Laubach Literacy International Supplemental Papers

The Adult Education History Project

Based on Information in the Syracuse University Library Archives

Translated for the WWW by Roger Hiemstra




                         (1991 addition)


The 1991 addition to the Laubach Literacy International Collection

follows the same order as the May 1990 finding aid. The only change

is the addition of Laubach Literacy Action [LLA] as a heading.

Laubach Literacy Action is the successor to the National

Affiliation for Literacy Advance [NALA]. The inclusive dates of the

1991 addition are 1932-1991, with the bulk of the material falling

between 1976-1986.  The addition length is 16 linear feet including

14 Hollinger boxes and 2 packages of motion pictures. The entire

Laubach Literacy International Collection is numbered in

consecutive order. This addition is contained in boxes 446-459 and

packages 1 and 2. For more information on material included in the

Laubach Collection please check the two previous finding aids.





                         (1991 addition)


Box 446


General Files

     Advertisement Material. Newsweek. 1960?

     Africa. 1962-1966

     Africa Writing Center. 1962

     Annual Reports. 1971-1990

     Audio Video Evaluations. 1989-1990

     Awards, Certificates etc.

     Bible Guide for "New Readers." Higby, Ethel Joy. 1963


     Book Loan Evaluation.


     Bush, Barbara. 1981, 1989

     Charts. Snug Bug.


          ABE/ESL Summer Conference. Olympia, Washington. Aug. 24-

               26, 1983

          Elmhurst Literacy Conference on Reading. June 17-19,


          National Conference on State Literacy Initiatives II.

               Apr. 9-11, 1989

          2nd. National Annual Literacy Congress. Sep. 9-11, 1989



          Boyer, Gilbert and Louise. 1963-1969

          Butler, Meridith. East Pakistan. 1965

          CBS - American Portrait.

          Everard, Olinette. Mexico. 1969-1979

          Froemming, Paul. Mexico. 1966-1968

          Hosea, Roland. 1964-1966

          McMillan, May 1966-1967

          McMillan, May. Robert Laubach California trips. 1970-1982

          MacNeil Lehrer Report. 1981-1984

          Memos. 1981

          Morrison, Margarita. Mexico. 1969-1972 (2 folders)

          Munn, Mabel. 1949-1954

          Nelson, Margaret. 1971-1988

          New York Times. 1982

          Panama. 1967

          Parnell, Dale. 1987

          Roberts, Helen. 1964-1981

          Samuelson, Alta. 1962-1980 (2 folders)

          Shisler, Kirk / Chris Jeans. 1982-1983

          Shumate, Hazel. 1962-1965 (2 folders)

     Costa Rica. Alfalit. 1964

     Cross-Cultural Communication Project: Agenda. July 2, 1980

     Easy Way to Better Reading. Valient, Margaret.


Box 446 (continued)


General Files (continued)

     English for International Dependents. Program Handbook.    

     Experiment With Evaluation in the Eradication of Adult

          Illiteracy...Peerson, Nell. Aug. 1961

     Go Ye Via Literacy. Lytle, Geraldine. 1963

     Going to Have a Baby? Carnes, Marian. Dec. 1958

     Guidelines for Lesson Plan Writing. Brightman, Dee. Apr. 1977

     How to Organize and Maintain a Literacy Center. (2 folders)


Box 447



     Indonesia (California Literacy). 1975-1981 (3 folders)

     Intermedia. May 1980

     Instructional material. 1966

     Iran. 1956

     Jefferson Award. 1984

     Laubach Method (charts etc.) 1968

     Liberia. 1963

     List of Coping Skills Materials. 1976

     Literacy Advance. 1967?

     Literacy Award. 1981-1983

     Literacy Brings New Life to Indian Villages. 1967

     Literacy Coalition. 1984

     Literacy House.

          Articles by Welthy Fisher.

          Evaluation of Young Farmers Training Courses. Singh, T.R.


          Experiment in Functional Literacy Teaching Through Naya

               Savera Method. July 1972

          15th Anniversary. 1968


     Publications. (3 folders)

          Report. July 1, 1964-June 30, 1969

          Wall Newspaper. 1954

     Literacy Journalism Writing for New Readers. Aug. 30-Sep. 1977

     Literacy kit. 1977-1982, 1986

     Literacy seminar. Michigan. Sep. 23, 1989

     Literacy statistics.


