Jill Hancock Code of Ethics

Jill Hancock  

Personal Code of Ethics


As a coach and administrator at Elmira College, I recognize the importance of understanding my personal values and behaviors that guide the ethical principles of my work.  I understand that I have a responsibility to myself, the student-athletes, my colleagues and the institution to follow certain guidelines and conduct myself in an acceptable way.  I understand that ethical dilemmas will occur but I am committed to a set of values and philosophical beliefs that represent my ethical responsibilities as a professional in college athletics.     


I declare the following principles to represent my personal code of professional ethics.


My Personal Code of Ethics

1.      I am committed to lifelong learning and I will constantly strive to advance my knowledge and skills in the field by attending conferences and clinics, and reading the current literature.    


2.  I am committed to sharing my experience, skills and knowledge with student-athletes, co-workers and others professionals in the field.       


3.      I will treat athletes, co-workers and colleagues with respect, honesty, fairness, sensitivity, and dignity. 


4.      I will be open to individual differences and diversity. 


5.      I will gladly accept any evaluative feedback provided to me by others and constantly attempt to incorporate appropriate changes in my professional work.  I will also take time to reflect and do a self-evaluation.


6.      My primary professional concern will always be for the student athlete and for the development of the student’s potential.  As a sports educator, I strive for professional growth and will seek to exercise the best professional judgment and integrity possible.      


7.      I will maintain the respect and confidence of my colleagues, student athletes, parents and other members of the college community.  I strive to achieve and sustain the highest degree of ethical conduct.  


As a college administrator and coach, I consider myself an educator to the undergraduate student.  I will refer to myself as a sports educator.


My Obligation to the Student-Athlete   

8.      I will encourage students to reflect on their personal values, beliefs and personality in order to have a better understanding of themselves as an individual.


9.      I will support student athletes as they transition into adulthood.  They should be learning life skills to become mature, responsible and independent adults. 


10.  I will hold the student-athlete accountable for their actions and behaviors. 


11.  I will encourage all students to become self-directed learners and take full responsibility for their learning outcomes.   


12. I will allow students to learn in their own way and help them realize their full potential. 


13. I will encourage freedom and creativity.  I will try to strive to remain neutral and remind myself that the students may have different values and beliefs than I have.   


14.  My ultimate goal is to promote self-discovery and always appreciate individuality. 


My Obligations as a Coach

15.  I understand that as a coach I have an opportunity to make a difference in the lives of young people.  I am also aware that coaches are in a power position where our words and actions can intimidate, discourage, and disempower the athlete.  I strive to be a positive coach and encourage my athletes to grow.    


16.  I understand that the decisions I make and the actions I take can have tremendous, even life and death, implications for the athletes I coach.  I strive to teach safety and spotting techniques and use proper progression when teaching the athletes new skills to decrease injury and risk. 


17.   I will create a comfortable environment of mutual respect and the free exchange of ideas. 


18.  I will always believe in the potential of the team.  I will make decisions that produce the best results for the greatest number of people on the team. 


19.  I will maintain a professional relationship with my athletes and keep an acceptable distance from their personal lives outside of practice. 


My Commitment to the Institution 

20.  I strive to be a role model for sportsmanship and professionalism.   


21.  I will always strive to work within the acceptable standards and policies of the institution and NCAA.   


22. I will not condone or participate in any unethical or illegal acts. 


23.  I will constantly strive to be the best possible sports educator and administrator I can be. 



May 10, 2003

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