Allen, Annamary Zappia, Research Associate |
Allen, Eileen, Library Specialist |
Arthur-Brothers, Judith, Research Associate |
Awasu, Charles,Research Associate |
Balachandran, Indra, Research Associate |
Brown, Ina Sue, Research Associate |
Darby, Chris, Staff Member |
Durant, Joan, Research Associate |
Eastmond, Dan, Staff Member |
Ehringhaus, Michael, Research Associate |
Finger, Matthias, Faculty Member |
Florini, Barbara M., Faculty Member and Co-Director |
Fulton, Molly, Library Assistant |
Goodman, Maureen, Co-Director |
Hammon, Peter, Library Assistant |
Henry, Marcia, Staff Member |
Hiemstra, Roger, Co-Director and Faculty Member |
Hill, Doris, Research Associate |
Hinton, Mary Beth, Staff Member |
Hugo, Jane, Research Associate |
Keenan, Terry, Staff Member/Librarian |
Kuzma, Desiree, Research Associate |
Liuzzi-Hagan, Diane, Staff Member |
Masters, Jennifer, Staff Member |
Mgulambwa, Albert, Research Associate |
Moats, Tom, Computer Consultant |
Newell, Linda T., Research Associate |
Oddy, Beth Carley, Staff Member |
Owen, Olive, Research Associate |
Pantanella, Paul, Research Associate |
Quinlan, Irene, Staff Member |
Ranz, Joanne, Staff Member |
Rohfeld, Rae, Faculty Member |
Sanford, Mary D., Research Associate |
Shelly, Anne L., Logic Programming Specialist |
Sibert, Ernest, Logic Programming Specialist |
Slusarski, Sue, Research Associate |
Smith, Nick L., Evaluation Consultant |
Spencer, Glynda, Staff Member |
Stasz, Bird (Beck), Research Associate |
Stewart, Anne, Staff Member |
Tagtmeyer, Peter, Research Associate |
Tung, Yuming, Staff Member |
VanDenburg, Joyce, Staff Member |
Vertrees, Daniel, Staff Member |
Wright, Kathleen, Library Intern |
Borgman, Christine L., Professor, |
Charters, Alexander, Professor Emeritus, |
Garrels, Anne, Correspondent, National Public Radio |
Hall, Budd, Associate Professor, Ontario Institute for
Studies in Education |
Jarvis, Peter, Professor, |
Knox, Alan, Professor, |
Laya-Sensenig, Trina, Managing Partner, Express Publishing
Group, |
Penland, Patrick, Professor, |
Poley, Janet, President, AG*SAT (The Agricultural
Satellite Corporation), |
Sisco, |
Stubblefield, Harold, Professor, Virginia Polytechnic Institute
and |
Valentine, Thomas, Associate Professor (formerly |
Abbott, George, Librarian, Bird Library, |
Bagdovitz, Mary Lou, Program Administrator, |
Bossert, Steven, Dean, |
Briggs, John, Associate Professor, |
Brule, James, Northeast Artificial Intelligence
Consortium, |
Burstyn, Joan, Professor, Cultural Foundations, |
Dosa, Marta, Professor Emerita, |
Ely, Don, Professor, |
Finger, Matthias, Assistant Professor (formerly |
Gadbow, Nancy, Associate Professor (formerly |
Gainey, Leroy, Doctoral Graduate, |
Hayes, Elisabeth, Associate Professor (formerly |
Henry, Norbert, Dean, Enrollment Management, |
Hiemstra, Roger, Professor, |
Ilsley, Paul, Associate Professor (formerly |
Kalinoski, Ronald, Director of Faculty Computer Services, |
Kordalewski, Jean, Director (retired), Regional Learning
Service, |
Marchand, Donald, Dean, Information Studies, |
Sibert, Ernest, Professor, |
Valentine, Thomas, Associate Professor (formerly |
Ziegahn, Linda, Associate Professor (formerly |
Abdurrahman, |
Adekanmbi, |
Austermiller, |
Balsamo, Peter, |
Benseman, |
Bhagia, |
Bhagia, N. M. (deceased), |
Brockett, Ralph G., |
Carlson, Robert A., |
Cohen, |
Collard, |
Edelson, |
Fowler, |
Fulton, |
Gajanayaka, |
Hagen, |
Himmelstrup, Per, |
Hoghielm, |
Imel, |
Inglis, Thomas F., |
Israeli, |
Karovic, Nancy Lee, Washington |
Kinyanjui, |
Law, |
Long, Huey B., |
Luke, Robert A. (deceased), |
Ming-Li, |
Morris, Roger, |
Murray, |
Nanzhao, |
Ohliger, |
Owen, |
Oyewale, |
Pittman, Von V. Jr., |
Saddington, J. A. (Tony), |
Sasaki, |
Schied, |
Shah, S. Y., |
Sharp, Denise S., |
Shen, Robert Z., |
Simpson Herra, |
Smith, |
Svensson, |
Tennant, |
Thompson, Melody, |
Tobias, |
Zhan, |
Beyond our visiting scholars and conference
attendees, we also had one or more visitors from the following locations to
study or observe Project activities and functions.
