Commission of Professors of Adult Education [CPAE] Records 99 (with text)

Includes Some Records That Have Undergone Optical Character Recognition and Conversion

Box 1, Folder 6, Set 3/8

The Adult Education History Project

Based on Information in the Syracuse University Library Archives

Translated for the WWW by Roger Hiemstra









Commission of Professors of Adult Education [CPAE].


Records, 1953-1984, 1960-1983 (bulk).







Organizational Records.


Correspondence, January-April, 1972.


February 1-15, 1972.













Graduate work.


Apps, Jerold W.

Niemi, John A.







Box 1, Folder 6, Set 3/8.




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{7:99:1253:I:225,618:2127,1800}January 24, 1972 Dr. Jerry Apps University of Wisconsin Extension 435 Lake Avenue Madison, Wisconsin 53704 Dear Dr. Apps: I'm very pleased to inform you that your nomination as Chairman of the Commissions of Professors has been confirmed by action of the Executive Committee of the Adult Education Association-USA. It is my hope that you will identify to me, as soon as possible, the name, title, and address for each of the members you would like to have serve on your committee. If you will give me this information, I will then send a letter to each member you select, officially informing him of his appointment to the committee. I am very pleased that you are serving as Chairman of this Commission. I know that you will do an excellent job and that through your leadership, AEA-USA will benefit. Sincerely yours, Alfred W. Storey President AWS:vs CC: Edgar Boone Charles Wood


{7:99:1257:I:84,153:2307,2856}Synopsis of Resume of: 715 W. Kirkwood Ave, Bloomington, Norman MacGregor Ind. 47401 Phone: (812)339-2389 JOB OBJECTIVE college teaching in adult education, administrative position in adult education-related field EDUCATION 9/65-7/70 Indiana University, Bloomington, Ind. 47401; Ph.D., 1970; adult education, general education, religion 9/59-6/61 Bethany Theological Seminary, Oak Brook, Ill. 60521; Th.M., 1961; theological ethics 9/53-6/56 B. D.1 1956; general program 9/49-6/53 North Central College, Naperville, Illinois 60540; A. B., 1953; psychology ADDITIONAL TRAINING One quarter's training completed with the Council for Clinical Training, Peoria State Hospital, Peoria, Illinois 61607; summer, 1954. EMPLOYM.ENT 9/70-present DIRECTOR OF CHRISTIAN EDUCATION Fairview United Methodist Church, 600 W. 6th Street, Bloomington, Ind. 47401 Phone: (812)339-9484 9/65-9/67 PASTOR West Union Friends Church, Monrovia, Ind. 46157 9/61-9/63 PASTOR Bloomingdale Friends Church, Bloomingdale, Ind. 47832 12/58-6/59 INSTRUCTOR Baptist Missionary Training School, 510 Wellington, Chicago (now merged) 9/56-9/58 PASTORAL SECRETARY Evanston Monthly Meeting of Friends, 1010 Greenleaf St., Evanston, Illinois 60202 Phone: (812)UN4-8511 6/56-9/56 Assistant Pastor Chicago Monthly Meeting of Friends Church, 10749 S. Artesian, Chicago, Ill. 60655 Phone: (312)HI5-8949 PERSONAL Born: 6/25/31, Place of birth: Berwyn, Ill., Height: 5'11", Weight: 180, Marital status: single, Health: excellent, Last physical: 6/71, Social Security No.: 358-24-4158, Finances: no indebtedness, Recorded minister in Western Yearly Meeting of Friends Church 1963


{7:99:1265:I:141,444:2217,2571}February 10, 1972 Dr. Jerold W. Apps Chairman Commission of Professors of Adult Education Department of Agriculture and Extension Education 208 Agriculture Hall The University of Wisconsin Madison, Wisconsin U.S.A. 53706 Dear Jerry: I have contacted Dr. Gaus, thanking him for his suggestion. However, prior to making final commitments with Ken Gordon at Minnesota, I recommend that we survey informally some of our older colleagues about holding the Commission meeting in the same place as the other AEA Conferences. I remember the Philadelphia session where this happened, and the Commission suffered even more than at L.A. because it was so convenient for its members to attend other meetings. Dr. Gaus' other proposal about meeting room facilities is one that I will work out with Ken. I have been thinking about a theme for our forthcoming Commission meetings. One idea that came to me is to invite an outstanding philosopher of education like of Israel Scheffler of Harvard to act as a resource person in a two-day workshop. From reading what he has to say about education as a discipline and as a profession and about other matters, I believe that he could give some positive and clear direction to our deliberations. His ideas and those that would emerge during ensuing discussions could, in fact, form the basis for one of the monographs we have agreed to write for AEA. Regarding the Chicago meetings, the earliest date on which I could leave here would be late Tuesday night, April 4. Would you please let me have firm dates for the Executive Committee sessions, so that I can make plans. By the way, an item of business that you might pass on to our membership committee relates to inviting Dr. Jim Long and Dr. Les Liebel of Washington State University to join the commission. Both of them qualify and should be sent the necessary forms for applying. Once again, thank you for the Social Philosophy manuscript, which should appear in the February issue. I will be writing to you next week about another idea I have for a Commission monograph.


