Commission of Professors of Adult Education [CPAE] Records 90 (with text)

Includes Some Records That Have Undergone Optical Character Recognition and Conversion

Box 1, Folder 5, Set 3/9

The Adult Education History Project

Based on Information in the Syracuse University Library Archives

Translated for the WWW by Roger Hiemstra









Commission of Professors of Adult Education [CPAE].


Records, 1953-1984, 1960-1983 (bulk).







Organizational Records.


Correspondence, January-December, 1971.


July-August, 1971.














Apps, Jerold W.

Griffith, William S.



Annual Meeting of the Commission of Professors of Adult Education [CPAE] (1971 : Los Angeles, CA).





Box 1, Folder 5, Set 3/9.




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{7:90:1102:I:264,411:1923,2112}July 28, 1971 Dr. William S. Griffith Department of Education University of Chicago 5835 South Kimbark Avenue Chicago, Illinois 60637 Dear Bill: I dropped by the office today to check the mail and thought that I would respond to your letter of the 21st. today, rather than wait until the fall. Since UCEA has decided that finances prohibit the reproduction of the adult education materials, I doubt that it would be possible for the professors on the Commission to commit themselves to the purchase of these materials in sufficient quantity to warrant an official financial obligation by the individual institutions. Perhaps, in the future, Ralph and I may attempt to reproduce these simulation materials through a publishing house, and thus make them available to the field. Personally, and I think I may also speak for Ralph, I appreciate your assistance in following through on this project in typical Bill Griffith style. Warmest personal regards, Eugene E. DuBois. mrs cc: Dr. Ralph C. Dobbs


{7:90:1103:I:159,603:2121,2220}August 24, 1971 Dr. Jerold W. Apps Department of Agricultural and Extension Education The University of Wisconsin 208 Agriculture Hall Madison, Wisconsin 53706 Dear Jerry: On Friday afternoon, November 5, the annual business meeting of the Commission will be held. Because you are chairman of the Membership Committee we will be expecting you to make a report on your committee's activity over the past year and plans for the coming year. Please let me know the following as soon as you can: (1) Will you be attending the Commission meeting in Los Angeles? (2) If you cannot attend, will you either (a) arrange for another member of the committee to present the report, or (b) submit a written report? (3) What persons would you like to have appointed to your committee for 1971-72? (4) Who would you recommend to serve as chairman of your committee for 1971-72? (5) Do you believe that the responsibility of your committee should be changed? (6) Is there a need for your committee to serve in 1971-72? Your ideas and suggestions will be of interest to me and of considerable value to the incoming chairman of the Commission. Thank you for your help. Sincerely yours, William S. Griffith Chairman


{7:90:1104:I:273,684:2070,2244}August 25, 1971 Dr. William S. Griffith Assistant Professor of Education University of Chicago 5835 Kimbark Avenue Chicago, Illinois 60637 Dear Bill: Unfortunately, your letter to Jules of July 30, 1971, arrived too late for Jules to respond prior to his departure to assume his new duties at Florida International University. As you may know, the Steering Committee at its May 27-28, 1971, meeting adopted guidelines for the disbursement of funds to Commissions, Committees, Councils and Sections. A copy of these guidelines is attached. My understanding of these guidelines leads me to conclude that the Executive Director cannot make a financial commitment for reimbursement of expenses on his own initiative. I have discussed this with Ray Ast who concurs in my understanding. A meeting (via telephone) of the Steering Committee is scheduled for early September. At that time I shall present this matter for the consideration and action of the committee and shall apprise you promptly of its decision. I very much look forward to working with you and the Commission of Professors and stand ready to be of assistance in any way possible. Sincerely, Charles B. Wood Executive Director Enclosure CC: Ray Ast


{7:90:1105:I:447,675:1704,1794}August 25, 1971 Dr. William S. Griffith Assistant Professor of Education University of Chicago 5835 Kimbark Avenue Chicago, Illinois 60637 Dear Bill: I am taking the liberty of responding to your letter to Jules of August 19, 1971, regarding your invitation to Jules and myself to attend the cocktail hour which your Commission is holding on November 4 at 5:30 p.m. I can assure you that I will be there and I will pass your letter on to Jules when he is in Washington next week. I am sure he will attend also if at all possible. Cordially, Charles B. Wood Executive Director


{7:90:1106:I:411,684:1872,2037}Dr. William S. Griffith Commission of the Professors of Adult Education 5835 South Kimbark Avenue Chicago, Illinois 60637 Dear Bill: Reference is to your very fine memo concerning the annual meeting of the Commission. Unfortunately, financial difficulties at the University of Georgia will prevent me from participating in the commission meeting this year. Furthermore, because of my inability to attend the commission and difficulties with the committee on Outstanding Thesis I am seriously considering resigning as chairman of that committee and requesting that you name another committee chairman. I should appreciate your reactions. Sincerely, Huey B. Long Associate Professor HBL:kw P.S. In response to your letter of 8/24. 1 ) A written report of the Chairman will be provided to you in a few days. 2) I have no recommendations for committee members or even to continue the committee. 3) If the committee is continued, the thrust of the committee should be changed.


{7:90:1107:I:192,246:2046,2502}THE ONTARIO INSTITUTE FOR STUDIES IN EDUCATION 252 BLOOR STREET WEST, TORONTO 5, ONTARIO, CANADA TELEPHONE 923-6641 August 31, 1971. Dr. William S. Griffith, Chairman, Commission of the Professors of Adult Education, Adult Education Association of the U.S.A., 5835 Kimbark Avenue, Chicago, Illinois 60637, U. S. A. Dear Bill: I am in receipt of your letter of August 24, written to me as Chairman of the Archives Committee of the Commission of the Professors of Adult Education. To answer your questions, I think it is unlikely that I will be able to attend the Commission meeting in Los Angeles. It is my intention to submit a written report to you. I am now in consultation with the other two members of the Committee, namely, Malcolm Knowles and Bob Carlson. I expect that our report will be from the Committee as a whole. It is our intention to deal with the various questions which you ask in your letter of August 24. I am also in contact with ERIC/AE. I expect that my Committee will have recommendations to make to Commission members. This will include a recommendation dealing with the question of whether or not there is a need for an Archives Committee to serve in 1971-72. I am hoping to have a copy of the Committee's report in your hands by the second or third week of October. I hope this will be convenient for you. Thank you for your letter of July 15 regarding "Annual Survey of Degree Programs of the Commission of Professors of Adult Education". I take it from your letter that Mr. Cloutier's study will likely not include a survey of Canadian degree programs. Yours sincerely, James A. Draper Associate Professor Department of Adult Education





Created on May 10, 2002


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