Commission of Professors of Adult Education [CPAE] Records 85 (with text)

Includes Some Records That Have Undergone Optical Character Recognition and Conversion

Box 1, Folder 4, Set 4/6

The Adult Education History Project

Based on Information in the Syracuse University Library Archives

Translated for the WWW by Roger Hiemstra









Commission of Professors of Adult Education [CPAE].


Records, 1953-1984, 1960-1983 (bulk).






Includes Professorial Exchange Program.


Organizational Records.


Correspondence, January-December, 1970.


October, 1970.














Carlson, Robert A.







Box 1, Folder 4, Set 4/6.




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{7:85:999:I:120,780:2184,2265}Memorandum To: Member of the Commission of Professors of Adult Education From: Committee on Research and Dissemination Assessment (Harlan Copeland, Burton Kreitlow, Leonard Nadler) Subject: Designation of Teams to Review Adult Education Literature As you know, members of the Commission have expressed concern about the problems associated with the analysis and dissemination of the research literature in adult education. A special Committee on Research and Dissemination Assessment was subsequently appointed to explore ways and means whereby members of the Commission can participate in the review and evaluation of the literature on a periodic basis. Members of the Committee and the Chairman of the Commission met with representatives of the ERIC Clearinghouse on Adult Education and the Adult .Education Association in May to consider a plan of action. The literature of adult education was tentatively, classified. into 30 categories, and a procedure was outlined whereby individual professors could volunteer to review the literature in an area of their  choice. The purpose of this communication is to report the response of members of the Commission of Professors of Adult Education to form groups to review and evaluate the literature in a given domain of adult education. The teams were comprised from those individuals expressing an interest in the specific domains, as of September 22. Time has been allowed on the Annual Meeting program for (1) a review of the background and goals of the project; (2) domain teams to meet; and (3) the Commission to meet as a group to make decisions about certain policy questions. It is our suggestion that the members of the individual domain teams discuss the following kinds of issues: (1) the definition and of the domain; (2) the different audiences that need information pertaining to the domain; (3) the long range goals of the domain team; (4) what short time goals (small monographs or other courses of action) might contribute to the comprehensive goals; and (5) who might contribute; etc.


{7:85:1000:I:99,324:2148,711}An acting chairman was arbitrarily selected to convene each domain team. At that time each domain can designate a chairman. Each acting chairman is also being asked to develop a plan (including a timetable) for performing the reviewing function and to present that plan for discussion by members of the domain team. The acting chairmen may wish to review some alternatives and suggestions posed in William Griffith's letter of July, 1970. Persons who have been selected to serve as an .acting chairman are asked to return the enclosed post card indicating whether they will or will not be attending the Atlanta meeting and if they will assume the leadership for convening a domain team.


{7:85:1001:I:81,1122:2181,1800}UNIVERSITY OF SASKATCHEWAN COLLEGE OF EDUCATION SASKATOON, CANADA October 9, 1970 Dear Friend: This is a letter to you as a member of the Social Context Domain Team of the Commission of Professors .of Adult Education. If this letter is a copy, rather than the original, please realize that it reflects our lack of secretarial time here at the University of Saskatchewan, not a lack of interest in you or this project. I am the "Richard" Carlson designated as acting chairman of the Social Context Domain Team in the recent communication from Harlan Copeland and the Committee on Research and Dissemination Assessment. Jerry Apps, Roy Ingham, Carroll Londoner, and Per Stensland were named as other members of this group. Since you are one of these group members, I am writing to you to sketch out for your consideration my thinking regarding our responsibilities for this domain. Unfortunately, I will not be able to be in Atlanta this year. Roger De Crow of ERIC has described this domain as follows: "Social Context, General Goals, Philosophy: Relation to social problems and trends; general benefits and potentials of adult education; new directions; role of government; personal views and credos; policy statements and manifestos; major status and overview studies and assessments of the situation. Almost ungovernable bulk. 0050/0100." It seems clear that a review of literature in our domain could enable us to show how thinkers in the field view the role of adult education in our society. This area, therefore, may be important enough for us to develop a book related to our findings. Our major difficulty, however, may be found in what De Crow calls the "almost ungovernable bulk" in this domain. ...2


