of Professors of Adult Education [CPAE] Records 97 (with text)
Includes Some Records That Have Undergone
Optical Character Recognition and Conversion
Box 1,
Folder 6, Set 1/8
The Adult Education History Project
Based on Information in the Syracuse
University Library Archives
Translated for the WWW by Roger Hiemstra
Commission of Professors of Adult Education [CPAE].
Records, 1953-1984, 1960-1983 (bulk).
Organizational Records.
Correspondence, January-April, 1972.
January 1-15, 1972.
Educational publishing.
Apps, Jerold W.
Syracuse University -- Publications in Continuing Education
Box 1, Folder 6, Set 1/8.
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include these elements when citing records found "electronically"
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an Electronic Source for Syracuse University Library's database for archives
and manuscripts".
{7:97:1231:I:135,543:1818,2514}January 5, 1972 Miss M. Josephine
Flaherty Department of Adult Education Ontario Institute for Studies in
Education 252 Bloor Street West Toronto 181, Ontario, CANADA Dear Josephine:
Thank you for accepting the chairmanship for the Membership Committee for the
Commission of Professors of Adult Education. Enclosed are the forms which I
used last year. You will obviously have to change the one which directs
prospective members to return material to me. Also feel free to revise the
materials in any way you would like. I am asking Gale Jensen to continue on the
committee and I am also asking Charles Aiken from Mississippi State University
to be the third member of the committee. The procedure that I followed last
year which seemed to work quite well was from me as chairman to send out
application forms and information sheets to potential members who requested
them. When the application forms were returned, I checked to see that they met
the requirements and if they did, sent a copy of the application form to the
chairman of the Commission. The chairman of the Commission then wrote a letter
to the new member advising him of his admission. The only time I consulted the
other two members of the committee, is if there was some question. I am sure
.you will also as chairman of the committee want to look at some of the broader
membership questions. 1. Do we in some way wish to recruit members for the
Commission? In other words, should we be sending information to the various
colleges and universities that have potential members. I am sure there are a
large number of professors who are not now members of the Commission but are
eligible. 2. Do we want to consider various levels of membership? In other
words, should there be a category for retired members? Should there be a
category for those professors who teach one course or so in adult education and
thus do not meet requirements for full membership?
{7:97:1232:I:228,201:1833,1566}Miss Flaherty 2 . January 5,
1972 3. Do we want to do further work to eliminate from the membership roles
those people who neither participate in any of our meetings nor make any other
contributions to the Commission. I realize this is a delicate issue. Bill
Griffith last year, you will recall, asked people who wished to continue on the
list to so indicate. These are but a few questions.. I am sure you and your
membership committee will have others you will want to consider. Again, thank
you for accepting the chairmanship. Sincerely, JEROLD W. APPS, Chairman
Commission of Professors of Adult Education JWA/dlu CC: Gale Jensen Charles
Aiken P.S. Enclosed is an application form from Norvel L. R. Lee for your
{7:97:1233:I:168,561:1857,2103}January 5, 1972 Mr. Gale E.
Jensen School of Education Room 2022 University of Michigan Ann Arbor, Michigan
48104 Dear Gale: I am trying to get the new Membership Committee of the
Commission of Professors of Adult Education organized. Josephine Flaherty, who
served on the committee last year, has agreed to be chairman. Would you agree
to continue to serve on the committee? You will recall, that the committee
members, other than the chairman, are involved only when there is some question
about the membership qualifications of a particular candidate and of course the
committee members will also deal with broader membership questions. Can I hear
from you soon. Sincerely, JEROLD W. APPS, Chairman Commission of Professors of
Adult Education JWA/dlu CC: M. Josephine Flaherty
{7:97:1234:I:186,489:1710,2001}January 5, 1972 Mr. Charles R.
Aiken Professor and Head Extension Education P. 0. Box 5406 Mississippi State
University State College, Mississippi 39762 Dear Chuck: I am organizing the
Membership Committee for the Commission of Professors of Adult Education.
