Commission of Professors of Adult Education [CPAE] Records 81 (with text)

Box 1, Folder 3, Set 3/3

The Adult Education History Project

Based on Information in the Syracuse University Library Archives

Translated for the WWW by Roger Hiemstra


- Item_Number-







Commission of Professors of Adult Education [CPAE].


Records, 1953-1984, 1960-1983 (bulk).






Includes proposal, "Career development in adult basic education: a cooperative advanced study of the Commission of Professors of Adult Education and the National Council of State Directors of Adult Education," to U.S. Dept. of Health, Education and Welfare [HEW] -- Office of Education.


Organizational Records.


Correspondence, January-December, 1969.


November-December, 1969.















Butcher, Donald.

Kreitlow, Burton W.

Sharer, Robert E.


National Council of State Directors of Adult Education [NCSDAE].






Box 1, Folder 3, Set 3/3.




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OCRd text-


{7:81:930:I:84,210:2253,1638}BOSTON UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF EDUCATION 765 Commonwealth Avenue, BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS 02215 CHARLES RIVER CAMPUS November 3, 1969 To: Members of the Commission of Professors of Adult Education Subject: A Working Paper on a Theory of Research Needs I am enclosing the paper on "Sequential Research Needs in Evolving Disciplines of Social Practice" which I agreed to prepare for our meeting in December, as promised in Allen Tough's memos of November 23, 1968 and March 29, 1969. I take it that some provision will be made for discussion of this paper at the meetings of the Task Force on Research at Airlie House. It will be good seeing you all there. Malcolm S. Knowles


{7:81:931:I:186,546:2031,2226}920 West College Avenue November 6, 1969 Mr. James R. Trew, Head Resources Analysis Section National Referral Center of the Library of Congress Washington, D.C. 20540 Dear Mr. Trew: Enclosed are several items relating to the registration of the Commission of Professors of Adult Education with the National Referral Center. In addition to the application form which you provided some time ago is 1) a brief review of the functions of the Commission of Professors of Adult Education; 2) the summary results of a survey we conducted of the competencies and/or interests of the professors; and, 3) the most recent copy of their mailing addresses. If this information is sufficient, you may incorporate it into your resources references. If however, you have need of additional information, please feel free to contact either myself or Dr. B.W. Kreitlow of the University of Wisconsin who is functioning as the Chairman of the Commission. Sincerely yours Irwin R. Jahns Assistant Professor of Adult Education Enc. cc: B.W. Kreitlow


{7:81:932:I:135,294:2220,1314} INFORMATION RESOURCES DATA FORM National Referral Center for Science and Technology Library of Congress Washington, D. C. 20540 The National Referral Center is compiling a comprehensive inventory of information resources in the physical, biological, social, and engineering sciences, in order to provide those interested in science and technology with advice on where and how to obtain information on specific topics. This inventory will include any organization, institution, group, or individual with an existing store of knowledge or expertise in a specific or general field from which it is willing to provide authoritative answers to scientific or technical questions. Please use a separate data form to describe each information resource. If you wish, you may ignore the data form and describe your activities in any way convenient to you including as many details as possible concerning subject coverage and specialization, information services, service conditions, and restrictions, etc. Any supplementary literature, such as brochures or annual reports, will be most helpful. If you have no information activities of any kind that you wish to register, please return the data form in the enclosed postage-free envelope.


{7:81:935:I:225,429:1959,1905}ADDITIONAL INFORMATION The Commission of Professors of Adult Education is a voluntary association of professors of adult education who are located in academic departments in various colleges and universities in the United States and Canada. These departments offer graduate programs of study leading to the Masters and Doctoral degrees. The primary concern of the Commission is to upgrade the quality of graduate instruction in adult education. All professors associated with recognized graduate programs of adult education are eligible for membership in the Commission upon request. The Commission meets annually in association with the annual conference of the Adult Education Association of the U.S.A. Since adult education is not institutionally bound, nor a disciplinary field in itself, the competencies offered by the professors, individually and collectively, are divergent. Professors can, and will, address themselves to the general field of adult education whether used as a means to given educational ends or as an end in itself. Most professors have a special area of competence and/or interest. These range from institutionally bounded interests (such as University Extension, Public School Adult Education, Junior College Community Services and the Cooperative Extension Service) to programs and process concerns (such as adult basic education, migrant education, community organization and development, voluntary leader training, group dynamics and program development processes). The specific competencies and/or interests of present Commission members can be found on the enclosed Skill-Bank Data form.


