Commission of Professors of Adult Education [CPAE] Records 93 (with text)

Includes Some Records That Have Undergone Optical Character Recognition and Conversion

Box 1, Folder 5, Set 6/9

The Adult Education History Project

Based on Information in the Syracuse University Library Archives

Translated for the WWW by Roger Hiemstra









Commission of Professors of Adult Education [CPAE].


Records, 1953-1984, 1960-1983 (bulk).







Organizational Records.


Correspondence, January-December, 1971.


October, 1971.














Apps, Jerold W.

Griffith, William S.

London, Jack.

Ohliger, John.



Annual Meeting of the Commission of Professors of Adult Education [CPAE] (1971 : Los Angeles, CA).





Box 1, Folder 5, Set 6/9.




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{7:93:1150:I:156,687:2265,2412} October 8, 1971 TO: Dr. William S. Griffith Chairman, Commission of Professors FROM: Ray J. Ast President AEA-USA RE: AEA Commission policies and leadership According to AEA-USA's Organizational Handbook (Revised 1967) page 11, two statements appear that should be brought to your attention prior to your Commission's meeting at Los Angeles. "Membership policies of a Commission shall be reviewed at least every other year by the Committee on Committees, to ensure it (the Commission) is functioning according to the principle of the Association." "The Chairman of a Commission shall be elected with the advice and consent of the President of the Association. " Dr. Al Storey, as Chairman of the Committee on Committees of the AEA-USA, and also President-Elect, would undoubtedly appreciate any assistance you will provide to him in reviewing Commission membership policies. In addition, as President of AEA-USA 1970-71 (to November 9, 1971), I would appreciate your sharing with me, at the earliest possible time, the names of the candidate or candidates your Commission will consider for election to the Chairmanship for 1971-72. By sharing the name or names with me I will be able to fulfill my responsibility to "advise and consent." Look forward to seeing you at Los Angeles. Thank you, so very much, for all of the leadership assistance you have extended to AEA-USA. cfc cc: A. Storey E. Boone C. Wood RAY J. AST PRESIDENT AEA-USA ADULT&CONTINUING EDUCATION CENTER MONTCLAIR STATE COLLEGE UPPER MONTCLAIR. N.J. 07043


{7:93:1151:I:174,600:2211,2193}October 8, 1971 Mr. William S. Griffith, Chairman Commission of the Professors of Adult Education Adult Education Association of the U.S.A. 5835 South Kimbark Avenue Chicago, Illinois 60637 Dear Bill: Thank you for the invitation to serve as secretary at the Los Angeles meeting of the Professors of Adult Education. Dr. Boone and I discussed your invitation again this morning and both agreed that it would be a rewarding experience for me, and we concur in the advantages you implied could accrue to North Carolina State University. Because of our limited budget, we will be able to send only three people to the Los Angeles meeting. But more important to our decision, is the fact that there is a Department Heads' Retreat scheduled that conflicts with the meeting in Los Angeles. Decisions will be made at this retreat which will affect the entire School of Education, and Dr. Boone feels that someone should be at that meeting who can speak for the department. I am sorry, Bill, that I am unable to accept this responsibility, and I do appreciate your thoughtfulness in offering it to me. May I suggest that Ron Shearon, a member of our faculty who will be in attendance at the meeting, would do an excellent job? Sincerely yours, Curtis Trent, Professor Assistant Head




{7:93:1153:I:435,609:1833,1722} October 13, 1971 Dear Dr. Griffith: I am enclosing copy of the Program for our Special Meeting of the Commission of Professors for Part-Time Professors of Adult Education. You will recall that we agreed in Atlanta to hold such a meeting this year in Los Angeles. Although the session will be announced in the over-all program, I would like to extend a personal invitation to our unheralded colleagues, and I need your help in doing so. I would appreciate your sending me, immediately, the names and addresses of people who are carrying out assignments as part-time professors of adult education but who do not qualify for membership on the Commission. I look forward to seeing you in Los Angeles. Sincerely, Dr. John A. Niemi Associate Professor of Adult Education


{7:93:1154:I:84,261:2307,2070}SPECIAL MEETING OF THE COMMISSION OF PROFESSORS FOR PART-TIME PROFESSORS OF ADULT EDUCATION Sunday, November 7, 1971 (2.00-4.30 p.m.) "Where We Are, How We Got There, Changes Dr. Howard Y. McClusky That I See: The Development of the Professor of Adult Education Commission of Professors of Adult Ann Arbor, Michigan Education" "Alternative Starting Points for Dr. Virginia Griffin Organizing a Graduate Program in Professor of Adult Education Adult Education" O.I.S.E., Toronto, Canada "A Higher Educational Institute for Dr. Alton P. Hadlock Teacher Training in Adult Education" Professor of Adult Education University of Utah Salt Lake City, Utah "The Growth of Graduate Programs in Dr. Charles Kozoll Adult Education in the Southeast" Associate Project Director, A.B.E. Southern Regional Educational Board Atlanta, Georgia