          Asian trip. 1953

          Historical Resume of 1942-1967. Apr. 17, 1967


     Literacy Seminar. Michigan. Sep. 23, 1989

     Literacy Stamps

     Literacy the Key to Yourself. Sep. 9, 1988


     National Literacy Initiative. B. Dalton. 1983

     Name changes.

     New releases.

Box 447 (continued)


General Files (continued)

     Newspaper clippings. 1958, 1960, 1983-1986 (3 folders)

          Jacksonville, Florida. 1976

     Otetela Newspaper. Apr. 1948

     Panama. Programa Educacion Primaria. 1965

     Periodicals for New Literates: Seven Case Histories. UNESCO.


     "Pride of Jesse Hallam."

          Correspondence. 1981

          Script. Sep. 20, 1980

          Television Promotion Report. Mar 3. 1981 (2 folders)


Box 448


     Principles of Missionary Journalism.

     Prison Education   

     "Quincy" Loss For Words

          Responses. 1983 (2 folders)

          Script. 1982

     Rauschenbusch, Walter by Robert T. Handy.

     Report. Experiment In Motivating Functional Illiterates to

          Learn. 1968-1969

     Shah, S.Y. The American Interest in Indian Adult Education:

          Laubach Era (1955-1970) Apr. 1989

     So He May Run Who Reads. Blankenship, Mildred and Lillian

          Isaacs. 1984

     South Africa. Operation Upgrade. June 1972

     Streamlined English Combined Word Lists.

     Study of Volunteer Adult Basic Literacy Organizations in U.S.

          and Canada... Wurzbacher, Mark F. and Christine H.

          Yeannakes. Sep. 20, 1982

     Summer Institute.

     Teachers Guide for Literacy Missions. Blankenship, Mildred.

     Wall Charts. Engliddish. 1960

     Wall Newspapers. 1958, 1964


Laubach, Effa



Laubach, Frank C.

     1961, 1967-1968

     California trips. 1958-1964 (4 folders)

     Death notices. 1970

     80th birthday celebration. 1965

     Hollywood Bowl Speech. Apr. 1961

     How to Teach One and Win One for Christ. 1964

     Miscellaneous. 1956-1965

     Story of Jesus. Translations (index cards).

Box 448 (continued)


Laubach, Frank C. (continued)

     World Tour. Letters from Abroad. 1956

     You Are My Friends. 1968


Laubach, Robert S.

     Arizona, Phoenix and Sun City. Oct. 10-15, 1985



          Jan.-July 1976 (2 folders)


Box 449


Laubach, Robert S. (continued)


          Aug.-Dec. 1976 (2 folders)

     School of Journalism

          Can You Write For the Underprivileged.

          Community Development. 1954

          Diagnostic Inventory. Sawyer, Diane J.

          Effects of Overt Behavior of Alternative Mass

               Communication Persuasion. "Strategies: A Controlled

               Field Experiment." Melton, Richard. Syracuse

               University. PhD. 1969 (2 folders)

          Experiment in Readability. Otoo, Samuel Koff and Felix

               Seth Konu. 1957

          Family. Beudingen Diary. (Germany) July 1989

          Journalism School Started With One Book (India).

               Wolseley, Roland.

          Kalang Kadi


          Nayana. Newspapers for New Literates. India. 1964

          One Step Forward

          Preparation and Evaluation of a Sample of Ethnic Oriented

               Material for Adult New Readers. Ellison, Judith A.


          Preparation of Curricula for the Teaching of Literacy

               Missions on the College Level. Eshenaur, Ruth. 1966

          Read and Grow. Vol. 1, No. 1.

          Reading Lessons in Kinyarwanda. Adamson, Myra. 1968

          Sample Survey of the Availability, Amount, Comparative

               Quality of Publications for New Literates in North

               India -- In Hindi. Woods, Murden. 1956

          Study of Adult Literacy Organizations in Syracuse:

               LVA/NALA. Dec. 1978

          Survey of Production by Seventh Day Adventists of Easy

               Reading Materials for New Adult Readers. Tabler,

               Myrle Evelyn.  June 1970

          Techniques Employed by Dr. Frank Laubach in Teaching the

               Illiterate to Read and Write. Baker, Dorothy. 1956


Box 449  (continued)




     Annual Council and Associate reports.