{7:81:937:I:0,0:2544,3300}NATIONAL ASSOCIATION FOR PUBLIC SCHOOL ADULT EDUCATION  223-9400 120116th Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20036 November 18, 1969 Dr. Burton Kreitlow Professor of Education University of Wisconsin Madison, Wisconsin 53706 Dear Burton: As you probably know by now, I did not sign the proposal submitted by the Commission of Professors, as per your request. I did not sign because the executive committee of the NCSDAE had not had an opportunity to react to your proposal and thus I did not feel that we could make a total endorsement of the proposal. We are, of course, very supportive of the idea and your proposal, "in principle", but did not feel free to sign off as a co-sponsor without further study and discussion by the other members of the executive committee. I have forwarded copies of the proposal to the executive committee members and we will have a very complete and thorough discussion during our meeting in Washington December 5 and 6. At that time, we will be able to take a more positive stance relating to the proposal developed by the Commission. By now you should have received a copy of the letter to Paul Delker, which we did attach to the proposal, supporting the official application in principle. One area that does need further discussion is the involvement of NAPSAE in the administration of this proposal. We are actually an affiliate of NAPSAE just as the Commission of Professors is an affiliate of A.E.A. - U.S.A.; thus, as we make our total commitment to this project, we wil1 probably want to have NAPSAE and the National Council involved as full partners with the Commission of Professors and the A.E.A. If we can be of assistance, please let us know. I will keep you appraised of new developments. Cordially, Donald G. Butcher, Chairman National Council of the Directors of Adult Education A DEPARTMENT OF THE NATIONAL EDUCATION ASSOCIATION Clyde E. Weinhold, President, Trenton, New Jersey Raymond T. McCall, President-Elect, San Jose, California Rose Mary Pattison, Secretary, Indianapolis, Indiana James R. Dorland, Executive Secretary DGB: gb


{7:81:938:I:210,228:2070,1860}COMMISSION OF THE PROFESSORS OF ADULT EDUCATION 1815 University Avenue Madison, Wisconsin 53706 TO: Professors of Adult Education FROM: Burton W. Kreitlow, Chairman SUBJECT: U.S.O.E. Proposal DATE: November 24, 1969 In line with suggestions at last year's meeting, your chairman has maintained contacts with the U.S.O.E. regarding possible funding of joint projects. Enclosed is a product of those contacts. We will wish to consider this item at our meetings December 4 and 5 at Airlie House, Warrenton, Virginia. Please read the enclosed with two things in mind: 1) Is this a viable project and how can it be improved if it looked on favorably by U.S.O.E.? 2) What does it suggest as to other types of projects which the Commission sponsors? BWK/wa Enclosure


{7:81:942:I:339,1677:2028,1353}The rationale for this pilot project in Career Development is based on the premise that the elimination of illiteracy is both a concentrated short term program and a long term institutional development, process. The dynamic summer programs since 1966 have been important first steps. State Directors of Adult Education recognize by their continuous concern with Adult Basic Education that an institutional and professional development program is needed. Their search for personnel for leadership positions in ABE programs turns up few educators with the kind of professional qualifications essential for placement in State Departments of Education. To build a practical base for leadership in and development of ABE, new personnel need the academic qualifications to compete as equals with those in related career lines. This pilot proposal will begin to fill that gap. Two special features of this proposal are noted, the commitment by the Commission of the Professors of Adult Education to make the adjustments and innovations to accommodate students with this special career line in mind, and the opportunity for each state and territory to fill one career development slot in the program. This program will provide for a career build up in Adult Basic Education. It will encourage graduate programs in Adult Education to respond to ABE needs and strengthen their ABE delivery capability. The program has a built-in student-professor integration and evaluation experience which provides a basis for movement from a successful pilot program to a long term career development commitment.