{7:99:1266:I:132,471:2199,2658}FACULTY OF EDUCATION February 15, 1972 Dr. Jerold W. Apps, Chairman Commission of Professors of Adult Education 208 Agriculture Hall The University of Wisconsin Madison, Wisconsin U.S.A. 53706 Dear Jerry: As I mentioned in my last letter, I have given much thought to the idea of the Commission's publishing a monograph on strategies for establishing graduate programs in adult education. From my contacts with the part-time professors, I had become aware of the need for such guidance, and our A.E.A. session with this group convinced me. I see a monograph as much more than a how-to-do-it manual listing courses. What is required, in my view, is a document that outlines for the adult educator a rational approach embodying several alternatives and that also demonstrates, in a practical way, how programs can be developed. Such a monograph might take the following form: 1. Introductory article giving historical background. Possible contributors: Howard McClusky, Cyril Houle. 2. Tomorrow's adult educators -- some thoughts and questions. Jerold W. Apps. 3. Alternative philosophical positions. Virginia R. Griffin. 4. Alternative starting points for organizing programs into courses. Virginia R. Griffin. 5. A model for rationalizing and operationalizing planned activities. John A. Niemi and Darrell V. Anderson. 6. Reactions and further questions. Robert Carlson, John Ohliger. Concerning No. 1, we have the substance of Howard's thoughts on tape and could ask him to edit it for the publication. Incidentally, I don't mean to confine Cy to the role of an alternative writer. There is no reason why the monograph couldn't be expanded to include a separate presentation by him; or we might feel that he would be a more appropriate person than Howard to write the lead article. Then your excellent paper could anticipate Virginia's


{7:99:1267:I:237,384:1938,1185}fine contribution, and our model could take over from where Virginia leaves off. I am now writing a final revision of this article and will send it to you soon for your comments. A good way in which to bring the collection to a close might be to have Bob Carlson and John Ohliger critique our efforts and raise further questions for future study. What do you think of my proposal? It is all tentative, and I am not mentioning anything at this time to any of the proposed contributors except you and Virginia. I value your comments and hers and look forward to hearing from you. Perhaps when you write to me, you would send a copy of your comments to her. Sincerely, Dr. John A. Niemi Associate Professor of Adult Education


{7:99:1269:I:150,615:2211,2112}February 15, 1972 To: Chairmen of Committees, Councils, Commissions, and Sections and Members of the Executive Committee of AEA-USA From: A. W. Storey, President I am very pleased to report that Stan Baraga, Will Philipson, and Don Woods are doing an outstanding job of organizing and planning the AEA, NAPCAE Annual Conference for 1972 in Minneapolis. The specific dates are November 16-20, 1972. At a recent meeting with the planners in Minneapolis, I agreed to forward several points of specific interest to you, which I am sure the planners will communicate to you very soon. However, let me mention the several items now so that you can move ahead vigorously with your plans and know what to expect. These several items are of paramount importance. 1. AEA and NAPCAE will accept responsibility for those food events which are officially scheduled and which they have officially approved. Please do not expect to schedule last minute meal functions as a part of the conference planning. 2. Ed Boone, President-Elect, through the publication "The Reporter," will be providing advance information and promotion ideas. Watch for his next issues of "The Reporter" and watch Adult Leadership for new important announcements. 3. The planning committee will announce sharp, clear, well-publicized deadlines which will be adhered to. We have all agreed that we will support the deadlines which are announced. 4. We will not use in the printed program opposite any particular period of time the phrase "to be announced." If the program is not planned by the deadline, it will not be placed in the program. 5. You are encouraged to have joint programs with other sections, councils, or committees, or with units of NAPCAE, as much as possible so that we avoid duplication and repetition.


{7:99:1270:I:153,405:2100,699}6. Program planners are urged to have demonstrations of new things as much as possible. 7. Program planners are urged to encourage and build participation into their programs rather than to have "standard educational addresses." We urge you to get your group working now, so that when the deadlines are announced in March or April you will have a specific program already to be printed. Executive Committee members, who are in your region, stand ready to help you in any way. Let them know what they can do to assist. We are headed for an outstanding time together in November, and we want everyone to participate. Now is the time to make your preparation.





Created on May 10, 2002


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