Commission of Professors of Adult Education [CPAE] Records 96 (with text)

Includes Some Records That Have Undergone Optical Character Recognition and Conversion

Box 1, Folder 5, Set 9/9

The Adult Education History Project

Based on Information in the Syracuse University Library Archives

Translated for the WWW by Roger Hiemstra









Commission of Professors of Adult Education [CPAE].


Records, 1953-1984, 1960-1983 (bulk).







Organizational Records.


Correspondence, January-December, 1971.


December 16-31, 1971.














Apps, Jerold W.



Rural Family Development.





Box 1, Folder 5, Set 9/9.




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{7:96:1213:I:321,837:1965,1656}December 28, 1971 (Dictated December 22, 1971) Dr. Jerold W. Apps Chairman Commission of Professors of Adult Education Department of Agriculture and Extension Education 208 Agriculture Hall The University of Wisconsin Madison, Wisconsin 53706 Dear Jerry Thank you for your letter of December 7 in which you invite me to become chairman of the Membership Committee of the Commission. I apologize for my delayed response but I was out of town when your letter arrived. I would be pleased to take on the chairmanship of that committee. I feel that it worked very well last year in the fashion in which you directed our work and I would like to continue doing it in the same way if that is agreeable to you and the other members of the comittee. Yours sincerely M. Josephine Flaherty Assistant Professor


{7:96:1214:I:300,714:1926,1854} December 29, 1971 William S. Griffith, Chairman Commission of the Professors of Adult Education Department of Education University of Chicago 5835 Kimbark Avenue Chicago, Illinois 60637 Dear Bill: As one of the offerings in the 1972 Summer Institute of the Ethel Percy Andrus Gerontology Center at the University of Southern California, I shall be teaching a course entitled, "Educational Programs for Older Adults." The present letter is part of my effort to develop curriculum and materials for that course. To that end, I shall be indebted to you for any materials (examination copies, bibliographies, course outlines, curriculum materials, etc.), reports of your experiences, or words of guidance you may wish to forward. I shall be pleased to reciprocate. Sincerest thanks. Cordially, Leon Levitt, Ed.D. Assistant Professor Member, Commission of the Professors of Adult Education


{7:96:1216:I:420,570:1953,2538}RURAL FAMILY DEVELOPMENT December 28, 1971 Dr. Jerold Apps Chairman Commission of Professors of Adult Education--AEA-USA 208 Ag Hall University of Wisconsin Madison, Wisconsin 53706 Dear Dr. Apps: RFD, currently in its third and final year is evaluating field test data and preparing materials for national dissemination of its findings through a series of ten regional workshops. I am enclosing an overview statement about the project which I trust you will find of interest. It has been the conviction of the project staff since its inception that it has a responsibility to inform educators of its design and the results of its demonstration. Current funding by the U. S. Office of Education provides for this important function. We are now prepared to plan for one workshop in each of the ten HEW regions in the spring of 1972. We wish to extend an invitation to educators and others in positions having a related educational component to attend one of the workshops. We prefer to send invitations to specific individuals and would like to include the entire membership of the Commission of Professors of Adult Education. I am wondering therefore, if there is some way in which this can be accomplished. I suspect the first issue is the matter of your policy regarding use of your membership list. If policy does permit such use we will be pleased to work with you to develop the most economical way to accomplish a mailing. Your assistance will be greatly appreciated and I look forward to hearing from you. Sincerely yours, Vincent J. Amanna Associate Project Director


{7:96:1217:I:447,816:1851,2031} PROJECT GOALS To design, demonstrate, and evaluate a new adult continuing education delivery system featuring communication, computation, and life coping skills. PRIMARY AUDIENCE Rural adults functioning below twelfth grade equivalency levels. Rural adults in low socio-economic strata. PROGRAM GOALS To demonstrate use of mass media in reaching the intended audience. To assist participants in upgrading living and coping skills. To assist participants in improving basic skill proficiency. To assist adults in participating in contemporary society. PROGRAM INNOVATIONS AND ACCOMPLISHMENTS A half-hour magazine format television program. A new life coping skill curriculum. A non-sequential, broad scope learning system. A new bulletin printed-materials system. A new program evaluation system utilizing non-threatening client testing methods. A new research design utilizing treatment and control test groups, eliminating pre-test, post-test methods. A weekly home visit program by paraprofessionals. A new paraprofessional training program. A new concept of the paraprofessional role. A client feedback system utilizing home visitor, the mail, and the telephone. A client ACTION LINE. A new program promotion and publicity campaign design using commercial and public facilities. A monthly field newsletter designed to keep professionals apprised of project activities and findings. Utilization of mass media mix to reach participants; TV, radio, newspapers. Creation of a monthly client oriented newspaper. A new ABE and Adult Continuing Education program philosophy based on introduction of living skills prior to introduction of basic skills. Use of nationally known show business stars in programs. Preparation of a detailed annotated bibliography relating to materials available for RFD's audience.





Created on May 10, 2002


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