{7:81:944:I:0,0:2544,3300}Figure I is designed to do two things: first to demonstrate to Adult Basic Educators that the overall field of adult education study is interdisciplinary in nature and second, that Adult Basic Education is but one of many applied segments. For Adult Basic Education to be pictured as unique and apart from the total professional field would be an error of the first order. It is within the frame of reference shown in Figure I. It is a response to the national need for a long term program to resolve the problem of illiteracy that this project is proposed. This program has an outcome potential in terms of developing the entire field of Adult Education that was achieved by the Kellogg Foundation's investment in meeting professional development needs in Agricultural Extension. The Commission of Professors of Adult Education and the National Council of State Directors of Adult Education are aware that a one-year Pilot Program is but a beginning in a total career development process. The Commission is the one professional organization which is equipped to do the job. The initiative generated by this proposal should prove to be a positive start toward realization of the total process. The objectives of this proposed program stem from the resolve to eliminate illiteracy and are based within the framework of Adult Education as the overall field of study. The objectives of the pilot program are: l. To identify and upgrade Adult Basic Education as a recognized specialty for study within graduate programs of Adult Education. 2. To provide the impetus for establishing career lines in ABE in State Departments of Education that are competitive with other segments of the education profession. 3. To strengthen the ability of graduate programs to respond to the needs for competent personnel in the supervisory, administrative program development and research roles in Adult Basic Education. The overall significance of this pilot program will be measured first in terms of the impact it has on the ABE program in states and territories to which


{7:81:945:I:0,0:2544,3300} The Field of Adult Education Theory Philosophy The Adult as an Individual The Adults Response to Social and a Learner and Cultural Phenomena  The Education Enterprise Program Development Instruction Evaluation Etc. The Farmer and Homemaker The Businessman The Factory Worker The Illiterate Etc. (The Cooperative Extension (In-House Education (Factory In-Service (Public School (Other) Service, Publication Department, Program, Public ABE Program, School Adult Program, University School Vocational OEO ABE Program, etc.) Figure I The Relationship of Adult Basic Education to Other Adult Education Programs and to the Field of Adult Education


{7:81:946:I:0,0:2544,3300}4. The trainees return after their year of concentrated study. Although direct impact on ABE students should not be overlooked, it is in the leadership the program gives State Departments of Education in carrying out their resolve to expand, strengthen and improve ABE that the major significance lies. The cooperation of the states with Florida State University and USOE sponsored National Institute for State Directors is an indication of that resolve and even greater commitment is noted in their willingness to go beyond short term programs and commit funds for professional development in a 52-week program. Another significant element of the program is the potential it has to change the image of ABE training from a "short term" an "in and. out" and a "retreading" operation to one with a solid professional base. No other project thus far funded or proposed has afforded this opportunity. In relation to this, the establishment of positive ABE career lines in State Departments of Education will give visibility to the field. It is possible that the greatest significance of this proposal lies in its achievement of the third objective above. If, indeed, major strengthening of graduate programs occurs with the limited amount of "seed money" called for in this proposal, its impact will be felt not only in its delivery of competent personnel, but in the related "research output" that tends to follow the growth of graduate programs. The research needs in Adult Basic Education are so great that special programs should be developed to meet them. A universally recognized means of generating research is by strengthening graduate programs. 2. Content: Within the academically oriented culture of the United States, the anomaly of working with adults of limited literacy does little to build professional esteem. Yet that esteem is needed for ABE personnel to work as partners with other professional educators in State Departments of Education and in local districts. Thus, the content for upgrading ABE staff who are to be in leadership positions cannot be that gained in short term summer workshops or weekend residentials--as valuable as that content may be to the practitioner. It Is


{7:81:947:I:0,0:2544,3300}5. essential that the professional setting in which upgrading is achieved is itself no anomaly. What is proposed herein is career development in recognized graduate programs. These programs are not designed for nor are they expected to provide, the "how to do it recipes" often considered useful in short term programs. Instead they are to provide the theoretical, philosophical and academic base which a competent professional can use as his launching site for the solution of the simple or the sophisticated problems facing the leadership group in ABE. Specific content for a program, where the choice of institution is made by the trainee, cannot be provided in this proposal. There are premises, however, that point the direction of such content. Figure I demonstrates the rationale of the content--a base in the disciplines related to adult education and in the special competencies of the education enterprise--and a movement from that base to the specialty focus of the student, in this case Adult Basic Education. Within these two levels, the content provided in a one year career development program will. vary according to the needs of the trainee. For those in their first year of graduate study the program should be devoted primarily to the base with minor emphasis on the specialty focus. For those who may already have a year of advanced work completed, and with the above distribution of content, the two areas may be equally shared. For those whose specialty focus is ABE who have completed two years of advanced work, it is possible that their entire efforts could be on the specialty. This would be most true for a person in the research stage of a Ph.D. or Ed.D. doctoral. Graduate program adjustment and development to meet the objectives of this program will integrate into the design, a variety of training experiences other than class sessions. What is done will follow the basic principle of developing the curriculum for the individual student in terms of his needs, the perceptions of the staff and specialists, the needs of society and his future role in ABE programs. Tutorials, formal classes, seminars, internships and independent study will be put together in the proper mix to achieve both program and student objectives.


