Mary Alice Wolf Presentations


The older adult in education: A developmental perspective. Paper presented to the Massachusetts Gerontology Association. (Co-winner, 1981 competition)


The experience of older learners in adult education. Research paper presented to the Northeastern Gerontological Society, Newport, RI (1983)


The older learner: Education as a means to one's past. Research paper presented to the National Adult Education Conference of the American Association for Adult and Continuing Education, Philadelphia, PA (1983)


The meaning of education in late life. Paper presented to the National Council on the Aging, Washington, DC (1984)


Life review and the educational experience. Paper presented to the Northeastern Gerontological Society Annual Conference, Philadelphia, PA (1984)


Life, review and reminiscence: Therapeutic uses in the lives of older people. Lectures to the Annual Conference of the Connecticut Association of Therapeutic Recreation Directors, New Haven, CT (1984)


Psychological barriers to learning. Address to the Connecticut Association of Non-profit Facilities for the Aged, Wallingford, CT (1984)


Ethnic Issues Lecture Series, (four videotapes). Institute in Gerontology, Saint Joseph College And the Connecticut Humanities Council, Hartford, CT (1984)


Tapping the world of the older adult. Paper presented to the National Adult Education Conference of the American Association for Adult and Continuing Education, Louisville, KY (1984)


Growth and development with older women religious. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Association for Gerontology in Higher Education, Washington, DC (1985)

Life review workshops and women religious. Paper presented to the annual meeting of the Northeastern Gerontological Society, Boston, MA (1985)


Motivation. Address to the annual meeting of the Intercommunity Retirement Board, Methuen, MA (with V. Sposito, 1985)


Motivation in late life. Paper presented to the National Adult Education Conference, American Association for Adult and Continuing Education, Milwaukee, WI (1985)


Keynote address, Growing together, American Baptist Churches of Connecticut (1985)

Human development, gerontology, and self development through the writings of May Sarton. Paper presented at the 12th Annual Meeting of the Association for Gerontology in Higher Education, Atlanta, GA (1986)


Motivation in late life: The personal need for challenge. Excerpted in Resources in Education (National Institute in Education) ERIC Publication ED 262 196, CE 042 575 (1986)


Aging and development: A personal issue. Lecture, Lawrence and Memorial Hospital, New London, CT (1986)


The study of life in retrospection: Life review interviews with elderly women religious. Paper presented to the Sixth Annual Conference, Northeastern Gerontology, Newport, RI (1986)


Backwards and forwards: An approach to understanding the older learner. Paper presented to the National Adult Education Conference, American Association for Adult and Continuing Education, Hollywood, FL (1986)


Developing a consortium of long-term care providers to share educational resources. Presentation to the 13th Annual Meeting of the Association for Gerontology in Higher Education, Boston, MA (with Nahemow, L., Belanger, G., Casey, J., Lusky, R. 1987)


In-depth interviewing: Training students of gerontology to enter the subjective worlds of elders. Paper presented to the 13th Annual Meeting of the American Association for Gerontology in Higher Education, Boston, MA (1987)


Women's development across the life-span. Address to the Jewish Federation of Greater Springfield. Springfield, MA (1987)


The crisis of legacy: Life review interviews with elderly women religious. Paper presented to the Seventh Annual Conference of the Northeastern Gerontological Society, Hartford, CT (1987)


Life review and reminiscence: An opportunity for growth. Address, workshop, & resource kit. Denver, CO: Sisters of Loretto (1987)


Selfhood and the older learner: The promise of education. Paper presented to annual conference of The American Association for Adult and Continuing Education, Washington, DC (1987)


Journal writing: A means to an end in training students to work with older adults. Paper presented to the Annual Meeting of the Association for Gerontology in Higher Education, Chicago, IL (1988)


Self development: What older adults bring to education. Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the American Association for Adult and Continuing Education. Tulsa, Oklahoma (1988)


Aging and cognition. Address to the Older Men's Club, Jewish Community Center, Springfield, MA (1989)


Life within the convent: Life histories of elderly women religious. Paper presented at the 42nd Annual Scientific Meeting of the Gerontological Society of America, Minneapolis, MN (1989)