          1984-1985 (8 folders)


Box 450


     Annual Council and Associate reports.

          1984-1986 (5 folders)

     Awards Committee (3 folders)

     Committees. 1978-1980

     Conferences. Biennial. 1986

     Correspondence. Waite, Peter. 1983-1985


          1985-1991 (3 folders)

          State. 1986

     ESOL. 1980


          1973-1981, 1984 (2 folders)

     Miscellaneous. 1979


          Alabama - California. 1976-1985 (5 folders)


Box 451


     Newsletters (continued)

          California - Ohio. 1976-1986 (25 folders)


Box 452


     Newsletters (continued)

          Ohio - Wisconsin. 1976-1987 (16 folders)

          Miscellaneous. 1986-1988

     Organizational Game. McFall, Karen. 1982

     Proposals. 1985

     Public Relations.

     Public Service Announcements. 1983

     Recruitment Ideas.

     Reports. Indiana. 1987

     Schools Tutorial Project Publicity. 1976

     Steering Committee. 1982-1986 (5 folders)


Box 453


     Steering Committee. 1984-1986 (9 folders)

     Training and Certification Committee. 1983-1984 (2 folders)


National Affiliation for Literacy Advance [NALA]

     Advanced Trainer Workshop. June 1978

     American Council in Education. 1976-1978

Box 453 (continued)


NALA (continued)

     Certification Standards and Training. 1976-1978


          Executive. Handbook. 1978.

          Finance. 1976-1979

          Organizational. 1976-1979

          Publications. 1976-1978

          Research and Evaluation. 1976-1978





               Stauffer Study. Apr. 19-22, 1972

     Constitution and Bylaws. 1976-1978



          Borei, Swen. 1977-1978

          Committee Chairmen. 1977-1978

          Hanson, Marilyn. 1977-1978

          Jacques, Joseph W. 1976-1978

          Kumley, Mary. 1977-1978

          Lane, Marti. 1977-1978

          Roper, Barbara. 1976-1977

          Silvia, Addie / Jean Lebedun. 1977-1978

     ESOL. 1976-1980 (2 folders)

     Field Survey Summaries. 1975-1976



Box 454


     Handbook. 1976-1978

     International Representatives. 1977

     Membership. 1976-1977    Metro Projects


          Jacksonville, Florida. 1976-1977

     Metropolitan Areas Expansion Project. July 1973-June 1975

     Miscellaneous. 1976-1977 (2 folders)

     Name Change. 1977


          Eastern Canada. 1977-1979

          Northeast. 1977-1979

          Northwest. 1977-1979

          Southwest. June 23-27, 1983

     School Tutorial. 1977-1978

     Skills Book. 1977

     Training Teams. 1977


Box 454 (continued)


NALA (continued)



     Adult Education News (India). 1959-1960

     Forum. Nov. 1988; Fall, 1990

     Intercom. 1979-1983

     Literacy Advance, 1986-1990

     Laubach Literacy International; Literacy beyond Borders.

          Fall 1979; 1985-1990

     Literacy Today (Literacy House). 1970-1976

     Project Learn. 1984-1986 (2 folders)

     Reading Today. 1985

     Students Speaking Out. 1986-1991

     Trainer Touchstone. Nov. 1983-Dec. 1990

     World Education. 1960-1973




     Ghana. Aug. 30-Sep. 6, 1977



     "Anand the Wise Man" (India)      

     Drawing Figures Made Easy (Koinonia). Fall 1961

     "M'aye Lan", (language unknown)

     Yoruba (Nigeria)

          Jode Ati Remi.

          List of primers.


Programs International

     Brazil. 1973-1983



          Scrapbook - Medellin. May McMillan. 1967

     East Pakistan. 1959?


Box 455


Programs, International (continued)

     Ecuador. 1965

     India. 1962-1965



          Mission trip. 1965



          1964-1980 (2 folders)

          Tinaja de Megrette. 1982

     New Guinea. "Literacy Flies to New Guinea."


Box 455 (continued)





Slide/Tape Modules

Community Oriented Literacy: The Beginning of the Change.



Adult Illiteracy.

Adult Literacy League.

Community Oriented Literacy.