{7:81:948:I:0,0:2544,3300}6. An example of the kind of program that may materialize for a trainee with a bachelor's degree, six years of classroom teaching experience in the elementary grades, two years of teaching ABE classes, two two-week workshops and one year as an ABE staff member in a State Department of Education is as follows: Semester I a) 9 credits of formal study including Principles of Adult Education, Curriculum Development in Adult Education, Current Philosophies of Education b) 2 credits of Seminar on ABE--Motivation and Retention c) 10 hours per week as an intern in State Department of Education or in Administration or Supervision of ABE in a local school system. Between Semester I and II a) Two week internship in a local ABE program - Focus on Recruitment Semester II a) 9 credits of advanced study from among the following or related courses: Remedial Reading, The Instruction of the Adult Learner, Sociology of Education, Evaluation of Education Programs b) 2 credit Seminar on Behavior Pattern of the Culturally Distinct c) 10 hours per week as an intern in a special ABE project (May be a project funded by OEO or other agency) d) National Integration and Evaluation Conference on the Career Development project Summer Session - 6 credits of graduate study to include thesis research, if it is required. Where this is not required, independent study and tutorials on the evaluation of ABE program. Throughout the structuring of the several programs, the experience adult education professors have had in working jointly with colleagues in Library Science, Social Work, Economics and Psychology will provide the potential


{7:81:949:I:0,0:2544,3300}7. for an interdisciplinary approach to ABE. The resulting curriculum for each student will be on firm theoretical, as well as practical, ground. 3. Participants: The trainees for this program are those individuals in each state and territory targeted by the State Directors as having the greatest potential for leadership in Adult Basic Education within that state. They should be persons who have worked with the culturally distinct and who are committed to continue work directly in a staff position that has the potential to improve the agencies ABE program thrust. Recruitment will be by each individual state, but recruitment materials will be developed and distributed to the states by the associate director of the project. Some distinct characteristics of this program that should be noted are: l. The graduate programs to be chosen by the trainee are limited to those in institutions where membership in the Commission of Professors of Adult Education has been achieved by its staff. (The criterion for membership is the availability of an advanced degree program in Adult or Extension Education and the applicant professors commitment to that program to the extent of fifty percent or more of his professional work load.) 2. The trainee is free to choose any one of the thirty available programs but it is his own responsibility to determine whether or not he qualifies for advanced study in the program chosen. 3. Each trainee will list his choice of three institutions in priority order 1 - 2 - 3, 4. Each state will provide a list of three potential trainees recommended in priority order, 1 - 2 - 3. 5. No advanced program may accept more than four trainees. 6. If after a deadline for submission of the states' list of trainees is past and none have been submitted, the advisory committee will distribute the open positions to other states.


{7:81:950:I:0,0:2544,3300}8. 4. Schedule: The overall design of this project is based on a 52-week program beginning July 1, 1970. However, considerable planning will have been accomplished before that date including study of the problem by the NAPSAE Advisory Committee Planning a Professional Development Program for Public School Adult Education, the Commission of the Professors of Adult Education and Consultants on a Professional Development Plan organized by NAPSAE. The actual programming of trainees into advanced study will begin with Semester I, 1970 (in most cases September, 1970), and continue through August, 1971. The special integration and evaluation seminar of professors and trainees will be held late in the training year. This will be an intensive study and experience program with a standard input of time and output of graduate credits (23 - 32) plus internship and independent study focused on specific ABE programs. The programs of study and schedule will vary according to the institution in which the trainee matriculates. The Commission of Professors of Adult Education has found since its establishment in 1956 that their programs have more points of agreement than points of difference. However, it is the uniqueness in certain areas that gives overall strength to the professional development process on a national scale. This is a strength upon which this project will rely on for its success. 5. Personnel: Following are the key positions necessary for the administration, integration and evaluation of the project. a. Project Director: Dr. Burton W, Kreitlow, Chairman of the Commission of Professors of Adult Education, and Professor of Adult Education, The University of Wisconsin, Madison. Should a new chairman be elected by the Commission, that person will assume the Project Director roles -Duties- The Project Director is responsible for getting the project underway and for making the necessary arrangements to select the Associate Director.