{7:85:1002:I:201,447:2142,2466}...2 Preparation of a book would undoubtedly take a couple years, so it might be wise to plan first to produce several information analyses or annotated bibliographies. A book might eventually be developed out of these preliminary reports. How to break down the work so that we can each proceed to read and analyze a reasonable amount of material would seem to be an immediate concern. If this appears to be an appropriate early step, could someone determine from Roger De Crow at Atlanta whether his 0050/0100 category is divided into the specific sub-categories indicated in his description, namely: 1) Relation to social problems and trends 2) General benefits and potentials of adult education 3) New directions 4) Role of government 5) Personal views and credos 6) Policy statements and manifestos 7) Major status and overview studies and assessments of the situation? If ERIC can provide each member of our committee with abstracts or copies of materials for a different one of these seven categories, that might help to solve the organizational problem (assuming that we added two members or asked two of the present members to handle two areas each). Hopefully the ERIC material would be representative enough that we would not have to do further bibliographical research. There is the further question, of course, as to whether such a computer breakdown of the domain is really meaningful in terms of the publics that might be interested in this overall area. I personally am especially interested in either or both of sub-categories one and seven: Relation to social problems and trends and/or Major status and overview studies and assessments of the situation. It is conceivable that each of us might turn out an information analysis or annotated bibliography on a particular sub-category during the coming year. Perhaps then at next year's conference we could evaluate the situation and determine where we might go from there.


{7:85:1003:I:195,288:2142,2481}...3 I would expect that each of us would feel free to contact the chairman and each member of the group for support and advice as the project developed. At the same time, members should probably be just as free to contact Harlan Copeland and his leadership group as well as Roger and the ERIC group. Still, this chain of communication should probably be discussed by our domain group in Atlanta and perhaps with Harlan and Roger. They may prefer ' ' for some reason to hear directly only from the domain chairmen although I would hope such would not be the case. With regard to the chairmanship of this group, I am willing to accept the permanent chairmanship if it is proffered. If, however, someone more centrally located is interested in undertaking the role of chairman, I would be delighted to serve simply as a member of this domain group. As you develop your agenda for Atlanta, then, I would recommend covering the following items: 1) Definition and scope of the domain (possibly operationalized by surveying the ERIC description of the domain cited earlier and determining whether the domain is, indeed, broken down into seven discrete sub-categories.) 2) If it is so organized, then the group might consider whether these sub-categories would be meaningful for specific reports to certain audiences. (If ERIC cannot supply materials from this domain according to these sub-categories or if we believe the sub-categories may be of doubtful interest to our publics, then we would need to come up with some workable alternative approach). 3) Such discussion could then lead into consideration of long-range and short-term goals for our group. 4) We would need to discuss possible additions to the committee, others who might assist in the committee's work, and the question of the chairmanship. 5) We should probably discuss the chain of communication and how much each of us can undertake to produce this year. 6) Before concluding the meeting in Atlanta we should probably each have committed ourselves to do at least certain short-term elements of the assessment of the domain assigned to us.


{7:85:1004:I:198,441:2061,1275}...4 In my absence, can I request that the four of you--Jerry Apps, Roy Ingham, Carroll Londoner, and Per Stensland--take responsibility for looking each other up and holding a meeting during the Atlanta sessions. I hope that all of you will be able to make it to Atlanta. The time away from classes and the distances involved led the dean here to encourage me to miss this year's meetings. Even if only one or two of you make it to Atlanta, I hope you will talk together and with Roger De Crow about some of the concerns raised here. Best wishes for a meaningful and happy time in Atlanta. I look forward to hearing from you on the outcome of your planning. Sincerely yours, Robert A. Carlson Assistant Professor of Continuing Education RAC:iik cc Harlan Copeland Roger De Crow


