Commission of Professors of Adult Education [CPAE] Records 88 (with text)

Includes Some Records That Have Undergone Optical Character Recognition and Conversion

Box 1, Folder 5, Set 1/9

The Adult Education History Project

Based on Information in the Syracuse University Library Archives

Translated for the WWW by Roger Hiemstra









Commission of Professors of Adult Education [CPAE].


Records, 1953-1984, 1960-1983 (bulk).







Organizational Records.


Correspondence, January-December, 1971.


January-February, 1971.














Apps, Jerold W.

Griffith, William S.







Box 1, Folder 5, Set 1/9.




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{7:88:1042:I:141,852:2013,2001}January 4, 1971 Dr. Jerold W. Apps, Professor Chairman, Commission of Professors of Adult Education The University of Wisconsin College of Agricultural and Life Sciences Department of Agriculture and Extension Education 208 Agriculture Hall Madison, Wisconsin 53706 Dear Dr. Apps: Thank you so much for sending me the application for the Commission of Professors of Adult Education. It is clear that I do not meet the eligibility requirements for membership. Our department offers the Special Interest M.A. One of the fields offered for Special Interest can be and often is Adult Education, but when the degree is received it reads M. A. in Education. Special Interest. One-half of my time is in teaching. The other half is chairman of the department. I teach our two adult education courses but on alternate semesters. I suppose I qualify as a part-time professor of adult education. Thank you for the help. Sincerely yours, Jane Zahn, Chairman Interdisciplinary Studies in Education Department


{7:88:1043:I:75,609:2280,2070}January 5, 1971 William S. Griffith, Chairman Commission of the Professors of Adult Education Assistant Professor of Education University of Chicago 5835 Kimbark Avenue Chicago, Illinois 6o637 Dear Bill: Thank you for sharing with me a copy of your letter, dated December 24, 1970, to Dr. DuBois concerning the "special publications account" of the Commission of the Professors of Adult Education. I have asked AEA's Executive Director, and the Comptroller, to prepare a documentation of the Commission's "grant award funds and expenditures over the years" as handled through AFA-USA. This documentation is being prepared to share with the Executive Committee at its February meeting. You can be assured of my efforts to secure priority consideration for all documented obligations of AEA-USA to its membership. My very best wishes to you, and the Commission of Professors for the New Year, 1971. Sincerely, Ray J. Ast cfa President AEA-USA cc: J. Pagano  E. DuBois H. McClusky E. Quinn


{7:88:1045:I:453,780:1662,1602}Dr. Jerold Apps, Dept. of Ag. and Extension Education, 208 Ag. Hall, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin, 53706. Dear Jerry: I have agreed to write to new members of the Commission of Professors of Adult Education advising them of current efforts on "Research and Dissemination Assessment" and inviting them to join "Domain Teams" of their choice. A list of new members of the Commission would be appreciated when you have this information available. I enjoyed our brief visit in Atlanta! Best personal regards. Yours sincerely, Donald J. Blackburn For the Committee on Research and Dissemination Assessment


{7:88:1046:I:246,696:1833,2079}January 27, 1971 Mr. John M. Peters 15 Henson Hall College of Education University of Tennessee Knoxville, Tennessee 37916 Dear Professor Peters: Here are a few of my thoughts about what we might do at the 1971 Commission of Professors Meeting: I particularly enjoyed the opportunity in Atlanta to meet with a small group on a particular interest area. For example, I met with a group discussing Florida's new approach to graduate programs. I think there should be opportunity for small interest groups to do this sort of thing. I also believe there may be some papers that have broader interest and should be presented to the total group. I would suggest that we invite someone to talk on the major societal issues and what contributions adult education might make toward solving them. Why not try and invite someone like Margaret Mead, Stewart Udell, etc., who would be willing to share their feelings about particular social issues and contributions adult education might make. This kind of discussion should help all of us as we wrestle with revising our curricula. I would hope that we would keep to a minimum the time spent with what I call group maintenance activities. I realize we have to have a business meeting and committee reports, etc., but I believe this should be kept to a minimum. Much of this work can be done by the executive committee prior to the annual meeting.