We also served people in the following countries
with either our International Information Sharing Network or with our books and
publications distribution program:
In addition, several people from various
countries or locations in the
Documentation Strategy Symposium
The first Documentation Strategy Symposium took
List of Participants
1. Mr. George W. Bain, University Archivist, Alden
Library, |
2. Dr. J. Frank Cook, Director, Division of Archives, |
3. Ms. Amy Doherty, University Archivist, George Arents
Research Library, 602 Bird Library, |
4. Dr. Phillip Doughty (symposium facilitator), Director,
Syracuse University Division of Educational Development, Counseling, and
Administrative Studies, |
5. Mr. James Fouzie, Documentalist, International Council
for Adult Education, |
6. Dr. Susan Imel, Director, ERIC Clearinghouse on Adult,
Career, and Vocational Education, 1960 Kenny Road, Columbus, OH. |
7. Professor Patrick Keane, Department of Education, |
8. Dr. Kay Kohl, Executive Director, National University
Continuing Education Association, One Dupont Circle, Suite 360, Washington,
DC. |
9. Ms. Diana Lachatanere, Archivist, Schomburg Center for
Research in Black Culture, New York Public Library, 515 Lenox Ave., New York,
NY. |
10. Ms. Jane Melton, American Association for Adult and
Continuing Education, 1112 16th Street, N.W., Suite 420, Washington, DC. |
11. Dr. Sharan Merriam, University of Georgia, Department
of Adult Education, Tucker Hall, Athens, GA. |
12. Mr. Edward C. Oetting, Head, Archives and Manuscripts,
University Libraries, |
13. Dr. Amy D. Rose, Leadership and Ed. Policy Studies,
Adult Continuing Education, 101 C Gabel Hall, Northern Illinois University
DeKalb, IL. |
14. Ms. Jenny Ryan, Librarian, Laubach Literacy
International, |
15. Dr. Gordon Selman, University of British Columbia,
Coordinator, Adult Education, Department of Administrative, Adult and Higher
Education, 5760 Toronto Road, Vancouver, CANADA. |
16. Dr. Harold Stubblefield, Associate Professor, Adult
Education, Virginia Polytechnic, Institute and State University, Northern
Virginia Graduate Center, Falls Church, VA. |
17. Mr. Joseph Svoboda, University Archivist, The
University Libraries, |
18. Ms. Shirley Wigmore, Special Collections Librarian,
Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, |
Kellogg Project Staff Participants
Ms. Judith Arthur (on-site symposium coordinator),
Research Associate. |
Dr. Roger Hiemstra, Professor and Co-Director. |
Ms. Mary Beth Hinton (symposium chair), Communications
Manager. |
Mr. Terry Keenan, Adult Education Manuscripts Librarian. |
Ms. Beth Oddy, Information Transfer Specialist. |
Dr. Rae Rohfeld, Associate Professor, Adult Education
History. |
The International Symposium for Literacy Practitioners
The International Symposium for Literacy Practitioners took place from
List of Participants
1. Ms. Romana Anastacio, English Language Program
Coordinator, Department of Social Services, Bureau of Education, P.O. Box
189, Koror, Palau. |