KINDS OF LOVE by May Sarton: An Eriksonian paradigm. Paper presented at the 42nd Annual Scientific Meeting of The Gerontological Society of America, Minneapolis, MN (1989)


The discovery of middle age: An educational task in training gerontologists. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of The Association for Gerontology in Higher Education, Kansas City, MO (1990)


A population of Elderhostel learners: Personal and private motivations. Paper presented to the Annual Meeting of the Northeastern Gerontological Society, New Haven, CT (1990)


Looking Back, Looking Ahead. Keynote address at the Annual Installation, The Auxiliary of the Hebrew Home and Hospital, Avon, CT (1990)


Older Learners: Inner Reflections. Paper presented to The 39th annual Adult Education Conference, Salt Lake City, Utah (1990)


Lifespan Development and Aging: Options for Education. Convener, Howard McClusky Symposium, American Association for Adult and Continuing Education, Salt Lake City, Utah (1990)


Mentoring in the human development gerontology classroom: A woman's model. Paper presented to the Seventeenth Annual Meeting of the Association for Gerontology in Higher Education, Pittsburgh, PA (1991)


The older learner. Paper presented to the Annual Conference of the Northeastern Gerontological Society, Albany, NY (1991)


The development of older women. Keynote address, National Organization for Women, Springfield, MA (1991)


Instruction of older learners. Research presentation, American Association for Adult and Continuing Education, Montreal, Canada (1991)


Elder women religious: A phenomenological view. Paper presented as part of Narrative and quest for meaning: The spiritual journey in the later years, The Gerontological Society of America, San Francisco (1991)


Spirit and meaning: Strategies for teaching older learners. Paper presented to the Association for Gerontology in Higher Education, Baltimore, MD (1992)


Sharing of Educational Resources among Long-Term Care Providers: Five Years Later. Symposium at the Association for Gerontology in Higher Education, Baltimore, MD (with Nahemow, L., Corcoran, V., Raisz, H., Schulze, B. 1992)


Motivation, development in the religious community. Workshops for the directors of retirement, religious communities. West Hartford, CT: Mercyknoll (1991, 1992)


Instructors of older learners: Are they learning or teaching? Paper presented to the Gerontological Society of America, Washington, DC (1992)


Connecting with older adults. Presentation at the Annual Adult education Conference of the American Association for Adult and Continuing Education, Anaheim, CA (with P.T. Beatty, 1992)


A consortium of long-term-care facilities devoted to education: Fertile ground for research. Presentation to the Annual Meeting of the Gerontological Society of America, Washington, DC (with Nahemow, L., Schulze, B., McGuinness, A., Klein, W., & Eisenhandler, S. (1992)


Connecting with Older Adults: Educational responses and approaches. Presentation at the Annual Meeting of the Association for Gerontology in Higher Education, Louisville, KY(with Beatty, P.T.,1993)


Role reversals. Workshops as part of the Interface Health Conference "Coming into Our Own," Cambridge, MA (1993)


Gender shift across the lifespan. Annual Convention, Connecticut League for Nursing, Rocky Hill, CT (1993)


Learning: Meeting the challenges of older adulthood. Presentation to the Annual Meeting of the American Association for Adult and Continuing Education, Dallas, TX (with Knott, E., & Fisher, J.C., 1993)


Principles of adult education and aging. Capital Community-Technical College, Hartford, CT (1994)


Challenges of learning. McClusky Symposium, American Association for Adult and Continuing Education, Nashville, TE (1994)


Grief, loss, and growth: The high cost of learning for older adults. Panel, The Impact of Qualitative Research on Applied Settings, 57th Annual Meeting of the Gerontological Society of America, Atlanta, GA (1994)


Learning and transitions in aging. Northeastern Gerontological Society, Madison, CT (1995)


The diary of Anne Frank and the teaching of human development/gerontology. Paper presented to the annual meeting of the Association for Gerontology in Higher Education, Philadelphia, PA (1996)