Laubach Literacy International.

Literacy: The First Step.

Public Service Announcements. (3 tapes)

     Klugman, Jack (3 tapes).

     Wallach, Eli (3 tapes).

Second National Student Congress. LLI.

Sowing Seeds of Hope. 1989

Walls of Words.


Box 456


     Newspaper clippings. 1955-1979

          (Over 300 articles in individual folders.)


Box 457





Audio Literacy of Indian Rivers County. Tommy Lasorda. 1986

"David's Story." Laurens County Literacy Association.


Reel to reel tapes

ALA/COSLA-Call Your Library Campaign (PSA)

American Library Association. (PSA)

Biennial Conference.

"Each One Teach One." Lowell Thomas

Laubach, Frank C. at Camp Farthest Out. Grand Canyon. April 1968.

Greeting to Dr. & Mrs. Frank C. Laubach on the 50th wedding

     celebration occasion. May 8, 1962


Kerala. Aug. 15, 1983

Kerala. A Laubach Literacy International Slide/Tape Presentation.

Jack McAlister interview.

Kerala. Aug, 15, 1983

Kerala. Sitar music.

Kerala. Spanish

Kerala. Waves.

Laubach, Frank C. Conversation. WDAF, Kansas City, Missouri.


Box 457 (continued)




Reel to reel tapes (continued)


Laubach, Frank C. "How Literacy Began." July 8, 1960

Laubach, Frank C. Jack McAlister interview.

Laubach, Frank C. Leading the World in Compassion.

Laubach, Frank C. "Witnessing as a Teacher." Dec. 1967 or Jan. 1968

Literacy Program. Radio & Television Commission of the Southern

     Baptist Convention.

"Music Safety: US Programs. Feb. 20, 1979

NALA Conference. 1970 (2 tapes)

NALA Presentation.

NALA Presentation narrated by Besner & Wilbur. Apr. 27, 1979

"Reach Out"

"Reach Out". Jimmy Heath.

"Response to Crisis." Aug. 27, 1974

"Response to Crisis: Laubach Literacy in Action."

"Response to Crisis: Laubach Literacy in Action." May 1, 1974

"Response to Crisis: Laubach Literacy in Action." Aug. 14, 1974

School Tutorial.

Schools Tutorial. Frank Wilbur. (2 tapes)

Shamy, Mohammed. Mar. 29, 1979

"Song of the Illiterate." Jeanne Lane. (3 tapes)

"Yolombo: Of Burdened Mules and People."

"You Are Needed." June 21, 1976

"You Are Needed." June 23, 1976

"You Are Needed." July 31, 1976   

4 untitled tapes.



Laubach, Frank C. "Seeing God at Work." 


Box 458 (archival flat box)


General Files

     West Pakistan. Adult Literacy Pilot Project.



Laubach, Frank C.

     Awards and certificates.

     Newspaper clippings. 1950

     Philippines. 1932-1937






     Yoruba. Nigeria.


Box 458 (continued)


Programs International


          Medillin (Spanish/English). 1964-1966

          Posters (3)

     Ecuador.Foundacion Alfabetizalora Laubach. 1963-1965


Box 459, Packages 1 and 2


Audio/Visual Material


Motion Pictures


"Chains," ( 5 copies)

"City On My Mind", The Silent Billion." Dr. Frank Laubach.

"Each One Teach One." (2 copies)

"Each One Teach One" (color print)

"Each One Teach One" (India - English).

"Each One Teach One" (India - English).

"Hong Kong Breakthrough," Dr. Frank Laubach. Lucien Aigner. 1967

Laubach, Frank. "Streamlined Reading." 1956-1957

Laubach Literacy on T.V.

"Literacy in America"

"My Brother's Teacher."


"The Strange Case of the English Language," CBS.

"Woman's Work" (PSA).



In addition to following normal manuscript citation conventions, include these elements when citing records found "electronically" through The Adult Education History Project: Main entry, Title, Item number, and, if a specific image is being cited, Component number. Mention, too, that the record was found in "/history.html, an Electronic Source for Syracuse University Library's database for archives and manuscripts".


[Postscript: As of March 28, 2002, LLI and LVA officially began moving forward with a merger of the two groups. See ; still available as of April 30, 2002]




Created on May 8, 2002


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