2. Mr. Richard A. Barnett, College Practitioner of
Literacy Training and Assessment, Cariboo College, Allan Matthews Centre, 543
St. Paul Street, Kamloops, British Columbia, Canada. |
3. Ms. Sharon Bell, Evaluation Advisor and Consultant,
Canadian Organization for Development, c/o C.R.S., P.O. Box 1673,
Antananarivo, Madagascar. |
4. Ms. Karin Biorsmark, Adult Literacy Program Specialist,
Sodra Promenoden 19, S-602 34 Norrkoping, Sweden. |
5. Mr. Mohammad G. Dukku, Head, Department of Extension
Services, Faculty of Education & Extension Services, University of
Sokoto, Sokoto, Nigeria. |
6. Ms. Sue Gardener, Director, Adult Education Curriculum
Development Unit, Inner London Education Authority, London, United Kingdom. |
7. Mr. A. K. M. Jahangir Alam, Executive Director of
MAUCHAK (Maulik Chahida Karmasmuchi), Dhaka, Bangladesh. |
8. Ms. Judith Kesin, Principal, Adult Learning Center and
Adult High School, New Brunswick, NJ. |
9. Mr. K. R. Khamborkar, Editor of Publications, Central
Board for Workers Education, N. L. Saoji House, Nagupur, India. |
10. Ms. Rest Lasway, Head of Design & Coordination
Section, Ministry of Education, Adult Education Department, Dar es Salaam,
Tanzania. |
11. Dr. Arturo Munoz Ledo, Advisor to the General
Director, Director of the Instituto, Nacional Para La Educacion de los
Adultos, Colonia Napoles, Mexico. |
12. Ms. Diana Nicholson, Tutor/Coordinator, W.E.A. Adult
Literacy Programme, Auckland, New Zealand. |
13. Ms. Roy Ritchie Pugh, State Coordinator of Adult
Literacy and Basic Education, Hobart, Tasmania. |
14. Dr. Adnan Abdul Rahim, Chairman of the Palestinian
Committee for Literacy & Adult Education, and Educational Director for
Palestinian Refugee Camps, Damascus, Syria. |
15. Ms. Julie Reddy, Literacy Researcher in Zimbawae
(Currently Doctoral Candidate Cornell University, Ithaca, NY), South Africa. |
16. Mr. Luciano Saimon, Language Arts Specialist, Pohnpei
State Department of Education, Kolonia, Pohnpei, Federated States of
Micronesia. |
17. Mr. Rosario Vargas Salinas, Literacy Specialist,
Cochabamba, Bolivia. |
18. Dr. Dusan Savicevic, Professor and Head, Department of
Andragogy, University of Belgrade, Belgrade, Yugoslavia. |
19. Ms. Lyn Tett, Assistant Director Adult Education and
Training, Scottish Community Education Council, Edinburgh, Scotland. |
20. Ms. Margaret Viers, Educational Advisor in El
Salvador, Little Rock, AK. |
21. Mr. Zhang Weiguo, Lecturer, Institute of the Spoken
and Written Language of Chinese, People's University, Beijing, China. |
Kellogg Project Staff Participants and Symposium Committee
Ms. Judith Arthur, Research Associate. |
Mr. Michael Ehringhaus, Research Associate. |
Mr. Albert Mgulambwa, Research Associate. |
Dr. Rae Rohfeld, Associate Professor, Adult Education. |
Ms. Mary Sanford, Research Associate. |
Ms. Bird Stasz, Research Associate. |
Dr. Thomas Valentine, (symposium chair), Assistant
Professor, Adult Education. |
(Revised, April, 2002)
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