Educating our students and ourselves through collaborative research. Panel presentation to the annual meeting of the Association for Gerontology in Higher Education, Philadelphia, PA (with Nahemow, L.; Babbitt, E.; Klein, W.; Raisz., H.; McGuiness, A.; Dellert, A.; Eisenhandler, S.; & Freed, A. 1996)


Gender shift through adulthood. Annual conference of the American Association for Adult and Continuing Education, Charlotte, NC Also ERIC document ED401384 (1996)


Connecting with older adults. Annual conference of the American Association for Adult and Continuing Education, Charlotte, NC (1996)


Coping with growing older. Symposium, Saint Francis Hospital and Medical Center, Immanuel House, Hartford, CT (1996)


Strategies for institutionalization of gerontology and geriatrics programs in higher education. Panel, Symposium, 49th Annual Meeting of the Gerontological Society of America, Washington, DC (1996)


Connecting with older adults: A Nation Divided: Positive Diversity or Irreconcilable Differences? Symposium, American International College, Springfield, MA (1997)


Learning about learning: Developing ethnographic skills for students of aging. Paper presented at the 23rd Annual Meeting and Educational Leadership Conference of the Association for Gerontology in Higher Education, Boston, MA (1997)


The older learner. Presentation to the Adult Education Graduate Internet Conference, Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS (1997)


New approaches to the education of older adults. Presentation at the 46th Annual Adult Education Conference, Cincinnati, OH (1997)


Current perspectives on 1997 older adult learning. Keynote speakers at the McClusky Symposium on Aging: The 46th Annual Adult Education Conference, Cincinnati, OH (with J.C. Fisher, 1997)


Exploring in-depth interviews to study older adults' learning. Round table. The Gerontological Society of America, Cincinnati, OH (1997)


A gerontology curriculum for home companions. Presentation to the 24th Annual Conference of the Association for Gerontology in Higher Education. Winston-Salem, NC (1998)


Institutionalization of gerontology programs in higher education. Panel presentation to the 24th Annual Conference of the Association for Gerontology in Higher Education. Winston-Salem, NC (with Eustis, G., Shenck, D., 1998)


Connecting Theory and Practice in Older Adult Learning. Annual Conference of the Adult Education, Nov., Phoenix, AR (1998)


Gerontology for Companions: Adult education model. Presentation to the 47th Annual Conference of the American Association for Adult and Continuing Education, Phoenix, AR (1998)


Transformations within the classroom experience. Presentation to the Annual Conference of the Association for Gerontology in Higher Education, St. Louis, MO (1999)


Strategies for institutionalization of gerontology and geriatrics programs in higher education Presentation to the Annual Conference of the Association for Gerontology in Higher Education, St. Louis, MO (1999)


Transformations and gerontology. Presentation to the Annual Conference of the Gerontological Society of America, San Francisco, CA (1999) ERIC Document ED433437 CE 079 113


Keynote speaker, Annual Volunteer Recognition Luncheon, The Long Term Care Ombudsman Program, Southington, CT (1999)


Programmatic interventions. Presentation to the National Conference of the Association for Gerontology in Higher Education, Myrtle Beach, SC (2000)


Programmatic Interventions. Paper presented to the Annual Meeting of the Association for Gerontology in Higher Education, Myrtle Beach, So. Carolina (2000)


The six easy principles of aging. Keynote address, Annual Meeting Southwestern Connecticut Agency on Aging, Darien, CT (2000)


Time, aging, and narrative: Learning models. Presentation to the Annual Adult Education Conference, American Association of Adult and Continuing Education, Providence, RI (2000)


Learning in older adulthood. Presentation to the National Meeting of the Gerontological Society of America, Washington, DC (2000)


Narratives of adjustment: Understanding the older learner. Presentation to the Association for Gerontology in Higher Education, San Jose, CA (2001)


Narratives of cognition. Presentation to the Gerontological Society of America, Chicago, IL (2001)


Differentiation and the adult learner. Presentation to the annual conference of the Association for Gerontology in Higher Education. Pittsburgh, PA (2002)


Reminiscence work with older adults. Workshop, Southern Connecticut State University, New Haven, CT (2002)


Differentiation in gerontological education. Presentation to the Gerontologicial Society of America, Boston, MA (2002)