{7:88:1047:I:312,171:1635,993}Mr. John M. Peters Page 2 January 27, 1971 I wasn't particularly pleased with the facilities we had in Atlanta. I'm sure that other participants have commented likewise. I think there. are some advantages in having the entire group housed at the same place where the meeting is being held. Sincerely, Jerold W. Apps Editor


{7:88:1065:I:102,681:2283,2001}January 29, 1971 Dr. William Griffith Dr. Eugene E. DuBois Associate Professor of Education Associate Professor of Education University of Chicago Boston University 5835 Kimbark Avenue 765 Commonwealth Avenue Chicago, Illinois 60637 Boston, Massachusetts 02215 Dear Bill and Gene: This is a follow-up of our correspondence in late November concerning the issue of available funds for projects that the Commission of Professors would like to undertake on behalf of both the Commission and AEA. At its mid-January meeting in New York, the Steering Committee unanimously passed the following resolution: In recognition of the improved financial position and because of the special cooperative relationship of units within AEA/USA, the Steering Committee recommends that priority be given to fund, to as great an extent as possible within the guidelines of the 1971 budget, the present program needs of the Commission of Professors; and that the Executive Director convey this action to the Commission with a request for specific program needs and related costs. This resolution speaks for itself and needs no further explanation. However, as Executive Director, I would like to point out that, in accordance with the 1971 budget guidelines, an amount not to exceed $5,000 is to be earmarked for implementing this resolution.


{7:88:1066:I:126,255:2157,1188}Dr. William Griffith - 2 - January 29, 1971 Dr. Eugene DuBois Since our Executive Committee will meet here in Washington, February 24-26, in conjunction with the Mini-Galaxy meeting of executive boards of CAEO, you might wish to bring to my attention some specific requests of the Commission. I am taking the liberty of placing this item on the agenda for our Executive Committee meeting in February so that we can take action on this matter. I look forward to hearing from either or both of you soon. Jules Pagano Executive Director CC: Ray Ast


{7:88:1067:I:114,576:2226,2166}2 February Dr. William S. Griffith Chairman, Commission of Professors of Adult Education The Department of Education The University of Chicago 5833 Kimbark Avenue Chicago, Illinois  60637 Dear Bill: I have enclosed a copy of the CPAE-AEA membership applications forms for the following persons: Harvey W. Caldwell Beverly B. Cassara E. Weldon Findlay Daniel Ganeles Morton Gordon Roger Hiemstra Harold W. Huston Teresa MacNeil Douglas H. Pletsch John C. Snider Robert E. Snyder The above named persons have been unanimously approved for Commission membership by the Membership Committee. Therefore, you may take your usual actions to notify them accordingly. You may retain the enclosed copy of their membership applications for your files. You will note that the mailing addresses for the applicants are found on the first page of the application form.


{7:88:1069:I:120,600:2106,2205}February 8, 1971 Dr. Gale E. Jensen Professor of Adult Education University of Michigan Ann Arbor, Michigan 48104 Dr. Josephine Flaherty Department of Adult Education Ontario Institute for Studies in Education 102 Bloor Street West Toronto 5, Ontario, Canada Dear Gale and Josephine: Bill Griffith asked us to do several things as a Membership Committee of the Commission of Professors of Adult Education. The obvious assignment is to process new membership applications; there are several pending at this time. Bill suggested that for those applications where it's obvious the candidate meets the criteria for the Commission, that I simply send the application form with a recommendation for acceptance to him. There are several other things that we need to think about this year. There's concern that some Professors on our mailing list are not active and indeed may not still qualify for membership. Bill asked that we try to bring up to date the mailing list. Do you have some suggestions for doing this? Someone suggested retired members should remain on our list, but those who have accepted other jobs be removed. Another suggestion was that those who have missed more than two annual meetings without providing "a very legitimate excuse" be dropped from the membership list. It's Bill's opinion we should ask our current members whether or not they feel they still qualify. I could write a letter to the membership reminding them of our membership criteria and asking them to determine if they still qualify.