{7:93:1155:I:306,297:2010,2493} TO: Wilson Thiede, Bob Snyder, Malcolm Knowles, Wayne Schroeder FROM: John M. Peters SUBJECT: Commission of Professors Meeting and Special Assignments DATE: October 13, 1971 Thank you for consenting to serve as panelists at the November Commission of Professors meeting. This letter will give more details relative to your roles. You will be involved on Friday morning, November 5, from 9:00-12:00a.m. The topic to be discussed is "The Politics Involved in the Establishment, Expansion and Improvement of Graduate Adult Education Programs." My concept of the panelists' roles is as follows: I will present a summary of a paper that I am writing on the establishment of graduate programs, and Bob Snyder will react to the same. Malcolm will present his ideas on expanding and improving existing graduate programs., and Wilson will react to Malcolm's points. Wayne Schroeder will then react to all comments, and hopefully, provide a verbal bridge between the panel and members of the audience. I will prepare my paper around such topics as the following: 1. Developing a rationale for new programs. 2. Obtaining internal and external support. Fiscal, non- fiscal University support, state support  3. Relating to disciplines within the university.


{7:93:1156:I:216,288:2097,1773} 4. Relating to .state-wide coordinating bodies (e.g., higher education commissions). 5. Problems related to degree titles, course content, etc. 6. Routing changes through committees. Malcolm has agreed to focus his remarks around similar points, plus other points of personal interest. I will try to supply a copy of my paper to members of the panel before Friday, November 5. Due to other commitments, Malcolm expressed doubt that he would have prepared notes ready for distribution. If Wilson or Bob should wish to prepare a paper, by all means do so!. We would profit by having such inputs. I would appreciate reactions from Wilson, Bob and Wayne relative to the above plan. I have discussed it with Malcolm. Thanks again for your willingness to serve. I await your reactions. cc: Bill Griffith




{7:93:1159:I:144,135:2256,2607}October 19, 1971 To: Jerry Apps, F. A. Fay, J. Ohliger, & W. Cotton From: J. London Re: Our November 5 program at 9-12 - Hacienda Intern. Hotel, airport - LA Following the 10/15/71 memo sent to you, I received replies from Apps and Ohliger. Thus far, I don't see any conflicts. Jerry Apps: The focus of his paper will be on the characteristics of the future adult educator. He will make and develop several points: 1. The future adult educator must have a personal philosophy of education. 2. The future adult educator must be person oriented. 3. The future adult educator must be problem oriented. 4. The Future adult educator must be oriented to change. John Ohliger: he is hypothesizing that educational institutions as we know them will cease to exist. He will make six points: 1. as financial support for universities declines "graduate adult education training programs" will be among the first to go; 2. If we turn to "lifelong schooling" as feared in [Ohliger, Adult Education: 1984/Adult Leadership, January, 1971], there will be plenty of work for professors of adult education, but even the most conservative of us would find it distasteful; 3. If Friere's position begins to take hold, there will be plenty of work for "preparers of adult educators" but much of that work will be done "in the hills" in revolutionary opposition to the extant government; 4. If Illich's "four alternatives" as presented in Deschooling Society begin to take hold in place of schools, the best of us will become "elders", some others "administrators" of minimal institutions, but there will be no "graduate adult education as we know it; 5. If Illich's more recent position begins to take hold, some of us will begin to reject the whole notion of "education" as the myth of packaged knowledge he seems to now feel it is; 6 If Reimer's idea of a "realistic utopia" attracts adherents, some of us will grow in affective opposition to any learning that is separate from life. I hope that additional letters will be exchanged. In any case, we should plan to meet on Thursday morning at the hotel for some brief discussion and any needed additional planning. There will be some controversy on our panel, I hope. I was afraid that all of us would agree.


{7:93:1164:I:0,0:2544,3300} THE CITY COLLEGE OF THE CITY UNIVERSITY OF NEW YORK NEW YORK, N. Y. 10031 THE SCHOOL OF EDUCATION October 25, 1971. Dr. William Griffith Associate Professor of Adult Education University of Chicago, Ill. Dear Bill: Replying to yours of the 8th. I was afraid that if I pursued the idea of the need for a roster of Master's degree holders in adult education that exactly what happened would happen. Had hoped when I first wrote to Cy Houle replying to his request re doctoral recipients that it could be done at the same time with little or no much extra work. I am willing to undertake this as I feel it is important. My thoughts are: 1. There are many master's degrees conferred throughout the nation; they may or may not be in adult education. In some instances, perhaps no adviser, or the student, has given thought to doing it in adult education. But, come doctoral time, then adult education is suggested or is important. 2. My thought is that at the master’s level thought should be given to adult education. Many colleges, mine included, do not as yet give a doctoral degree but are working toward it; they do give a master's degree in adult education for those who desire it. 3. The roster of master's degree recipients annually would give visibility to this opportunity, would promote adult education and the varied careers opening in the many sectors of work with adults and would/could encourage a continuation of study right on through the doctoral degree. We would need at least two others to work on this plus some of their graduate students, possibly to contact colleges, set up the procedures and get out a roster for the coming year. In my college alone we have had 39 such degrees awarded in 4 years; this year we should have about 15 more. Many are going on in adult education. Will see you in L.A. and at the party in my room.  Sincerely, Angelica W. Cass Program Head/Asst Professor Adult and Community Education Self-typed as is self-evident





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