M. How to Make Successful Use of the Learning Laboratory. Englewood Cliffs: Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1972.


Book Chapters:


                        "Development of Graduate Programs", (with Burton Krietlow). Chapter in Adult Education as a Field of University Study, San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, In Press.


                        "Conclusion: Our Historical Possibilities", Chapter in Adult Education as a Field of University Study, San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, In Press.


                        "Reflective Practice Techniques", Chapter in Professional Development for Educators of Adults, R. Brockett, (Ed.), New Directions for Adult and Continuing Education. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, In Press.


                        "Myles Horton and Paulo Freire: An Introduction" (with Brenda Bell and John Gaventa), Chapter in We Make the Road by Walking. Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 1990.


                        "The Action-Reason-Thematic Technique: Spying on the Self." Chapter in Fostering Critical Self-Reflection: Tools for Transformative Learning. Editor, J. Mezirow. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 1990.


                        "Analysis of Practical Thinking in Self-Directed Learning." Chapter in Advances in Research and Practice in Self-Directed Learning. Editor, H. Long. Norman, OK: University of Oklahoma, 1990.


                        "Self-Direction and Problem Solving: Theory and Method." Chapter in Self-Directed Learning: Emerging Theory and Practice. Editor, H. Long. Norman, OK: University of Oklahoma, 1989.


                        "Programming Throughout the Client's Lifespan." Chapter in Foundations and Changing Practices in Extension. Editor, D. Blackburn. Guelph: University of Guelph, 1989.


                        "A Knowledge Acquisition Method for Building Expert Systems: Studying Adult Reasoning and Thinking." (with Peter Lazzara) Proceedings, Adult Education Research Conference. Editor, C. Warden. Calgary: The University of Calgary, May, 1988, pp. 240-245 .


                        "Toward a New Procedure for Learning Project Research." Proceedings, Transatlantic Dialogue: A Research Exchange. Editor, Miriam Zukas. Leeds: University of Leeds, UK, July, 1988.


                        "Horton of Highlander." Chapter in Twentieth-Century Thinkers About Adult Education. Editor, Peter Jarvis. London: Croom-Helm, 1988.


                        "Accessing People in Organizations: Problem Solving and Change. Chapter in Organizing for Change: Inservice and Staff Development in Special Education. Editor, M. Gaasholt. Program Development Assistance System, University of Washington, 1981.


                        "Organization of the Field." Chapter in Building An Effective Adult Education Enterprise. (with Charles Kozoll) Editor, John M. Peters. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 1980.


                        "A Systems Approach to Examining Adult Education." Chapter in Building An Effective Enterprise of Adult Education. Editor, John M. Peters. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 1980.


                        "A Self-Instructional Training Package for ABE Reading Teachers," Chapter in Designs for Teacher Training in Reading and Adult Basic Education. Editors, T. Rakes and R. Sticht. New York: International Reading Association, 1977.


                        "Developing Program Congruent with Adult Motives, Needs and Interests." Chapter in Materials and Methods in Adult Education, 2nd edition. Editor, Klevens. New York: Klevens Publications, 1976. (with Roger Boshier).


                        "Developing a Curriculum that Meets Students' Needs," Chapter in You Can Be a Successful Teacher of Adults. Editor, Langerman. National Association for Public Continuing Education, Washington, D.C., 1974.


                        "Self-Directed Learning in Continuing Professional Education," Chapter in Individualized Instruction at the College Level. Editor, R. Williams. College of Education Monograph Series, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, No. 2, 1972.


                        "The Learning Lab Approach to Instruction." Chapter in Materials and Methods in Adult Education. Editor, C. Klevens. New York: Klevens Publications, 1972.


Monographs or manuals:


                        "Problem Solving by Adults in Nonformal Settings: A Research Report". National Institute of Education, Grant Number NIE-6-79-0190, 1982.



                        "Critical Issues for Tennessee Community Colleges" (with Donna Young and John Lounsbury). College of Education Research Monograph No. 10, Knoxville: The University of Tennessee, 1979.


                        "Adult Learning Projects: A Study of Adult Learning in Urban and Rural Tennessee" Vol I & II, (with Susan Gordan). Knoxville: The University of Tennessee, 1974.


                        "A Feasibility Study for Development of a Self-Instructional Training Program for Teachers of Adult Basic Education". Morehead: Morehead State University, USOE Grant No. OEG-0-70-4616 (324), 1971.


                        "EDUSAT: A Preliminary Design for an Educational Television Satellite System" (with T.M. Peters and D. L. Linglebach). Langley Research Center, Norfolk, Virginia, 1968.


                        "Effect of Internal-External Control on Learning and Participation in Occupational Education." Center Research Monograph No. 1, Center for Occupational Education, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, 1968.


Journals edited or served on editorial boards:


                        Former Book Review Editor, Journal of Adult Education

                        Former Chair, Publications Committee, Adult Education Association

                        Former Guest Editor, Adult Leadership

                        Former member of editorial board, Tennessee Adult Educator.

[Postscript: John was inducted into the International Adult and Continuing Education Hall of Fame in 1997.]