{7:88:1074:I:135,462:2106,2367}February 12, 1971 Mr. M. Brent Halverson Georgia Southern College Department of Education Statesboro, Ga. 30458 Dear Brent: Mr. George Russell, past chairman of the Membership Committee of the Commission of the Professors of Adult Education, has advised me that the Membership Committee has not been able to recommend you for membership on the basis of the documents now in its possession. I am writing to suggest that if you are still interested in becoming a member of the Commission that you correspond with the new Membership Committee Chairman, Dr. Jerold Apps, Dept. of Agriculture & Extension Education, The University of Wisconsin, 208 Agriculture Hall, Madison, Wisconsin 53706 to proceed with the processing of the application. The next annual meeting of the Commission will be held November 3-7 in Los Angeles in connection with the annual conference of the Adult Education Association of the U.S.A. Because I have been personally interested in your becoming a member and because I believe you can satisfy the criteria for membership I hope that you will complete your application soon so that formal action can be taken. Please feel free to write to me if I may be of assistance to you. Sincerely yours, William S. Griffith, Chairman Commission of the Professors of Adult Education  WSG:dw cc: Dr. Jerold Apps


{7:88:1075:I:174,423:2013,2403}February 12, 1971 Me. Mildred S. Hurley Tennessee State University Department of Education Nashville, Tennessee 37203 Dear Mildred: Mr. George Russell, past chairman of the membership committee of the Commission of the Professors of Adult Education, has advised me that the Membership Committee has not been able to recommend you for membership on the basis of the documents now in its possession. I am writing to suggest that if you are still interested in becoming a member of the Commission that you correspond with the new Membership Committee Chairman, Dr. Jerold Apps, Dept. of Agriculture & Extension Education, The University of Wisconsin, 208 Agriculture Hall, Madison, Wisconsin 53706 to proceed with the processing of the application. The next annual meeting of the Commission will be held November 3-7 in Los Angeles in connection with the annual conference of the Adult Education Association of the U.S.A. Because I have been personally interested in your becoming a member and because I believe you can satisfy the criteria for membership I hope that you will complete your application soon so that formal action can be taken. Please feel free to write to me if I may be of assistance to you. Sincerely yours, William S. Griffith, Chairman Commission of the Professors of Adult Education WSG:dw cc: Dr. Jerold Apps


{7:88:1076:I:141,441:2007,2484}February 12, 1971 Mr. Harold Rose Department of Education Morehead State University Morehead, Kentucky 40351 Dear Harold: Mr. George Russell, past chairman of the Membership Committee of the Commission of the Professors of Adult Education, has advised me that the Membership Committee has not been able to recommend you for membership on the basis of the documents now in its possession. I am writing to suggest that if you are still interested in becoming a member of the Commission that you correspond with the new Membership Committee Chairman, Dr. Jerold Apps, Dept. of Agriculture & Extension Education, The University of Wisconsin, 208 Agriculture Hall, Madison, Wisconsin 53706 to proceed with the processing of the application. The next annual meeting of the Commission will be held November 3-7 in Los Angeles in connection with the annual conference of the Adult Education Association of the U.S.A. Because I have been personally interested in your becoming a member and because I believe you can satisfy the criteria for membership I hope that you will complete your application soon so that formal action can be taken. Please feel free to write to me if I may be of assistance to you. Sincerely yours, William S. Griffith, Chairman Commission of the Professors of Adult Education WSG:dw cc: Dr. Jerold Apps


{7:88:1077:I:126,432:2028,2535}February 12, 1971 Mr. Vida Stanius The Ontario Institute for Studies in Education 252 Bloor Street, West Toronto, Ontario, Canada Dear Vida: Mr. George Russell, past chairman of the Membership Committee of the Commission of the Professors of Adult Education, has advised me that the Membership Committee has not been able to recommend you for membership on the basis of the documents now in its possession. I am writing to suggest that if you are still interested in becoming a member of the Commission that you correspond with the new Membership Committee Chairman, Dr. Jerold Apps, Dept. of Agriculture & Extension Education, The University of Wisconsin, 208 Agriculture Hall, Madison, Wisconsin 53706 to proceed with the processing of the application. The next annual meeting of the Commission will be held November 3-7 in Los Angeles in connection with the annual conference of the Adult Education Association of the U.S.A. Because I have been personally interested in your becoming a member and because I believe you can satisfy the criteria for membership I hope that you will complete your application soon so that formal action can be taken. Please feel free to write to me if I may be of assistance to you. Sincerely yours, William S. Griffith, Chairman Commission of the Professors of Adult Education WSG:dw cc: Dr. Jerold Apps