Josephine Flaherty from the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education will be
the chairman of the committee. Gale Jensen from the University of Michigan has
agreed to serve on the committee. Would you agree to serve as the third member?
The committee functions in such a way that the chairman is responsible for the
routine operations and that other committee members are only involved when there
is some question about membership qualifications. Of course, committee members
are also involved with dealing with broader membership questions. Can I hear
from you soon. Sincerely, . JEROLD W. APPS, Chairman Commission of Professors
of Adult Education
{7:97:1241:I:366,735:1980,2076}January 5, 1972 Professor Gerald
Apps Department of Agriculture and Extension Education 208 Agriculture Hall The
University of Wisconsin Madison, Wisconsin 53706 Dear Professor Apps: On p. 5
of the minutes of the annual meeting of the Commission of Professors of Adult
Education, held November 3-5, 1971, reference is made to a report on a pamphlet
series, presented by Professor Peters. According to the minutes,
"Peters... proposed a monograph series to be published to fill some of the
gaps left by the discontinuance of CSLEA. . . The Committee. . . asked that the
Executive Committee appoint a new committee to study further the possibility of
developing such a monograph series." You know, of course, that SU
Publications in Continuing Education was established to fill those very gaps
referred to. We hope it is clear to all members of the Commission of Professors
that we eagerly invite submission of manuscripts for possible publication in
our series. While I appreciate the desire to provide another outlet for
publication, I would suggest that persons in the field are not making optimum
use of this outlet (SUPCE) already in existence. We stand very ready to
cooperate with Professors seeking outlets for publication, and to assist members
of your new committee whenever possible. I enclose a recent catalogue. Very
sincerely, Doris S. Chertow, editor
{7:97:1242:I:267,201:2079,948}-2- 3) No one of Notes and Essays
59-71, all published since SUPCE's inception, is a literature review. Four of
our eight Occasional Papers were published jointly with ERIC/AE, and are
therefore literature reviews. SUPCE chose to issue, these because we felt mass
media, community service, the disadvantaged adult, and Ivan Illich were subject
of broad interest. Please let me know if you would like copies of our catalogue
for distribution to your members. We welcome further inquiries. Very sincerely,
Doris S. Chertow, editor
{7:97:1243:I:315,438:2067,2316}SYRACUSE UNIVERSTTY PUBLICATIONS
IN CONTINUING EDUCATION Policy Statement Nature of Program- Syracuse University
Publications in Continuing Education serves as a publishing outlet for quality
studies in the field of higher adult education. Manuscripts considered for
publication may be philosophical, or theoretical in content, or consist of
reports on activities or research in the field of continuing education.
Funding: 1) SUPCE furnishes funds for editing, printing, and distributing
manuscripts accepted for publication. 2) Where research funding is sought, the
Editor of Publications in Continuing Education will aid potential contributors
in soliciting assistance from appropriate sources. 3) The Editor may negotiate
to pay some extraordinary travel or other expenses deemed necessary for
completion of reports accepted for publication. 4) Exceptions to the above
procedures may be allowed in unusual circumstances with the advice and approval
of the Vice-President for Continuing Education. Conference Publications: Where
SUPCE agrees to consider publication of papers presented at conferences related
to continuing education, a commitment should be received from each of the
persons presenting papers to adhere to standards and rules established by
SUPCE. Rules for Authors 1) Authors agree to submit to the Editor within a reasonable
time period a manuscript meeting accepted standards of scholarship, and to
cooperate in incorporating editorial changes suggested by the Editor and or her
qualified advisors. 2) Manuscripts should be double-spaced and submitted in
duplicate to the Editor, 105 Roney Lane, Syracuse, N.Y. 13210. The preferred
length for monographs in the Notes and Essays series is 30-40,000 words,
Occasional Papers may be shorter. 3) All of its published works, unless
otherwise prohibited, are copyrighted by SUPCE. Authors are expected to sign a
contract form covering the publisher’s and author's literary rights.
Created on May 10, 2002
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