{7:81:951:I:0,0:2544,3300}9. He will provide leadership to the project in its early stages and have responsibility for its continuous review as the project progresses. - qualifications- Dr. Kreitlow has been engaged in Adult Education for over 30 years and has a national reputation as researcher, theoretician, and creator of program innovations. He is at present Chairman of the University of Wisconsin Joint Office of Adult and Extension Education and of the Department of Educational Policy Studies. In 1968 he was elected, for the second time, Chairman of the Commission of the Professors of Adult Education (U.S.A. and Canada). He is a consultant on Adult Basic Education for Steck-Vaughn Publishers. In 1969-70 he is directing an innovative curriculum development program in ABE funded jointly by the University of Wisconsin and the Wisconsin State Board of Vocational, Technical and Adult Education. Dr. Kreitlow has made important contributions to adult education at state, national and international levels, having over 100 published works in English with numerous works translated to other languages. b. Associate Project Director: To be selected preferably from among the members of the Commission, - Responsibilities- The Associate Project Director will be directly responsible for the overall management of the project. He will serve as liaison between the Commission, the Council, the U.S. Office of Education, the State Departments of Education and the trainees. He will develop the recruiting materials, provide leadership to the Advisory Committee and to the integrative and evaluation seminar to be held late in the contract year. This is the most important position described in this proposal. -Qualifications- The person chosen for this position needs to have leadership stature which is recognized by both the Commission, the Council and the Adult Education Association. Persons who have the qualifications for this position


{7:81:952:I:111,144:2103,2148}10. may have been former chairmen of the Commission, or presidents of the AEA or NAPSAE. Past chairmen of the Council of State Directors of Adult Education or those having had executive roles with either the AEA or NAPSAE are also likely to have qualifications necessary for this position. c. Instructional Staff: These are members of the Commission of Professors of Adult Education who will maintain the advisor (Major Professor) role for each trainee. In addition, University staff teaching in disciplines related to adult education will have trainees in those classes, i.e. Human Development, Sociology, etc. d. Advisory Committee: A National Advisory Committee of nine members will be chosen. Three professors will be selected by the Commission. Three State Directors will be selected by the National Council and three district administrators or teachers will be selected jointly by the executives of NAPSAE and the AEA. 6. Facilities: The central office of the project will be associated with the headquarters staff of the Adult Education Association in Washington D. C. and the advanced study facilities will be decentralized to those Adult Education Graduate Programs selected by the trainees. No institution will be required to accept a trainee against its wishes and no trainee will be required to go to an institution that is not of his first, second or third choice.


{7:81:957:I:390,666:1848,2229}November 19, 1969 Dr. Burton W. Kreitlow Educational Policy Studies Education Building University of Wisconsin Madison, Wisconsin 53706 Dear Burt: Early in the Spring of 1970, one of the most important projects of AEA/USA will reach fruition. This will be the revised Handbook of Adult Education the first edition of which, as many of you may recall, was published ten years ago. The intervening decade has been a particularly stimulating and significant period for all of us in adult education. The new edition of the Handbook of Adult Education reflects - fully and fruitfully, we believe - the growth and ferment in our field. It represents long and arduous labor on the part of its three distinguished editors and 31 authors each of whom is a nationally known specialist in a particular aspect of adult education. Through the cooperation of the Macmillan Company, who will publish the new Handbook this Spring, we are able to offer a very handsome discount to those who are attending the Galaxy Conference. The pre-publication price is $10.00 and copies may be ordered at the AEA Membership and Publications Table, or by using the order forms that appear in the centerfold of the Galaxy program, or with the flyers that have been distributed in the registration kit. I hope that members of CPAE will take advantage of this opportunity. The new Handbook of Adult Education will be a useful and authoritative reference work for many years to come. Cordially, Robert E. Sharer Executive Director





Created on May 21, 2002


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