{7:85:1005:I:153,453:1986,2370}October 30, 1970 Dr. Jerold W. Apps Department of Agricultural and Extension Education The University of Wisconsin 208 Agriculture Hall Madison, Wisconsin 53706 Dear Jerry: I am pleased that you have agreed to serve as chairman of the Membership Committee of the Commission of the Professors of Adult Education for 1970-71. You will be receiving copies of my letters to George Russell regarding the completion of the work of the 1969-70 Committee. Also you will receive a copy of my letter asking Gale Jensen to serve on the Committee with you and Josephine Flaherty. I am enclosing a description of the Commission and a list of the qualifications for membership. In addition I am enclosing a copy of a set of form letters which have been used by the 1968-70 Membership Committee. Feel free to revise them within the policy guidelines of the Commission. In general the procedure we have followed is to refer all inquiries concerning membership to the Chairman of the Membership Committee. He sends out both information and application forms. Then, when completed applications are received he circulates them among the Committee members and if all agree that the applicant meets the stated qualification, admission is automatic. The commission need not vote on admitting members unless a special case is being presented. After the Membership Committee determines that the applicant satisfies the requirements, the Chairman of the Committee notifies the Chairman of the Commission, who writes to the new member, welcoming him and inviting him to join one of the working groups within the Commission. For 1970-71 I hope the Membership Committee will be able to do at least the following:



{7:85:1006:I:219,255:2022,2298}Dr. Jerold W. Apps 2. October 30, 1970 1. Write to all persons now on our mailing list to ask if they still qualify for membership. Retired members may remain on our list but those who have accepted other jobs should remove themselves from the roll. There are some people now on our list who should not be. I prefer that we ask them if they still meet our requirements, however, in preference to just dropping them. 2. Publish a short announcement in the Journal of Extension, Adult Education, Adult Leadership, Continuous Learning, community development journals and home economics journals describing the Commission and its work and telling interested persons to write to you for further information and membership applications. 3. Maintain an up-to-date membership list including office and home addresses and telephone numbers. This listing should be used for Commission mailings. Copies should be distributed at the annual meeting with copies mailed to those who may be unable to attend. I fear we have gotten a bit lax in the administration of the membership committee functions in the recent past. It is my hope that we can get everything straightened out with the old committee by January 1. At any rate, all new applications will be handled by your committee effective immediately. Please let me know if you feel that I can be of some assistance to you as you lead the Membership Committee activities for 1970-71. Let me say again that I am pleased that you are handling this job because I know I can depend on you to handle the work efficiently and conscientiously. Sincerely yours, William S. Griffith Associate Professor


{7:85:1007:I:147,441:2136,2586}October 30, 1970 Dr. George D. Russell Assistant Professor Department of Adult and Community College Education North Carolina State University Raleigh, North Carolina 27607 Dear George: I am sorry that you were unable to attend the meeting of the Commission of the Professors of Adult Education in Atlanta and that you were unable to make arrangements so that we could have a report from the Membership Committee. I am assuming that the 1969-70 Membership Committee will complete the processing of the applications for the 24 or so individuals who have submitted their applications and supporting evidence. Please let me know at once if you are unable or unwilling to complete the work of the Membership Committee for 1969-70. You may be pleased to know that I have appointed a Membership Committee for 1970-71 and all new inquiries and applications should be sent to the new chairman. The composition of the 1970-71 Membership Committee is as follows: Josephine M. Flaherty, Gale E. Jensen and Jerold W. Apps, Chairman. After you have finished processing those applications which have already been submitted you may wish to send the files and spare forms to the new Chairman. Thank you for all you have done for the Commission. Your absence was felt by all. Sincerely yours, William S. Griffith, Chairman Commission of the Professors of Adult Education WSG:dw cc: Dr. Jerold W. Apps Dr. Josephine Flaherty Dr. Gale E. Jensen





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