{7:88:1078:I:192,528:2097,2445}February 22, 1971 Mr. J. Wayne Reitz, Director Division of University Programs Bureau of Higher Education Office of Education - DHEW Washington, D.C. 20202 Dear Mr. Reitz: I am responding to your letter of February 5 informing President Edward H. Levi that the application I submitted under Part E of the Education Professions Development Act for the training of Adult Education and Community Service Directors in Community Junior Colleges was not approved. Since this was a proposal to follow up on the experience we had with the two EPDA fellowships of this sort which we were granted for 1969-71, I was somewhat chagrined to learn that we would not have the opportunity to continue with this program. Accordingly, I am writing to request information regarding the advice given by your consultants on this proposal. Further, as Chairman of the Commission of the Professors of Adult Education, the professional organization of professors engaged in adult education teaching and research in American universities, I am writing to inquire how the adult educational profession was represented on your panel of academic consultants. Thank you for securing this information for me. Sincerely yours, William S. Griffith, Chairman Commission of the Professors of Adult Education and Associate Professor of Adult Education WSG/df cc: The Honorable Abner J. Mikva


{7:88:1079:I:0,0:2544,3300} DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND WELFARE OFFICE OF EDUCATION WASHINGTON. D.C. 20202 February 5, 1971 BUREAU OF HIGHER EDUCATION President Edward H. Levi University of Chicago 5801 S. Ellis Avenue Chicago, Illinois 60637 Dear President Levi: I regret to inform you that your institution was unsuccessful in the competition for new fellowship support for 1971-72 under Part E of the Education Professions Development Act. This office received 232 fellowship applications from 151 institutions requesting 3,300 fellowships which would have required close to $18 million to fund. Although academic consultants recommended 1,235 fellowships for 144 approved programs, our $5 million appropriation permitted the funding of only 68 new programs for 470 new fellows. Needless to say, there were many good programs which could not be funded. We were unable to award new fellowships to the following program(s) at your institution: Adult Education Many factors, including the meeting of stated priorities and geographical considerations, are weighed in the full evaluation process in addition to program quality. A complete record of each competition is kept and the staff is prepared to discuss the ratings of individual programs with appropriate university officials. Additional information may be found in the enclosed Notification to Congress. If your institution submitted applications requesting support for institutes, short-term training programs, or special projects under Part E of EPDA, you will receive a separate notification about them from the Division of College Support of the Bureau of Higher Education. Instructions for submitting Part E applications for 1972-73 support will be distributed at a later date. Sincerely yours, VPPP Dist. , 2/10/71: W.S. Griffith A.E. Wise J.A. Thomas R. McC. Adams J. Wayne Reitz,  Director Division of University Programs.


{7:88:1081:I:189,147:1968,2463}THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO THE DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION 5835 KIMBARK AVENUE CHICAGO ILLINOIS 60637 February 12, 1971 Dr. Jerold W. Apps 216 Agriculture Hall University of Wisconsin Madison, Wisconsin 53706 Dear Jerry: Gerard de Angeli has asked me to recommend persons who I believe would be both qualified to and interested in teaching a 6-weeks course on Learning and Teaching Methodology for master's level students July 2 through August 13 at St. Francis Xavier University in Antigonish, Nova Scotia. The course will meet two hours a day, five days a week for six weeks. The University will pay $1500 plus air fare for the person who is employed for this teaching assignment. I have given him your name because it is my judgment that you would carry out this assignment with distinction if it were offered to you and you agreed to accept it. If you are interested in exploring this matter further please send your curriculum vitae to M. Gerard de Angeli, Department of Adult Education, St. Francis Xavier University, Antigonish, Nova Scotia, Canada. I hope that you will be able to consider it. Sincerely yours, William S. Griffith Associate Professor WSG:dw cc: G. deAngeli


{7:88:1082:I:564,285:1593,1461}To: Jerold W. Apps From: Gale Jensen :I think the idea of inquiring from the membership about their qualifications for maintaining membership is ok. However, I feel, also, that the time is already past when the commission needs to be changed in organizational form and separated by the AEA. I would guess that at least for 5 years the Commission has not been able to satisfy the needs of many members. Its function as a Commission is really past. There is need for the establishment of a professional organization. At various times during the past few years that has been discussion about doing this. However, the pain and problems of disengagement from the parent organization usually has prevented it. I think the right step at this time would be to conduct a throough evaluation of the Commission and its productivity. My impression is that for many members the returns are not worth the investment. A thorough evaluation would provide some of the facts for making a decision about the future of the Commission I expect to be in Toronto soon and will try to see Josephine Flaherty to talk further about the matter.





Created on May 10, 2002


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